MTL - Repairer-Chapter 211 musk ox covered in treasures

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  Chapter 211 The musk ox covered in treasures

   "Yeah, Chaofan here doesn't seem too strong."

  Hearing what Su Xiaofan said, Yang Xiu nodded in agreement.

  Although the grandfather was injured by the extraordinary arctic fox, he also seriously injured one, and Su Xiaofan beheaded three of them.

   Calculated, it is equivalent to Yang Lao's shoulder injury, in exchange for three extraordinary lives, including two holy-level arctic foxes.

   "Not too strong?"

  Old Yang was amused by his nephew's words. It wasn't that those extraordinary arctic foxes were not strong, but that Su Xiaofan's attack power was too strong.

   Ignoring defense and ignoring space, Mr. Yang has really never seen the natal flying sword, even the one from Jianzong may not be comparable to Su Xiaofan.

  Old Yang decided that as long as he didn't encounter a saint-level transcendent next time, he would let Yang Xiu take action, so that he could experience the not-so-strong transcendental strength.

   "Old Yang, what to do with those extraordinary arctic foxes?"

  Su Xiaofan licked his lips, "How is the quality of the meat? These three are enough for us to have a big meal."

   "I can't eat it."

  Old Yang curled his lips when he heard the words, "The meat of foxes tastes too bad, and the meat of arctic wolves is too bad. Among Chaofan, the meat of polar bears is the best, but they are also the most difficult to hunt."

  Old Yang suddenly stared at Su Xiaofan and said, "With you around, it's not too difficult to hunt, but it's too big, so it's not easy to take it away after killing it."

  In the past, even if Mr. Yang saw an ordinary extraordinary polar bear, he would hide as far as he could.

  Because the defense of this big guy is too strong, it is difficult to kill it in a short time. If a holy-level polar bear is attracted, it will be Old Yang who will die.

  But now with Su Xiaofan, as long as he resists the first round of attacks as a human shield, and Su Xiaofan is playing tricks behind his back, even a holy polar bear will be killed by the two of them.

  Thinking of this, Elder Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw a way to get rich.

  Of course, the wealth here refers to cultivation resources, not worldly wealth. Holy-level polar bears are full of treasures.

   "Old Yang, I am not here to hunt this time."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head, his way of cultivation is different from others, the resource Mr. Yang valued is nothing in Su Xiaofan's eyes, it is not as precious as a rare meteorite.

  So he is not very interested in hunting extraordinary creatures. This time, he just wants to find his father in a low-key manner, and then heals his mother before leaving here quietly.

   "Let's clean up those three arctic foxes first."

  Old Yang said: "Peel off the fox fur, a complete fox fur can be used to make an inner armor, don't waste it.

   Take out the inner alchemy and give it to Xiaofan. You killed the three arctic foxes. According to the rules, you should take the inner alchemy. "

  The hunting rule of the Glacier Restricted Area is that, among the extraordinary creatures hunted collectively, the person who contributed the most will get the inner alchemy, and the rest will get the flesh and skin.

  So although Mr. Yang severely injured an extraordinary arctic fox, the fatal blow was delivered by Su Xiaofan, so the inner alchemy was also Su Xiaofan's.

   "Old Yang, take a holy inner alchemy."

  Su Xiaofan felt that Mr. Yang was at a disadvantage. After all, carrying the meat shield in front was the most dangerous, and Mr. Yang was also injured.

   "I don't know alchemy, so it's useless to take it, so I'll give it to you."

  Old Yang knew what Su Xiaofan was thinking, and wanted to use the inner alchemy to feed the big cat to the holy level, so he offered to let Su Xiaofan take the inner alchemy.

   "Okay, Mr. Yang, then I will not be polite."

  Su Xiaofan thought for a while, nodded and agreed, and will make up later, anyway, it is not that he will not cooperate with Mr. Yang in the future.

   "Let me peel the skin and get the pill."

  Although he didn't have his own share, Yang Xiu was still very excited to be able to dissect two saint-level superhumans with his own hands.

   It's just that Yang Xiu's excitement didn't last for three minutes. After shaking out the dead arctic fox from the bag, Yang Xiu found that he didn't have any tools at hand.

