MTL - Repairer-Chapter 108 The east side is not bright, the west side is bright

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  Chapter 108 The East is not lit and the West is lit

  If Su Xiaofan's behavior is seen by those members of the mountaineering team, he will definitely be shocked.

  In this plateau area with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, the air is thin and hypoxic. Ordinary people will slow down when walking, and they will remove a lot of unnecessary weight on their bodies.

  At this time, Su Xiaofan was not only carrying a big backpack that was about the same height as himself, but he was also walking like flying. The harsh natural environment could not affect his speed at all.

  After driving towards the mountains for about ten kilometers, Su Xiaofan saw the two off-road vehicles of Shi Kai and others. Obviously, the car can only drive up to this point, and must walk in further.

   After climbing over a hill, Su Xiaofan followed the hill to the back side. From a distance of 100 meters, Su Xiaofan could see that there were many gravels at the bottom of the slope.

  【Stone-Iron Meteorite: Cannot be absorbed! 】

  【Martian Meteorite: Absorbable, can it be absorbed? 】

  【Weathered Rock: Not Absorbable! 】

  【Red Gold Meteorite: Absorbable, can it be absorbed? 】



   One piece of information passed through Su Xiaofan's mind. Su Xiaofan, who has long been accustomed to this kind of scene, quickly screened out the rare meteorites that can be absorbed.

   "Three meteorites that can be absorbed!"

  Su Xiaofan showed joy on his face, it seemed that it was the right time to enter the depths of the Ajin Mountains.

  When I was in the Gobi Desert, I could only find one or two rare meteorites a day. How could it be like today? In less than one morning, Su Xiaofan got four absorbable rare meteorites.


   As for the rare meteorites that can increase the repair value, Su Xiaofan has always been the first to absorb them.

  【Repair value: 100 points! 】

  【Repair value: 110 points! 】

  【Repair value: 130 points! 】

  The information that flashed in his mind showed that the three rare meteorites added 31 repair points to Su Xiaofan. After more than a month, Su Xiaofan's repair value finally exceeded 100 points.

  Resisting the urge to cultivate the Great Zhou, Su Xiaofan continued to go deep into the mountains.

  After several tests, Su Xiaofan found that he would lose control over his body when cultivating exercises, so obviously he couldn't do it in this harsh environment.

  Su Xiaofan is not in a hurry, as long as he has enough repair value, he can cultivate several kinds of exercises to the extreme at any time after he goes out.

  At this time, the Ajin Mountains are a huge treasure house in Su Xiaofan's eyes. If he doesn't spend a few hundred repair points this time, Su Xiaofan doesn't plan to go out.

  Furthermore, Su Xiaofan discovered that, in fact, rare meteorites are not as rare as the outside world.

  In hundreds of millions of years, an unknown number of cosmic meteorites fell to the earth. In other words, the meteorites that fell on the earth are enough to cover the earth once.

  It's just that with the passage of time, the crust of the vicissitudes of life has changed, and most of these meteorites have been buried underground, and some have even become fossils.

   What is exposed on the surface of the earth is only a very small part of the fallen meteorites. Since most of the rare meteorites are small in size, it is even more difficult to be discovered.

   But the virgin land of the Ajin Mountains has never been visited by meteorite hunters. Even if only one billionth of the meteorites accumulated over countless years remain on the surface, Su Xiaofan can reap a lot of money.

  However, in this kind of place, there is still a lot of psychological pressure, especially the feeling of loneliness, which makes Su Xiaofan want to shout loudly from time to time, to spit out the stagnation in his chest.

   "Ah... ah... ah..."

  In this deserted place, I thought of it and did it naturally. After turning over a hill, Su Xiaofan yelled loudly, and the voice spread far away, echoing continuously in the valley.

   "Boom!" Just after Su Xiaofan vented, there was a sudden roar in his ears, the sound was a bit muffled, and when he looked up, Su Xiaofan couldn't help being stunned.

   "Fuck, is this an avalanche?"

  Looking at a mountain peak a few kilometers ahead, white snow is rolling down from the highest point layer by layer. In almost a moment, some ground that had no snow before was covered by snow.

