MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 909 give it a go

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"Everyone has been arranged. Apart from me coming to sit in town this time, Anderov actually came to Kiefu earlier, and an elite team of hundreds of people was also broken up and scattered in several major cities across Ukraine. within the city.

   Of course, most of them are in Kiefu.

  However, none of these people can appear publicly, they are only cooperating with your work secretly, and you have to do things that are open to the public. "

  Wang Ye explained the matter clearly and simply.

   This is the action plan that he and Andlov made in Kifford years ago. At that time, it was just that they hadn't decided who would cooperate on the surface.

   Turns out now with Natalia, the plan is perfect.

   Not only can you wipe out all the people from the priority department, but you can also take the opportunity to push Natalia, let her make a splendid appearance, and pave the way for her next promotion!

   It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

  Natalia understood what Wang Ye meant.

  She widened her eyes in horror, stared at Wang Ye closely, and asked after a while, "This time... will it be a big deal?"

  Wang Ye looked a little dignified, nodded, and responded:

   "According to the current intelligence, it is estimated to be very large!

  But as long as we can start in advance and prevent problems before they happen, there will be no trouble.

  But in the process, a large number of people will be arrested or even killed!

  Also, it is not clear for the time being whether the opponent can still create a storm, or if there is any hidden backhand to deal with it.

  That's why I came here in person. In case of any accident, I can make a decision on the spot to avoid delays. "

  Natalia gasped, Wang Ye said so, so it seems that many people will die this time!

  But she didn't shrink back, but was a little eager to try.

  Because this is a great opportunity for her!

  An independent prosecutor, in the presidential election, investigated a certain candidate for fraud, even internal and external collusion, and foreign forces interfering in the election!

   This is big news that can cause a sensation all over the world!

   And my name, along with this news, will be spread by news media all over the world...

  Of course, besides fame, qualifications are more important to Natalia.

  As long as this case is settled, his status and reputation in the entire Ukrainian judicial system will be unmatched!

  After Yanukovych came to power, he could justifiably nominate himself as the chief prosecutor.

  It is extremely rare in the world to become the Attorney General in his twenties, and it can even be said to be the only one!

  Combined with the particularity of the judicial system, then he is almost equal to the "lifetime" attorney general, unless he intends to develop in other directions.


   "So what do I need to do now?

  But I just arrived here, I don’t have any contacts, and I don’t have any subordinates that can be used, so things are a bit difficult.

   Besides, my independent prosecutor's office can't engage in temporary recruitment for the society, let Wagner's people mix in. "

  Besides being excited, Natalia was also a little depressed.

   Also, although there are enough people behind the scenes, there is no need to doubt Wagner's strength and ability, but the problem now is that there are no people available on the surface.

  Natalia can’t just be a bare-bones commander, and then leave anything to Wagner’s security personnel. There are also procedural problems, and it’s not rigorous enough!

Wang Ye said calmly: "This problem is very easy to solve. The Presidential Palace and the Verkhovna Rada have given you a lot of autonomy, you should make good use of it. For example, you can come from any area in Uzbekistan Mobilize public officials to join your independent prosecutor's office.

  Although you are not familiar with the place here and don’t have any available manpower, don’t forget that Crimea is also an area under Kifu’s jurisdiction, and the manpower there can also be transferred to your office to work. "

  Natalia's eyes lit up and she patted her forehead.

  I was really brain-dead, I didn't even think of this method.

  In the letter of appointment of the independent prosecutor, it is indeed vague that as long as it is for investigation, any means can be used at its discretion, and no other department should interfere with the work of the independent prosecutor's office...

   It is really difficult for ordinary people to understand what these sentences mean, and it is difficult to grasp the boundary of authorization.

  But under Wang Ye's interpretation, all this is no longer a problem.

  Because this so-called independent prosecutor was created at his behest, including the scope of authorization, which was also the result of bargaining between him and Guccima.

   Then he naturally has the "final right of interpretation"...

   Besides, who can control Natalia's head in the current chaotic scene of Kiefu.

As long as she wears the big hat of "independent prosecutor" and builds a "strong" team under her, and has the authorization of the Presidential Palace and the Verkhovna Rada to "enforce the law" against anyone and any department, it will definitely be a miracle Kill gods and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas!

   There should be no one who is not open-eyed and dares to provoke her.

   As for transferring people from Crimea, there is too much room for movement.

  Because Wagner has undertaken a lot of government work in Crimea, agencies such as security and defense are basically half-public and half-private.

  The people Natalia transferred over were of course Wagner's people.

  With Wang Ye, the real boss behind the Wagner Company, sitting here, he is absolutely instigating, and he will fight wherever he dictates!


   After discussing the business, Natalia remembered something. She looked at Wang Ye eagerly and asked, "By the way, you will be staying in Kiefu for a while, right?"

  Wang Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I guess it will take at least a month to return to Moscow after the general election is settled. Otherwise, I always feel a little suspenseful and uneasy."

  Natalia was overjoyed, and she quickly said: "You can live with me, this apartment is quite big, and it is very quiet and safe..."

  Wang Ye certainly understands what is going on in her heart.

  But he originally planned to live with Natalia, and he made preparations in advance...

"Well, I have asked people to buy this apartment and several buildings next door in advance, and now this area should be the safest place in the entire Kiefu. Upstairs, downstairs and the buildings next to it, people live They are all our own people." Wang Ye said with a smile.

  Natalia was dumbfounded, this is too exaggerated!

  Although the building I live in and the buildings next to it are not high-rise buildings, after all, there are very few high-rise buildings in Jifu, and most of the buildings are old buildings decades ago.

