MTL - Reborn Capital Tycoon-Chapter 236 Courtesy must be requested

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  Chapter 236 Courtesy must be expected

   Some people may think that in the early days of reform and opening up, the inland economy was underdeveloped, and there was not much money to earn, but they had to keep putting money into it.

   Even, sometimes they will be embarrassed by some local conservative forces who resisted the reform and opening up in the early stage. Similar difficulties, the first batch of Hong Kong businessmen who entered the inland area will definitely not be easy to say.

  However, as the old saying goes, you can only gain if you give up.

  You didn’t pay, so where’s the return?

  Like real estate developers like Li Chaoren, they waited until the inland economy developed and became profitable, and then they began to hoard land on a large scale in the north, and then made a fortune.

   However, this money is earned a lot.

  However, it is no different from picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

  The so-called friendship in adversity is true, you have not shared weal and woe with the country, why should the country give you convenience in the future, why should it value you, support you, and stand up to support you when you encounter difficulties?

  Look at Li Chaoren later, he transformed from Superman into Li Paopao, how did the country react to Li Chaoren's attitude?

  Simple four words, 'Let it go or stay'.

  What kind of person will the country let him go or stay?

  In short, they are those who cannot harm the interests of the country and the people, and cannot play a major role or make outstanding contributions to the country's economic development. Only such people will the country not care about their fate.

  If Li Chaoren is replaced by Huo Daheng, or Huawei is the old man, you can see if the country will say "let him go or stay".

  I am afraid that the country will directly reply with two words 'no door', even the door will not be opened for you, and it is impossible to let you leave in this life, except in the next life.

  Although Chen Yi didn't like to listen to the chicken soup for the soul of those bigwigs in his previous life, he was still very particular about some people's words.

  When wealth reaches a certain level, it becomes a number on paper. We can't just focus on money, we have to pursue feelings and pursue realms that ordinary people don't have.

  Now that Chen Yi has not yet reached that kind of pursuit of feelings and realm, he only knows that in the next few decades, the inland will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the economy will develop by leaps and bounds.

  If I can become the first batch of Hong Kong businessmen to enter the inland and show the greatest sincerity to help the development of the inland, then I will be able to reap rich returns in the future.

  There is a saying in the inland of the previous life, "The country will never forget those who have made contributions to the motherland." Simply put, whatever you do, the country will have an account in the little red book.

   Whether it is good or bad, it all depends on what you do.

  As a businessman, when your wealth and status reach a certain level, if you don’t have a strong country to support you, you will become a fish to be slaughtered in the eyes of others.

   Blindly leaning toward neutrality, only knowing how to make money, but not knowing the country, then when you face sanctions from certain countries, you have no other choice but to surrender.

  If Chen Yi had to choose between Mr. Ren of Huawei and Li Chaoren, he would choose the former without any hesitation. What is there to be afraid of when he relies on a big country with a population of 1.4 billion?

   Even in the face of sanctions from the United States, the world's largest military and economic power, it is still fearless. Where does the confidence come from? It's not because there is a motherland that dares to compete with the United States behind it.

  The globalization of economic and trade in the future requires capitalists to choose their own teams. Only the stronger the country, the greater the development of enterprises.

   And now, the opportunity is in front of us.

  Although he met Huo Daheng once at the Lisboa Hotel before, but there were too many people at that time, and everyone met at the poker table, so there were not many opportunities to get to know each other.

  This time, taking advantage of Huo Daheng's birthday, he can follow Boss Li to visit him openly and aboveboard.

   As for whether this will cause displeasure to the British.

  Chen Yi wasn't particularly worried. After all, Daheng Huo was just a capitalist, not a politician. He visited as a junior, and no one could gossip about him.


  In the next period of time, Chen Yi finally lived a clean life. It's not that his workload has decreased, but that the media that have been focusing on him before finally have a new target.

   Regarding building a film and television base and promoting the development of Hong Kong's film and television industry and entertainment industry, after Sha Ya visited Governor MacLehose in person, the Governor's Office finally responded positively.

  After half a month of discussion and discussion among officials from the top and bottom of the Governor's Mansion, the film and television base plan has been approved by most people.

  Actually, no one objected to this matter from the very beginning.

Nowadays, with the changes of the times, light industry has gradually become unsuitable for the sustainable development of Hong Kong's economy. Like the entertainment industry, industries with greater development in the future, the Governor's Office has also begun to pay more attention to it. This can be achieved by obtaining a free license from Li's TV station. figure it out.

  In the past, there was only one free TV station in Xiangjiang, TVB, but now there is a beautiful TV station. The purpose of the Governor's Office is nothing more than to promote the rapid development of the entertainment industry through competition between the two TV stations.

  Now that the New Territories is undergoing major development, the most important thing in the newly planned areas is land. The scale of the film and television base construction is so large, once the project is completed, it can effectively promote the development of the new area.

  So, after the Governor-General approved the film and television base plan, the officials in charge of the various regions in the New Territories immediately began to feel restless.

  The construction of the entire film and television base requires nearly 30 square kilometers of land. This area is equivalent to nearly half of Xiangjiang Island. Once the film falls on that area, then that area can be fully developed.

  In addition to this, there are economic effects generated during the construction of the film and television base and after its completion, which can also greatly promote the economic development of the new region.

  Anyone can see all the benefits, so Boss Li and Boss Qiu can be said to be very busy recently.

  Of course, although the two are busy, they enjoy it.

   On the contrary, Chen Yi spends most of his time painting except for some necessary work every day.

   That’s right, it’s painting.

  After knowing Daheng Huo's birthday, he has been thinking about what birthday gift he should give. As one of the richest men in Hong Kong, Chen Yi probably doesn't lack anything that Chen Yi can sell.

  So, after much deliberation, Chen Yi decided to draw a picture himself as a birthday present for Daheng Huo. As a junior, his gift mainly reflects his own heart, and whether it is valuable or not is secondary.

  Besides, the Chinese are particular about giving a heavy gift, which means that the gift giver must ask for something, so it is easy to be rejected, but if the gift is light, it will not achieve what Chen Yi wants.

  Thus, Chen Yi finally chose to do it himself after tangling and tangling. This not only reflects his intentions, but also the value of the painting will rise with the rise of his wealth and status in the future.


  (end of this chapter)