   "You can't shout loudly in this place!" Su Xiaofan shrunk his neck, fortunately this is no man's land, otherwise his own voice would cause serious trouble.


  But what Su Xiaofan didn't know was that his voice, not only didn't cause any trouble, but also helped Shi Kai, who had entered the mountain earlier, a big favor.

   Poachers like Shi Kai and the others who specialize in high-end prey have a very detailed plan for every step.

  For example, the time for them to enter the mountain was set in September, and the time for Costin to incubate the chicks happened to be in July and August. The current chicks are just born for about a month.

  For young eagle falcons, they are very fragile when they are just born, and they will die easily. After more than one month after birth, their survival ability will be greatly enhanced, and they will survive even with artificial feeding.

   It is not easy to get a baby bird.

  Because the nests of falcons are mostly built on cliffs, it takes a lot of effort to climb up, especially in this plateau hypoxic area, which is even more difficult.

  During the more than ten days of entering the mountain, Shi Kai and others have locked a falcon's nest, which is on a cliff with a height of more than 70 meters, and there are two male and female falcons living inside.

  Shi Kai placed their camp in a cave below the cliff.

  It is said to be a cave, but it is actually a big rock crevice only five or six meters deep. Some big stones were found and built to make it a temporary residence that can accommodate several people.

  In fact, the same is true of the falcon's nest above the head. It is a crack in the mountain. The falcon has transformed it into its own nest. Except for the same kind, basically no beast can threaten them.

  In the first three days, Shi Kai and others were observing the foraging patterns of adult falcons. On the second day, Shi Kai saw the young birds through the telescope.

   This discovery immediately excited several people. Compared with the unhatched eggs of falcons, the value of young birds is higher.

   Speaking of people like Shi Kai, they cannot be regarded as the kind of vicious poachers. They have their own rules.

  For example, it is Shi Kai’s rule not to harm adult falcons. Otherwise, with their marksmanship, it would be a breeze to kill two adult falcons.

  Shi Kai understands the principle of catching fish at the end of the river, and kept two adult falcons, maybe they will have a chance to harvest again in the future.

  So these brothers lived under the cliff, observing the regularity of the two adult falcons entering and leaving every day.

  In the first four or five days, perhaps because the young birds were too young, the adult female birds never left the nest, but the male birds went out to hunt.

  It may be that the environment is too harsh, and the male bird does not have a lot of prey. After six or seven days, the female bird also starts to go out.

   After more than ten days of observation, Shi Kai finally figured out the regularity of the two birds going out. Every day from 10 am to 12 am, the two adult falcons will go out together.

  The day when Su Xiaofan entered the mountain was the time when Shi Kai and others were preparing to attack. The supplies they brought in were running out, and the oxygen was basically exhausted, so they had to exit the Ajin Mountains as soon as possible.

  In the early morning, Shi Kai climbed to the top of the cliff from the other side of the hill, and fixed the rope on a huge rock.

  Shi Kai was extremely patient, enduring the low temperature of more than ten degrees below zero, and hid his body in the snow.

  If he wasn't wearing the self-heating high-tech clothes, I'm afraid he would have been frozen to death during the few hours of waiting.

  Shi Kai waited until about eleven o'clock before landing from the top of the mountain to the eagle's nest, and the two adult falcons had already left.

  A falcon with gray fluff all over its body, only slightly bigger than a chicken, is lying on the eagle's nest, looking at Shi Kai vigilantly.

  At this time, Shi Kai would be polite, and he was not afraid of being pecked by the young bird even though he was wearing gloves, so he was going to put the young bird in the bag he had prepared.

  In this place, the altitude is already more than 3,500 meters. Even though Shi Kai has a good physique, the bloated thermal clothing and the oxygen-deficient environment made his movements slow down.

  The baby bird that has been born for more than a month, although it can't fly yet, knows to hide in the deep crevices, and Shi Kai's arms are not long enough, so he couldn't catch the little thing for a while.

   To make matters worse, when Shi Kai was fighting with the young bird, the adult female bird that went out to hunt today came back early for some reason.

