MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 834 benefit exchange

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  Chapter 834 Benefit exchange

  The British royal family, strictly speaking, should be called the "Windsor family".

   Because their surname is "Mountbatten-Windsor"!

  Take Prince Charles as an example, his full name is "Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor" Prince...

  The name of a foreigner is like this. It not only has the surname, but also adds the name of his father, so it is very long.

  As for the full name of the nobleman, it is longer, because the name of the fief, title and so on will be added.

  Since the Romanov family reappeared, Rosiana's name has also become Grand Duke "Rosiana Romanov".

  Perhaps these royal families and nobles are deliberately using cumbersome etiquette and rules to distinguish themselves from civilians...


  At the welcome dinner held by Buckingham Palace, all members of the Windsor family also attended to express their importance to Wang Ye and Rosiana.

  Wang Ye originally wanted Charles to invite Abu to the dinner, but now it is obviously inappropriate.

  Because this dinner is more like a "family banquet", what is Abu's coming here?

   I can only find an opportunity to introduce Abu to Charles and they got to know each other later...

  Although Wang Ye has always been in contact with Prince Charles, there is still a considerable age difference between the two of them.

  The two sons of Charles, William and Harry, are about the same age as Wang Ye.

   But in terms of status, the two of them are a little far behind Wang Ye...

  Although William and Harry are also so-called princes, the throne is still far away from them.

  Let’s not talk about the two of them, their father Charles will have to wait another twenty years to inherit the throne, and the two of them don’t know how long they will have to wait.

   When it comes to net worth, it is even less of an order of magnitude.

  The two brothers don't have any property of their own, and they live on the "salary" paid by the royal family every year, and this salary is not very much, only hundreds of thousands of pounds.

  Of course, they can also choose to "chew the old".

  Living in Buckingham Palace, grandma can take care of the daily expenses without spending her own money...

   These, William and Harry also have self-knowledge.

  So in front of Wang Ye and Rosiana, the attitude of the two is still very humble, without putting on airs at all.

   On the contrary, he has some admiration and worship for Wang Ye.

  They are all of the same age. In terms of background, Wang Ye is obviously far behind the two of them.

  But what Wang Ye has achieved now is far beyond their reach!


   "Misha, in London these days, William and Harry can accompany you. You are both young people, and you are so outstanding. Please mention them more." The queen said with a smile.

   She still values ​​these two grandchildren very much, and hopes that they will become better.

   Now there is a standard "child from someone else's family" standing in front of her. Of course, the Queen hopes that her grandson can get in touch with Mikhail, an excellent young man, and learn more.

   It can also be said that she is also working hard to build contacts for her grandson.

Prince Charles also nodded quickly, patted the shoulders of his two sons, and said with a smile: "William, Harry, both of you and Misha are of the same age, and can be regarded as peers. Now that Misha is visiting London, You will be responsible for accompanying him these few days and take a good look around the city of London."

  William and Wang Ye are the same age, but his personality is a bit like his father, he looks more rigid and serious, although the top of his head is not bald, but it looks sparse.

  Those who don’t know, thought he was in his thirties, he looked much older than Wang Ye...

  Harry is two years younger than Wang Ye, and has a more cheerful and lively personality.

  The two brothers reacted differently when they heard what grandma and dad said.

  William nodded calmly, without saying anything.

And Harry was more excited, and said to Wang Ye with a smile: "That's great, the Arsenal team belongs to you now, and I can accompany you to watch the Arsenal game! Secretly tell you, I am also from Arsenal." Fans! I like many stars in the team, such as Henry, Nesta, etc., especially Ronaldinho, my God, his performance is simply too magical, like a magician!"

  This guy is still a chatterbox, and he talked to Wang Ye for a long time.

   and his silent brother formed two extremes.

  Harry is also a relatively rebellious person. Later, because of his wife, an old and beautiful second-rate actress with a second marriage and a baby, he fell out with the royal family, and even gave up his identity as a royal family.

   But these are things for later, now his elder brother is not married yet, and Harry is even earlier.

