MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 224 Fan Wai San's past dreams (this

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In the pale and empty corridor, the footsteps of "\"哒哒"" sounded, and the surroundings were very quiet. Only the echoes of the footsteps swayed layer by layer. There seemed to be some fog around, and the slyness could not be seen. Mu Jingyuan was alone. Walking quietly forward, the other one in his heart has been squatting "stop!"

Don't go any further! Don't open the door!\"His consciousness is resisting. He knows that the scene inside the door is unbearable to him, but his body is not controlled by this voice, still like countless times in the past. Without a pause, I walked to the front of the door at the end of the corridor, raised my hand and pushed it open.

The room was also very empty. Like the corridor, there were only four white walls with white faces. In the middle of the room, there was a mortuary bed. A corpse lay quietly on it, covered with a pale cloth.

Mu Jingyuan knows who it is. His soul is about to break through the body and escape from here, but he knows that he can't do this. He can only watch as he walks to the bed and slowly stretches out the shaking hand. Opened the white sheet on the bed.

The young man, who was imprinted in his soul, lay quietly on the bed, his eyes half squinted, his face calm and looking serene.

He was much thinner than he was before he left. His eyes were somewhat sunken, and there were no flesh on his cheeks. The rosy lips were as pale as the face, the big corners of the mouth were broken, and the cheeks on the cheeks were obviously bruised. There are also blackened fingerprints.

He yelled in the body and screamed: "Don't look again, I don't want to see it again!"

In fact, he could not control his body. As the white cloth was opened a little bit, Bai Yihan’s body was exposed to his eyes. In fact, he had already been cleaned up, dressed well, and his face was also The wash was very clean, and the sight of the scene still caused him to collapse. His legs could not support the body for the first time, and his knees slammed to the ground.

Although Bai Yihan’s right leg is wrapped in trousers, he can still clearly see the unnatural twist. Mu Jingyuan gently touched the squat, even able to touch a pointed break, and his The left hand, the hands, used to be so perfect, is also the most satisfying part of Bai Yihan. At this moment, under his left wrist, there is only a group of flesh-and-blood mold, and the flesh-and-mixed minced meat can’t be seen at all. It used to be a hand, a pretty hand.

Mu Jingyuan knew that he was covered by clothes and had other injuries on his body, but he never had the courage to look at it.

His throat moved, and there was a **** smell in his chest and throat. It seemed like a big hole in his chest. The cold wind screamed in, and his blood was frozen. He couldn’t breathe, and his brain was dizzy. He thought To vent a madness, but his eyes are dry, and a tear can not flow.

He has been holding the baby for more than 20 years in his hand. He is so delicate, so afraid of pain, his fingers will be unhappy for a long time. Mu Jingyuan can’t imagine how this kind of injury falls on him. Everything tells him that everything is true and he can't avoid it.

He reached out and slowly held the right hand of Bai Yihan. The soft hand was cold and stiff at the moment. He held the hand tightly. Every breath seemed to **** the knife into the lungs. Severe pain in the chest, he opened his mouth a few times, and finally issued a little bit of air: "Chan Han... Han Han appeared around the white mother's trembling and weak voice: Han Han you see, Jing Yuan is back You don't want to see him?

He is back, look at him. ”

Mu Jingyuan looked up and saw two white-skinned white bloggers carrying the white mother of the old man, the long-haired messy white snow, the wrinkled clothes, and the blood-stained Bai Yan. I don’t know when it appeared in the room, the white mother. The eyes were swollen with only a small slit, but the tears were still flowing outwards. The white and sunny face was white and terrible, and the voice was dumb and terrible: "The eyes of Han Han can’t be closed, we have no way, he wants to see you. You can help him."

Mu Jingyuan regained his gaze on Bai Yihan’s face. He was still as calm as he was, and could no longer feel sad because of the family’s pain. His face could no longer appear in the lovely dimples. His eyes were half-baked. It is a gray color, there is no fear, no pain, it is a kind of liberation, and there is a trace of embarrassment and regret.

Mu Jingyuan took two steps forward to the knee, slowly covering his eyes with the empty hand, slowly stroking down

Bai Yihan couldn’t close his eyes. With the movements on his hands, the eyes that were hidden with regrets were closed, and his look looked more peaceful and serene. The injury, it looks like it is asleep.

Snowy eyes screamed weakly, the whole person slipped to the ground, the red eyes swept a series of teardrops again, Bai Yan failed to catch his sister, and the whole person swayed, leaning back two steps against the wall. The white mother fainted again.

