MTL - Reborn Girl’s New Life-Chapter 818 Have you seen it clearly?

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Yang Lan did not dare to think deep, but did not dare to think about it.

The finger trembled waiting at the door.

The knocker started tapping the door and shouting her English name with a familiar voice.

Yang Lan has been reluctant to open the door.

The patience of that individual is obviously polished.

Can not help but swear, then took out the gun at the waist, and then went to hit the door lock.

Yang Lan saw his movements from the communicator, scared the heart to jump out of the mouth.

I couldn't help but turn around, panicked and hid in my room, and then began to look for my mobile phone.

She can't die, she wants to live.

Can't die in this place.

Everyone will have an amazing desire to survive when they face death.

And Yang Lan is the same, she wants to live.

So the first thing I thought of was to call the police.


However, when she first arrived abroad, she did not know how much the foreign alarm call was. She held the mobile phone and listened to the door being hit by the next one.

In her flustered mind, she thought of it, it was Song Yunxiao’s phone.

Song Yunxiao gave her a business card before she left.

She did not discard it because she felt that Song Yunxiao was a rich man.

And knowing a rich person, it is possible to get a lot of money from her.

The habit of growing up from a young age prevented her from discarding any business card that looked very expensive and upscale.

She took a breath and listened to the sound of the door knocking a little pause, then frowned her eyebrows and found the business card temporarily in the palm of her hand, did not immediately call to play.

If the other party leaves, she will not ask for help from Song Yunxiao.

After all, it is sure to pay for the price of people like Song Yunqi who are so deep-hearted.

Song Yunxiao is a businessman who has a clear control over the interests.

She quietly opened the door and looked outside the bedroom.

There is really no sound, and this is a sigh of relief, going to the door.

However, just a few steps out of the bedroom, I heard a suspicious noise from the kitchen.

She looked over the glass door of the kitchen, and saw the man who had just appeared at the door, jumping in from the window, and then pulling the gun behind the waist.

She was so scared that she quickly returned to her bedroom, almost rushing back and forth.

After returning, I did not dare to hesitate more, and directly sent Song Yunhao a call.

Song Yunhao looked at the phone number of Yang Lan in the domestic mobile phone, and couldn't help but smile, but did not immediately pick up the phone.

Mei Qi was watching the leisurely and lazy expression of Song Yunxiao's cat.

Can't help but say: "Will you get rid of the timing?"

"No," Song Yunqi picked up the phone, but refused to press the answer button, just looking at the phone number shown. "The harder the process of asking for help, the more she will be grateful to me after being saved." ""

Song Yunxiao is slowly waiting for the opportunity to answer the phone.

And Yang Lan listened to the bedroom door and began to suddenly slammed, and scared his fingers can not hold the phone.

I am full of hope that Song Yunyi can answer the phone quickly.

If Song Yunxiao can pick up the phone.

If Song Yunhao can save her life of Yang Lan today, then her white-eyed wolf daughter, even if it is not worth mentioning.

"Take the phone, pick up the phone, as long as you pick up the phone, no matter what kind of request, I promise you!"

Yang Lan whispered to himself on the phone.

The heart also kept praying that Song Yunxiao could quickly pick up the phone.

The people over there seem to have heard her prayers.

Finally, when I remembered a huge gunshot, I picked up the phone: "Hello, who?"

Song Yunxiao’s cold voice passed from the opposite side.

Yang Lan immediately said: "I promise you! I will promise you no matter what I do! As long as you save me!"

Yang Lan will not know that Song Yunxiao at the end of the phone, after hearing the words she said, how embarrassing the smile.

"Don't panic, tell me how you are doing now, I have sent someone to save you."

Yang Lan did not have time to analyze the meaning of the words spoken by Song Yunxiao. He said: "Someone came to me with a gun! She is now licking my door!"

"how many people!"

"A person."

"Give him a door."

Song Yunxiao’s voice passed through the radio.

Then passed to Yang Lan’s ear.

Yang Lan heard Song Yunqi's words, could not help but stunned, and felt that Song Yunxiao was opening her joke.

"Are you crazy? Now this person is going to kill me! How can I open her..."


One of the bullets said half of her in this sentence, slammed into the window and broke the crystal table lamp on the bed.

The crystal is broken.

Yang lived.

On the other side of the door, there was still a sound of hitting the door panel.

"There are a lot of people who want to kill me!"

She couldn't help but cry out in fear.

Song Yunxiao said: "Don't be afraid, I said that I have sent someone to save you, you go to open the door!"

