MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 605 infatuation spell

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  Chapter 605 Infatuation Curse

  The morning of the first day of the new year.

   Hokkaido, which has been snowing for a whole month, is rarely sunny.

   In front of the full-length mirror, Sayu carefully observed herself in underwear, as if she was looking at someone else.

  Supple long brown hair, smooth and fat skin, feminine thighs and buttocks, exquisite waist, full **** that even I think look good.

  Fresh sunlight pours into the house from between the curtains, lining the transparent indigo underwear with a touch of beauty.

   "...If it were me like this, would that person feel moved?"

   She muttered to herself.

  Just like the faint sunshine, there seems to be a layer of tranquility floating on the hazy memory.

  Although she didn't pay attention to certain things, Sayu thinks she looks quite cute in terms of her external conditions.

  Whether it is on or off campus, the opposite **** will often come to her to strike up a conversation. This is not narcissistic boasting, but a matter of fact from an objective perspective.

   For things like love.

   She once thought it was a very troublesome thing.

  Although I don't say that I have any resistance to this, I don't have much interest either.

   But now, for the first time, she had the idea of ​​wishing that she could be more attractive.

  The girl leaned lightly on the dressing table behind her, with her hands resting on the edge of the table. Two slender and well-fitting thighs are close together, the snow-white calves are staggered back and forth, and the beautiful toes are as smooth as jade, full of vitality.

  She stared at herself in the mirror, and then made a movement like waving a magic wand.

   "Yusuke... falls in love with me, infatuation curse."

  The lips that were moisturized by the lip balm chanted.

   Then, she smiled embarrassingly again.

   As she changed into the clothes she had prepared the night before, she couldn't help but think.

  The connection between people does not have a well-arranged "foreshadowing" or "opportunity" like movies.

  The prince and princess have no clear reason at all, they just naturally attract and connect with each other.

   And she really can't be the princess who makes the prince fall in love at first sight...

   At this moment, a shout from outside interrupted her thoughts.

   "—Sayu~~~Are you ready? It's time for us to go to the shrine!"

  She opened the window and responded loudly to the vehicles parked at the door: "Understood, I'll be right there, brother, mother."

   Close the window again, and Sayu is ready to go downstairs.

  Before she was about to leave the room, she stopped abruptly and turned back to the dressing table, picking up the cinnabar bottle necklace that she almost forgot.

  After putting it on her neck properly, the girl calmed down and walked outside.

   She really can't be a princess, but...

   As long as she can become an ordinary girl who pursues her own happiness, that is enough.


  When I got in the car, my mother and brother were already waiting here.

"Sorry, I am late."

  When Sayu said this, Mrs. Ogiwara in the co-pilot turned her head to look.

   "Why don't you wear a scarf? Even if the snow stops today, you should pay attention to the cold and be careful of catching a cold."

   "Well, I know, Mom, I'll put it on before I get out of the car."

  Ogiwara Kazuki, who was in the driver's seat, looked at the two of them with a smile, and reminded: "Remember to fasten your seat belt, I'm ready to drive."

  The mother and daughter nodded, fastened their seat belts as they said, and said hello.

  Ogiwara Kazusa first turned up the heater, and then stepped on the accelerator to drive.

  The car drove out of the residential area and drove smoothly on the snowy road.

   The sky that I looked up inadvertently was very blue.

  Thick clouds like a group of whales are floating in the blue sky for thousands of miles. The weather is so good that it is hard to imagine that it was still snowing here yesterday.

  The air conditioner sends warm and pleasant wind, which is very comfortable to blow on the face.

"What a nice view…"

  Sayu quietly looked at the sky, murmured uncontrollably, and at the same time couldn't help thinking—

  Is that person also looking at the sky at this time?

   Does anyone around him remind him to wear a scarf?

  Is there any chance for her and him to stand under the same blue sky again, holding hands...?

  Thinking about it, sorrow gradually came to my heart, making my mood heavy.

  As if to expel those distracting thoughts from her head, she quickly shook her head, then took out her phone and pointed it out the window.


   Even though it didn't make sense, she took a picture of the sky at this moment, hoping to share it with that person one day.

   'It's ridiculous...'

   Sayu groaned inwardly.

  She who used to be indifferent to things like love, is like this now.

   However, she did meet.

  The guy she wanted to give everything to.

  The love affair that she wanted to bet everything on.

   While thinking about this silently, the elder brother in the front row suddenly spoke.

   "Speaking of which, it's almost Sayu's exam time, right?"


  Sayu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then came to his senses belatedly, "Ah, that's how it is...Is there any problem?"

   "It's nothing, it's just a sudden thought. I remember that this year's exam seems to be on... January 19th and 20th, right?"

   "Well... the national unified exam is indeed at that time, and the special exam for the university is next month."

   "That's it~!"

  Ogiwara Kazusa stared straight ahead, and asked with a hearty tone: "How is it going? Is Sayu confident about the exam?"

   "...I'm sorry, I didn't think that much, Misaki-sensei told me to play steadily."

