MTL - Repairer-Chapter 271 Great Ape

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  Chapter 271 The Great Ape

  When Su Weixuan and his son came out of the restricted area with the giant ape, the cultivators outside were boiling.

  Since the emergence of the restricted area, except for the Qingcheng restricted area, cultivators and supernatural beings are almost mortal enemies. As long as they meet, they will inevitably end in endless death.

  This is the first time I have seen a supernatural creature surrender to the cultivator.

  Because even the old monkeys in the Qingcheng restricted area, at best, can only coexist peacefully with human cultivators, and there is no such thing as who surrenders to whom.

   "Don't be so close to me, follow behind my father." Su Xiaofan's voice rang in the brain of the giant ape.

  Although he lost his spiritual consciousness, Su Xiaofan found that he can understand what he thinks now, which is much easier to use than divine consciousness.

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's voice, the giant ape shivered, and obediently followed behind Su Weixuan.

  Compared with these human cultivators, the giant ape witnessed Su Xiaofan's ferocity with his own eyes, and he devoured the golden core of the old cow.

  Another point is that, as an extraordinary creature, the giant ape's ability to sense danger far exceeds that of a human cultivator.

  At this moment, Su Xiaofan, who seemed to have no energy fluctuations on his body, looked like a ferocious beast in human skin in the eyes of the giant ape.

   "Xiaofan, I... I don't know what to say."

   After getting the news, Hua Long saw Su Xiaofan outside the restricted area, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

  From a major cultivator in the late stage of Jindan, he suddenly lost his cultivation base. This kind of gap is not something ordinary people can bear.

   "Minister Hua, it's not like I can't live without Jindan, and my physical strength is also very strong."

  Su Xiaofan and Hua Long walked a long distance before they said: "I won't be involved in the restricted area recently, so please send that old cow back for me."

  Su Xiaofan was very calm, but in Hua Long's eyes, it was a sign of despair.

  Looking at Hua Long's eyes, Su Xiaofan was speechless, but he didn't know what to say.

  The reason why Su Xiaofan didn't want to explain to these people was because he was used to keeping a low profile. Putting the spotlight on him would only make Su Xiaofan feel uncomfortable.

   What's more, Su Xiaofan couldn't explain his current situation at all, did he tell Mr. Yang and others that the path of cultivators went astray?

  Although Su Xiaofan has planetary-level exercises, the cultivation conditions of planetary exercises are also extremely harsh. The demand for energy alone far exceeds the practitioner's demand for spiritual energy.

  The energy contained in thunder and lightning is so great, but Su Xiaofan's practice this time abruptly absorbed all the thunder clouds that have been entrenched in the death penalty area for hundreds of years.

  Combined with the rich aura in the restricted area and the old bull's golden pill, when Su Xiaofan absorbed energy, it was like a bottomless pit.

   Even so, Su Xiaofan still failed to get through the first acupoint of the planetary exercise, which shows that this exercise is more difficult to cultivate than the cultivator exercise.

   What's more, Su Xiaofan uses the restoration system to cultivate the planetary skills, with the blessing of the system, Su Xiaofan's cultivation goes smoothly.

   But if it is passed on to others, Su Xiaofan is not sure that others will be as smooth as him when they practice.

   It is impossible for Su Xiaofan to do something that subverts the cognition of cultivators, and he does not think that with his own power, he can change the entire realm of cultivators.

   And after learning about the civilization of the universe, Su Xiaofan felt that the cultivators on Earth seemed a little abnormal.

  Cultivators who were able to fly into the sky and escape from the earth in ancient times were unable to enter the starry sky and integrate into the civilization of the universe. There must be something wrong.

   Maybe there is a mastermind behind the scenes, manipulating what happens on the earth.

  Before he figured out these things, Su Xiaofan didn't do that early bird, low-key development is the kingly way.

   "Okay, don't worry, I won't let anyone disturb you."

  Hua Long patted Su Xiaofan on the shoulder and said, "If you have any needs, just ask me, and I will find a way to do it for you."

  In the era of national cultivation, Hualong's current authority is far from what it was more than half a year ago.

  Relevant departments have developed extremely rapidly in the past half a year or so. Naturally, Hualong has also risen with the tide, and can already participate in the formulation of national policies.


