MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 911 Martial law throughout the city

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  Chapter 911 Martial Law in the City

   "Mr. Priority Division, you can start to act.

   Now that the election results have just come out, the people who support us are also at the most emotional stage, and a little agitation can achieve good results.

  If this best time window is missed and everyone no longer cares about the campaign, it will be difficult to gather so many people.

  So, simply, inform your contacts and act according to the established plan.

  It only takes one day to spread our flag all over Kifu, and let the whole world hear our cries..."

  In the office of the priority department's campaign headquarters, a campaign consultant was standing in front of the priority department full of enthusiasm and talking eloquently.

  Xiu Ke was a little hesitant. He was sitting on the sofa with a cigarette in his hand, his face was haggard.

  He is very clear that as long as this step is taken, then he and Yanukovych will be in an endless scene!

   It can even be said that this is a road of no return that cannot be turned back!

  Perhaps this road can make a comeback and overturn the result of the general election.

   But the consequences are extremely serious. Even if he is on stage, he is only the spokesperson of some forces.

   One could even say "puppet"...

   But if you don’t take this step, you will lose in the general election. Will you let yourself go after Yanukovych takes power to gain a firm foothold…

  Thinking of this, Priority Branch has already made up his mind.

  Being a puppet, at least one can stand on the stage in style and live decently enough!

  As for the loss of national interests, the sale of energy and minerals at a low price, and the poor life of ordinary people, what does this have to do with me...

  He stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth and said: "Then let's do it! Inform everyone, gather in the downtown square tomorrow morning, and display our flags and slogans!"

   After receiving the approval of the priority department, his campaign team began to get busy.

   The team is huge and professional!

  In the scandal-ridden situation, it is not easy for the priority department to enter the final election and get more than 30% of the votes.

  The team includes not only professionals from Europe and the United States, but also people sent by some local oligarchic forces.

  They all "gambled" on the priority department and invested a lot of resources, hoping that after the priority department wins the general election, it will bring them rich returns...

  Huge amounts of money and resources have been poured down, but the expected results have not been achieved. In fact, it is no longer up to the priority department to decide.

  If he is "interested" and willing to come forward to issue this order and promote the smooth implementation of the plan, then everyone will still use him as the representative and let him stand at the forefront.

   This can also be justified, saving a lot of trouble.

  But if the priority department is only willing to admit defeat and doesn't want to continue to toss, then I'm afraid he can't help it.

  Someone will "represent" him to issue orders. Anyway, the following things will be carried out according to the established plan, and will not be transferred by someone's will...


  Through various contact methods such as telephone and Internet, the campaign team of Priority Section issued the action order.

  Under the cover of night, countless people started to act.

  Dania is an ordinary Kiev resident who has just graduated from university for two years and works in a small company.

  His life can only be said to be good or bad. He can't die of starvation, and food and clothing can still be guaranteed, but there is absolutely no wealth and quality of life.

  After all, his monthly income is only more than 300 US dollars. This salary is already considered good in Kifford, above the average level.

  Kifu’s prices are not much lower than those in Moscow, so living on this salary is quite embarrassing.

  After get off work, Dania’s main form of entertainment is surfing the Internet, so that he can gain the greatest happiness at the lowest cost.

   This is also the way of life of most young people like him in Kiefer.

  Through the Internet, everyone broadened their horizons, realized the differences in the world, and made many friends with the same hobbies.

  In this exchange forum, Dania met many like-minded friends.

  They are all young people who are extremely dissatisfied with the reality. They think that this group of old bureaucrats, including Guccima, are corrupt and incompetent. They will only make the country worse and worse, and there is no hope at all.

  At the same time, Dania and the others all believe that the country should completely follow the Western path and learn from developed countries in Europe and America, ****!

  In this regard, they all respect the priority of the Western School, and believe that this person is a politician who truly pleads for the people and can do practical things!

   Instead of old-fashioned bureaucrats like Guccima and Yanukovych.

  During that period, there were many articles on the Internet that specifically touted Priority, portraying Priority as an aggressive and enlightened politician who was extremely popular in Europe and the United States.

  It seems that as long as the priority department can be elected, the future of Uzbekistan will be bright!

  So, at the beginning of this general election, Dania and the others are very supportive of the priority department, not only supporting it themselves, but also encouraging colleagues, friends, family and neighbors around them to support the priority department together.

  In the beginning, the frenzy did play a big role.

  In the previous polls, Priority Branch was able to surpass Yanukovych, gaining a great advantage.

   But after the "scandal" of the Priority Division broke out, Dania and the others were hit hard, because many people laughed at them for supporting a "premature criminal"!

  Many people in the circle that jointly supported Priority Division also left, but Dania stayed.

  He firmly believes that these things are fictitious, fabricated by Yanukovych and the others, with the purpose of discrediting the priority department!

   There are not a few people who think the same as Dania. It is not so much that they choose to continue to believe in the priority department, it is better to say that they are just unwilling to let their ideals be completely shattered.

  Everyone gritted their teeth and continued to support the priority department, but they still had the last hope.

   But when the election was drawing to a close, Dania and the others fell into a trough, because the distance behind was too great, and there was no chance of a comeback.

  It was difficult for them to accept this result, so many media reported that there was a shady scene in the so-called election, that Yanukovych and the others were making large-scale fakes, etc., which made Dania and the others angry.

  Dania believed these reports, because he felt that if the election was really fair, how could the Priority Division be so far behind!

  So, there must be someone who is cheating and cheating!

  In the past two days, it was difficult to vent her anger, and Dania was like a caged beast...

