MTL - Reborn, I Became a Male God-Chapter 19

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"Shouldn't you contact the hospital?" Jiang Siyang looked at Jing Yan with a "Are you faulty" look?

"Of course, the hospital has to contact. Let's hang it first. As for whether you can live or not, it depends on the surname Bai." Jing Yan said, and touched a cell phone from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Siyang.

Jiang Siyang looked at the old-fashioned black and white screen button old man machine, and after a long silence, he reached out to pick it up and couldn't help voicing. "You use this thing?"

"There is no way to make my family poor." Jing Yan didn't care, "Don't hesitate to call quickly, and only a dead South China tiger will be shocked at home after the delay!"

This is the big truth. Although Jiang Siyang still had a lot of questions, he also temporarily hesitated. He picked up the mobile phone and dialed the special number of the army. After facing the secret number, he roughly described the situation here.

The young man on the other side of the phone thought he had heard it wrong, "Are you sure you are a wild South China tiger?"

"I'm sure, but it's in a bad situation, please ask you to contact the relevant medical staff as soon as possible!"

Message layers are passed up, but almost every layer is subject to the same questions. This is not only because the wild South China tiger has been judged to be extinct, but also because of something that happened a few years ago. It was also in the Changchuling Mountains that some people claimed to have seen and taken photos of wild South China tigers. This incident was so enthusiastic that they even attracted the attention of many foreign media, but in the end it was proved to be counterfeit. After a few years, few people mentioned the original thing again, but if similar news appears again, and the place of discovery is in the Changchuling Mountains, it will inevitably evoke people's memories of the incident in the first place. If you make the mistake again, it will not be so easy to explain.

After making the call, the rest is waiting. Jiang Siyang turned to look at Jing Ye, and found that he did not know when he got to the side of the stream, and he was only a meter away from the python, and immediately sweated for him. However, the client was not nervous at all, and even talked with the python, "Someone will come over soon, and you should go. You should know that you are not the same as a tiger. It is seriously endangered and will not cause harm to humans, but You can."

"I promise to do my best to find someone to save it, even if it can't be saved, I will return its body to you, so that's all right?"

Jiang Siyang felt that his eyes must be out of order, otherwise how could he see the emotion of reluctance from a python. I saw the python lowering its head, hissing and spitting the snake letter, and gently touched the tiger's head. The tiger also returned a low howl, but because it was too weak, the sound was not much higher than the kitten's barking.

The python walked across the stream and disappeared into the jungle.

Less than five minutes later, I heard the roar of the helicopter from near to far, and a strong light was shining from the top of the head. The area by the stream was clearly visible. Under the guidance of the helicopter, the army quickly rushed over.

Despite knowing the goal of this temporary mission early in the morning, everyone was still shocked when they really saw the tiger lying by the stream. The medical staff brought related tools to give the tiger first aid to ensure that it could be carried by professional personnel. Another team was scattered around to investigate.

"Who found it?" The speaker was wearing a military uniform, with two bars and two stars on his epaulets, indicating his rank of lieutenant colonel.

Jiang Siyang originally wanted to take things first. This is not to say that it is to grab credit, but to cover it. No matter whether he or Jing Yan, there is no reason to leave the dormitory and run into the grove in the evening, and finally ran out of the safe area cleaned up by the troops so far. However, anyway, he is also from the Jiang family, Jing Jing is a common people without any background.

But he did not expect that before he spoke, Jing Yan directly admitted, "Back to Lieutenant Colonel, it is me, Yizhou Jiaotong University freshman Jing Yan."

Under strong light, the teenager's skin was as white as if it was glowing. Except for a messy hair, the whole body was neatly seen from the top and bottom. Jiang Siyang, who is not far from him, is an extreme negative example. As he wears new clothes in the jungle, his coat and pants have cracked to varying degrees, and he is naked. The exposed face and hands have obvious Bruises.

In this case, as long as it is not a person with a problem in his head, he can see that something is strange.

Jing Ye was taken aside to question. Of course Jiang Siyang did not fall.

Throughout the interrogation process, Jing Yan's tone was calm from beginning to end. Even if he said something incredible to others, and looked at the doubtful eyes of everyone, the expression on his face had not changed.

But even so, the other party still did not believe what he said, "Boy is very brave, dare to lie in front of Lao Tzu's face!"

The sound sounded cold, and was clearly angry.

In fact, Jiang Siyang did not believe it, but as a person who witnessed most of the process, he felt it necessary to testify for Jing Ye. As a result, this time, the other party still could n’t use him, and said quietly, “Lieutenant Colonel, if you do n’t know that something does n’t mean it does n’t exist, you might as well ask it again.” You must know all the similar things, just do n’t It was announced opposite.

At this time, the members of the survey team returned, "Reporting to the colonel, traces of large biological activities were found around, and it was initially determined to be a python, at least ten meters long and about 80 cm wide!"

The lieutenant colonel heard the words and glanced at Jiang Siyang.

"Sorry, I just forgot to say that when I found the tiger, there was a giant python next to it, but it was gone before you." He replied in earnest, but it made people itch. What does md mean to forget? It was a dozen-meter-long python and it was not a snake with thin fingers. Why don't you forget it, why don't you go to heaven!

It didn't take long before someone from the medical team came over, explaining the situation of the tiger, because the injury was severe and the best treatment period was missed. Even if the professional came over, it could not be saved.

