MTL - Reborn Capital Tycoon-Chapter 195 money power power

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  Chapter 195 Money Power Power

   Of course, this is just one of them.

   There is another more important reason, that is, his current strength is not enough for him to have more wealth.

  Money, influence, power, all three are indispensable.

  If you have money but no influence or power, you will easily become a little white sheep in the eyes of others, and you will be in danger of being embezzled at any time.

  In his previous life, Chen Yi read a lot of novels. Those pig-footed tycoons were all awesome, their leverage was dozens of times, and each one was more crazy than the other. In the end, they almost robbed all the money in the stock market.

   For this, Chen Yi could only express his admiration.

   Leverage has two sides. It can make you rich overnight, and it can also make you bankrupt and in debt in an instant. Sometimes it doesn’t mean that you know what will happen next, so you can do whatever you want.

  When your power reaches the point where you can change certain things, then certain things you know in advance will undergo unforeseen changes as you intervene.

Take the previous oil market as an example, he can increase the leverage to ten times, twenty times, or even more, so that his wealth will be at least several times, or even dozens of times, not to mention getting rich overnight, it will be overnight It is not a problem to become the richest man in Asia in time.

   But what will happen after that, he dare not predict.

  But there is one thing he can be sure of.

   That is, he will directly enter the field of vision of many people, not just the Xiangjiang area, other international financial giants will definitely notice him, and even the group of Wall Street guys who eat people without spit out their bones may also stare at him.

   After all, there are so many things involved in oil.

  If he seeks a small amount of benefits from it, maybe no one will care, but if he doesn't know how to restrain himself and eat too much at once, then it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

   Money, for a person, is not the more the better.


  For a country, having more money is not a good thing.

  Real estate bubbles in island countries and Asian financial turmoil in previous lives.

  The former thinks that money can buy everything. Historically, it once became the second largest economy after the United States. At the peak of the island nation’s economy, it even clamored to buy the entire United States and shouted the slogan of peaceful occupation of the United States.

   But what about the result?

  As soon as the real estate bubble burst, the economy of the entire island country retreated for 20 years, accumulated through decades of hard work, and finally all was wiped out by Western capital.

  The latter is the Asian financial turmoil. After 20 to 30 years of unremitting efforts, Southeast Asian countries have finally accumulated decent wealth and are preparing to catch up with Western countries in one fell swoop.

   But what about the result?

  It is even more tragic than the island countries. The real estate bubbles in the island countries are more or less self-inflicted. Although Western forces are behind the scenes to fuel the flames and coerce and lure them, at least they burst the bubble by themselves.

  As for the Southeast Asian countries, it’s funny to say that it was only a notorious bad old man who defeated them. The other party destroyed the hard work accumulated by the entire Southeast Asian countries over the past 20 or 30 years.

   And what does all this mean?

  When you are not strong enough, your so-called wealth is actually a piece of meat in other people's mouths, and they can eat it whenever they want.

  We often say that virtue is not worthy. When your virtue is not worthy of your status, it is easy to make mistakes.

   In the same way, when a person's strength cannot match the wealth you have, then what greets him is not a bright road, but a path of no return to the abyss.

  Wealth is based on the strength you have. If you don't have that strength, too much wealth will only bring disaster.

  Before, Chen Yi earned three billion Hong Kong dollars from the oil market. For ordinary people, this money may be an astronomical figure, but for a large consortium like HSBC, it is actually just a bit of greed.

  Compared to the century-old reputation of HSBC Bank, three billion Hong Kong dollars is obviously not enough to attract the attention of Boss Chen, because it is not worth it.

  But if Chen Yi earned not 3 billion from the oil crisis, but 30 billion or even more, what would happen?

  People are greedy. The reason why they are not tempted shows that there are not enough bargaining chips.

   But if there are enough chips, will everyone be tempted?

   In the face of huge wealth, I believe that even a large consortium like HSBC can hardly hold back.

  Even HSBC can't bear it, so can other forces bear it?

   You know, there are not many other things these days, and there are a lot of desperadoes caught. No matter how powerful the bodyguards around him are, they can't resist the greedy people.

   Even, the people around him may take risks for huge wealth.

  So, money is a good thing, but first you have to have the matching strength, if not, then you have to be careful.

  Before the advent of the Internet, the capitalists did not climb up step by step. After decades of hard work, they had the status of aspiring to the top.

  The twentieth century is fundamentally different from the twenty-first century.

  Decades later, most voices in the world are peace and development, and everyone is busy making money and developing. The prerequisite for peaceful development is social stability. No matter how rich you are, no one would dare to rob you of your wealth openly in front of the laws of the country.

  But the 20th century is different. After the end of World War II, the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union fought a cold war for decades. Compared with the overall security of the global society, there is still a big gap in the 21st century.

   Things like robbing wealth happen almost every day.

  You have no power or background, and if you have money, you will become fat in the eyes of others, and you will be easily targeted.

  Of course, with Boss Chen's current strength, he naturally doesn't have to be afraid of those ghosts, but compared with the real big power, his little power is still not enough.

  The driving force behind this gold bull market is many European and American financial institutions, and it may even involve the national level.

   After all, gold represents money.

  As for what the currency represents for each country, there is no need to say much.

   Snatching food from these forces is purely courting death.

  So, for the sake of his own safety, Boss Chen resolutely gave up the heroic deeds of his predecessors, and chose to continue to grow up at home.

  As the second-generation charterer in his previous life, Chen Yi's personality has determined that a stable life is the greatest joy in life.

  The reason why he is working so hard now is not only to feel the fun of being a top rich man, but also to try to be the richest man in the future, and the other is to live a better and more comfortable life in the future.

  With the development of society and the continuous improvement of the economic level of various countries, future consumption will gradually increase. If you want to enjoy the top-level life and top-level service, you cannot do it without absolute wealth.


  (end of this chapter)