MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 59 : The power of the stars

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After closing his own profile, Su Xiao calmed down and got up from the attribute enhancement warehouse. After leaving the attribute enhancement hall, he walked around the trading market and found that the prices of consumables had risen sharply recently, at least about 15%.

This level of increase should be due to the world battle for the eighth-tier nine worlds. Consumables and equipment have increased the most, and the prices of categories such as skill scrolls that require long-term investment to increase combat power have fallen.

When Su Xiao returned to the exclusive room, Boubo Wang and Benny were in a daily confrontation. The reason was that Boubo Wang washed his whole body with Benny's hair and hair shower gel. Benny was only willing to use a bean-sized piece each time. She used half a bottle at a time. At first, Benny wondered how this silly dog ​​had taste, and changed to such a nice-smelling botanical-scented shower gel. After she sniffed it carefully, her eyes gradually became serious.

Su Xiao took a half bottle of shower gel, glanced at Benny, then at Boubo Wang, and asked, "How much is this?"

"Woo meow~"

Bernie stretched out a meow paw.

"5 soul coins?"

"Woo meow meow!"

After Benny said that this thing is worth 500 soul coins, and that washing with this hair can permanently increase its own invisibility in the forest terrain, Su Xiao turned the shower gel in his hand and observed it for a few seconds, then put it down, and decided to Never mind that.

Su Xiao rested on the single sofa to relieve the faint soreness in his muscles just after greatly improving his physical fitness. Eminem played with a beloved antique clock in front of his antique clock cabinet, while adjusting it with professional tools Gears, clockwork, while sticking to listen to the sound, right?

Baja was flipping through his personal terminal, and soon he was amused by the annual list of desert events at Tianqi Paradise. Occasionally, he picked up a large glass of orange juice, held a straw in his mouth, and kept his eyes on his personal terminal.

Boubo Wang has already jumped onto the chandelier, hugging the shaking chandelier, looking at Benny on the coffee table below, Benny's claws are shining, her fangs are bared, and she looks like you're coming down, while Boubo Wang is stubborn That said, I don't!

In the end, it was Su Xiao who asked Benny to go to the big gathering place to sell the proceeds from this time, and saved Boubo Wang's life. After Benny left, Su Xiao picked up the shower gel on the coffee table and observed it again for a while. After analyzing the shower gel of soul coins, it was found that the cost price of this thing should be 280-290 soul coins. If you can get it for 300 soul coins, it must be that Bernie got it from a friend.

And this thing is formulated quite well. It is not a catalysis of pharmacy, but a synthetic technique. There is a way to crack it, but the time and cost are at a loss.

Su Xiao looked at Benny's small toiletry cabinet, and suddenly felt that it was almost equivalent to a small treasury. Boubo looked around, and it seemed that he took a bath with more than 200 soul coins, and he was afraid that Su Xiao would smoke it.

He looked coldly at the rich businessmen who oppressed the poor, the gang members who bullied the common people, the powerful families who allied with the leaders of the underground world, the dignitaries who trampled on the law, and the poor in the slums who bullied those poorer than themselves.

Intelligent races must have seven emotions and six desires. The civilizations established by all intelligent races have never been absolutely fair. This is an inevitable result, but there should be justice at all. This is the iron-hearted godfather who opened his eyes to see the world before dying , which is considered correct.

Godfather Tiexin scattered all his wealth and established the "Church of Justice". When justice is about to be swallowed by darkness, justice is also a sharp blade hidden in the darkness, punishing those who dare to trample on justice.

The original intention of the "Church of Justice" was to bring justice to the weak, and it did. The problem is that those dark blades that punish those who dare to trample on justice are doomed to suffer without harsh, even cruel, cruel training. It is impossible to cultivate powerful assassins. Once enough powerful assassins are lost, the "Church of Justice" will exist in name only.

Xiao Xiao spent her childhood in the 15th underground floor of the "Church of Justice". Her nun mentor was a guy with an extremely twisted and perverted heart, but he was willing to teach all his skills to his disciples. Under the torture and training of this nun mentor , the adult owl is not obsessed with the opposite sex, she is obsessed with all the human races who are close to her.