  Seeing that the old nest was taken up, the female bird was furious and began to attack Shikai frantically.

  Although he had a helmet on his head, goggles on his face, and thick clothes on his body, Shi Kai, who knew the power of eagles and falcons, knew that he couldn't stop Hai Dongqing's attack at all.

  In just a few seconds, the goggles on Shi Kai's face were pecked open by the sharp beak, almost hurting his eyes.

   Those people at the bottom of the cliff were already stunned. The falcon almost jumped on Shi Kai's body to bite, and they couldn't shoot at all.

  At this moment, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, and I don't know where it came from. The snow on the top of the cliff shook loose, and fell down with a puff.

  An avalanche occurred on the back of the cliff. Although only one side of the cliff was fine, there was also a lot of snow falling, and the snow covered the falcon's sight.

   That is to say, taking advantage of the gap of falling snow, Shi Kai slid down quickly, and escaped a catastrophe.

   But even so, the clothes on Shi Kai's back were all turned into strips of cloth by the eagle's sharp claws, and a piece of flesh was pecked off on his arm, making him look ashamed.

   It can be said that the hunting operation of Shi Kai and others was a complete failure this time. They didn't have much supplies left, and they couldn't consume any more.

  After this incident, the adult females will never come out of the nest again. Even if they want to kill, it will be difficult to kill the two defensive falcons.

  Shi Kai’s trip was considered a heavy loss, because it cost him more than 100,000 yuan just to prepare supplies and rent vehicles, but he had to return empty-handed.

   Several people who had worked as mercenaries in foreign countries could be considered affordable. After dressing Shi Kai's wound, they began to evacuate.

   A few kilometers away from Shi Kai and the others, Su Xiaofan naturally didn't know what happened to the brothers.

  At this time, Su Xiaofan was busy disembowelling a wild goat. This tiger cat dragged it from somewhere just now, and the goat was still hot after it died.

  Su Xiaofan, who often helped adults slaughter pigs and sheep in the countryside, was very handy in doing these things. After finding the internal organs of the wild goat and buried them in the snow, Su Xiaofan stuffed a few seasoning packets from his backpack into the goat's belly.

  Take out a folded engineering shovel, Su Xiaofan dug a hole in the ground, then threw two pieces of solid fuel into it, found two stones and put them on both sides of the hole, a simple stove was ready.

  Take out the cleaning rod in the engineer shovel, string up the whole wild goat, put it directly on the stone, ignite the solid fuel, and the flames burst up immediately.

  Su Xiaofan took out another pot and put it next to the goat. After putting some snow in the pot, he threw a pure tablet into it and waited for the water to boil.

   "Don't worry, eat it after it's baked."

  Seeing Duobao eager to try, Su Xiaofan couldn't help laughing, took out a bottle of cooking oil, and brushed the surface of the scorched goat.

   "I don't know if there is an explorer's certification in China, but I can get one when I go back."

  Su Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and took a few photos. In fact, the scenery of no man's land is very beautiful. The blue sky seems to be within reach, and the snow-capped peaks stand tall, giving people a very pure feeling.

   Only such a no-man's land can maintain such a pure natural ecology.

  After more than half an hour, the mutton that was constantly turning in Su Xiaofan's hands had turned yellow all over.

  Take some cumin and sprinkle it on the mutton, the aroma of the roast meat is getting stronger and stronger, tearing off a piece of meat and throwing it to the tiger cat, Su Xiaofan simply tore off a leg of lamb and gnawed.

  Take out a bottle of wine, a sip of mutton and a sip of wine, accompanied by a tiger cat, Su Xiaofan feels that these days are not so sad.

   "Huh? It's Shikai and the others?" Su Xiaofan, who was eating happily, suddenly twitched his ears, and he could hear the sound of footsteps coming from seven or eight hundred meters away.

   Standing up and looking forward, the figures of Shi Kai and others appeared in Su Xiaofan's field of vision.

   It's just that the situation of these brothers is not very good. Shi Kai was walked around with the support of two people, and there was another person behind him carrying their guns and other supplies.

   "Brother Shi, what's going on? Are you in such a mess?"

