MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 58 Life and death have fate, wealth is in the sky!

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Shi Zhijian was helpless when he came to find Lame Hao.

Lai Luo asked Chen Xijiu to give him 3 million Hong Kong dollars and let him take it to Macau to bribe the hag Selena, but the wharf and ferry were guarded by Yan Xiong’s people, and wanted to transport a box of Hong Kong dollars without knowing it. Macau is simply an impossible task.

For this reason, Shi Zhijian went to Standard Chartered Bank as soon as he got the money, found his old friend Saipan, and asked him to exchange the three million cash into a check. This is the main reason why Yan Xiong couldn't find any cash at the dock.

Now, Shi Zhijian is in Macau, and he has to convert the 3 million cheques into Hong Kong dollars as soon as possible, because Selena has been gambling badly in the casino, and the casino only accepts cash, not cheques.

What's more, in places like Hong Kong, most of the people who ask for help are cash or gold bars.

Now that the time is tight, you need to make an appointment in advance to exchange money at a bank in Macau. After all, 3 million is not a small amount. In addition, the bank is already out of get off work now, so it is impossible to even make an appointment.

In desperation, Shi Zhijian had to ask Laihao for help.

Everyone knows what Lai Hao does, and that is the most cash flow.

At this moment, in the living room, Lai Hao slowly walked in front of Shi Zhijian, leaning on a cane with one hand.

He is not too tall, nor is he burly, but he feels like a big mountain.

Lai Hao took Shi Zhijian's eyes and squinted, but did not speak, but extended his hand to Xi Wei who was waiting beside him.

Xiwei has followed him for many years and is familiar with Brother Hao's every move. He immediately took a cigar and handed it to Lai Hao.

Lai Hao took the cigar and bit it on his mouth, and Xi Wei skillfully helped him light the cigar.

Lai Hao took a cigar and exhaled thick smoke. Then he pointed at the tip of Shi Zhijian's nose with his cigar in his mouth and said, "I heard you want to talk business with me?"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "Yes, I have business and want to discuss with Brother Hao, but..." He looked around, "Can I sit down first, I don't like to stand and talk about things."

Lame Hao raised his cane and knocked on the chair next to him, "Please!"

Shi Zhijian sat down on the chair that Lai Hao knocked on.

Lame Hao also slowly sat down on the chair, bending one leg and lowering the other stiffly.

Only then did Shi Zhijian understand why Lai Hao didn't like sitting on a chair, his posture was too ugly.

"Mr. Shi? Now you can talk about your business!" Li Hao bit his cigar and puffed up.

Shi Zhijian didn't answer, just opened the briefcase he was carrying.

The brothers Dawei and Xiwei immediately became vigilant, and Xiwei even reached out and touched his waist.

Lai Hao waved his hand and scolded the two of them: "Don't react so much! It's easy to scare the guests. They're here to talk business, not to fight!"

Shi Zhijian didn't care about this. After opening the box, he emptied a large pile of documents. After emptying the box, he turned it over to Lai Hao and said, "Brother Hao, please do me a favor and fill this box!"

Lai Hao was startled, "What is it filled with?"

"Hong Kong dollars! Three million!"

Lai Hao was stunned for a second, then laughed loudly, took a cigar and lit Shi Zhijian: "You are either crazy or crazy! Come to me, let me fill this broken box with three million, I will help your mother, you will give it to me. I'm three million first!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, took out a Standard Chartered cheque of 3 million from his pocket and handed it to Lai Hao: "Standard Chartered Bank, exchange it at any time!"

Lame Hao narrowed his eyes, took a hard puff on his cigar, and sprayed it out.

Xiwei took the check handed over by Shi Zhijian, looked at it, and handed it to Lame Hao: "Brother Hao, it's true, Standard Chartered's three million promissory note!"

Lai Hao didn't say a word, the corners of his mouth were upturned, revealing a faint smile: "You took a check of three million and wanted me to exchange cash for you, I understand that! But the question is, why do I want to help you?! "

"You're not helping me, you're helping Brother Luo!" Shi Zhijian looked Lai Hao's eyes flat, and his tone was flat.

Lai Hao's eyes flickered, as sharp as a knife: "Lai Luo? Are you his person?"