Mu Jingyuan holds Bai Yihan and can no longer hold his hot hand. He looks at his face and feels a **** smell once again rushing to his throat. He licks his teeth and makes a beastly desperate sorrow. ··········································································································

He held his forehead with his thin hands, gasping heavily, and dreaming again. His culvert had left him for seven years, from the moment he received the call from the white mother, the moment he pushed the terrible door away. His soul has been taken away by his ambition. For seven years, he did not sleep well for a night. Every time he fell asleep, the dream would follow, and forced him to relive his nightmare again and again. He could not sleep. I dare not close my eyes.

He sat on the bed, his hand sliding down from his forehead and holding the hanging ornaments on his chest. It looked like an exquisite casket-shaped ornament. In fact, it was not a jewelry. It was hollow inside and contained a small inside.缕 white - culvert hair.

He held the small box with warm body temperature in the palm of his hand, calmed down for a while, then let go of his hand and slowly went out of bed, and sat down on a chair by the window. This chair is white. A culvert was used. He moved out of the apartment where Bai’s bankruptcy lived. There are many similar things in his bedroom, including the bed he used to sleep, also used by Bai Yihan in his closet. The neatly placed clothes that Bai Yihan once passed through, the toilets used in Bai Yihan in the bathroom, and some pieces of white ones that were collected from various ways, he put They are all in their own rooms, and they look like Bai Yihan lives here. The Sage is gone. He can only use these things for comfort. Over the years, he has collected everything about Bai Yihan. Bai Yihan likes, hates, sly, all cuts, including people, all who know him, remember him, have had an intersection with him, he gathers them quietly, and the white parents also He was drawn under his own wing, he wanted to live himself One of the scent of breath, but now, this breath has become more and more pale, he sat quietly in the dark for a while, got up and went to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of wine, and then sit back in the chair, also Without a cup, just sip slowly at the mouth of the bottle and look at the dark night outside the window. He has seen too much of this night, and in such a sleepless night, it is such a lonely night. Holding him.

A bottle of wine drank half, he put the bottle on the table, got up and began to clean up the house, his bedroom was never allowed to enter, even Liu sister did not work, cleaning is his own, and in such a quiet late night It’s very common for him to clean up the house. He took the mop and rubbed the ground that had been rubbed back and forth over and over again. He carefully wiped the white han’s mug with a hot towel. He didn't dare to force, afraid to break the cup and finish these things. He finally had nothing to do, and he walked through the room over and over again, look at this, touch it, surrounded by the items of Bai Yihan. Next, it will make him feel more practical. When he walked to the countless circle, he remembered that there was still something about Bai Yihan that had not been seen yet. He went out of the door and walked through the corridor and went downstairs. Go to the front of a room and raise your hand to open the door.

He walked quietly to the bed and looked at the woman who was sleeping on the bed with the look of the chair. After a while, he turned and left quietly.

The woman on the bed opened her eyes and saw only the back of his go out. He was still tall and his nightgown was empty.

She sighed softly, she knew what it meant for this man. Like the old things in his room, she was a "thing" related to Bai Yihan. She sometimes thought, if I am not alive, but a dead object. Maybe I will be placed in a corner of the room. When I can’t sleep at night, I can see it, but she is alive. He arranges himself here so as not to touch white. One culvert thing, and the most important point, is that it is just a "thing" related to Bai Yihan's "related", not "something" that belongs to "Bai Yihan". It cannot be placed in "they". In the room, for the classification of these "things, Mu Jingyuan has always been very clear.

She smiled a bit. In the eyes of outsiders, she is the wife of the president. She is full of scenery. In fact, she is sour and sorrowful. Only she knows that Mu Jingyuan will pay parents and brothers every month, and also give her the name of her wife. The price, that is, she wants to stay in this house, as a quiet "object", whenever the night is quiet, Mu Jingyuan misses that person can not restrain, he will patrol all that person, including her.

The next day, Mu Jingyuan did not go to the company. He personally went to the fruit supermarket to buy oranges. He picked them very carefully and looked at them one by one to ensure that the sale of these oranges meets the standards of Bai Yihan. Bai Yihan Eating is very picky, but the fruit is the one who loves this ugly orange. Every time I go to Baijia, Bai Yihan will let him take the orange for himself. He will pick the sweetest one from the fruit plate and hand it. To this little serval, every time Bai Yihan took over the oranges, he always snickered, revealing a pair of shallow dimples.

He glared at the oranges and walked into the cemetery step by step. His culvert was buried here, and he was sleeping forever in his most right-handed grandfather.

He put the flowers he bought at the tomb of the white father, worshipped, and went to the tomb of Bai Yihan to sit down, put the oranges neatly, and took a new handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the tombstone. On the photo, whisper: Han Han, I came to see you again, do you miss me?" The exquisite and beautiful young man in the photo smiled at him.

Mu Jingyuan looked at it and couldn't help but reach out and hug the tombstone, just like holding the confession of his heart, but what he got was only a cold.

