MTL - Reborn to be a Stepmother-Chapter 434 Millennial appearance

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For a long time, everyone knows that Chu is not here. It is only a habitual concern for Yucheng, and there is not much hostility.

The day before yesterday evening, the original color of the sky was full, and the next day should be a good weather with a bright sun.

However, when the night fell, the sky suddenly rang a few thunder, and then the black cloud rose from the north and directly pressed over.

The momentum is very strong.

Soon, a torrential rain broke out.

Amazed by a lot of people, everyone is busy collecting clothes and packing things!

After half a hour of the torrential rain, it suddenly stopped again, and everyone did not go to the heart.

A good night's dream, what should all the people do on the next day?

It didn't matter at all.

However, last night, the same thing happened the night before, and the time was not bad.

First, the evening sky, and then the black cloud, and finally the storm.

Everything is like being calculated, and An An is happening steadily.

Last night, everyone was a good night's dream, but the next morning, a thunderstorm sounded in the sky, lightning struck the sky, directly hit the top of the city, many houses were directly knocked down.

Stone barbs emerge on the earth.

Everyone was running out of time during the electric fire. They didn't even care about their feet. There were countless deaths and injuries at one time. The whole city of Yucheng had changed dramatically in the early morning.

Because no one has appeared, it is called ‘natural disaster’.

But in fact, this so-called natural disaster is really too strange to come.

Where is the land suddenly barbed, a few thick lightning, it is Lushan!

Everyone feels that something is wrong. Because the city owner has the existence of an old man, and he feels that something is wrong in advance, he avoids too many casualties.

But the rest of the city is not so lucky.

Xiao Ting has already seen it along the way.

"I am going to find the old man."

There is no time to chill, Xiao Ting knows that this matter is great, and instantly forgets the things that are just.

Xu Lao came to the city, and he never left. He has been living here. Li Mo knows the meaning of Xiao Ting, so he is very polite and treated as a guest.

When Xiao Ting came over, she met a woman on the face and some were familiar.

She blinked and licked the house. The woman came out from the inside.

She remembers that the mother here is not wearing such a dress, this person, is it?


Xiao Ting nodded and went straight without knocking on the door.

"I said Xu Laotou, you really have the ability, how long did the girl not see you, and found the good?"

Xu Changsheng is angry, and he knows the arrival of Xiao Ting with his skill.

I was going to ignore her, but you can listen, what is this girl talking about?

Really, she really can't ignore her.

"You just found a good one..."

Xu Changsheng is also a mouthful of words, even Xiao Ting has stunned.

"Is this girl very hospitable? You can't talk about it. My family is so beautiful from the long, martial arts is good. Is this girl like the one who is kicked by the brain?"

Xiao Ting was also polite, sitting directly in the past, sitting opposite him, greatly stunned, and did not change.

Speaking of the nine princes, Xu Changsheng was out of breath.

This girl is also pitiful.

He has known everything from everyone's mouth what happened a year ago.

For those of them, it doesn't matter.

They are all the masters of the rivers and lakes, even those who are chilling, Li Mo, etc., that is what they have suffered.

But what about Xiao Ting?

As the most loved daughter of Xiao Zhan, she has cultivated this lawlessness since she was a child. Everything comes from herself.

Later, she was married to the Nine Kings House. Although she did not pay much attention to her, her food and clothing was also on several floors.

Today, she has turned from a sacred king of the nine to a sinner who is chased by everyone.

Xu Changsheng lamented in his heart, how many of his eyes were distressed.

But when his dawn and Xiao Ting look at each other, the heart of the heart is gone.

He was kicked by his brain and hurt her?

This is a Lord who has no heart and no lungs.

This year, everyone thought that she was sleeping in the wind, and she was very pitiful, but in fact, people don’t know how much it is!

As far as I can see, there is a sign of this arrogance.


He thinks too much!

"Hey, hello, don't sigh at the girl, I want to live a few more years!"

These people, all of whom like to sigh, don’t know how to sigh and live for a few days?

It’s so bad!

"You..." Xu Changsheng returned to God, and the thoughts of those who are sad and sorrowful disappeared instantly.

"There is something to say, nothing to get out."

He really didn't want to stay in a room with the girl, otherwise he was afraid that he would not live to die.

It’s time for a young man to die!

Xiao Ting is no longer the girl who had no heart and lungs. She naturally knows everyone’s concerns.

But she also hates being sympathized!

She chooses her life, she is willing to go on, no need for extra emotions!

"Hey, Xu, don't get angry, everyone talked to me about this incident. Thank you so much!"

