MTL - Repairer-Chapter 207 war of camps

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  Chapter 207 Battle of Factions

   "Do practitioners also have to be laborers?"

  Su Xiaofan shook his head, thinking of his father's late-stage Jindan cultivation base doing coolies, the picture is really beautiful.

  But according to what Elder Yang said, there is a high probability that these things are true.

  Because according to overseas rules, cultivators are not allowed to attack ordinary people, and everyone who wants to enter the restricted area overseas must make such a promise.

  Although there is no one to supervise this kind of thing, once a cultivator cultivates his mind, once he violates the promise he once made, it may be difficult to make any progress in his future cultivation.

  Of course, if you encounter ordinary people who are misbehaving, cultivators don’t have to worry about anything, and the rules don’t apply to wicked people.

   “Secular money still matters.”

  Su Xiaofan did not bring much money when he came out this time. He decided that when he went back next time, he must ask Brother Gang to exchange it for a US dollar of 1.8 million, so that he would not even have the travel expenses to go back after he came out.

  The airport is not very far from the terminal, and these two places are never short of traffic.

  Although it was completely dark at this time, the cafe was still very lively, with many people coming in and out.

   Until after eight o'clock in the evening, the number of people who came to the coffee shop gradually decreased.

  Su Xiaofan found that there were only the three of them left in the cafe at this time, and the waiter took a closed sign and hung it outside the shop.

  Come over and ask the three of them if they want dinner. After getting a negative answer, the waiter didn't say much, cleaned up the cafe, and gestured to Mr. Yang.

  Picking up their simple luggage, the three of Su Xiaofan followed the waiter and walked out from the back door of the cafe.

   There was a car parked at the back door, the middle-aged man who took off the clothes of the waiter turned around with a smile, and greeted Su Xiaofan and Yang Xiu.

   "My name is Frank, you two are new here? Take care of my business in the future."

   It seemed that he was afraid that Su Xiaofan and Yang Xiu would not be able to understand his Danish language. Frank used English, but he stumbled a bit.

   "My name is Tom, nice to meet you."

  Su Xiaofan stretched out his hand and shook the other party. He didn't have any English name, but he thought of Tom Cat temporarily, so he just gave himself such a name.

   "My name is David!"

  Obviously, Yang Xiu’s name was also casually named. It’s not very convenient to use his real name abroad, and it’s hard for people to remember when others call it a mouthful.

   "Guys, William and I are old friends, you can come to me for anything in Green Island in the future."

  Frank pointed to Mr. Yang, and Su Xiaofan and Yang Xiu knew that the old man gave himself a foreign name of William.

   "Frank, let's talk in Danish."

  Su Xiaofan had a hard time listening to the other party's English. This buddy just jumped out word by word, and had to combine them by himself, and the pronunciation of the words was still not standard.

   "Anthracene, God, you Chinese people are so powerful, almost everyone can speak our Danish language!"

  Frank whistled in amazement, and then started the car, "No matter what you need, you can always find Frank on Green Island..."

   "Yes, Frank is also the most expensive."

  Old Yang next to him quietly continued, just to lead a way to see off the servants, Frank would charge two thousand dollars each time.

   "Oh, William, I'm so sad to say that, in Green Island, only Frank will accept your credit..."

  Frank's tone and expression are exaggerated, but it's not annoying. Elder Yang is also joking with the other party.

   "Foreigners are not trustworthy, but Frank is quite trustworthy here."

  Old Yang used his spiritual sense to send a voice transmission to the two, "If you are really in a tight spot, you can ask him to borrow money to buy a plane ticket back home, but the handling fee will be very high."

  Green Island is the only foothold leading to the restricted area of ​​overseas glaciers. After multi-country negotiations, no country is allowed to station offices in Green Island.

  So these natives of Green Island have made a lot of money in recent decades, and Frank is one of them.

  He does almost everything, and that cafe is also one of his main businesses, where Frank works as the owner and waiter.

  The cultivators do not have business every day. They usually engage in tourism and take tourists from all over the world to see the aurora. Their small days are very nourishing.