  Sayu replied calmly, trying not to let her tone show abnormalities.

   "So that's the case, is it the so-called doing your best and obeying the destiny?"

  Ogiwara Kazusa nodded with a smile, "Then let's pray to the gods later, and bless Sayu to make it to the list!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Ogiwara next door frowned in displeasure.

   "Why are you talking about your sister so badly?"


   "Even if you don't rely on the gods, Sayu's usual grades are enough to be admitted to those good universities. Don't you know these things?"

  Hearing this, Ogiwara Kazusa blinked in astonishment, unable to laugh or cry:

   "Mom, you misunderstood me. Of course I know that Sayu's grades are very good. I said that just because I was afraid that she would be nervous at that time. There is no other meaning..."

   "Even so, you should pay attention."

   Mrs. Ogiwara insisted on this, "As the manager of a company, you should know the reason to pay attention to your words, right?"


  Ogiwara Kazusa touched his nose in embarrassment, and admitted his mistake very bachelorly, "You are right, I didn't think carefully, Sayu doesn't need me to do that kind of unnecessary thing..."

   "—What is a superfluous thing?"


   Mrs. Ogiwara frowned even deeper.

   "Sayu is about to take the big exam. Of course, our family must sincerely go to the shrine to pay homage, and pray to the gods to bless her with success. Don't make fun of such an important matter!"


  Ogiwara Kazusa was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to do.

   All the good and bad things have been said by one person, and what should he say.

   Very sensible, he thinks it is better to be a mute.

   "In short—"

   Mrs. Ogiwara solemnly exhorted: "We will all pray for Sayu today, including Sayu yourself, do you understand?"

""clear. ""

  The siblings agreed in unison.

   "There is also Yi Sa."

   Mrs. Ogiwara went on tirelessly:

   "We can't help Sayu with her final exam, but you need to work harder on other aspects.

  She will go to college soon, and the tuition and living expenses must be prepared in advance, so there will be no problems. "

   "Don't worry about this, I will be ready."

   "Don't just talk about it, it's better to implement this matter first."

   Mrs. Ogiwara's tone became a little anxious.

   "After all, Sayu has never traveled far since she was a child, but now she is about to go to such a far place alone.

  In case of any danger, none of us can rush to her immediately... In that case, in that case..."

   As she spoke, she couldn't help but become slightly agitated.

  Ogiwara Kazusa hurriedly comforted him when he saw this:

   "Okay, mother, calm down first.

  I will take care of all the issues you mentioned, and besides, there are still three months before the official start of the university, and I will accompany Sayu to report at that time, so don't worry! "

  His tone was full of helplessness, but his mood was full of comfort.

   Once upon a time, the mother who always treated Sayu harshly has disappeared in the distant memory, and what is left in front of her is an ordinary woman who simply cares about her daughter's safety.

   sneaks a glance in the rearview mirror.

  The girl sitting in the back row was staring at them blankly, her eyes were slightly red but she was silent.

  Ogiwara Kazusa was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled understandingly.

  ‘Sayu must have felt the same way. '

  He subconsciously determined so, and then deliberately used a lighter tone to ease the atmosphere.

   "Speaking of which, Sayu."

  He asked: "I remember I opened your own bank account for you before, do you still have that passbook?"

   With a slightly slower reaction than usual, the girl answered him.

   "...Well, it should be there, but I haven't used that thing, I need to look for it."

   "Ahaha, after all, you live at home all the time, so naturally you won't use that."

  Ogiwara Kazuki smiled and said:

   "Take it as a preparation for the future. Find that when you are free. Then I will directly transfer the money needed to go to Tokyo to your account."

   "Go to my account... is that okay?"

   "I don't think there is any problem. After all, you are an adult and can learn to plan your own life. Besides, you heard what mother said just now, right?"

   "—Yi Sa, he is right."

   Mrs. Ogiwara turned sideways, and continued his words.

   "In short, don't treat yourself badly when you go to Tokyo, remember to take good care of yourself.

   When you encounter difficulties, please contact us in time. If you are wronged, please go home. This place will always be your escape route. "


  Sayu looked at the two family members in the front row, murmured with her lips, and finally lowered her head and replied an "um" in a muffled voice.

   Facing the two people's undisguised love, while her heart was slightly burning, a wave of panic also followed.

  Is she really qualified to be in such a happy environment?

   Without that person, what would she be like now?

  Can her family still be in harmony like it is now?

  The moment she thought about it, she felt as if her heart was being tightly grasped.

  Then, the depths of her eyes began to heat up gradually, and tears were about to burst out of her eyes, but she forcibly held back.

  The boy's face loomed in her mind.

  Compared with the pain the other party has endured, this grievance is nothing at all.

  Sayu took a deep breath and let it out, then patted her cheeks with both hands to cheer herself up.

not to mention-

  ‘…This is not the end, but the beginning. '

  She told herself this way, her expression gradually becoming serious.

  A huge emotion was quietly conceived in my heart.


   Thank you [Tired Heart Sauce] for your tip.



  (end of this chapter)