Jing Yan and the other party spoke directly after saying, "If you can find someone from the Bai family, there may still be a rescue. If the colonel is interested, you may wish to ask further, someone will surely know."

The lieutenant colonel did not agree, but he did not refuse. I wonder if it was being considered. Instead, Jiang Siyang took out the cell phone that Jing Ye had given him before, dialed the old man's phone at home, and after two beeps, he connected. A strong, low-pitched voice from the man said, "Hello!"

"Dad, it's me, Siyang. Don't be too busy scolding me first, I have something to ask you, and it's not too late for you to teach me."

"Fart anything!"

"Dad, do you know the Bai family?" Maybe he was afraid that the other person would not understand the headless problem. Then he added, "It is the Bai family who can cure the beasts, do you know?"

Suspiciously silent for a few seconds, "Where did you hear Bai's home?"

Jiang Siyang is not stupid. Hearing these words, he knew that there was a play. "Don't worry about where I know. We found a wild South China tiger in the Changchuling Mountains next to the army. It was seriously injured. Now only the Bai family Can save his life! Dad, since you know, can you contact the Bai family? "

"I know this. I won't ask tonight. Tomorrow you will roll back to Langzhou yourself and explain it to me!" After that, he immediately cut off the phone. After listening to a busy tone, Jiang Siyang put away his mobile phone and approached Jing Jing, and whispered to him, "Who the **** are you?"

The lieutenant colonel not far away looked at the two expressionlessly.

After a few minutes, a slight vibration sounded and the colonel took out his cell phone to answer. This distance is not too far away, Jing Jing was sober, he heard a powerful voice coming out of the microphone, "The Bai family will soon pass. Jian Gang, you have to give me an account of today's affairs."


Troop quarters.

Building 605 dormitory. Several freshmen are playing boring cards. One of them lost, picking up a large bowl of water on hand and preparing to drink, and suddenly heard the telephone ringing.

"I'll take a call first." He spoke, lowered the water, got up and walked to the bed to pick up the mobile phone. When he saw the caller, there was a stun in his eyes, and soon he returned to normal. After walking to the balcony and closing the door, I answered the phone. "Hello, Uncle Chen!"

"Ningxi, do you take everything with you?" The man over there asked.

"Grandpa explained that he had to take it with him." Bai Ningxi replied.

"That's good. Take your things, and someone will pick you up right away, and you'll follow them."

"Okay. Anything else, Uncle Chen? If not, I'll pack up first."

Bai Ningxi hung up the phone and returned to the dormitory.

"Which phone did Xiaobai answer just now, mysterious!"

"Who else can there be, girlfriend!"

"Xiao Bai, you're not honest. When everyone was playing the truth adventure at noon, you said you didn't have a girlfriend!"

"That's it! Don't tell me that it's only one afternoon and you will find your girlfriend Lightspeed!"

Bai Ningxi smiled, "Not a girlfriend, but an elder in the family. I'll go out later, you can play for yourself." He began to pack things after he said it. The roommate didn't look like he was joking, so he didn't force him, but told him, "Come back early, otherwise the instructor will catch you, or you'll have to be punished like the kid this afternoon 20 laps on the training ground! "

The things were quickly packed, and Bai Ningxi changed his clothes and greeted his roommates before leaving. Just pulled the door and saw two soldiers approaching one of them, one of them asked him, "Is it Bai Ningxi?"

He nodded.

"Have you been contacted above? Please come with us."

The three left the dormitory building. All the way out of the dormitory area, through several buildings, to the training ground. Bai Ningxi followed without a word, but there was some doubt in his heart. He was willing to ask Uncle Chen to call him to save people, but this direction was obviously wrong. What happened?

As the soldiers crossed the training ground, they plunged into the woods, and the more they grew, the more the vegetation grew. Even if someone opened the road ahead, Bai Ningxi still had a hard time. I didn't know how long it was, and finally came to the edge of the barbed wire wall, one of which was cut open, and two soldiers were guarding it.

Walked through the barbed wire wall for a while, came to a small stream, and went up against the current. Gradually I can see the light in front, and sometimes there is the sound of talking. Through another bush, the sight suddenly opened up. I saw a small crowd around the stream, which seemed to be a medical staff.

Bai Ningxi was wondering, and saw the soldier walking in front of him suddenly stop, saluting, "Report to the colonel, someone brought!"

Then came a tall young man across from him, looked at him carefully and said, "You are the veterinarian of Bai Family? Why is it so small, it doesn't feel very reliable!"

Due to his family history, Bai Ningxi has been very good since he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that "a gentleman is gentle and gentle as a jade". However, at this moment, he couldn't help but jump straight on his forehead, and almost couldn't help cursing.

You are the vet! Your whole family is a veterinarian!

The author has something to say: continue to code the fourth more.

This article is structured on the basis of the real world, slightly beyond the scope of science, and will involve some anecdotes, such as Gua Gua, and various hodgepodges. The purpose is to make the protagonist Su Susu, not only the entertainment circle. There are also giant circles and red circles and black circles (what a ghost 23333, every circle is so full, you don't have to look at people based on your own ability. The degree of fantasy is like this, there will be no demon, ghost, fairy, etc., the full text is largest The plug-in is the protagonist 2333333333