Xiao Xiao's daughter must not be her own. All the information about her daughter before was released on purpose by Xiao Xiao. The real situation is that Xiao Xiao actually has a human race with uncleanliness. Her childhood playmate and mission partner, his killer Codenamed "Silver Feather Raven".

The two are both close friends and objects of mutual rivalry. The rest of the story is somewhat clichéd. The silver-feathered crow fell in love with a mission target, and told Xiao in the follow-up confrontation that the "Church of Justice" had long since deviated from its original intention. The former "Church of Justice" was indeed slaughtered for the sake of justice, but the current "Church of Justice" is just a **** of the powerful.

Xiao Xiao put on a mask and stabbed her best friend and her husband. When her somewhat translucent sharp blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, was about to pierce her best friend's infant daughter, the sharp blade was far away. When the baby's eyebrows are 0.5 cm apart, stop.

'This is the blood of the Silver Feather Crow and the strongest soul healer in the void. Let the organization raise it first, and it will definitely be able to cultivate a powerful assassin in the future. '

After this idea appeared, Xiao passed her level and took away the baby, but before returning to the organization, she suddenly felt that carrying a baby back after performing tasks, especially after performing cleaning tasks, would inevitably cause trouble. Necessary doubts, well, first store this human cub in the residence, wait for a while, and then send it back to the organization.

In the following time, Xiao Xiao felt in his heart:

‘The human cubs are really annoying. They cried and made a lot of noise. Send them to the organization, and they will be sent in the afternoon. '

‘It’s too weak. Human cubs are too weak after birth, and they can’t even control their bowel movements. When I was weak, it must not be like this. '

'Finally fell asleep peacefully, I have to perform a task in the afternoon, and send it off tomorrow. '

'Send it away today. '

'The face is all fat. '

'The organization has been unstable recently, and it will be sent to the organization next week. '

‘The milk powder is going to run out, after assassinating the target in the afternoon, stop by and buy some. '

'I can walk now. '

'It's so naughty, even the Mouro dog adopted to disguise his identity is a bit annoying to this naughty ghost. '

‘Damn it, don’t call me mother anymore, your mother died at my hands. '

"My daughter is going to school today. With a high level far beyond the threshold, she was actively recruited by Muhun Master Academy. She is indeed the blood of the strongest soul healer. No, the blood is just a carrier for reproduction and has nothing to do with talent. It must be the acquired excellence." Her cultivation made her so talented. '

'After half a year of visits and treatment, I went to most of the void and three realms of transcendence, and finally learned from the eye ceremony scholars of the realm of transcendence, the falling star, and the Yargu school that my daughter was suffering from "Nica Yehspore plant hereditary disease during pregnancy", it must be the silver-feathered crow and I went to the fungus dungeon to carry out the assassination mission, the silver-feathered crow was eroded, counting the time, she happened to be pregnant at that time. '

'Never give up. '

This is basically the experience of Xiao and her daughter. Speaking of the Crow Girl of the Arcane Eternal Star, she is Xiao's disciple. In addition to the Crow Girl, Xiao actually has two disciples, namely the dead silver boy and the living black boy. feather.

Silver Boy, Black Feather, and Crow Girl are the killer code names of the three owls, and each takes a keyword or keyword to form "Silver Feather Crow".

"Nikaye spore plant hereditary disease during pregnancy" can be cured, and it can only be done by a miracle-level secret medicine. After the recovery period after the cure, of course, some auxiliary secret medicine is needed, so Su Xiao is not worried that Xiao will get the "Dharma Destroyer" After using the "exclusive secret method", using this as a threat, both parties have bargaining chips in their hands.

In the exclusive skill upgrade warehouse, Su Xiao chose to upgrade to the melee master. In the next second, the 90 soul crystals in front of him shattered and turned into pure soul energy and fell into his body. At the same time, his soul coins were quickly consumed.

Nearly an hour later, Su Xiao calmed down. His direction of developing a melee master was simple and rough, and he just kicked straight. Therefore, when he improved, it was more about the improvement of the "body protection energy" derived from the ability of the technique department, and the increase in the power of the straight kick. Instead of entering the comprehension scene like promoting a swordsmanship master.

