MTL - Red Alert 1895-Chapter 25 underground organization

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"Master Zhixian, it's not good, I discovered an important thing!" Zhao Xi said.

Zhao Xi rushed to Wang Guorui's office in a hurry, apparently something very urgent had happened. And Zhao Xi is not a very impulsive person, he is so anxious, it must be something very huge. And Wang Guorui immediately stopped his work, and then greeted Zhao Xi.

"What are you so flustered?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zhao Xi immediately said: "Wangzhi County, I found out that our Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army actually has soldiers colluding with each other in private and connecting with each other. I don't know what they are connecting with!"

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Wang Guorui immediately became very careful.

Wang Guorui regards his anti-Japanese volunteer army as his foundation, and will never allow others to get involved. And Wang Guorui's control over the army is very strict. Don't look at his appearance of trusting the green battalion officers, but in fact it is the red police soldiers who account for a large proportion, so he is not afraid of these officers' betrayal at all. If they dare to rebel, as long as they give an order, countless red police soldiers will shoot them black. Therefore, Wang Guorui would not be afraid of anything at all. This was the reason why he dared to hand over the army to others.

But things are different now. At this time, he actually found that there is a small group in his army that is independent of the relationship between the superior and the subordinate of the army. Wang Guorui couldn't help but pay attention to this. If it was just a subordinate-subordinate relationship in an ordinary army, then Wang Guorui would not be worried. But if there is another set of organizations in the army that is independent of the relationship between the top and bottom of the army, then this will be very fatal. Once this set of organizations comes into operation at that time, it often means a mutiny. Many parties in history, there is no lack of movement of soldiers in the army, and then organize some parties in the enemy's army, and then launch a soldier uprising. There are even some awesome ones who directly change the head of the enemy's army into a king's flag, transforming the enemy's army into their own army. There will never be a lack of examples of this method in the future revolutionary era.

This is also the role of underground organizations, so Wang Guorui is very worried. There is an underground organization within his own army, which Wang Guorui wants to crack down on severely. Although there are many red police soldiers in our army serving as grassroots officers, after all, natural people still account for the vast majority. Once these natural persons colluded under the organization of certain forces and suddenly did this to themselves, it would be fatal. At that time, even if your own Red Police soldiers stop it, I am afraid it will inevitably go through a fierce battle. Once this kind of civil war breaks out, all those who lose are their own troops. Therefore, these underground organizations in the army must be severely cracked down, otherwise once they collude, it will be difficult to clean up.

"Zhao Xi, how did you get the news?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zhao Xi immediately said: "Master Wang, I have actually heard something about it. I heard that some soldiers often communicate with each other through friendship at night, and then communicate with each other constantly. I thought it was nothing at first, but they always communicate with each other every ten days. Once, it was too regular. So regular, it is obviously not as simple as exchanging feelings. I suspect that they are definitely organized by someone secretly. Sure enough, I inquired a little bit, and found that they secretly organized an organization to worship Lord Guandi .They organized the worship of Guan Yu, and then some even sworn to each other. They kept pulling people in, and then worshiped Guandi together. Although I haven't found anything yet, they definitely organized it secretly. I found this I feel that the matter is of great importance, so I will report it to Lord Wang immediately."

Wang Guorui immediately closed the curtain and thought, this organization worshiping Emperor Guan is definitely a peripheral organization of an organization. This Emperor Baiguan may be their first selection to join the organization, and there are many underground organizations that do not directly develop personnel. They all let these people join some peripheral organizations, and then join the core organization after passing the assessment. This method was actually very popular in the revolutionary era decades later. If you directly join the core organization without passing the test, it is irresponsible to the organization. If you encounter a traitor or an undercover agent, the loss will be very huge. Some organizations even put on multiple layers of vests on the outside, and they have to go through several tests before they can join the core.

"Glory to Emperor Guan, okay! It seems that someone wants to make trouble in my army, so I won't deal with him properly! This matter is really important, did you not alarm them?" Wang Guorui asked.

Zhao Xi immediately said: "Wang magistrate, no! I was very careful, and I made sure I didn't let them find out. Moreover, they will organize to worship Lord Guandi again tonight, and we can just organize people to catch them all. This This time we may be able to find out their core personnel, and then have a good interrogation to see what their purpose is."