   Moreover, the holy-level arctic fox's fur looks soft, but it is extremely tough. With the spear magic weapon stored in his body, even the fur of the arctic fox's abdomen can't be broken.

   "Yang Xiu, you go and take out the reindeer from the freezer and roast it. Let Xiaofan do this."

  Old Yang saw the embarrassment on his nephew's face, so he found him a step down.

  In the ice cave space of Mr. Yang, there are still several small spaces. Su Xiaofan discovered earlier that some supplies were stored in them, and one of them contained dead animals.

   At a temperature of more than ten degrees below zero, these spaces are equivalent to free large refrigerators, which will not be damaged after three to five hundred years.

   "The fuel in the second ice cave, you can take some out and use it." Old Yang told his nephew.

  Here, ordinary fuel can't be ignited at all, the fuel he brought is specially made outside, which is more advanced than the solid fuel Su Xiaofan used before.

   Unable to break through the fur of a saint-level transcendent, Yang Xiu, an ordinary creature, was no problem, and soon pulled out a reindeer that was frozen hard.

  Compared with the reindeer outside, the reindeer in the restricted area are undoubtedly larger. The body length alone exceeds three meters, and the two curved antlers on the head are more than two meters long.

   "Isn't this reindeer extraordinary?"

  Su Xiaofan was not in a hurry to dissect the arctic fox, but looked at the reindeer. Generally speaking, such a large creature has probably already evolved.

   "No, but it's about to evolve."

  Old Yang said: "We human cultivators and the extraordinary population in the restricted area actually don't want to see other ethnic groups evolve into extraordinary.

  So we feel that there are creatures that are about to evolve to a critical point in those groups, and we usually take action to kill them.

  Even if they are accidentally evolved successfully by them for a while, they will be killed later. There are only one or two extraordinary groups, and they cannot form a climate in the restricted area..."

"I see."

  Su Xiaofan nodded, in the eyes of the extraordinary population and human cultivators, other creatures are just their food.

   The amount of food can be very large, but powerful individuals are absolutely not allowed, otherwise humans and extraordinary creatures will attack and strangle them.

   It can be said that the ordinary creatures living in the forbidden area of ​​the glacier are very sad. The environment of the forbidden area gave them the opportunity to evolve, but this opportunity was deprived of by the existence above their food chain.

  Seeing that Yang Xiu was busy skinning the reindeer, Su Xiaofan also looked at the arctic foxes on the ground.

   "Peel it off from the abdomen, not above the neck, then hollow out the limbs, and dissect out the complete fox fur."

  Old Yang was at the side advising Su Xiaofan. There are not many people with this craft in the restricted area, so most of the Chaofan they hunted and killed before could not get a complete fur, and their defense ability also dropped a lot.

   "Old Yang, what do you mean, just make it into clothes and put it on?"

  Su Xiaofan understood Mr. Yang's words. The backs of these Arctic foxes were exactly one meter long, which was exactly the size of a coat. If they stretched their hands and feet directly into their limbs, wouldn't they be a piece of clothing.

   "That's right, this will enhance the defense of the arms and legs."

  Old Yang nodded and said: "The only one who can dissect the fur of the arctic fox in this way is that old guy from Jianzong, grandma. If you go to him before, you will always be ripped off."

   "The ancestor of Jianzong did well in the restricted area."

  Su Xiaofan naturally knows who the old guy of Jianzong is, even though he is at the same level now, Su Xiaofan still calls him the old ancestor habitually.

   "It's not just good, ordinary saint-level extraordinary people don't dare to provoke him."

  Old Yang curled his lips, Jianzong's natal flying sword was too powerful in attack, although the defense was mediocre, but as long as he found a few suitable meat shields, he would be almost untouchable in the restricted area.

   "Well, the Su Xiaofan in front of me is the same."

  Old Yang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the job he was doing now was the work of the old fellow Jianzong's meat shields?

   "No, I have to find a qualified meat shield later."

  Looking at the freshly bandaged wound on his shoulder, Old Yang's mouth twitched. He really wasn't made for a dry meat shield, he had to be injured every time.

  Old Yang was thinking wildly here, but Su Xiaofan was not idle, his spiritual sense controlled the flying sword, and he directly disemboweled the arctic fox that was pierced by the spear.