  Su Xiaofan said simply: "I still need a lot of rare meteorites, the more the better!"

  After practicing the planetary skills, Su Xiaofan's repair value is only 3,000 points left, which makes him feel like he is about to go bankrupt.

   Once upon a time, having a repair value of 500 points could make Su Xiaofan laugh out of his dreams, but with the continuous improvement of his cultivation, the demand for repair value has become greater and greater.

   "Okay, I'll figure out a way."

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Hua Long's eyes lit up immediately. The energy Su Xiaofan needs is different from that of ordinary cultivators, and maybe he can really recover.

   "By the way, where are you going to take this guy?"

  Hua Long glanced at the giant ape behind Su Weixuan, and said with some headaches: "It's too big, it can't fit in an ordinary car, and it can't even fly."

   "Take it to Mangshan blessed land, since its life is spared, find a place for it to stay."

  Su Xiaofan turned his head and looked at the giant ape, and when he glanced at it, the giant ape couldn't help shivering.

   "Crack, click..."

  Suddenly, the gigantic size of the giant ape compressed downwards with a clicking sound.

  In a short while, the giant ape's height of 5 or 6 meters was compressed to 2.34 meters.

  Although the height of more than two meters is still a giant, at least Su Xiaofan's pickup truck can still fit him into it.

   "Let the helicopter take you back to the county seat."

   Hua Long took a look at the current height of the giant ape, and it shouldn't be a big problem to stuff it into the helicopter.

   As for whether the giant ape will hurt people after it goes out, Hua Long doesn't care much, because until now, he thought that the giant ape was subdued by Su Weixuan.

  Gold cultivators in the late stage of Jindan, even if they can't kill a supernatural creature, they won't let the giant ape have a chance to act fiercely.

  Su Xiaofan directly parked the helicopter at the parking lot in the county seat, and after getting off the helicopter, they boarded the car directly.

   Until the car drove away from the small county town, Su Weixuan still felt a little dizzy, because he hadn't figured out what happened to his son until now.

   "Son, can you still practice in the future?" Su Weixuan held back for a long time, and finally asked this sentence.

   "Yes, but I may no longer need aura for my cultivation."

  Su Xiaofan said: "The exercises I practice are different from those of the practitioners. Dad, have you ever thought that the current practitioners are actually practicing on the wrong path?"

   "Wrong? How is it possible? What the current cultivators accept is also the ancient inheritance." Su Weixuan shook his head.

   "I mean, even the practitioners of the ancient inheritance are wrong." Su Xiaofan found that his father didn't understand what he meant.

   "That's even more impossible. There were many great cultivators in ancient times." Su Weixuan just shook his head.

   "A powerful cultivator can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, but why can't he even get out of the earth." Su Xiaofan said sharply.

   "This... this..."

  Su Weixuan was stunned, as if this was really the case.

  In his inheritance, he recorded a lot of information such as the disappearance of aura in the age of dharma, but it never mentioned that practitioners can leave the earth to find another place.

  In the end, the cultivators on the earth left, but they also left through the teleportation array. They never seemed to think that they could leave the planet they were in.

  But modern people are different. Human beings have landed on the moon, explored space, and technology is already at the initial stage of first-level civilization. Human beings are not natives who can only be trapped on the earth.

  Ancient cultivators, if they are really as powerful as described in the inheritance.

   It is reasonable to say that the mere atmosphere cannot stop cultivators from exploring space at all, but why are there no records in this regard in all inheritances?

   "Son, then... can I practice your exercises?"

  Su Weixuan asked tentatively. Hearing what Su Xiaofan said, he really felt that the skills he cultivated seemed not that strong.

  Let’s not talk about anything else, human beings are now able to enter space by virtue of technology, but cultivators cannot do it, but the atmosphere can make all cultivators trapped on the ground.

  Even if he could get out of the earth, Su Weixuan didn't think he could survive in space. For some reason, he just had a natural feeling that there was a great horror in the universe.

   "It seems temporarily impossible."

   Regarding the question raised by his father, Su Xiaofan thought about it in his heart, and it seemed that he really couldn't do it.

  Cultivator exercises and planetary-level exercises are fundamentally different.