   "Old Yang, how much money did you bring this time?"

  Su Xiaofan sent a voice transmission, "Can you give me some more later? I may have to bring someone back."

   "Take someone back?"

  Old Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then suddenly said: "I almost forgot, your father is also in the Glacier restricted area, but we don't use real names in it, I really don't know which one is your father."

  The restricted area of ​​the glacier is very large, and those who enter here are those who rebelliously pursue their own evolution, and most of them don't like to be restrained.

  So the influence of relevant departments in overseas restricted areas is relatively weak, and only people like Mr. Yang will put national interests first.

  Old Yang has formed an alliance with several Chinese cultivators, but this alliance is relatively loose, and he may not be able to help when encountering a major event.

  Furthermore, the restricted area of ​​the glacier is too large, and many cultivators can only occupy a very small space.

  Most of the places are the territory of supernatural beings in the restricted area. If you want to unite all directions, you have to pass through those supernatural territories, which can easily lead to fights, so there are not many exchanges between cultivators.

   "By the way, where is your father in the restricted area?"

  Old Yang’s consciousness fluctuated and said: “Near the entrance of the restricted area, cultivators are usually not allowed to occupy it. Is your father on the outer edge of the east or the west?”

   "This, I really don't know."

  Su Xiaofan laughed wryly when he heard the words, "I only know that my father is in a very peripheral area of ​​the restricted area, and the territory he occupies is not very conspicuous, so I don't know the exact direction."

  Su Xiaofan felt a little regretful. He had talked so much with his father at that time, but he didn't ask him where he was in the restricted area.

  Finding people in an area of ​​millions of square kilometers that is comparable to a large country, Su Xiaofan still has some headaches when he thinks about it.

   "Then look along the edge of the restricted area, it's not too dangerous..."

  Old Yang nodded and explained to Su Xiaofan and Yang Xiu. ,

  The pattern of all restricted areas in the world is basically the same.

  The space crack is the core and center of the restricted area, where the aura is the most abundant, and it is also the place where all powerful extraordinary creatures and human beings compete.

  Su Xiaofan heard from his father that there were strong human beings who once occupied that place, but they were driven away by extraordinary creatures. Now the core area of ​​the restricted area is basically dominated by extraordinary creatures.

  However, there is another force, which is what Dad once said, the creatures that are suspected to have come out of the space cracks, and also occupy a region of the space cracks, which can faintly compete with the extraordinary creatures.

  Su Weixuan entered the restricted area mainly to save his wife's life, so he has been staying at the outer edge of the restricted area, and most of these things have been heard from other people.

   "I mainly stay on the eastern edge of the restricted area, where most of our Chinese cultivators are."

  Old Yang is not afraid to expose his shortcomings. As a cultivator in the early stage of Yangshen, he can't walk sideways in the glacier forbidden area, but he is basically unprovoked by cultivators who stay in the fringe area.

   Occasionally, Elder Yang would join some teams, go to the inner part of the restricted area to hunt and kill extraordinary creatures, seize cultivation resources, and return to the periphery after a big battle.

  Those extraordinary creatures want to keep their inner positions, and after repelling the human cultivators, they often seldom chase them down.

   One side is attacking and the other is defending. Usually, the offensive side will take advantage of it. However, both sides usually suffer casualties. This kind of battle has lasted for nearly a hundred years.

   And every twenty years or so, there will be a big battle in the restricted area that will sweep the entire restricted area.

  It was a battle for the core area, a battle between the human and extraordinary camps. If you don't want to participate in the battle, you can only exit the restricted area.

   "Huh? I haven't heard my father talk about it."

  Hearing what Mr. Yang said, Su Xiaofan was stunned for a moment. This is a big event in the restricted zone, why didn't dad mention it.

   "Your father should be a lone ranger, so I don't know."

  For Su Xiaofan's question, Mr. Yang didn't take it seriously.

   Judging from Su Xiaofan's age, his father shouldn't be too old. He hasn't experienced the last camp battle, so he naturally doesn't know about these things.

   "There are still two years, and it's time to compete for the core of the restricted area, Xiao Fan, you'd better take your father out of the restricted area."