[The melee master has been upgraded to Lv.94. 】

[If you need to upgrade melee master Lv.94, you need to consume soul crystals x 50 + 500,000 soul coins, and a "Physical Source Quality". 】

Su Xiao took out the [Designated Source Quality Treasure Box], which he got from completing the "World Quest·God Hunter".

[You have opened the specified source quality treasure chest. 】

[You can choose a type of source quality to obtain in the source quality inventory. 】

[You get the source of the body. 】

50 soul crystals, 500,000 soul coins, and 1 piece of "body essence" were all well prepared. He chose to upgrade. In the next second, his eyes turned into darkness, not entering the comprehension scene like a saber master, but Is falling asleep.

When Su Xiao woke up, he lightly rubbed his forehead with one hand for a few minutes before recovering. It may be that the melee master's development method was too pure and extreme, which led to him breaking through to Lv.95 and almost sending him away.

[Melee Master: Lv.95 (Technique Passive)]

Skill effect: Kicking skill damage level +80 (increased by 33), physical toughness increased by 69% (increased by 11%).

Power Penetration and Kick Skill Enhancement: Nine times in total (1. Forced paralysis of attack, 2. Heavy reduction of defense, 3. Strong Armor-breaking and shield breaking, 4. Real penetration, 5. Destruction heavy artillery, 6. Destruction level, 7 .Fly upgrade, 8. Execution level, 9. Star level).

Lv.95 Ultimate Ability · Power Penetration · Kick Skill Nine Enhancements (Extreme Level · Passive): Kick Attack Judgment is upgraded to "Star Level". ", the next attack will cause 5 times the overall damage.

Warning: Because you have superimposed too many passive characteristics, the power of Kicking and Straight Kick is enhanced. When your Straight Kick triggers the blessing of "Origin·Star Power", the next time your Straight Kick causes 5 times the damage, the power of Kicking Skill you use The feet and legs will be subjected to extreme and overloading, which may cause self-injury or severe shattering of the feet and legs.

Reminder: Due to the characteristics of "Origin·Star Power", every time you receive the bonus of "Origin·Star Power", "Origin·Star Power" will nourish your body while adding the bonus, and your attack The characteristics will be permanently improved. If you use kicking skills to trigger the bonus of "Original Power of the Stars", then your kicking skills will increase by 0.25 times, until the bonus reaches 5 times, and you will no longer Trigger the bonus of "Original Power of the Stars".

It seems to be a probabilistic damage bonus, but it is actually a permanent growth bonus. It just needs to be trained in combat, and it is an outrageous 5 times damage increase.

For the normal melee master kick branch, increasing the kick damage by 5 times is the worst bonus in the skill type kick branch "Extreme Level Passive". They all attack and fight with agility + high-speed kicking skills. Even if a light attack is increased by 5 times, it is not impressive.

The "Extreme Level Passive" that other melee masters dislike the most is the most suitable for Su Xiao. Assuming that the power of a high-speed light attack kick is 100, it is only 500 if it is increased by 5 times. At most, it can be regarded as a heavy attack. But if this straight kick is an extreme heavy attack, and the power is around 9000, then after increasing by 5 times, the power will reach a ridiculous 45000.

After being kicked by 9000 power, it can fly upside down into a ray of light, and after landing, it will spit out a big mouthful of blood, but if it is kicked by 45000 power, it will not fly upside down into a ray of light, but turn into light on the spot. That is to say, he died in situ.

The improvement rate of the melee master is astonishing. As the price, Su Xiao only has one soul crystal left. He has a very strong feeling that he will be short of this thing for a long time to come.

The current known situation is that the original Lv.95 was turned into Lv.EX's three skill abilities, and it was upgraded to the upper limit level of Lv.105 by the powerful bonus of [Origin Stone·World].

The corresponding price is that after these three skills have reached Lv.95 or above, the upgrade fee for the first level is 100 soul crystals + 750,000 soul coins + a "primordial core".