  Practitioner's exercises are for step-by-step promotion by absorbing spiritual energy, while planetary-level exercises are only for life leaps, and seem to be able to absorb all energy.

  Su Xiaofan had a faint feeling that if he let go of the vortex in his lower abdomen and let it absorb it autonomously, this exercise might even be able to absorb the vitality of human beings.

   This is also the reason why Su Xiaofan has been suppressing the vortex, and he is also a little scared, afraid that this exercise will destroy the planet.

  The reason why Su Weixuan can't switch to planetary exercises now is that he has gone too far along the path of cultivators.

  Want to modify the planetary exercises of cosmic civilization, Su Weixuan must first abolish his own golden core like Su Xiaofan did.

  But Su Xiaofan has the blessing of the system. While abolishing the golden elixir, before he has time to feel the severe damage of the abolished golden elixir, he runs planetary exercises to integrate all the energy contained in the golden elixir into his physical body.

  This is something Su Weixuan can't do, since the Golden Core is abolished, he probably won't have a chance to use the planetary skills at that time.

   This seems to be an unsolvable problem for all cultivators. The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to convert the exercises.

   What's more, besides Su Xiaofan, who can have such great perseverance to abolish all the cultivation bases that he has cultivated for a lifetime, and go on a road that no one has ever walked before.

  Even Su Weixuan just felt something in his heart now, asking his son such a question really made him change his skills, Su Weixuan might not be able to make up his mind.

   "Dad, don't worry about this matter, I'll try to practice first."

  Now Su Xiaofan feels more and more that the cultivator civilization on the earth seems to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands.

  From ancient times to the present, practitioners on earth seem to have been led astray.

  If Su Xiaofan hadn’t obtained the restoration system and knew the existence of cosmic civilization and exercises, perhaps he would also think that the practitioner’s exercises are orthodox.

   "Could the earth be a testing ground for an advanced civilization in the universe?"

  Su Xiaofan suddenly had such a thought in his heart, and a trembling feeling passed through him, because this guess is very likely to be the truth.

  To change the earth's environment and fill the earth with aura, it seems that it is not impossible for the high-level civilization of the universe.

  The technology of the second-level cosmic civilization can achieve absolute control over the planet's weather environment, and higher-level civilizations are absolutely capable of doing this.

   "Low-key, must be low-key!"

  Su Xiaofan felt a chill in his heart. If there is really a mastermind behind what happened on the earth, then there must be a pair of eyes watching the earth.

  In this experiment, Su Xiaofan should be regarded as a variable, and the variable usually has no good end, maybe it will be eliminated by the black hands behind the scenes.

   "Dad, if you bring the giant ape back to practice in the blessed land, I will not enter the blessed land for the time being."

  Su Xiaofan plans to go back and meet Hua Long again, ask about extraterrestrial civilizations, and see if he can find more clues.

   "Okay, Xiaofan, do you want to give it a name?"

  Su Weixuan glanced back, the big guy couldn't sit down in the carriage at all, he could only half lie in it.

   "Dad, is this a female ape or a male ape?"

  Su Xiaofan said: "If it's a female ape, let's call it Yuanyuan, she looks so fierce, so she deserves a cute name."


  Hearing Su Xiaofan's words from behind, the giant ape couldn't help whimpering to express his protest.


  Su Xiaofan heard the meaning of the giant ape, thought about it and said: "Why don't you call it Dasheng, this name is mighty and domineering, and it also fits its temperament!"


  When the giant ape heard the name, he immediately became excited. If it weren't for being in the carriage, he might have punched his chest with both fists again.

   "Dad, I'll turn on the screen at the back, you can look for Journey to the West and vote on it, let it know what a great sage is!"

  Su Xiaofan suddenly became playful, this giant ape has too little contact with humans, and his ferocity is hard to get rid of, but he can be brainwashed with TV dramas.

  The pickup that Su Xiaofan bought was originally a luxury modified version, with the second row of TVs and other basic configurations.


   It was also the first time for Su Weixuan to raise such a fierce beast as a giant ape, so he became interested at the moment, and took out his mobile phone to look for it.

   After a while, the familiar opening music sounded.

  The picture on the second row of TV screens immediately attracted the attention of the giant ape, stuck a big head on the seat, and watched it with relish.

  From that small county to Luochuan, it takes more than 20 hours to drive on the road.