  Old Yang's face became a little serious, "Cultivators without power are often the first to be strangled in this kind of battle, even if they hide outside the restricted area."

   In the battle of camps, both the cultivator and the extraordinary will gradually erode each other's living space, forcing those lone rangers or small forces to unite. Failure to unite is a dead end.

  In the end, there will definitely be a decisive battle between the camps, the winner takes all, occupying the core area, inner circle and most of the outer space.

  The loser's side can only stay in the outer edge area where the aura is thin, and most of them are near the shield of the restricted area.

  Of course, the so-called thin aura here is also relative.

  In the Glacier Forbidden Zone, even the thinnest aura is comparable to the aura in the cracks in the restricted area of ​​the Qinling Mountains.

   Besides, there are very few cultivators and supernatural beings after all. According to Elder Yang's estimate, it would be good to have a thousand cultivators in the entire Glacier Forbidden Land.

  As for extraordinary creatures, there are probably only a few thousand at most, and the total of extraordinary creatures and human cultivators is less than 10,000.

   Less than 10,000 people are distributed in a restricted area of ​​millions of square kilometers. On average, one person can occupy hundreds of square kilometers, which is enough for their cultivation.

  So the camp battle every twenty years is not a battle to exterminate the other race, but just to compete for cultivation resources.

  After each battle, the winning side seizes the time to use the abundant aura to evolve and cultivate, while the losing side is also gearing up to win the inner core area next time.

  In the last camp battle, the supernatural beings won, and the human cultivators were pushed out to the outside. This time, some powerful cultivators will make a comeback and drive the supernatural out of the inner circle.

  In fact, the battles have already begun in recent years. It is common to see fights between cultivators and Chaofan in a small area. Even the periphery of the restricted area has not been very peaceful recently.

   "No wonder Dad said that he has been in trouble recently, so he won't go back to China."

  When Su Xiaofan heard Elder Yang's explanation, he immediately understood that it should be the battle between Chaofan and the cultivator, which involved his father's sphere of influence.

   "Old Yang, how long will it take for us to reach the restricted area?"

  Thinking of this, Su Xiaofan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. As the saying goes, brother who fights a tiger is a father and son soldier. He has to rush to fight side by side with his father.

   "If we can leave the ship tonight, we still have to go on the road for six days."

  Old Yang said: "There is no airport there, and many places have to break the ice to pass through, so the speed cannot be increased."

  Hearing Old Yang's words, Su Xiaofan nodded and didn't say anything more, but his heart calmed down.

  Su Xiaofan's psychological quality is very strong. When encountering things beyond his power, it is useless to worry and worry. Su Xiaofan can usually deal with it calmly.

   "The icebreakers we took were actually boarded by relatives. They were not specially designed to carry us on this trip."

  Old Yang was worried that Su Xiaofan didn't understand, so he explained it to him.

  Most of the icebreakers in the Arctic Circle are for some scientific research fleets to go to the North Pole to work. It is expensive to sail once, and usually only big countries can afford the commission for hiring ships.

  As for Su Xiaofan and the others, they have opened up the relationship with the icebreaker, and they are considered as extra passengers.

  However, these extra passengers are very generous every time they make a move. If they can pull three or five at a time, the twenty or thirty crew members on board can all get an extra piece of money.

   "By the way, William, there is something I have to tell you."

  Frank, who drove to the pier, seemed unable to stand the silence in the car, "Those damned old men have increased their prices. Every time you take an icebreaker in the future, no matter how many people there are, it will cost you $100,000."

   "What? Isn't it counted by head?"

  Old Yang was taken aback when he heard this, "They only want cash. Do I have to bring $100,000 in cash every time I go out? They are breaking the rules!"

  Money is just a number to Mr. Yang, and he doesn't care much about it.

  But every time Mr. Yang travels back and forth between China and the Glacier restricted zone, he asks the relevant departments to prepare US$40,000 to 50,000. This time when three people came out, Mr. Yang only brought a total of US$100,000.

   "That's right, those old men are going crazy, one hundred thousand dollars a time, God, why didn't they take us in the robbery!"