"That's right, we must not take it lightly. This is a critical moment for us to fight against the Japanese invaders, and there must be no problems. If something goes wrong, if they are organized by the Japanese invaders, then we will suffer heavy losses. Even if they are not Japanese pirates, with such a bomb inside us, who knows when it will explode. We must pay attention to it, and tonight, I will take the guard company to catch them all!" Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui thought for a while and said, "Zhao Xi, you have done a great job this time, and it is worth the extra burden!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi felt a burst of excitement, because Wang Guorui had some catchphrases during this period, that is, "add more burdens" and the like. And whenever Wang Guorui "adds more burden" to a certain person, it means that this person can be promoted in two days. Zhao Xi heard Wang Guorui telling him that he would put more burden on him, and Zhao Xi immediately knew that he was going to be promoted.

"You are now the deputy battalion commander. I will promote you to the battalion commander in two days. Oh no, you go to be the chief of staff for Chen Liyan, the commander of the artillery regiment. After a while, after the third regiment is established, you You can act as an agent. If you can do it well, then the position of head of the third regiment will be yours!" Wang Guorui said.

Zhao Xi felt his eyes go straight, because he didn't expect Wang Guorui to be so generous, he directly gave it to a regiment chief of staff, and even got the position of regiment leader after a while. Although it is only an agent, as long as it is done well, it can also become a regular. Zhao Xi felt that his future was bright, which he couldn't compare to in the Green Camp.

At that time, I was in the green battalion, and I was not enough to pass a small soldier. Now I can become the deputy battalion commander, and after a while, I can even become the regiment commander with thousands of troops under him. This is like a dream. This is something he has no way to compare in the green battalion. As for weapons and combat effectiveness, there is no way to compare. So Zhao Xi has a deep sense of belonging to the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and the opportunity to be promoted was given by Wang Guorui, so he must be grateful to Wang Guorui.

In fact, Wang Guorui had wanted to promote Zhao Xi for a long time, because Zhao Xi's status in the green camp was not high before, so he was easy to win over. But there has never been a chance, and now that he has the opportunity, he naturally wants to be promoted. This Zhao Xi may be his first complete confidant, so of course he should reuse it as appropriate.

That night, at midnight.

"Guard company, assemble!" Wang Guorui blew the whistle.

"Papa papa..."

A guard company of more than 100 people began to gather immediately. And the guard company, led by Zhao Xi, was going to search the organization site where the ceremony of worshiping Emperor Guan was held. The Jedi wanted to crack down on this kind of private organization within the army, and nip it in the bud, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous. Once this kind of organization is allowed to spread, the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army will definitely have serious internal friction. Even if you have a lot of Red Police soldiers, once there is internal friction, the loss will be huge. Therefore, such organizations must be severely cracked down on.

About an hour later, Zhao Xi escorted the three young men over.

"My lord, it's these three guys. They organized forty or fifty people to worship Emperor Guan together. They must have a purpose. My lord, I brought them here specially for you to deal with," Zhao Xi said.

Wang Guorui immediately said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"My lord, what should we do with the soldiers who participated in worshiping Emperor Guan?" Zhao Xi asked.

And Wang Guorui asked: "Have they joined this organization deeply?"

"Because this organization has not been developed recently, so it is not too deep!" Zhao Xi said.

Wang Guorui thought for a while and said, "Educate these soldiers, lock them up for two days, and punish them with minor punishments!"

Since this organization hasn't developed for too long, and these soldiers are not too deep, there is no need to be too harsh. It would not be beautiful if the troops were panicked. Small punishments and big reprimands will do. Tell everyone not to join any organization within the army. There is only one organization in the army, and that is the military order of the army. Other organizations are not allowed to participate, as long as they understand it.

"Did you say it yourself? Or let me treat you well?" Wang Guorui said.

The three guys were still stubborn, but they went over there, and one of them said: "Grandpa, if you have the guts, if grandpa confesses, then grandpa, I will be your grandson!"

At this time, Tanya came over and said, "Commander, leave it to my mother! My mother has fun with them, and my mother will definitely make them feel 'at home'."

Hearing Tanya's words, even Wang Guorui shuddered, obviously knowing what Tanya meant by "feel at home".

"Okay, as long as you don't kill him, it's up to you to play!" Wang Guorui said.

"Hmph, let me treat you well!" Tan Ya said with a sinister smile.