"No, I'm a businessman. I came to Macau to buy fireworks and firecrackers. I'm just exchanging the money!" Shi Zhijian said lightly.

Lai Hao smiled: "As everyone knows now, Lai Luo is competing with Yan Xiong for the position of Inspector Hua in Yau Tsim Mong District. He asked you to come to Macau to exchange 3 million, what are you doing?"

Shi Zhijian also laughed, raised his legs in front of Lame Hao, took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and knocked on the box, "Brother Hao, Ming people don't speak secretly, I'm coming to Macau to do this. Baa, you know best!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?" Shi Zhijian put the cigarette in his mouth, "Why did you come all the way from Hong Kong to Macau?"

"Can't I come here to count?"

"It's just a matter of collecting the bills. It's a coincidence that I have to come to Macau to collect at this time!"

Shi Zhijian, as a past person, has read "The Lame Man" and has also read the history of Hong Kong Jianghu.

The reason why Wu Shihao was able to succeed in the Jianghu in the previous life, overpowering Xinyi'an, 14K, and Heji, replaced the Chaozhou Gang to become a real Jianghu boss, the Xiangjiang giant who covered the sky with one hand, completely relied on his help. Lai Luo won the position of Chief China Inspector, and then with Lai Luo's help, he rose to the top!

At this time, Shi Zhijian had already seen through Lame Hao.

Lai Hao couldn't understand Shi Zhijian more and more.

Lai Hao took a deep look at Shi Zhijian, "You seem to know a lot."

"Not much! I only know that there is a huge opportunity in front of you, Brother Hao. It depends on whether you can seize it!" "As the saying goes: life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky!"

The corners of Lai Hao's eyes twitched.

Back then, Wu Shihao smuggled into Hong Kong from Shantou with a few fellow villagers. He was a newcomer and suffered countless hardships. First, he joined the Chaozhou Gang in the opening of the flower stall in Shek Kipwei. After several years of hard work, he gradually expanded his power.

After that, he realized that only by constantly expanding his own people can he have a meal in Hong Kong, where there are many gangs, so he left the Chaozhou Gang and took a group of Chaozhou fellows to set up a new gang - "Yiqun" , and wantonly recruit troops and expand forces.

But Hong Kong is really too small. Apart from the Chaozhou Gang, there are bigger ones such as Hutchison, Old and New, and 14K!

The strength of these gangs is bigger than him, and they have more people than him. Back then, he was lame in order to grab the Now Yiqun looks very prosperous, but even the **** of the four major gangs Can't touch.

He Wu Shihao was not reconciled!

Because he has ambition!

Now, as Shi Zhijian said, the opportunity is right in front of you, and Yan Xiong's path will not work, because Lai Hao ruined Yan Xiong's lackey, Fat Bo, because of the land grab, and Yan Xiong had long regarded him as a thorn in the flesh.

As for the two detectives Lan Gang and Han Sen, they both lose to Yan Xiong in terms of qualifications and strength. The only one who can compete with Yan Xiong is Lai Luo!

And this time, Lai Luo and Yan Xiong are fighting for hegemony. Lai Hao has already prepared to bet on Lai Luo, but he has no chance. He chose to come to Macau today because he is waiting for an opportunity!

Now that Shi Zhijian has presented the opportunity, what should he do?

Lame Hao's thoughts were tumbling in his heart, suddenly leaning on crutches and slowly struggling to get up, he laughed loudly: "Well said! Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky! If Lei Luo can keep You Jianwang, I Yiqun will be in the rivers and lakes. At any rate, the ranking can be moved forward and ranked third and fourth or something."

Lai Hao didn't say the last sentence. Shi Zhijian almost laughed out loud when he said that. He was surprised how could Lai Hao, like Lai Luo, have such small ambitions?

Did you misremember history, or did history play with you?

"Anyway, I, Wu Shihao, are going to gamble hard today!"

After Laihao finished speaking, he turned to look at Shi Zhijian. At this moment, Shi Zhijian was much more important in his eyes, so his tone became polite: "Mr. Shi, if you have any orders, just say it!"

Dawei and Xiwei were also infected by the imposing manner of the lame man, clenched their fists, and looked at Shi Zhijian together.

Shi Zhijian shook his head, abandoned the ridiculous idea just now, and flicked the soot: "Then please help me buy fireworks first! I'll use it for business!"