  After enjoying a sumptuous but not very tasty dinner, the queen went back to rest, leaving Charles and his son chatting with Wang Ye.

  The princess took Rosiana to "visit" the royal family's jewelry, artwork and other things that women are more interested in.

  Charles and Wang Ye came to a small living room and sat down.

  The living room is not big, the floor is covered with thick and soft carpets, and a bonfire is lit in the fireplace, making the room as warm as spring.

A gray-haired pure British butler in a tuxedo walked in with a few servants, placed red wine, coffee, snacks, fruits, and a cigar box on the solid wood coffee table, and then quietly walked out , close the door behind your back.

  Red wine paired with cigars, this can be regarded as the standard configuration of European high society...

"Misha, Russia's economic development seems to be quite good these years. I don't know if there are any good investment opportunities. Our royal investment fund still has some money that needs to be invested urgently. Do you have any good suggestions?" Charles twitched Asked casually while smoking a cigar.

  People in the royal family also have to eat. How could it be possible to maintain the extravagant quality of life of the royal family if they only rely on the little money allocated by the state every year.

  So, the royal family also established its own investment fund, but it has been established for so many years, and there are no commendable investment cases.

  Although there is no loss of money, the income is not high.

  Russian oligarchs made a lot of money in the past few years, and those old European "OLDMONEY" are naturally jealous.

  It's a pity that their hands can't reach Moscow yet. They can only watch the old American capital make a lot of money in Russia, and they can only drool on the side.

   Now that he has finally established a "relative" relationship with Mikhail, a real power figure in Russia, Charles can't wait to make a match with Wang Ye, and invest in the past to make money.

  Wang Ye sank into the soft and comfortable sofa, crossed his legs, and tasted a mellow cigar.

   After slowly exhaling a standard smoke ring, he said with a faint smile: "There are plenty of opportunities to make money, of course!"

  Charles, William and Harry suddenly became interested, they didn't expect Wang Ye to be so cheerful.

  William asked eagerly: "Misha, is there really a chance, a chance to make a lot of money!"

After finishing speaking, he seemed to feel that what he said was too "vulgar", smiled embarrassedly, and explained: "Misha, you may not know that the royal family does charity every year and needs to invest a large sum of money , so most of the money we earn from investment is invested in this aspect.”

  Wang Ye didn't take his words seriously.

   Making money is not shabby at all, so there is no need to hide it.

  He said casually: "I can provide three investment channels, all of which can make a lot of money, you can choose by yourself.

   The first one is my Crimei Investment Company.

  This company now almost monopolizes the best beaches and the best plots in the Crimea Peninsula, focusing on the development of tourism and real estate business in the Crimea Peninsula.

  The advantage is that the future income is very objective. The disadvantage is, of course, that the investment is relatively large and the time is relatively long. It is considered a long-term investment and cannot be rushed.

  The second one is still my company, Rosauto Group.

  You should also know this company, which has acquired the three car brands of Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo.

  Through the acquisition and reorganization, and after combing and integrating the production and sales of the three brands, it is estimated that it will turn around from loss to profit within three years at most.

   With the successful development of the Asia-Pacific market, it will also be able to make a lot of money in the future.

   The third one is naturally my own company, Kitty Eagle Group.

   This company owns the only gambling card in Russia!

  Its business covers gaming, hotel, shopping, tourism and other businesses.

  Three gaming centers and a super cruise ship have already been put into operation. At the same time, it also has three five-star hotels. In the future, it will invest in the top luxury shopping malls in Russia.

  The business of the group will also expand to European and Asian countries..."

  In fact, Wang Ye’s profitable companies are of course more than these three.

   There are actually Polar Bear Investment Company, Yukos Group, and Siberia Gold that are more profitable!

  But these group companies don't want outsiders to come in and pick peaches.

  The reason why we say Crimei Investment Company, Kitty Hawk Group and Russian Automobile Group is that after these three companies introduce the capital of the British royal family, it will be of great benefit to the company!

