MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 630 Expert Trial

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The Trial Land is one of the most important organizations in the Temple of War.

This is a planetarium-shaped building. The sky is full of all kinds of teleportation arrays with different colors. Many players are looking around for news from different trial locations, or seeking to form a team, but more people choose to run alone.

There was a commotion at the gate, and many people projected their eyes.

Soon after, he saw that Lin Jie came in with a large number of votes, and Lin Jie's face was calm, but the big men behind him were blue-faced and fangs.

Everyone who saw this scene speculated and debated: Who is this person? Actually come out to work with such a big ticket?

自然 Naturally, they didn't know that these "follow-ups" all wanted to kill the leader.

"Hello, I am Joseph, the leader of the Trial Land." A beard greeted, "You are the first time to come to the Trial Land, and I will lead your adventure. Come with me." Everyone Surprised, this guy is really new! The eyes of the "following class" behind them also flickered. As soon as they came to the Temple of War, they could regret the characters of the Lion King. It seems that this guy is not weak. However, this thought just passed by. This group are all old people. The characters who have been in the temple of war for a long time will be afraid of a gimmick?

"You can freely choose the trial place here, according to the difficulty, it can be divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, and expert. There will be corresponding tasks in the trial places above the advanced level, and you can get a battle point by completing the task. Personally, I don't recommend you choose a trial place above intermediate level, because your current strength is not strong. "Introduced and sent a list to Lin Jie.

"Choose your trial place. There is no time limit for the trial place. You can teleport it at any time, but the battle point will not be returned. Unless you have completed the conditions for the trial place."

Lin Jie glanced at the list:

Test of Dragon Jupiter: Elementary. Battle point 100.

Trial requirements: Kill at least 30 dragon wood monsters and collect 20 dragon wood leaves.

Emerald Tower Trial: Advanced, Battle Point 300.

要求 Trial Requirements: Explore the 50th floor of the Emerald Tower and win an Emerald Pearl.

Quest: Rob the Emerald Dragon Ball, grab the Emerald Phoenix Lin, and conquer the Emerald Tower.

Trial of the Night: Intermediate. Battle Point 200 ...

Uh ...

Seven Nights Trial: Expert, Battle Point 500.

Trial Requirements: Kill 1500 Dark Demons.

Quest: Temper the magic heart, kill the guardian demons, kill seven nights!

"Oh? Expert-level trial? It's him!" Lin Jie clapped.

"Expert?" Not to mention a group of eye-catching followers, even frowning frantically, "Your strength is not enough for expert tasks. At least you should master one of your own skills ..."

"You can't enter without your own skills?" Lin Jie asked.

"This is not ..."

"Let me in." Lin Jie glanced back and smiled, "I have teammates. Don't be afraid."

Compromised, waving his hand to open the teleportation team, saying, "500 points will be deducted for entry, and the battle points can be returned after completing the trial requirements. Additional battle points can be obtained by completing the task. Please check for specific rewards."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Jie strode forward. Step straight into the teleportation array.

地 Here is the place of trial!

"He. Damn. Come in with him! Isn't it 500 battle points? I fight!" There were clucking teeth around the hall. To pay 500 battle points, to the latter group of people, it is obviously painful.

The difficulty of expert-level trials is close to 100%. These 500 battle points are basically destined to be equivalent to hitting dogs with meat buns. However, there are still many people who show a firm expression: For the Lion King fist, spending 500 battle points is also worth it!

Uh ...

"Originally, the teleportation array of the Temple of War. It is similar to the era of the continent. However, if you want to come, the so-called Temple of War is a hidden map, at most it is a monster with a higher grade." Lin Jie looked at this one and called it ' The trial map of Seven Nights Magic Stars, as soon as he stepped in, his nose poured into an extremely pungent **** smell. Under the impact, Lin Jie could not help but cough.

Who is Lin Jie? But he went through hell, went to the Tianshan Mountains, killed the dragon, and bit the zombie in the violent battle. Not to mention being immune to blood, at least the resistance is infinitely close to MAX. The **** smell of the Seven Nights Magic Star is really painful. When it **** into the nostril, it seems that every hair in the nose must be irritated.

"Let's turn off your sense of smell." Lin Jie thought.

Ding Ding ~

—— "Sorry, this map does not allow to turn off the perception function."

Lin Jie was dumbfounded, good guy, could it be considered a trial to bear this disgusting blood smell? Seems right! Helpless, he can only frown, forcing himself to adapt to the taste here.

"I am so disgusting!"

"This is an expert map? I don't think it will be a bit spectacular at least, this is a blood pool!"

"This is a rotten blood pool. After the demon melts the body with rotten water, the blood pool created by mixing venom blood can be used to make demons in batches. It is like our workshop ..."

呕 "Spit ... why don't you say it!"