He smiled helplessly, let go of his hand, and wiped the tombstone with his handkerchief until it was wiped clean. Then he said: "Hanhan, you have already apologized to Grandpa. Is he?" The old man hurts you the most, I must have forgiven you, isn't it?" The white aunt's illness is almost better. Uncle Bai retired and took care of her. You don't have to worry. A Yan’s ability is very strong. Everything in the company does not worry about his uncle and aunt. But his marriage is very troublesome. Auntie complained to me once and said that he may be asexual and not interested in anyone, but emotional things, we I can't insert it, I can only see him. However, I watched him go too far with his secretary Jiang Hua. Maybe there will be good news. Xue Qing... She has never been able to walk out. She thinks that your responsibility to leave her is very great. She is very sad. People become a bit violent. Shen Tianyang died for her and she has always been a thorn in her heart. Things, let her avoid feelings, she still needs some time to play down these pains, don't worry. ”

He sat for a while and whispered: "Hanhan, I have collected so much about you, your breath is getting weaker and weaker, I can't catch it, I can't feel your existence, culvert, you The soul has left, isn't it?

Han Han, you... also like me, are you? When you said that you like me, it’s not a drunken joke, it’s not a bad drama, not because you want to keep a small umbrella, and use your feelings to make it. Means, are you?

"I went abroad abroad. I have wanted to come back countless times. I am not kidding. I am going to be jade. I want to come back, stay by your side, keep you, but those who are angry, those hurt, Those ridiculous prides stop me, I thought, I will stay for a while, even if I can’t let go of this life, at least scare you to scare you, let you... let you learn to be sensible, know that no one in this world will never I will leave, I am afraid that I will be shaken, I dare not ask your news, I think that you are a white family, you will live your life in a straightforward and carefree way. When I come back, you will laugh. Said to me, 'Jing Yuan Ge, I miss you.

However, Han Han, I did not think that in just two years, I have already turned a blind eye to the fact that I have been so close to you, but I have pushed you away. I used to be so close to you. The hand was placed on the tombstone, one hand squinted, sitting there for a long time, and there was tears falling between the thin fingers.

I don't know how long it took, his voice hoarse again: "Hanhan, do you hate me? Are you hating me? So you will leave so simply, no nostalgia, so you will not appear in the same way." In my dream, let me only dream of you that day and again... Your soul will not stay with me, hanhan, have you left here and gone to another world? I hate me, never give me the opportunity to save, never forgive me, is it?" Han Han, if everything can come back, I will not leave you, I will always be by your side, no matter How do you treat me, I will love you and guard you until the day when I die, but the most unchangeable thing in the world is time. ”

"My mother told me before I was alive that when I love someone, I must seize every opportunity to get close to him. Hold on to him tightly, never let go of my hand. I hate that I didn't listen to her. The only thing in my life. An indecisiveness made me lose you, and ruined everything we have, including, I made this big mistake, I have to use all the rest of my life to repay, but I don’t know, the day I left, Can you catch up with your footsteps?

"Han Han, I heard a word yesterday, saying that even you and I have agreed for a hundred years. If you die at the age of 97, you will wait three years on the bridge."

"This sentence is really beautiful. I was thinking, would you wait for me? But I know not, because we have never agreed. Seven years, maybe now you have been born in another family, re I started living, there will be no more in your life, is it?" "Han Han, how can I see you again? When you first left, I always thought, is it that I am chasing you away? Can you find you? But then your parents and relatives have not settled, your death has not been ascertained, and your hatred has not been reported. ”

"I have too many things to do. When I finish these things, I am afraid. I am afraid that I will not be able to find you in another world. Even a little bit of your breath will be lost. A bowl of soup will make me forget you, hanhan, I can't forget you, I want to remember you, as long as you are still in my heart, still in my memory, I will not completely lose you. Is it?" But Han Han, I am going to hold on, you tell me, where can I find you? Let me find you, ok?

He sat in front of the tombstone, his two long legs bent, his head and shoulders relying on the tombstone, muttering and talking, gradually closing the pair of tired eyes and calming the breath.

Da Da, he walked in the long corridor again, desperately listening to the echo of his footsteps, but when he pushed the door open, he ushered in a glare of light, until his eyes adapted to the light. What I saw in front of me was my own office. The only difference was that the black leather sofa in the office was replaced by a fabric sofa that looked very comfortable. A young man was wearing a white shirt and casual pants. The eyebrows are exquisite, and the look is much more mature than the impression. The cheeks are eating oranges.

Mu Jingyuan’s eyes wide open, his lips twitching slightly open, stepping forward and stopping, not even breathing, afraid to break the illusion in front of him, he greedily looked at the people in front, even One inch of detail is not willing to pass.