  After listening to Wang Ye's words, Charles and his son looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

  They are considering whether the three companies mentioned by Wang Ye are worth investing in, or how much profit they can get after investing!

  Since they have long planned to invest in Russia, they have also done some homework, especially for these companies under Wangye, they have a clearer understanding.

  For such a big event, Charles would naturally need to make up his mind.

   After pondering for a moment, he tentatively said:

   "I know a little bit about the Crimea Investment Company. The amount of funds needed there is too large, and our little money will not be of much use.

  As for the Russian Automobile Group and the Kitty Eagle Group, they are indeed good investments.

  As far as I am concerned, I am more optimistic about the development of the Little Eagle Group, but I am worried that it involves the gaming industry..."

  What he was worried about, he didn't say clearly, but Wang Ye also understood what he meant.

   It’s nothing more than wanting to make money, but not wanting to damage your reputation!

   Gambling, the reputation is not that good after all, Wang Ye may not care.

  But the British royal family can’t help but care, for them, face and reputation are everything, even higher than life!

Wang Ye smiled and said euphemistically: "The gaming industry is only a part of the business of the Kitty Hawk Group, and it will not even be the main business in the future. My goal is to make the Kitty Hawk Group the largest high-star hotel group in the world, and the top luxury hotel group. The shopping mall group. These two businesses will be the focus of future operations.”

   These words are not trying to fool Charles, but Wang Ye's true thoughts.

  The gaming industry is very profitable, but it is too restricted.

  It can still be used to earn start-up capital in the early stage, but as the size of the Little Eagle Group grows, the profits provided by gambling alone will not be enough.

  The high-star hotels and luxury shopping centers he mentioned are the real kings!

   Among other things, just a luxury shopping mall, the money earned in a year may be much higher than that of a gaming center!

   There are too many examples of this.

   And this is a legitimate business, which can be developed to any city in any country.

   Needless to say, the hotel business is now opened along with the gaming center, and will be gradually spun off in the future to form a hotel business department.

   As for the shopping center, the Joy City in the domestic capital has been completed and is under intense renovation.

  Moscow has also bought land, next to the Kitty Hawk Hotel, and plans to build the top high-end shopping mall in Russia!

  The world's most famous luxury brands are gathered here, attracting wealthy people from all over Eastern Europe to shop and spend...


   Hearing Wang Ye's explanation, Charles showed a smile on his face.

He said straightforwardly: "That would be great! I am inclined to invest in the Kitty Eagle Group. To be honest, the reputation of our royal family still has a certain influence on this business, and it can be considered as a disguised way to enhance the competition of the group's business. I'm strong."

  Charles meant that their family's reputation is world-renowned, which can just enhance the popularity of the Kitty Eagle Group's hotel business and top luxury shopping malls.

   After all, this kind of place, with a title of "queen use", is fatally attractive to those who are rich but not high enough!

  In the future, every time the Kitty Eagle Group opens a new high-star hotel, it will invite the British royal family and even the royal families from all over Europe to come and stay for two days, and then they can publicize that this is the "XX Royal Family Overseas Holiday Designated Hotel"!

   This gimmick seems to be pretty good.

  Of course, this is the purpose of Wang Ye asking them to invest in shares.

   The name of the Romanov family alone cannot support such a large business.

   These days, the name of the British royal family is still very useful...


  They also simply communicated their investment intentions.

   How to invest, how much to invest, and how many shares to occupy. These details need to wait for both parties to send professionals to communicate.

  Wang Ye will give the British royal family some preferential treatment in terms of shareholding, but will not make too many concessions.

   After all, everyone is a royal family, and I don’t expect to hug the queen’s thighs, so why should I cut my cake too much for them.

   Just give them some sweetness and let them taste it.

  Charles is also a smart person, so he shouldn't be too greedy.

   are distant relatives themselves, if there is a combination of interests, the relationship between the two parties will naturally become closer.

   In the next few days, William and Harry acted as "tour guides" and accompanied Wang Ye and Rosiana to tour the entire city of London...

  (end of this chapter)