   But this is the city center, and the price is not too cheap. To buy all the buildings, not to mention how much it will cost, it is quite a hassle just to negotiate with the property owners.

  But after thinking about it, she felt that although this kind of thing was like a fantasy to herself, to a big man like Mikhail, it might be a one-sentence matter...

   She guessed it right. Wang Ye just mentioned it when he called Andlov last time, saying that Wagner Company must also have an office in Kiefu in the future.

  In addition, there are many people lurking in Kefu during this period of time, and they also need to have a foothold, just buy a few buildings and forget it.

  So Andlov quickly settled the matter, surrounding the apartment where Natalia lived, and bought all the surrounding houses.

  As for why those owners sold the house to Andlov so readily?

   Firstly, it was because he bid generously, which would be at least 30% to 50% higher than the market price!

  Secondly, if you really meet someone who asks for a lot of money, Anderov will immediately let the other party understand that you should not be too greedy, otherwise accidents will easily happen...

  Of course, the house Natalia lived in belonged to Yulia, and Andlov did not buy it.


  In the next few days, Wang Ye lived in seclusion, stayed in the apartment building, and set up a room on the top floor as an office.

  Besides him, Anderov is also working in the next room.

  There is a clear division of labor between the two. Wang Ye is only responsible for communication and negotiation at the highest level in Uzbekistan externally, and internally coordinates the actions of Natalia and Wagner, and finalizes the strength and execution time of specific actions, etc.

   And Andlov personally commanded Wagner's staff who had been disintegrated into pieces. Dozens of teams were scattered in Kiefu and even some cities outside the city.

  He is directly commanding to the level of the squad leader.

  Assign daily tasks to each team, collect and analyze the action progress, extract important matters and report to Wang Ye, etc.

  Although it was the first time for the two of them to work together on a major event, it must be said that because both of them had extremely high efficiency and the same decisive style of doing things, they cooperated quite tacitly.

   Almost nothing went wrong, and all actions are progressing steadily as planned.

  But what the two of them did was hidden in the shadows, just like the turbulence under the calm water, still brewing silently...

  At the same time, Natalia also started to get busy.

  Convene people, form a team, and start an in-depth investigation of the election fraud case.

  However, many people did not pay attention to her movements, because no one thought that she, the so-called independent prosecutor, could really do anything.

  Basically, it was used as a cover for her. It was just a superficial article made by the old fox Guccima to cope with the pressure of public opinion.

  The truly intense and most eye-catching "battlefields" are, of course, still in major constituencies and major news media.

  As the results of each constituency were announced, the atmosphere has entered a fever pitch...

  Uzbekistan has a total of 24 states, an autonomous region of Crimea (country), two municipalities directly under the central government (Kiefu and Sebas Potor), with a population of 40 million, which is considered a big country in Europe.

  Among the twenty-six electoral districts across the country (Krimi has its own system and does not participate in the general election), nineteen electoral districts have already counted the results.

   Yanukovych and Priority Branch received 61% and 39% of the vote, respectively.

   Yanukovych has a huge lead!

  But there are still seven constituencies left, and they are all places with a relatively large population, so there are still certain variables. It cannot be said that he will win 100% at the moment.

  However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Yanukovych basically won the general election, and the general situation of the priority department is over.

Because most of the remaining electoral districts are Yanukovych’s base. As long as there are no major accidents, the priority divisions can be reversed, and the gap can be kept from being widened. He won!


  In the past few days, there seems to be a depressive atmosphere in Kefu and several surrounding cities.

  On the streets and alleys, young people in a hurry can often be seen gathering together in twos and threes, whispering about something.

   When you approach them, they stop talking very warily and turn their heads to look at you.

  And in some media outlets, they began to report some of the same news tacitly.

  It’s all about how dark this election is, how despicable Yanukovych and the others are, how they tampered with the votes, and randomly tampered with voters’ votes, etc.

  Anyway, it can be summed up in one sentence, there is a problem with this general election, and they do not recognize the election result!

   Correspondingly, the pro-Yanukovych media began to celebrate happily, thinking that the current election results represent the true public opinion of the whole country!

  It shows that Yanukovych is popular and popular...

  In the past few days, Yanukovych and Yulia have also begun to frequently appear on major TV programs, talking about the identity of the "next president"!

   Talk freely about how and how to make changes after taking office, what measures will be adopted to make the country's economy develop rapidly, and what policies will be promoted to increase the income of the people...

  Actually, there is nothing wrong with what he said, and this is what a person of his status should talk about.

   But the problem is that the key is that he thinks he has won the election, but his competitors don't think so.

  Competitors think that there is still room for "rescue" in this matter, and they can give it a go!


   On February 18, 2005, the election results of the last two constituencies were finally announced.

  This national election can be regarded as the end.

  In the end, Yanukovych and Priority received 68% and 32% of the votes respectively...

   If you only look at this data, the gap between the two seems to be a bit big. The number of people who support Yanukovych is more than twice as many as those who support Priority!

  This is also in line with the results analyzed by professionals from all sides before the election.

  The miracle didn't happen, and the Priority Division could only be regarded as accompanying this time.

  Guccima also expressed congratulations to Yanukovych at the first time, and a handover ceremony will be officially held a week later, that is, the power and position of the president will be handed over to Yanukovych!

   For the current results, Gu Qima is very satisfied, because this is what he hopes to see.

  Yanukovych can be regarded as being cultivated by him. His ruling philosophy is similar to his own, and he can continue some of his own policies.


   Facing the result of failure, Priority Division was not reconciled, because the price of failure was too high for them to bear!

  Then there is only one last way to go...