   When the car was parked at the foot of Mang Mountain in the dark, the giant ape actually read the entire page of Journey to the West.

  Looking at the giant ape that got out of the car, there were more movements of scratching its ears and cheeks, Su Xiaofan couldn't help laughing.

   It is said that the ape family is the most similar creature to humans, which is really true.

  Su Xiaofan felt that if the giant ape was given some more time, it would be able to talk to humans with its spiritual sense just like the old monkey in Qingcheng Forbidden Area.

  It is not very appropriate to bring the Great Sage to human society.

   When there are more extraordinary creatures raised by humans in the restricted area, perhaps the Great Sage will be able to appear in front of ordinary humans in a grandiose manner.

   Now the relevant departments are also doing experiments. Basically, every restricted area will put a few animals raised by humans.

  According to Hua Long, some animals have shown signs of evolution, and perhaps in the near future, extraordinary creatures and humans will become close partners.


   After entering Mangshan Paradise, feeling the familiar aura, the giant ape couldn't help beating its chest and screaming.

   Its voice immediately alarmed everyone in the blessed land.

  Several figures quickly appeared at the entrance, and after seeing the giant ape, they all showed vigilance.

   "Xiaofan, why did you bring this guy in?"

  Jing Shizhen knew this giant ape. When he was peeking at the death penalty area, he had thought of this giant ape.

   Fortunately, Jing Shizhen retreated at that time, otherwise this would have become the fertilizer of the death penalty zone long ago.

   "I killed the old cow. This guy is more sensible, so I spared his life."

   Seeing his younger sister and the others rushing over, Su Xiaofan smiled and said, "It's called the Great Sage now, and it will be the guardian of the blessed land in the future, and it will also practice here."

  The concentration of aura in Mangshan Paradise is no less than that of a general restricted area, and there is no problem accommodating seven or eight Yangshen cultivators for cultivation, not to mention that only Su Weixuan is stationed in it for a long time now.

   "This guy won't go crazy?"

  Looking at the fully revealed size of the giant ape, Su Xiaoxiao felt a little uneasy. The size of this giant ape is really too big, and it looks intimidating.

   "No, with Dad here, he dare not..."

  Su Xiaofan was talking, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his face.

   At the next moment, the spiritual energy in front of Su Xiaofan suddenly fluctuated, and a huge colorful cat with a size of six or seven meters long rushed towards Su Xiaofan.

   "Wow!" Seeing the sudden attack, the giant ape stepped over in one step, blocked Su Xiaofan, and swung his fist at the big cat.

   Just when the fist was about to hit the big cat, the big cat's body suddenly twisted strangely, and disappeared in front of the giant ape. When it reappeared, it scratched the giant ape's back.

   Even though the giant ape had rough skin and thick flesh, a piece of flesh was grabbed by the big cat's claws. The painful giant ape let out a roar, and its whole body suddenly swelled to about ten meters.

   "Okay, let's all stop."

  Su Xiaofan stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed the air beside him. When he retracted his hand, he pinched Duobao's neck and pulled it to the front of him.

  The giant ape, who was about to go mad, couldn't help shivering after being stared at by Su Xiaofan. The huge figure was like a leaky balloon, and it returned to its original appearance.

   "In the future, it will be the boss, and you will be the second, understand?"

  Su Xiaofan patted Duobao's head, but his eyes were on the giant ape.


  The giant ape nodded its head again and again. It knew that it was not the opponent of the big cat, and the opponent should have evolved to the level of saint and extraordinary.

   "Don't bully it, you have to be friendly, you know?"

  Su Xiaofan stroked Duobao's neck with his hand, but the next moment he pulled it away with some disgust. The hair was as hard as steel needles, not as cute as when he was a child.

   "Brother, can I bully them?"

  Seeing the timid look of the giant ape, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that she was doing well again. Having such a big guy as her dog's leg, she felt awe-inspiring when she thought about it.

   "Yes, it will be called the Great Sage in the future, just stop bullying it ruthlessly."

  Su Xiaofan laughed, and had already arranged the order of the people in the blessed land. The Great Sage and Duobao were naturally in the first and second last positions.

   Recommend this book, "Firepower is King", it makes your blood boil!



  (end of this chapter)