He raised his trembling hands and tried to stretch forward. He whispered silently: "Han Han Bai Han Han looked up, his right hand was holding an orange petal, and he was recruited with his still left hand, smiling. The curved road: "Come on, what are you standing at the door?" At this moment, he burst into tears.

The big man waited for Pan Wenwei Wu under the mountain to see the boss slowly, could not help but go up to see, but found that Mu Jingyuan leaned in front of Bai Yihan's tombstone, people have been unconscious, the two were shocked, busy sending people Going to the hospital, but he never woke up again, a week later, the expert; regret to announce that the patient has fallen into a deep coma, spontaneous breathing stopped, brain stem reflex disappeared, in other words, brain death.

This news made the Huacheng parties stunned. Before the Mu family was ready to go, Chen Hong took out the will that Mu Jingyuan had made long ago. This will was originally established five years ago. Later, when he got married, he changed it again and kept it in the hands of Chen Hong. Mu Jingyuan told him that once he suddenly passed away or went crazy, he took it out.

Along with the will, there is also a divorce agreement and two letters.

The will stipulates: 1. If he suddenly dies or loses his sense of autonomy due to force majeure, all his shares and industries are inherited by Bai Yan; 2. If he suddenly cooks the world or loses his sense of self-control due to force majeure, the signature of both parties The divorce agreement took effect immediately, and the marriage relationship with Tao Xun was released. In addition to giving her a large sum of money when the agreement came into effect, Bai Yan would give her a certain amount of living expenses every month to ensure her and her children's lives. .

Finally, after his death, he hopes to be buried with Bai Yihan.

The two letters, one for the white family, are mainly begging the white family to give him a marriage with Bai Han after his death, and the other is for Tao Xun, there are only six words: Sorry, thank you. After more than a month, Tao Wei pinched the letter in one hand, and put a bunch of flowers in front of the newly-built tombstone with one hand: "No thanks, it doesn't matter."

Big Damu Bai Yihan held oranges in one hand and waved to Mu Jingyuan at the door: "Come here, what are you standing at the door?" Mu Jingyuan closed the door back and just walked two steps in the direction of Bai Yihan. I felt a cool body, a huge desperation and a feeling of rejoicing and joy. I felt like a white man who was smiling and waiting for him to come over, but he saw him suddenly shed tears and scared a handful of oranges. He jumped up a few steps and ran to his eyes. He grabbed his arm and said, "What happened to you? What happened?" Mu Jing looked at him with a sigh of relief and muttered: "Nothing.

Bai Yihan hurriedly said: "Nothing, can you shed tears? What happened?

Mu Jingyuan is still awkward: "It’s okay, it’s a sudden sigh in my heart."

Bai Yihan touched his chest nervously: "Is my heart awkward? How could this be? Going to the hospital."

Mu Jingyuan took his hand: "Don't worry, it's okay.

Bai Yihan fried Mao: "You don't always take yourself seriously, you are crying, can you still have nothing to worry about?" Mu Jingyuan said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I cry?"

Bai Yihan grabbed his hand and put it on his face, saying: "You touch it yourself."

Mu Jingyuan’s fingertips touched his face and felt wet. He said: “What happened? I didn’t.

Bai Yihan suspicion: "Is it a tear in the wind? There is no wind in this house."

Mu Jingyuan said: "It doesn't matter what it is, I have nothing at all.

Bai Yihan looked at him up and down several times. Mu Jingyuan said helplessly: "Oh, it's okay." He looked back at the doorway: "Who opened the door?"

Bai Yihan said strangely: "Isn't you open?" "Mu Jingyuan took him back to the sofa and sat down, picked up an orange and skillfully licked the skin, and said: "I didn't open, I walked. It will open when you come over.

Bai Yihan smiled and took the orange petals and handed it to his mouth: "That is when you go without strictness, hey, one will open for so long, thirsty and thirsty? Come and eat the oranges."

Mu Jingyuan opened his mouth and smiled. He gently touched the head of Bai Yihan with his head and handed it over.

Bai Yihan ah, ate it, and smiled: "Well, this orange is sweeter than that."

Mu Jingyuan chuckled and said: "Of course, the oranges you eat are all picked by me one by one. I have a special experience in picking oranges.

Bai Yihan smiled and said: "I know, the orange you picked is the best. Anyway, I am not afraid to eat sour oranges in the future."

Mu Jingyuan put another flap in his mouth and smiled. Yes, I will give you a lifetime. Ok, don’t eat too much fruit. After a while, I have to eat a white one. "One more, the last one. valve."

Mu Jingyuan smiled helplessly, and gave him another hand to see him eating something squinting and smiling, his eyes filled with tenderness, and the pain in his heart was slowly dissipated.