   The internal organs protected by the fur were frozen almost instantly, but the flesh and blood contained extremely powerful energy and were still elastic.

  As Elder Yang said, the flesh and blood of the arctic fox had a smug smell, Su Xiaofan blocked his sense of smell, and quickly disassembled the fox fur and flesh.

  Using divine consciousness to control the natal flying sword, the flying sword is like extending out of his own hands, and the subtleties are also handled perfectly.

  After Feijian hollowed out all the flesh and blood in the limbs of the arctic fox, he twirled and removed the head on the neck, and the whole process was done in one go.

   Following the same pattern, after Su Xiaofan dissected the other two arctic foxes, Yang Xiu over there just finished dissecting the reindeer.

  As for the inner alchemy of the three arctic foxes, Su Xiaofan has already taken out all of them.

  The inner alchemy of the two holy-level arctic foxes was the size of an egg. It was soft when it was first taken out, but it became hard when it was taken out.

  The inner alchemy of the ordinary extraordinary arctic fox is only the size of a pigeon egg, but whether it is an extraordinary or ordinary inner alchemy, Su Xiaofan can feel the huge energy contained in it.

   The inner alchemy agreed upon belonged to Su Xiaofan, and Su Xiaofan didn't hesitate to put it into his backpack.

  It's a pity that Su Xiaofan doesn't know alchemy, and the repair system doesn't collect any pills, otherwise he can try to make some pills with the extraordinary inner alchemy.

   "There is no need to throw away these internal organs and heads, they can be used for fishing when they turn back."

  Seeing that Su Xiaofan had finished dismantling the leather, Mr. Yang got up and rummaged in an ice cave for a while, and took out a slightly smaller leather pouch.

   "Fishing? Is it fishing for Chaofan?" Su Xiaofan laughed when he heard this, and helped Old Yang put those internal organs and heads into the bag.

   "Old Yang, what is this bag made of? It doesn't look big, but it can hold a lot of things when unfolded."

  The previous bag actually stuffed three extraordinary arctic foxes into it. Not to mention the size, the weight alone was several hundred catties, but the bag was not damaged at all when Yang Xiu was carrying it on his back and galloping all the way.

   "The stomach pouch of a musk ox."

  Old Yang said: "The musk ox is a treasure. Compared with the extraordinary, it is only an inner alchemy. It is a pity that too many of these things have been killed, and now there are not many in the restricted area..."

   Regarding Su Xiaofan, Mr. Yang has no reservations, and has passed on all his experience and knowledge.

  Musk ox is a very special creature in the forbidden zone. Its body is a musk ox living outside the Arctic Circle, but under the catalysis of the aura of the forbidden zone, the musk ox inside seems to be somewhat different from the outside world.

  The flesh and blood of the musk ox has an incomparable fragrance. Even an ordinary musk ox has extraordinary flesh and blood, and the meat is mild enough that even ordinary people can eat it.

  The eyes of the musk ox contain a scent gland, which can isolate the olfactory tracking of extraordinary creatures. The thing that Mr. Yang crushed before was the eyes of the musk ox.

  The musk in the musk ox can be used to make spirit tea. The musk tea that Elder Yang took out last time was taken from an extraordinary musk ox that he hunted.

   Unfortunately, that is the only extraordinary musk ox in this restricted area.

  At that time, there were too many people hunted and killed. Mr. Yang only got the musk from the musk ox, and the stomach and flesh were divided up by others.

  As for the musk ox's stomach, it is the most precious thing on the musk ox.

  The stomach pouch of an ordinary musk ox varies in size depending on its size, but even the smallest stomach pouch can hold objects ten times the size of its stomach pouch.

   As far as Mr. Yang knew, the stomach pouch of the extraordinary musk ox could hold more things, things that could be a hundred times its size, and the stomach pouch would only appear about ten times its size.

  According to the rumors of the cultivators in the restricted area, the stomach pouch of the extraordinary musk ox already has the characteristics of a space storage equipment.

  So as long as there is news of the extraordinary musk ox in the restricted area, it will inevitably make all the cultivators go crazy.

  However, so far, only one extraordinary musk ox has appeared in the restricted area in the past few decades, and Mr. Yang was fortunate to participate in it, and got the musk from that musk ox.