That is to say, if he wants to raise these abilities to the full level, Su Xiao must at least obtain 3000 soul crystals, 22.5 million soul coins, and 30 "primordial cores". It turned out that the logistics organization here was crying out with snot, and only got 125 soul crystals.

Judging by this standard, Su Xiao at least got 24 treasure houses of this specification to buy in. The question is, are there really so many treasure houses in the highest-level worlds of the star world? How can I say that Lieyang star is detached in the past, and has been in the abyss and semi-invasion state. While dangerous, the output of resources is particularly rich.

[Reminder: The Honor Store is about to be refreshed. 】

[Your current reincarnation paradise reputation: 75920 points. 】

[Because your Reincarnation Paradise reputation has exceeded 70,000 points, your honor store level will be extra +1. 】

[The highest level of the honor store is level 15, currently it is level 16 which breaks through the limit. 】

[The Honor Store has been refreshed. 】

[You have obtained a new permission: equipment column · secret medicine of honor. 】

[Reminder: This equipment column can only be equipped with potions exchanged from the honor store. During battle, you can use the "potion" in the honor secret medicine and equipment column with only an instant command of will. The possibility of interruption and interference, even if you are under continuous attack, you can still successfully complete the use of this potion with the assistance of the honor secret medicine and equipment bar. 】

[Reminder: The maximum amount of potion equipment in the honor secret medicine and equipment column is 1, which cannot be improved in any way (this is the highest priority notarization).

[You get a new permission: honor reserved. 】

[When you preview the Honor Store, you can choose an item in the Honor Store for "Honor Reserve". This item will persist in the Honor Store for at least five world progresses, and this item will be retained even if the Honor Store is refreshed later Up to the duration of the "Honor Reserve".

[Pharmaceutical supply quota: 10/10 (for each world progress, this quota will be refreshed for free, and there will be no compensation for the overflowed quota). 】

[Hunters can make the following exchanges. 】

Reminder: The following medicines all have extremely high bonus ranks, and they all have the described 100% effect on the absolute strong and the strongest.

1. Honor Recovery Potion: Immediately restore 100% health/100 mana, remove all debuffs, and quickly heal body injuries (regenerate damaged organs and brain tissue).

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount × 2.

Tip: The maximum carrying limit of this drug is 1 (this is the highest priority notarization).

Warning: This medicine is forbidden to be sold, transferred, re-deployed, or discarded without special reason...

2. Furious Potion: After use, the real power +35%, and the willpower and sanity value of each attack -2.5%, which lasts for 15 minutes. After the effect of this potion ends, the debuff caused by the potion disappears.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount × 3.

3. Mithril Elixir: After using it, the real agility +10%, enters the state of absolute concentration, the attack speed is greatly increased, and at the same time, the attack is accompanied by Mithril characteristic damage, which lasts for 10 minutes.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount × 3.

4. Potion of Immortality: After use, the maximum life value is temporarily +25%, and the upper limit of life is permanently increased by 3%, which lasts for 20 minutes.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount × 4.

5. Arcane Potion: After use, real intelligence +10%, recovers 85% of maximum mana per second, lasts for 50 seconds.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 5.

6. Blood Sacrifice Potion: After use, for every 1% of HP lost, the attack power will be increased by 2.5%, and for every 2.5% of the attack power increased, the berserk value will also be increased by 5%. When the berserk value has accumulated to 100%, it will enter the state of overlord body madness, body size +65%, and the shock wave form of the son of the earth veins will be attached to the attack, which lasts for 10 minutes.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount × 3.

7. Elixir of Immortality: After use, all resistances are increased by 85% for 30 seconds.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 5.

8. Potion of Eternal Body: After use, all defenses are increased by 85% for 30 seconds.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 5.

Tip: Immortal Body Potion/Eternal Body Potion is a combined potion. After successfully exchanging the two, you can choose to fuse the two to obtain the Immortal Potion. After drinking the Immortal Potion, all resistances will increase by 95%, and all defenses will increase by 95% % for 60 seconds.

9. Asylum Potion: Crush this potion to immediately generate a tough shield equal to your health, which lasts for 10 seconds or is crushed.

Price: Pharmacy supply amount x 1.