  Su Xiaofan got up to meet him, helped Shi Kai back to his barbecue place, looked at the bloodstains on Shi Kai's body, and said, "Let's have a sip of hot soup first."

  In the boiling water just now, Su Xiaofan put a few pieces of mutton into it, and added some salt, it was like a pot of mutton soup.

It's useless for Su Xiaofan to be polite, the brothers looked at the hot soup, their eyes turned green, in order not to disturb the falcons for more than ten days, they didn't even dare to start a fire, they always ate compressed food and gnawed on ice cubes .

   "Well, you guys slow down, it's not that there is nothing." Seeing that a pot of soup was shared by several people, Su Xiaofan had no choice but to get some clean snow and put it in the pot.

  The mutton is enough to eat. This whole sheep weighs fifty or sixty catties, and there are still more than thirty catties after removing the internal organs and bones.

  Shi Kai and the others were also very hungry, and they stopped until their stomachs were full of pain, and told Su Xiaofan roughly what happened just now.

   "Brother Su, did you make that cry just now?"

  After eating a hot meal, Shi Kai has fully recovered his spirit even though he was injured.

   "Ahem, Brother Shi, did you spoil your business?" Su Xiaofan was a little embarrassed, he thought it was his shout that provoked the falcon back.

   "No, if it weren't for your shouting, I might not be able to come back."

  Shi Kai shook his head, and said with lingering fear: "That Haidongqing is too powerful. If I stay a little longer, I'm afraid I will be pecked to death by it. Thanks to your shout..."

   "It's fine if you don't ruin your business." Su Xiaofan smiled shyly, he doesn't have any prejudice against these brothers, and there are not many people like them who are so polite.

  Although what these people are doing is not very legal, they are much better than other people who are trying to find a way out. Speaking of which, the goat that Su Xiaofan is roasting now is also a protected animal.

   "Brother, do you want us to cooperate and take down that baby bird?"

  Shi Kai, who had already lost his mind, came up with the idea of ​​a baby bird after meeting Su Xiaofan.

   "Forget it, Brother Shi, I'm not interested in your business."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head, said with a smile: "I'm here to look for meteorites, not to catch birds. Brother Shi, please don't drag me into the water."

   "Okay then, this time we brothers have admitted it."

  Shi smiled wryly, then suddenly remembered, and said to the people around him, "Huzi, where are the rocks we picked up these days? Show Brother Su, are they meteorites?"

   "It's all here."

  The bearded man was the buddy who had been broken before. He opened the backpack and poured out more than ten stones.

   "Let me see..." Su Xiaofan didn't pay much attention at first, but when he cast his gaze on those stones, his eyes suddenly widened.

   "Fuck, Brother Shi, where did you find these meteorites?"

  Su Xiaofan discovered that out of the dozen or so stones, six were actually rare meteorites, and one of the glass meteorites was the size of a baby's fist and weighed at least two hundred grams.

  Su Xiaofan had absorbed a piece of glass meteorite before, that meteorite weighed only 40 to 50 grams, which added 50 points of repair value to Su Xiaofan, and this piece was more than 200 grams, which represented more than 200 points of repair value.

   "I picked it up from the valley below that cliff."

  Seeing Su Xiaofan's ecstatic look, Shi Kai said: "I think these pieces look a bit like the ones in the picture you gave me, so I picked them up. How about it? Is this a rare meteorite? Are these valuable?"

   "Brother Shi, you are so lucky."

  Su Xiaofan gave a wry smile, and said, "I need six of your meteorites."

  Su Xiaofan picked out the six meteorites, then put five of them into a pile, and said, "I'll give you two hundred thousand for these five meteorites."

  In the past few days, he has absorbed a lot of rare meteorites, and Su Xiaofan can roughly estimate the repair value provided by these meteorites. These five meteorites can add up to 40 to 50 points of repair value.

  The glass meteorite that Su Xiaofan bought from his master earlier added 50 points of repair value to him, costing 380,000.

   But the 380,000 is the auction price, the actual transaction must be a little less, and Su Xiaofan's 200,000 is not taking advantage of a few people.