  Frank was cursing, obviously because of jealousy, he could only make two thousand by leading the way, and the **** big money was all earned by the old man.

   However, in the field of icebreakers, Lao Maozi's technology is second to none in the world, and other countries cannot build icebreakers to compete with them for business.

   "Aren't they afraid we'll backfire?"

  Elder Yang's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance, cultivators are not allowed to take the initiative to deal with ordinary people, but if ordinary people find fault, is it possible that cultivators have to accept it?

   "They are indeed afraid."

  Frank glanced at Old Yang from the rearview mirror, showing a look of fear in his eyes.

  Facing Mr. Yang, who looked like a weak old man, Frank had many guesses in his heart, the biggest guess was that Mr. Yang was a magician.

  That was eight years ago. At that time, a group of outsiders came to Green Island, claiming to be from Sicily, and planned to develop their business on Green Island.

   These people are very strong and organized, and quickly occupied a large area of ​​Green Island, and the cafes on Green Island had to pay them protection fees.

   Once Frank picked up Mr. Yang from the icebreaker and was about to send him to the airport, but he was stopped by these people on the way.

  In their words, the air on Green Island has to pay taxes, and they must follow their rules in the past.

   Facing four or five people with guns, Frank was ready to give up.

  Because he knew that calling the police was useless, the biggest function of the three or five policemen on the island was to mediate the scolding of the aunts.

   But at the next moment, Frank found that these people suddenly fell down, and the guns in their hands fell to the ground. Frank was startled, and hurriedly drove away with Yang Lao.

  Since there was no flight that day, Frank arranged for Mr. Yang to stay overnight in a hotel near the airport.

  But the next morning, Frank got the big news. Those Sicilians who liked to eat pizza all died suddenly.

  That’s right, it was a sudden death. Four or five of more than twenty people died on the road in the suburbs, and the other dozen died in the residence.

  The police station received a call to the police early in the morning, and the corpse was being carried out at the moment.

  Due to the shortage of manpower, Danguo sent more than a dozen police officers to support it. It is said that the morgue of the hospital on the island is already full of corpses.

   I don’t know why, but Frank immediately thought of Old Yang and his smiling face.

  Frank knows that this kind of thing cannot be guessed randomly, and Frank has never mentioned it to anyone.

  But since that time, Mr. Yang can use credit with him, including the Chinese people who often take this route, and Frank tries to give him convenience as much as possible.

   There was once a Chinese man who looked a bit like the young man in the back of the car. At that time, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford the air ticket.

   It was Frank who introduced him to work as a coolie for a few days before he could afford the air ticket to go back. Of course, Frank also received a commission from the fishing boat.

  "Since they are afraid, they shouldn't change the rules indiscriminately."

  Old Yang’s voice made Frank feel a little cold, and Frank quickly turned on the air conditioner and heater in the car.

   "That's not what the bearded captain meant. I heard that his son is getting married, so the fee was increased."

  Frank first put aside his own responsibility, this matter really has nothing to do with him.

   "But I heard they can not accept cash this time."

  Frank glanced at Elder Yang's face through the rearview mirror, "They can give you an account, as long as the money is deposited into this account."

   "Huh? That's fine."

  Old Yang nodded lightly when he heard the words, ten thousand dollars or one hundred thousand dollars, the difference to him was that it was too troublesome to carry.

   Someone once came forward to talk to the people on the icebreaker to pay the boat fare by transfer, but they refused at that time because the crew wanted to receive cash.

  Now the captain should have unified his mind and is willing to collect transfer money, which is actually a good thing for Yang Lao and others.

   "Old Yang, it seems that I don't need to ask you to borrow money for my return trip."

  Hearing Frank's explanation, Su Xiaofan also heaved a sigh of relief.

   This time, the one-way fare of 700,000 to 800,000 is quite expensive, but as long as Su Xiaofan brings back an inner alchemy, the money he can earn is thousands of times the boat fare.

  So only people like my father who go to sea early and have no idea about doing business will be forced to work **** the pier.

   Today is ten thousand, please recommend a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)