   "This extraordinary musk ox, can't it be kept?"

  Hearing the function of the extraordinary musk ox stomach, Su Xiaofan's eyes almost shot out.

  Space storage equipment, what an awesome item that is, even if it is not, it can hold so many things, and it is much better to carry a bag when you go out by yourself.

   At that time, as soon as he puts the stomach of the extraordinary musk ox into his backpack, he will be able to continuously take out various items. Just thinking about it makes Su Xiaofan very happy.

   "It can't be kept, the musk ox is timid by nature, and it will run away when there is any trouble.

  Even if some musk oxen are caught, they are timid and will not survive long under human feeding, let alone evolve. "

  Old Yang’s words interrupted Su Xiaofan’s fantasy. It’s not that no one has thought of Su Xiaofan’s suggestion, and some cultivators caught musk ox from the Arctic Circle and brought it into the restricted area.

  But no matter whether it is a foreign musk ox or a musk ox in a restricted area, the musk sac in the body will burst when it is frightened, resulting in the death of the musk ox.

   There are also powerful cultivators who want to establish rules to protect the musk ox group in the restricted area.

   But first of all, extraordinary creatures will not pay attention to this rule. They also like to hunt and eat the flesh and blood of musk ox.

   In addition, even if it is an ordinary musk ox, the stomach pouch on its body is very important to the cultivator.

  And these cultivators also understand that even if the musk ox evolves into an extraordinary, they have no part in it. It is more cost-effective to hunt ordinary musk ox for its stomach.

   If things go on like this, the number of musk oxen without the terrifying reproductive ability of reindeer will become less and less in the Transcendent restricted area, and now it is hard to find a single ox.

  Musk ox stomachs here are still hunted by Mr. Yang in his early years, but in the past ten years, Mr. Yang has not seen any musk ox.

   "You take one back and put it in your backpack, so that the capacity of the backpack will be much larger."

  Old Yang was not stingy, after explaining the function of musk ox stomach pouch, he simply gave one to Su Xiaofan.

   "Thank you, Old Yang."

  Su Xiaofan naturally cannot be polite, such an object that is almost extinct, if you miss this village, this store will not exist.

   "Okay, let's hurry up and tan the fur of this arctic fox."

  The inner armor on Mr. Yang's body was broken, and he could just replace it with a new one. In the Glacier restricted area, whether it is to protect against the cold or defend against attacks, the inner armor is a very practical item.

   "Mr. Yang, there is no sodium nitrate here, so how can it be nitrated?"

  Su Xiaofan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He used to make bronze wares, often using chemicals, and he also learned how to nitrate wolf skins from the neighbor's uncle, so he still has a good understanding of the tanning process.

   To tan the skin, first soak it in warm water for half an hour, then take it out and clean the residue on the skin.

  Then add sodium nitrate to water and soak for a week or two. After the leather softens, the tanning process is complete, and the leather at this time can be used to make clothes.

   "Extraordinary biological leather, the tanning method is different from the outside."

  Old Yang said with a smile: "They are not so brittle, and they will be destroyed by accident. The sodium nitrate you mentioned is useless to them."

  Old Yang got up and walked into an ice cave, and after a while, he took out a large white plastic bucket, which had a capacity of at least a hundred catties.

   "This is the pond where I tan the fur."

  Old Yang came to a corner of the room with a bucket in his hand. After Su Xiaofan followed, he found that there was actually a transparent "bathtub" there.

  Seeing Su Xiaofan sizing up the pond, Elder Yang couldn't help but smiled and said, "This kind of ice is mined a thousand meters below, and it's extremely strong. You can try it with a flying sword."


   Before Old Yang finished speaking, there was only a soft sound, and a hole was pierced by Su Xiaofan's flying sword at the top of the pool.

   "You pretend I didn't say..."

  Old Yang wanted to slap himself, knowing that Su Xiaofan's flying sword was invincible and extremely sharp, he actually tried the sword on him with this black ice.

   Silently picked up the white plastic bucket, Old Yang poured the liquid inside into the pool.

   Halfway through pouring, Mr. Yang stopped his hand, "This special strong acid is not easy to bring in, so there is only one poke left, so we have to save it."