   "This... these stones, can they be worth so much money?"

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Shi Kai, Huzi and the others were a little dumbfounded. They were originally bored in the valley and wanted to pick up a few pieces to try their luck, but unexpectedly the pie really fell on their heads.

   "Well, rare meteorites are very valuable."

  Su Xiaofan nodded, pointed to the largest glass meteorite, and said, "I'll give you 800,000 yuan for this one, and the total is one million. I wonder if you will sell it?"

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's quotation, these people were all stunned on the spot. A few broken stones are worth a million, and they are still desperately trying to steal some falcon.

   "Well, Brother Su, can I ask, is there a big difference between the price you gave and the meteorite when you sell it?"

  After calming down for a while, Shi Kai said coyly, "Brother Su, I'll sell it to you, and I just want to know the real price. In the future, we brothers will stop poaching and become meteorite hunters."

   Poaching itself is risky, and it's still illegal. I live in fear all day long. Now, Su Xiaofan's words show a few people a way to get rich.

   "Brother Shi, let me tell you the truth, there are very few people collecting meteorites in China, and you may not be able to sell them if you take them out."

Su Xiaofan paused for a moment, then continued: "If you take this item to auction abroad, the price will be a little higher than what I paid, but after deducting the auction commission and publicity fees, etc., the price you get is the same as what I offered. almost."

   "Well, brother Su, I believe you, these meteorites will be sold to you!"

  Shi Kai was a very decisive person, so he immediately pushed those meteorites in front of Su Xiaofan, and said, "Don't worry about the money, give it to us after you go out."

   "Brother Shi, brothers, I haven't finished talking yet."

  Su Xiaofan showed a smile on his face, and said: "The one million I said is not RMB, but the dollar, which is one million dollars!"

   "Beauty? Beautiful knife?"

  If the few people were only shocked by the high price of the meteorite before, then now it was as if a thunderbolt exploded above their heads, directly stunned the brothers.

They used to earn US dollars overseas, so they naturally know the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB. One million US dollars is equal to six to seven million RMB. They have to catch at least three or four falcon chicks before they can sell this. price.

   "I'm a businessman, so I can't make a mistake."

  Seeing the shocked expressions of several people, Su Xiaofan couldn't help laughing. In fact, even if it was one million RMB, Su Xiaofan could buy all these meteorites.

  Su Xiaofan didn't have a lot of money, he was in a hurry to send money to Shi Kai and others, but Su Xiaofan recognized the character of these brothers.

  After listening to the narrations of several people, Su Xiaofan knew that if they killed the adult falcon with one shot, they would have brought their young birds out of the mountain long ago.

  Shi Kai and the others did not do this, which means that they are people who abide by the rules. For such people, Su Xiaofan is also willing to talk about the rules with them.

   Another point is, if these brothers really become meteorite hunters, it will save Su Xiaofan a lot of time and effort. After all, there is far more than one no-man's land in China, and Su Xiaofan will have no skills to run all over.

  There are not many meteorite collectors in China, and Su Xiaofan believes that there are not many people who can afford it. If Shi Kai and the others find rare meteorites, there is a high probability that they will sell them to themselves.

   This means that Su Xiaofan has cultivated a team dedicated to collecting rare meteorites for himself. Those who dare to poach in uninhabited areas with harsh natural environments, Su Xiaofan believes that their ability to find meteorites will not be bad.

   "Sold! Sold!"

  Shi Kai's excited blood rushed to his face, his face flushed red, Su Xiaofan quickly patted his shoulder, afraid that this buddy's blood vessels would burst.

   "Huzi, brothers, we will do this in the future, hurry up, thank you Brother Su!"

  Shi Kai Ying Falcon did not catch, originally thought that he would lose all his money this time, and more than 100,000 yuan would be in vain.

   It didn’t come true, but it was not bright in the east and bright in the west. In the end, it was because the few stones made a lot of money. They were so excited that they didn’t know what to say. Shi Kai even yelled out his eldest brother.

   Try to make a big chapter in the evening, brothers, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass, please support us!



  (end of this chapter)