  Of course, this is just describing his mood.


   On the evening of February 18, the final election results came out. As everyone expected, Yanukovych was far ahead, and the priority department suffered a disastrous defeat.

Seeing this result, Dania became numb. In the forum where they often communicated, except for a few people who posted angrily scolding Yanukovych for being shameless, most people were too lazy to speak because everyone was in a bad mood. good.

  Emotions accumulated in silence, Dania felt that he had to do something, he couldn't just admit defeat quietly like this.

   But what to do, he couldn't think of any good ideas.

  Sitting at the table, scrolling through forums and websites over and over again, not even in the mood for dinner.

   At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, he suddenly received a message from a netizen, telling him to go to the forum to gather as soon as possible, something big is about to happen!

   Dania's heart moved, he quickly switched browsers, and came to the forum he frequented most.

   Sure enough, on the homepage of the forum, there was an eye-catching post that was pinned to the top and marked red.

  The title is very eye-catching, with bold and red characters "Tomorrow, let the whole world see our yearning for democracy and freedom!" "

   Opening this post with trembling hands, after glancing at it, Dania felt an electric current rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and goosebumps arose!

  The post clearly states that all supporters of the Priority Division will be called on to hold a parade in the downtown square tomorrow morning. Everyone’s goal is to completely overthrow the results of this election.

   calls for another election, and Yanukovych is not allowed to participate…

  If the government doesn’t agree with everyone’s request, then the parade will continue forever, the entire Kifu will be paralyzed, all streets will be closed, and all public facilities will be burned and smashed...

  In short, it is to tell everyone clearly that this time is not a so-called peaceful march, but a violent one!

   But this way is precisely the most popular with people like Dania.

  The moment Dania saw this post, Dania suddenly realized that this is what she always wanted to do!

  Yes, the corrupt old order must be overthrown and smashed before a new order can be born.

  During this pursuit process, don’t imagine any peaceful transition, because those vested interests in the old order cannot give up their power and interests.

   Therefore, more effective means must be used, and some damage may be mixed in the middle, and some costs must be paid, but it is all worth it!


  At the end of the post, people who are willing to participate tomorrow are asked to leave a message. Dania refreshed the post and found that thousands of people have left messages below.

  All supporters, all must be present!

  Of course, Dania immediately left a message excitedly, and then had a heated discussion with netizens on the forum about what kind of clothes and what kind of equipment should be worn tomorrow.

   Do you want to take the guy directly and start working...

  On the Internet in Uzbekistan tonight, similar situations can be seen everywhere, and there are such posts in many forums.

   Almost every post has many netizens leaving messages of support, saying that they will definitely participate in the parade tomorrow.

  Of course, a considerable part of them really support the priority department, but there are also quite a few people, perhaps just to join in the fun...

   But in any case, this parade call is quite efficient.

  It took only one night to gather together... If someone counts, maybe the number of people who want to participate just by leaving a message has exceeded 100,000!

   This is a pretty scary number.

  With the passage of time, things have already fermented, and when it really starts tomorrow, some people may directly join in.

  The parade of more than 100,000 people is very sensational in any country and cannot be ignored.

   Not to mention that this event is not a group of harmony, but will be accompanied by smashing and looting...

  The participants are almost all young people, and their destructive ability is very strong.


  While Dania and the others were still discussing on the Internet all night and had no intention of sleeping, a big operation in Kiefu City had already begun.

  Natalia is wearing a neat prosecutor's uniform, with two gold stars on her shoulders and a big-brimmed hat on her head. She looks heroic!

  She is standing on the rostrum of the large conference hall, making the final mobilization.

   "Comrades, the specific missions of each team, detailed information on the people to be arrested, etc., have been distributed.

  The last thing I want to say is that the task must be absolutely completed, because it concerns the survival of the entire Kifu, and even our entire country!

  The seriousness of this matter cannot be overemphasized.

  So we must completely kill all the signs and arrest all the main organizers before things really happen, that is, tonight.

   If anyone dares to resist and resist arrest during the operation, I authorize you as an independent prosecutor to kill them on the spot!

  Any individual or institution that obstructs our law enforcement actions will be regarded as treason!


  Natalia's words made everyone present stand in awe.

   Everyone also knows what might happen tomorrow and what everyone is going to do tonight.

   It is indeed as Natalia said, if they really get into trouble tomorrow, no one can guarantee where this country will go.

  Of course, most of these people were transferred by Natalia from Crimea, and many of them were even Wagner's staff.

  Now that the company boss Mikhail and Colonel Andlov have authorized Natalia, everyone naturally listens to her orders.

  Finally, with an order of "start action", everyone quickly got up and walked out of the large conference hall.

   On the square outside, vehicles and teams of fully armed law enforcement teams have already been prepared. The captains of each team scattered to every corner of the city of Kiefu according to the tasks they received under the cover of night...


  After sending the team out, Natalia's work is not yet done.

  She came directly to a small temporary studio next to her.

  Here, a live broadcast team from the national TV station had already been waiting here. After Natalia entered the door, the live broadcast began immediately.

  At the same time, Natalia's live broadcasts appeared on all televisions that were turned on, no matter what channel, in the whole of Ukraine.

  Natalia stood there upright, her face was serious and even dignified, and she said in a deep voice:

   "Entrusted by the Presidential Palace, I hereby announce that starting immediately, Kifu City will enter a state of emergency alert, and everyone will stay indoors and must not go out."

   It's the last day of the month, everyone's monthly tickets should be cleaned up, don't forget.



  (end of this chapter)