MTL - Reign of the Hunters-Chapter 3 Open the branch task

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The official of fate is very abominable.

Not only did the entire internal test make God mysterious, even if it was opened, it was announced in a very sudden situation.

In the 12 days before the game was opened, the fate that had been mysteriously disappeared since its inception began to pop up. For more than a decade of silence, it seems that in order to exchange for the 12-day madness, overwhelming.

It is no exaggeration to say that the whole world has only two words left in these 12 days - fate.

Having said that, the official of fate is very abominable.

Even with such overwhelming publicity, there are very few tips and announcements about the content of the game on the official website of Destiny. Players' perceptions of the game are basically the source of the true and false internal test strategy, or hearsay.

It's like the character's character, which is not listed on the internal test, let alone on the official website.

It is 13:30:51 now, just playing the game for 51 seconds.

Even if 9999 people entered the game together with Ye Ci, I am afraid that 9999 people are now entangled in ethnic professional collocation and the character of that genius.

For the time being, no one will complete this first kill.

Although my heart is so determined, the leaves do not dare to relax.

There will be exceptions to anything in the world.

After receiving the task, she ran to the back of the house on the left hand side of the village chief as quickly as possible.

Although the task requirement is to hunt down the rabbits around the village, but with the leaf word for the whole game, killing the rabbit behind the house is also counted as the task of "hunting rabbits."

The advantage of the rabbit here is very concentrated, about thirty or so. The disadvantage is that the refresh is slow.

However, because the village head is surprisingly close, there is no reason why Ye Zi does not choose here. What's more, the task of hunting a rabbit can be completed in only fifteen.

As she ran fast, she replaced the system with newbie and weapons, and waved the dagger at the moment she rushed into the rabbit group.

Rabbits have only one level, but for the same level of leaf words, their attacks are not low. Each time you can bring 2 to 5 damage to the leaf.

Fortunately, Ye Zi used to play the human mage, in the low speed and low agility, the mastery of life and abnormality, now replaced by high-sensitivity and high-speed elf hunter, only feel happy to cry.

In the early days of the game, it was really a happy career to be able to move quickly.

In less than three minutes, Ye Zibian had killed fifteen rabbits and collected six rabbit teeth and seven rabbit meats. She struggled a few times and got ten teeth and ten rabbits. After the meat, this time, I quickly rushed toward the village head.

Rabbit teeth and rabbit meat are the quest items needed for the follow-up mission. Although they want to hit the first kill of the rabbit task, the leaf words can't help but greedy the first kill of the other two tasks. So she took the risk and did it. She rushed away and silently prayed that no one would rush to the front of her to complete the rabbit's first kill.

"Young adventurer, you are the most courageous person I have ever seen, and it only took such a short time..." The village chief repeated nonsense as usual.

The leaf word quickly chose to skip the conversation.

According to common sense, such unreasonable interruption or skipping NPC conversations will be repelled by NPC. Everything in destiny is 99% high simulation.

In other words, the nature here is the same as in reality, you can smell all kinds of sensations and feel various touches. Even every NPC here is highly intelligent, and every action you make can affect his evaluation of you. Different evaluations will directly affect how much and quality he has posted to the player.

Although some fixed tasks will be released even if the NPC is extremely disgusting, the high-value random tasks can only be obtained by the players and NPCs.

This also led to the fate of the players no matter how strong the players fight, but is very respectful to the NPC.

The leaf words are not scrupulous, and the bold and bold skipping of the village head's dialogue is not because she does not care about the goodwill between herself and the village head, but because of a character attribute she chose - treacherous.

The treacherous interpretation of the character's attributes is vague: sometimes you may need to do this.

Not only is the explanation vague, but the treacherousness is also relatively backward in the selection of the character attributes, which is a corner that the player basically does not pay attention to.

At the beginning of the fate, no one noticed this attribute.

There are very few players who create characters to choose this attribute. After all, who wants to have negative things in their character attributes?

However, after three years, a newcomer player chose this attribute because of the wrong time, and because of the opportunity to understand the advantage of this property, and sent a post on the Internet, this property became a million. Players smash their chests and even delete the rehearsal attributes.

There is no reason for it. Just because the existence of treacherous property allows the player to interact with all the NPCs in the game, no matter how interrupted or skipped the NPC conversation, it will default to listening to the conversation with seriousness and affection.