"Don't, don't come here, the old man told you that I am not here to be angry!"

Xiao Ting screamed haha, her eyes turned round and said: "I naturally know, so this time the girl is here to thank you!"

"Just thank you?" Xu Lao did not quite believe in suspicious looking at her, always felt that this girl had too many ideas.

"Of course, otherwise you think I can still?" To explain the interpretation of Ting Yizheng's words, it is guaranteed to beat the chest.

As a result, Xu Lao had just breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to sing with her. She saw Xiao Ting looking at him with a smile and seemed to stop talking.

"what happened again?"

Xu Changsheng is very helpless, and there is no way to run into such a girl.

Xiao Ting said the speculations of her and Yu Chi Xin Han and others, let Xu Lao provide ideas.

"All the people said that it was a natural disaster, but even if they were chilling, they didn't believe it. Would you not give me this answer?"

What can Xiao Ting see? Xu Changsheng is not unexpected.

"You are more capable than anything at the beginning."

Xu Changsheng first sighed, and then explained, "You think it is true, this time is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster."

"Do you know who it is?"

Xiao Ting looked at him with a dignified look.

Being able to make such a big move is certainly not an ordinary person.

As a result, Xu Changsheng shook his head. "I didn't face them, but obviously they are not Xuanmen orthodox people, not even Yiling."

Xu Changsheng did not mention the Witches, but Xiao Ting understands that this time the shots are still in the Xuanmenzhong people, but they do not know the faction.

"No matter who they are, what is the purpose?"

After a year of temptation, everyone knows that Chu will not return to Yucheng, then they are not coming to Chu.

Who is it for?

"I think this thing is just the beginning, they should still have action."

Speaking of Xu Changsheng here, there are some concerns. "Only two of us may not be able to protect this place."

After Xiao Ting met with Xu Changsheng, almost everything had an answer.

Then they and 尉 心 ,, Li Mo and others sat together to discuss the next thing.

The main thing at the moment is that all people don't know who those people are coming to.

But one thing is very clear that the city government is in jeopardy.

Finally they made a decision.

Abandon the city to leave!

Only a few ordinary people stayed to participate in the repair of things, and important people left the city together!

The decisions they made were quick and the movements were not slow. After three days, everyone gathered outside the city gate.

The sunset is like a snow, and the sky is red!

Just like the scene of that day, everyone was dull and worried. Looking back, they all had some disappointment. After all, they really regarded this place as their home.

However, I have to leave now.

If they know the passing of things, they can still have a response, but now even the enemy does not know, let alone who they are directed is not clear.

For the present, only leave!

Red spoon and green 莠 are in a good mood. They have been separated from Xiao Ting for too long. This time, Xiao Ting is very happy to bring them together!

Just when everyone packed up their minds and prepared to turn around and leave, there was a hoof behind them, from far and near.

The people looked back subconsciously.

However, nothing can be seen except for riding a dust.

"Get out!"

The lateness of the chill and the quick flash of the past separated everyone, leaving the road for the two rides.

Closer, everyone can see who is coming!

The first man was sitting in front of a young man, white hair, and a folding fan at the waist. This was the result of the handsome young man's appearance, but his expression destroyed it.

"Nine Kings!"

Suddenly, the man immediately screamed, and Lisuo’s turn over and went straight to Xiao Ting’s face.

"Hey? Millennial, how come you haven't seen you for a long time?"

Xiao Ting had some surprises. When she was in the Imperial City, she and the Millennium found that the state of the nine princes was somewhat wrong.

At that time, the millennium made an appointment with her, and rushed back to the tribe to investigate what was going on?

I just didn't expect this to be more than a year.

Goodbye today, both people are very excited.

"Where are you going?"

The millennium glanced around and found that these people were carrying parcels, which seemed to be completely out of here.

I will look at Xiao Ting again.

"It’s hard to say a word, let’s go back and talk!"

Xiao Ting made this decision now, and he will not leave.

There are thousands of miles, and her bottom is full.

According to Xu Changsheng, since those people are all Xuanmenzhong people, the thousand thousand lords and the young masters naturally have responsibilities, and they will not care.

Then she still fled a fart?

It has been running for more than a year.

Others did not refute the meaning of Xiao Ting, and the next one turned back.

The people who come here are coming back soon.

The millennium is not alone, but also carries one person.

Cold face, cold god, in short, is a cold word.

Eight feet tall, taller than ordinary people, looks very woody and indifferent.

No one else came forward to answer him.

Xiao Ting naturally wouldn't care about this. When she returned to the government, she sat down with the Millennium.