Yang Lan is very suspicious.

Song Yunxiao also knows that she must not do what she said now.

"I have long expected that your dear daughter who does not recognize you will do this kind of thing, so send someone to figure out where you live, and want to take you away in advance. Now it seems that you took me. The people sent to save you are shut out."

Yang Lan does not know whether this statement by Song Yunxiao is true or false.

So, wrinkled his brow: "You don't lie to me."

"What good is it that I lie to you? It is good for me to live," Song Yunyi urged. "Now, go to the door and open the door to Mark. Mark will protect you."

Yang Lan’s pupils trembled fiercely and could not make any other choice.

She is now like a domestic animal trapped in a cage waiting to be slaughtered.

Even if you don't open the door, someone will rush in sooner or later.

Instead of sitting here waiting to be embarrassed, it is better to believe that Song Yunyi once, this time rushed out to find the one who sent to save himself.

Yang Lan bites his teeth.

Stand up and rush to open the door.

Just as she flew past, the place she was hiding was instantly shot more than a dozen shots.

Yang Lan looked at the trepidation. If he hadn’t rushed over, I’m afraid it’s been a horse.

She bit her teeth.

After opening the door, I saw the foreign man in front of the dark jacket, and took her to the shoulder, then turned and went outside.

As I walked, there were constant gunshots coming to my ears.

Yang Lan listened to fear, looked scared, and couldn't help but wanted to close his eyes and scream.

In fact, she did not scream out.

The man who was holding her, heard the sound of her screaming, and felt very disappointed.

Frowning through the radio, talking to Song Yunxiao: "This old woman is so noisy."

Song Yunxiao smiled a little over there, ruthlessly giving orders.

"Stun her."

According to the instructions of Song Yunxiao, the mercenary mark immediately stunned Yang Lan.

After Yang Hao was stunned, the world became quiet a lot.

The gunshots in the outside shooting room room also weakened a lot in an instant.

Mark asked over there: "What should I do now?"

"Let her suffer and know how much her daughter is."

After listening to Song Yunqi’s words, Mark did not say anything, just opened a shot on Yang’s leg.

Song Yunxiao listened to the gunshots and evoked the lips, but did not forget to ask him: "What part of the fight?"

"Left leg."

Mark immediately answered Song Yunxiao.

Song Yunxiao was a bit blaming: "How can I hurt her leg? If she hurt her leg, then she might have to take a wheelchair when she attended her daughter's wedding."

"Oh, I can only make her suffer a little bit."

Mark does not care about such small details.

After all, what Song Yunxiao gave him to do, he almost finished.

Now, just wait for a drink.

"I sent her back to China."

"No, you protect her for the time being, I personally picked her back."

Mei Qi heard Song Yun's words next to him and couldn't help but remind him: "Song Zong, you don't have to leave Yuncheng. I will pick her up."

"If I don't pass, it would be too insincere."

Song Yunqi got up from the chair and then told Mei Qi: "Go to the ticket, we will go to her immediately."

Song Yunyi wants to find her in the past, which is actually a very, very simple matter.

Moreover, after Mark gave her a shot, it was difficult to cope with her in order to prevent her from waking up prematurely.

She was also given a sleeping pill.

When Song Yunxiao rushed over, Yang Lan just woke up from the deep sleep.

When Yang Lan woke up, he felt that his left leg was hurting.

She reached out and touched her left leg.

Song Yunyan reached out and grabbed her finger, preventing her from touching the wound, and explained: "Your left leg was hit by the other's bullet, and the bullet has been taken out. It is not convenient for you to walk during this time. ”

"Can I still walk in the future? Is my leg not a waste?"

Yang Lan asked Lin Yunqi very nervously.

Song Yunxiao smiled and replied: "Do not worry, it will not affect your walking, but it is only hit by bullets, not as terrible as you think."

Song Yunxi explained this.

Yang Lancai seems to be a little relieved.

After she let go of her heart.

Then began to anger and take care of what Changle did.

I couldn't help but bite my teeth. "I never thought that my own daughter would do this."

"The existence of your present makes her very uneasy, so..."

Song Yunqi’s second half of the sentence was not completely finished.

However, she believes that according to Yang’s intelligence, she can definitely know what the latter half of her words are not.

After Yang Lan finished this, he was very sad and resentful. "You saved me. I am very grateful to you. What do you want me to do for you?"

"You should have seen the nature of your daughter, right?"

Yang Lan nodded: "Yes."

"Then let her recognize her ancestors, no matter how bad the child is, the mother must still recognize it."