MTL - Reborn, You Are My Wife, See What Happened To Your Hair-v2 Chapter 15 This kind of woman, it is not an exaggeration to take her 10 times and 8 times!

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Daqing, the enthusiastic neighbor, made such a bluff, instantly made Liu Wenhui's mother and daughter turn pale on the spot.

Even Wang Cuifen's smiling face turned pale instantly!

She stood up suddenly and asked, "This neighbor's eldest sister, what are you talking about?"

"You mean, you beat up my Hongchang?"

As soon as I heard that my son was beaten, it was worth it!

No wonder his stupid son shook his head when he asked three questions and three questions, but didn't say what happened.

Co-author, he was beaten and bullied by others! ? ?

No wonder, my stupid son is going to get divorced.

and also!

This old Liu family is too bad!

She always came to the door with fruit and meat. How long has it been?

This old Liu family didn't even mention a word to him.

This can't be done, Wang Cuifen's suffocating aura suddenly rises, and if he turns his face, he turns his face.


"This... Hong Chang's mother... So you don't know it yet!?"

Daqing's mother's ability to instigate disaster is really unbelievable. Knowing that he is talking too much again, he wants to withdraw.

But she was stopped by Wang Cuifen and asked, "This neighbor's eldest sister, tell me, what the **** is going on!?"

Seeing that the other party was hesitating to speak, he looked at the face of the blind mother's mother again, and said again, "Wenhui's mother, what the **** is going on?!"

"If you don't talk, I won't agree!"

My son was beaten, and he was beaten by my sister-in-law. My stupid son didn't say anything about such a huge grievance, but how can a mother give up?


Blind Yu Donghua hesitated to speak, not knowing how to open that mouth.

at first!

Blind Yu Donghua thought that Hong Chang's mother came to the house just to raise a teacher to ask for guilt.

He was thinking about what to say, and at the same time he was waiting for Hong Chang's **** rituals before soldiers.

But after talking like this, she wanted to be distracted.

Possibly, Hong Chang's mother didn't even know what happened last night.

It should be that Hong Chang didn't mention it to his mother, so Yu Donghua pretended to be confused and planned to hide it.

After all, it's not a good thing.

Besides, this is also a matter between Hong Chang and Wen Hui and his wife. Yu Donghua believes that her daughter will definitely change.

So, I plan to hide it for now.

But I didn't expect that Daqing's **** mouth was so quick, and he would snort in the yard as soon as he got home from get off work.

It's too late to wink.

All right!

A pair of blind eyes can't even wink.

"This... Hong Chang's mother, in fact... it's actually like this!"

Daqing embarrassedly helped Yu Donghua to pick up the conversation, and explained, "Last night! Wen Hui didn't just come back from winter vacation and washed her hair in the yard partition, and Hong Chang kindly watched outside!"

"But what! Maybe it was too dark and Wen Yuan didn't see it clearly, thinking that Hong Chang was a hooligan who came in and was peeking at her sister taking a bath! He just called us to catch the hooligan..."

"We didn't even know it was Hong Chang, so we beat Hong Chang as a hooligan. It was all a misunderstanding!"

"However, I didn't do anything last night. It was Wen Yuan who was angry with her sister and beat her the hardest!"

Speaking of the end, Daqing's mother even took out her own head-circle, and didn't do anything, emphasizing that it was Wenyuan who helped her sister vent her anger, and it was Liu Wenyuan's sister-in-law who beat her.

After all, it was her sister taking a peek at the hooligan, which was excusable.


"I understand what's going on, the neighbors don't need to say any more!"

Wang Cuifen listened and listened, her face was also sinking like water, she repeatedly waved Daqing to stop talking, she understood everything.

"Understood, really, I understand everything!"

"Wenhui's mother! I'm sorry for you! Look, look, how did I educate such an unsatisfactory son?"

"You said, how could he do such a ridiculous thing?"

"Sneak peek at Wen Hui washing her hair and taking a bath... I, I, I... I have no face, I have no face, I really have no face!"

"Rogue, my son is a hooligan, my son is a big hooligan who peeked at Wen Hui's hair wash, it's time to fight! Good fight!"

When Wang Cuifen said this, she almost pointed at the blind Yu Donghua's nose and cursed, your daughter is my son's wife!

Husband watched his wife wash her hair, what's the matter?

You even beat my son like a big hooligan, you really belong to you.

In the afternoon, as if nothing happened, I chatted with her all afternoon, but didn't mention a word about my silly son being beaten by my sister-in-law.

This... it really belongs to you!

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

Liu Wenhui rushed out of the kitchen, her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she stepped forward to persuade her mother-in-law.

But in exchange for Wang Cuifen's hand, he said, "Don't! Child, please don't call me mom! As a country woman, I really can't afford you, a college student, to call me mom!"

"My child, you are a college student! You are the first college student in our area, Golden Phoenix!"

"My rascal son is not worthy! Really, my rascal son is not worthy of your college student Golden Phoenix, but don't call me mother!"

"He Hongchang, you toad, you still want to eat other people's swan meat, do you know how much you weigh!? People have kicked you out. !??"

"Go away, pack up your things, hurry up and **** with you rascals, and get out of other people's golden nests and silver nests together!"

After throwing a look at my daughter-in-law, Wang Cuifen called to He Hongchang in the kitchen again.

Now I know why my eldest son divorced Liu Wenhui!

Seeing her wash her hair, she was beaten by her sister-in-law and a group of neighbors. This is a strange thing.


Now Wang Cuifen is also angry, she firmly supports her son and leaves Liu Wenhui!

This marriage must be divorced immediately!

For such a woman, it would not be an exaggeration to take her out ten times or eight times!

He Hongchang's scalp was numb, and this matter caused trouble... so he had to bite the bullet and go out.

"Hongchang, are you at home?!" Daqing's mother saw that He Hongchang was at home, and she hid to the side with a guilty conscience, and said angrily, "Hongchang, I heard that you were brave enough to be rewarded five thousand yuan this time?"


He Hongchang didn't even bother to take a look, he didn't pay attention at all. He walked to the corner of the yard, found his bicycle with 38 bars, and pushed it out.

"Hong Chang..."

Liu Wenhui followed behind her, and she looked like she was dying, but it made He Hongchang annoyed.

"The marriage certificate of the household registration book is ready. When we turn around, I won't say anything more, so let's get together and leave!"

He Hongchang said a word, and he carried his mother away without looking back.

"Hong Chang!"

It was a good gathering and a good break, and Liu Wenhui fell to the ground in fright in an instant, bursting into tears and crying.

Little Fat Niang is asking for a collection, a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket, and the favor of the little cuties.