Don't underestimate this, this is a counter-attack attribute for some red-named players or players with low reputations in the city.

The leaf quickly jumped to the end of the conversation. The head of the village smiled and nodded and smiled: "Young adventurers, you not only made outstanding contributions to the village, but also had such a friendly attitude. Malang mainland because of you. Young people will become more and more prosperous."

At the same time that his voice just fell, he heard the system prompting to ring in the ear of the leaf: "Congratulations on becoming the first player to complete the "Hunting Rabbit", do you want to hide the ID?"

After the baptism of the last world, Ye Ci knows that low-key people are the most important thing to do high-profile work. All she wants now is to take care of her parents and live her own simple days. This kind of reputation is no longer what she longs for.

After hesitating to choose, the unique golden font screen flashed immediately along with the friendly female voice on the system channel.

“Congratulations to the player* to complete the task ‘Hunting the Rabbit’ first kill, rewarding gold 1, and the system reputation is 1000.”

“Congratulations to the player* to complete the task ‘Hunting the Rabbit’ first kill, rewarding gold 1, and the system reputation is 1000.”


Ye Zi looked at the time 13:36:42, could not help but long breath out a breath.

The first kill, finally grabbed.

It was not until this time that she found that her palms were full of sweat and couldn't help but laugh. When was she so nervous?

There is only one person in this newcomer village where the leaf word is randomly assigned. She naturally has no way to hear the curse and jaw-drop of the player who can't see the game.

All her energy has now been concentrated on the village head. Her brain is full of thoughts on the post, open the only branch task, is it possible? is it possible? !

"Oh, the young adventurer, in your body I saw the grace of the former Elf Wang Dole. Are you interested in listening to me talking about the past?"

coming! The leaf word almost jumped up.

Sure enough, it is true! That post really is true!

She is self-proclaimed as the encyclopedia of fate, but in her cognition and understanding, there are absolutely no such tasks in the countless tasks of the Elf Newbie Village.

No, exactly, no, no, she doesn't know.

The only reason she didn't know was that she had no chance to get in touch with this task! Not only did she not have been exposed to this task, I was afraid that all of them had not been exposed to this task.

"Of course." Ye Ci answered the question of the village chief of Elf Village with an eager tone like never before.

"In the long, long time..." The village chief began a lengthy story, but the leaf did not have much time to listen to his story. How did she know how long it would take to tell this story.

So she once again chose to skip, but this time she skipped, she chose to record the options of the process, so that she can turn over the village chief's remarks and try to figure out when doing the task.

"Now, you will follow the path of Dole again to glory, young adventurers, this is a road full of thorns, are you willing?" The chief of the village chief went directly to the finishing task.

"I am willing."

"So, go to the cold cave bring me back the fangs of Sato!"

The icy cave words are no strangers. This is one of the top ten copies of the fate. It is not difficult or low, but it is very popular for players from level 3 to level 15 because of the difficulty of both ordinary and elite.

At that time, she also mixed to 18 in the cold cave, a blue suit graduate.

For this copy, she is too familiar to be familiar with it. It is almost closed to see where there are stones and where there are grass.

As for Sato, it is the BOSS of the ordinary difficulty of the cold cave. The minimum level limit for an icy cave is three, but in the case where Ye Ye intends to SOLO herself, she decides to take risks at the fifth level.

Of course, the most important thing is that at the fifth level, she can learn the first two skills of the hunter - sniper and bow and arrow skill. Although it is necessary to go to the eighth level to learn to symbolize the hunter's logo skills, pets are kept in captivity, but the leaf words are not worried.

As a high-playing master, as a high-playing master with enough SOLO experience, as a high-playing mage who knows the whole destiny and has enough SOLO experience, a cold cave of ordinary difficulty, Ye Zi believes that he only needs to learn the skill of bow and arrow. It is enough to cope.

"I will try my best to complete your entrustment, adults." Ye words left hand on the chest, his right hand spread out, bent down the waist and bowed to the village head devoutly, and immediately heard the system prompt: "The village head is good to you." The sensitivity is increased by 10."

This action is the most devout way of salvation in fate. Using this method to salute NPC can increase the goodness of NPC, but it can only be increased once.

This is not a secret in the later period, but now it is the only magic weapon to lead everyone.