   "Strong acid?"

  Su Xiaofan already smelled that smell in his nose, using strong acid to nitrate the leather, isn't Mr. Yang afraid of burning the leather?

   But it seems that it is not afraid, this extraordinary leather can not be damaged even if it is cut with a fire knife, and the strong acid can only play the role of nitration.

   "Take that leather and throw it in."

  Old Yang didn't talk nonsense, he walked over and picked up a piece of leather, and threw it directly into the strong acid pool.

   "It's a pity, next time I have to hunt an arctic fox alone."

  Seeing Lao Yang's rough technique, the corners of Su Xiaofan's mouth twitched violently, because he has a better way to refine these leathers.

  Just now Su Xiaofan took a look at the arctic fox fur with the repair system, and found that this material can be used in the refining pool, but it only costs 300 points of repair value.

  At present, Su Xiaofan is reluctant to spend the repair value to refine it, and under the eyes of Mr. Yang, he can't explain where the leather went.

  So Su Xiaofan could only carry the other two arctic fox furs and throw them into the strong acid pool.

  The three pieces of leather just sank into the strong acid, but there was no such familiar "chichi" sound that Su Xiaofan was familiar with. Obviously, the effect of strong acid on these leathers is also limited.

   "Just turn it over in three hours, and it will be finished in three days. Let's go, let's eat something first."

  Old Yang's nose twitched a bit. After being injured, he also needed external energy to supplement his body's consumption. Although these reindeer are not extraordinary creatures, they still contain some spiritual energy in their bodies.

  Of course, those arctic fox flesh and blood that Su Xiaofan put into the stomach pouch of the internal organs and head are actually the best supplements.

   It's just that Mr. Yang can't stand the smell of urine in the flesh and blood of the arctic fox, and would rather recover slowly than swallow it.

  Yang Xiu had already lit a fire with fuel, divided the reindeer into three parts and grilled them on the fire.

  At this moment, the surface of the reindeer has been baked with oil, and when it drips into the fire, it makes a "puchipuchi" sound, and the fragrance spreads throughout the ice cave space.

  In such an environment, Mr. Yang also manages the ice cave in an orderly manner. Not only does he have a 'bathtub', but also a 'barbecue area'. He is definitely an old boy who knows how to live.

  The fuel Mr. Yang took out was very powerful, that is to say, after more than ten minutes, the reindeer had been roasted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

   After taking down the reindeer, Mr. Yang put the big iron pot with ice on the fire, and after a while, it was steaming.

   One person was holding a third of the reindeer meat, and the three of them were not polite, so they ate it directly.

  The cultivator's teeth are called iron teeth and copper teeth. With one bite, even the flesh and bones are crushed. Swallowing it into the stomach, it quickly turns into spiritual energy to nourish the body.

  Su Xiaofan looked at Mr. Yang storing an ice cave full of prey, and realized something in his heart. In this extreme environment, even a Yangshen cultivator needs to eat some food.

  Hundreds of catties of reindeer meat, which is the amount of a meal, was eaten by three people without even bones left.

  Su Xiaofan only feels that his body is warm and very comfortable. It seems that this overseas restricted area is different. Even if it is not extraordinary, the flesh and blood of animals living inside are already extremely spiritual.

   "Xiaofan, turn around, can you give me one?"

  Yang Xiu approached Su Xiaofan, and said with some embarrassment: "Before eating meat, I really feel a little cold, and I need a warm clothes."

  Yang Xiu knew that he hadn't made a move before, so it stands to reason that the spoils of war are nothing to him.

   But if he wants to stay in the restricted area, this extraordinary fur clothing will undoubtedly increase his chances of survival in the restricted area.

   "Hey, Brother Yang, why are you talking about these things, three pieces of leather, originally one for each person."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head with a smile, and came to the strong acid pool. According to what Mr. Yang said, almost three hours had passed, and it was time to shake it.

  Su Xiaofan didn't need any tools, just grasped with his right hand, and the skin of the strong acid pool started to flip.

  During this process, Su Xiaofan discovered that the strong acid still had an effect, and all the broken flesh and blood residues on the leather disappeared at this moment.

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  (end of this chapter)