10. Lucky Potion: After use, luck attribute +10 points, lasts for one world progress.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 2.

Stock remaining: 2 bottles.

11. Soul Potion: Slowly restore soul energy after use, lasting for one world progress.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 2.

Stock remaining: 10 bottles.

12. Almighty Potion: It can be integrated into 100% of the potion, and it can be perfectly reproduced into this potion.

Selling price: Pharmacy supply amount x 10.

Inventory remaining: 0 bottles.

[Existing power of time and space: 97970.5 ounces. 】

[Hunters can make the following exchanges. 】

【Primary Core (Complete)】

Category: Primal Power.

Selling price: 8500 ounces of space-time force (preferential price).

Personal inventory: 2 pieces.

Tip: Every time a world progress is completed and a comprehensive evaluation of S- or above is obtained, the personal inventory of this material will be refreshed.

【Primary Fragment】

Category: Primal Power.

Selling price: 300 ounces of power of time and space (this is a "substantial" discounted price).

Personal inventory: 5 pieces.

Tip: Every time a world progress is completed and a comprehensive evaluation of S- or above is obtained, the personal inventory of this material will be refreshed.

[Strength source quality (one standard unit)]

Category: source quality.

Price: 350 oz. Force of Time and Space.

Total inventory: 0 copies.

Tip: This material inventory will be refreshed every time the world scramble is won.

【Soul supply box (★★★★★)】

Effect: After opening, you can get soul crystals x 100.

Price: 12,000 ounces of power of time and space (this is a "small" discounted price).

Total inventory: 0 pieces.

Tip: This material inventory will be refreshed every time the world scramble is won.

[Extremely Strong Passive Skill Scroll Treasure Chest]

Effect: After opening, you can get the extremely powerful passive skill scroll.

Price: 500 ounces of Spacetime Force.

Total inventory: 0 pieces.

Tip: This material inventory will be refreshed every time the world scramble is won.

【Secret Treasure Box】

Category: High Value Treasure Chest Items.

Effect: After opening, one of the following items can be obtained (randomly drawn).

1. The skill upgrade warehouse is free to use (once).

2. 1 to 3 original fragments.

3. Original fruit.

4. Full score · World-class equipment (6000 points score).

5. Dawn Fragments (Dawn Paradise's external defense fragments high judgment value, no practical value, precious, high-priced, but useless souvenirs).

Price: 500 ounces of Spacetime Force.

Total inventory: 18 pieces.

【Emergency assistance (permission)】

Effect: Because you have been reported by a large number of Apocalypse Paradise·Battle Angel, Holy Light Paradise·Executioner, your permission cannot be used within the next 240 hours.

Tip: Do not harm, threaten, or blackmail the reinforcements you have summoned.

[Smirking Misfortune (overlord level equipment, due to the multi-seal time limit, the seal of this overlord equipment has been lifted)]

Category: Super Score Overlord Equipment.

Selling price (original): 85,000 ounces of space-time force.

Price (current): 1 oz. Force of Time and Space.

Total stock: 1 piece.

Is it a discount from Samsara Paradise? Su Xiao can be sure that it is not. Right now, this feeling is too familiar. It was a similar situation when he was targeted by [Blood-Blooded Madman] before, but this time he encountered [Smirking Misfortune], which is obviously more ruthless than [Blood-Blooded Madman].

Speaking of it, [Bloody Crazy Demon] was patient, like a dog skin plaster, reluctantly appeared in Su Xiao's honor store, and has always occupied a refresh position in his honor store. To be honest, he was really disgusted. It also led to the fact that it is not necessary to seal the [Blooded Mad Demon] in the "Book of Original Sin" at the moment, but the Mad Lord Ring is still a frequent visitor to the "Book of Original Sin", and it is still locked inside.

The [Smirking Misfortune] encountered this time, after the seal was lifted successfully, I stopped pretending. After actively synchronizing with Su Xiao, I passed the corresponding judgment of the Honor Store, and the price appeared to be 1 The situation of the power of time and space.

Apparently, [Smirking Misfortune], which has killed an unknown number of holders, does not know the dangers of the world, and there is a terrible thing called "Book of Original Sin".