林 Follow Lin Jie to enter the seven night magic star players, a total of 17 players. Others didn't come in because of insufficient battle points or unwillingness to take the risk. The first thing these seventeen people did when entering the map was not hands, but one by one kneeling and retching, the **** smell was poured from the nasal cavity, mouth, and even both ears, only making people's head dizzy!

Although Lin Jie felt uncomfortable, he was far from like these people. In the past life, in order to earn more remuneration, he didn't know how many other players were unwilling to accept the business, what corpses, blood, pus and sputum, experienced too much, so his resistance can be regarded as a monster Level.

The group of people in front of them, although they are highly skilled, can be called "pampering". How can it be as bumpy as Lin Jie? Lin Jie hammered the blade and reminded him kindly, "Dear everyone, the map of the field is here, do you still not do it?"

Twenty-seven people can't wait to put Lin Jie right on the spot. Then the players who left immediately carrying his body looked at each other for a few moments, and finally made up their minds to do something to do. One of them, thin and monkey-like, stood up and shouted, "Stop it!"

Yanhua just exported. The mist of blood snoring and snoring condensed into the size of a horse, and drilled into the mouth.

"Spit ..." The man vomited a long time, his face turned black with red, blue tendons accentuated, and finally shouted a ‘groove’, then he gave up and quit.

This scene made everyone look at each other.

The blood of the Seven Nights Magic Star is just like that!

Compared to this person. Lin Jie's expression was much calmer. After all, he is a violent war, has a natural affinity for blood, and his mental and physical qualities are far beyond ordinary people, naturally he does not change his face and heart. He said, "Okay, everyone, now we are all stuck in the expert-level trial map. If we go out like this, 500 battle points will be lost. Why don't we cooperate and cooperate?"

"What the **** ... vomit." A thief released a hand that squeezed his nose, and just spit out a few words. He retched again and vomited to the side.

"It's very simple. In fact, I have no injustice with everyone, but I just provoke a strong old man and didn't accept his extortion. Everyone, when you first entered the temple of war. Haven't you been blackmailed, haven't you ever suffered Is it fair? "Lin Jie's tone calmed down, looking at the crowd with a questioning look. Although everyone's postures and expressions are slightly awkward, they still have no problem passing their eyes, and they all agree.

Lin Jie took a breath. Continued, "However, I can understand your choices. It's better to do this. We joined forces and passed this trial map to earn at least the battle points. Then everyone killed me once and got me a reward. Why? kind?"

He said, Lin Jie waved his hand, Neptune Scale Armor, and Holy Light Wing Armor and Blood Wing state opened at the same time! The whole blood rolled immediately. Although Lin Jie's blood is also bloody, he has a fresh and elegant taste. This is the essence of savage blood, all kinds of rare blood, and even the precious dew of morning dew and evening dew.

Lin Jie's flesh, like an umbrella, stretched out a piece of pure land.

"Whirring whirring……"

"Much more comfortable ..."

"Stop me ..."

Twenty-six people hurriedly inhaled, for fear that the fresh air would disappear. After the complexion recovered, the people looked at Lin Jie with vigilance. After a long silence, someone finally came forward and said, "Okay, we agree with you. At least, the air around you allows us to move freely."

寂 "Quiet, who gave you the power to let you make decisions for us?" An impatient voice sounded from the crowd. Looking at the situation, it was a very young guy who was only 20 years old at best. Classes are Judo specializations in the Fighter branch.

The person who stood up and agreed with Lin Jie's approach was a mature and **** uncle ‘Silence’, a professional dark swordsman. Hidden occupations are not uncommon in this place of the Temple of War, and do not require much surprise.

Silence smiled very gracefully, and 4 people stood behind him immediately, "How about the power my teammate gave me?"

He is silent, he is the only one who has ‘tugged and brought his mouth’. In other words ... his original intention was to form a group to kill Lin Jie.

"No, it ’s a big deal. You have to say it ~ ~ Judo boy said that he ’s a bad smell, and turned around and said to Lin Jie," I ’m called genius Fuji. name. In order to learn the Lion King fist, I will kill you many, many times! "

Lin Jie ignored the words of this little fart and turned around, "Everyone has no opinion?"

"No, no." Everyone shook their heads. Although this feeling of being led by the nose is a little uncomfortable, it is better than kneeling on the floor and vomiting! Look, how good the rhythm is now-first do the task to accumulate battle points, and then kill people for Lion King fist, both sides are not guilty, the benefits are doubled, properly!

Zhe Linjie combined this team full of personal interests and desire for killing with a few words, and he did not worry that this group of people would go down. Because the map of Seven Nights Magic Star is too smelly! Without his own blood, the rotten blood here cannot be expelled.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ..."

With a low groan, he slowly approached, and black pressure shrouded over the mist like a dark cloud!

"The monster is here! Everyone is ready!" Lin Jie drank in a low voice, and the dense indicators have been planned out. (To be continued ...)