MTL - Repairer-Chapter 329 Science madman!

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  Chapter 329 Scientific research madman!

   On the eighth day after entering the chaotic star field, the spaceship that Su Xiaofan and others took entered a group of planets.

  The planets in this place are extremely dense, with one planet separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It is impossible to use the automatic navigation mode to drive at all.

  Don’t think that the distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is very far. In fact, in the cosmic starry sky, this distance is very, very short, so close that the spaceship will collide if you are not careful.

   You must know that the speed of the spacecraft is beyond the speed of light. In an instant, it will travel hundreds of thousands or even millions of kilometers. If it travels at the speed of light, the probability of hitting a planet is estimated to be 100%.

  Tina slowed down the speed of the spaceship, and the expression on her face also looked a little nervous.

  Although it is not the first time to travel through this group of planets, Tina is still very careful. In the chaotic star field, this is definitely the place where spaceship accidents are most frequent.

   "Does this Starlight Pirates want to build a nation?"

  Su Xiaofan's divine sense unfolded, and he discovered that military bases were built on many planets, and countless ground-based naval guns were aimed at the starry sky of the universe.

  As long as it is an unidentified and unidentified spaceship, as long as it enters here, it will be locked by naval guns.

  Under that kind of intensive firepower, even if the warships from various empires of Purple Blood came, it would be useless, because this is the home field of the Star Thieves, and they have already built it like an iron barrel.

  Su Xiaofan was also quite shocked by the big hand of the Starlight Pirates. Their strength can definitely be called the number one star pirate group in the galaxy.

   The spaceship that Tina was driving was originally from the base of the Starlight Pirates, so naturally she would not suffer any trouble.

   After two days of driving in the planetary group, a living planet appeared in front of everyone.

  Three natural satellite planets guard this living planet, but the natural environment of this planet is far inferior to Mouton Star.

  Su Xiaofan checked with his divine sense, and the surface temperature of this planet is a bit high, around 40 degrees.

   But in general, it is still a livable planet, not the kind of planet with an extremely harsh environment.

  But this planet is ten times or even a hundred times as busy as Mouton Star.

  Countless spaceships come in and out of the star shipyard, and the shipyard with thousands of docking ports presents a busy scene.

   Almost every moment, hundreds of spacecraft approach or leave the dock.

  Looking at this scene alone, no one would think that this is a star thief base, but that it is a certain planet of the capital of the empire.

  After entering the orbit of the planet, Tina handed over the control of the spaceship to the planet dock.

  The dock controlled the spaceship, and it slowly landed on a channel. Tina took out two large boxes from the cargo warehouse, which were the materials her instructor needed.

  No one came to greet them this time, and they came to the boarding gate according to the voice instructions, and they rented a small aircraft.

   "Is this really the lair of Star Thief?"

   Until sitting on the aircraft, Muge still couldn't believe it. The dog who was fighting outside just now had his brains out. After coming to this planet, he was so quiet and peaceful.

   "No force dares to do anything at the forward base."

  Tina said: "Although this is not the station of the Starlight Pirates, it represents the face of the Starlight Pirates. The Starlight Pirates who dare to attack here have been removed from the universe."

  The Starlight Pirates grew up in the slaughter, and they were the only big force in the chaotic sea area. Under them, other star pirates were ranked.

   There used to be a rumor circulating in the Milky Way that the Starlight Pirates were not actually a force in the Milky Way, but a nail planted by other galaxies after they came to the Milky Way.

   No matter what galaxy it is, it is always not so friendly to foreign forces.

  So the extraterrestrial business groups that came to the Milky Way to do business before developed their influence in secret and were unable to enter the mainstream society of the Milky Way. The Star Thief Group is undoubtedly the best entry point.

   There are even rumors that the interstellar war that has swept the entire galaxy, including the black market online platform, has the shadow of alien forces.

  Beyond the technology of the Milky Way, the human overlord of the Milky Way, the third-level civilization technology, has no choice but to acquiesce in the existence of the Starlight Pirates.

  Of course, these are all rumors. I am afraid that only the high-level officials of various civilizations and the Starlight Pirates know the facts.

   "What name does this planet want?" Su Xiaofan asked.

   "There is no name, it is called the forward base."

  Tina said: "This is a place developed by the Starlight Pirates, which is specially used for the trading of star thieves in the Milky Way. As long as there are things in the Milky Way, you can buy them here."

   After the star thieves rob things, they have to sell the stolen goods, so not only the various star thieves groups in the Milky Way, but also business groups from many countries are stationed here.

   Even many business groups will pay to buy back the things they have been robbed by star thieves. Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is the best way to reduce losses.

   Moreover, some of their own business groups are secretly doing star thief business, just like old Homan's skeleton star thief group.

   It's just that old Homan's strength was too weak before. The star thief group with only two mech masters was not qualified to be stationed in the forward base at all.

  Of course, Old Homan's Skeleton Star Thief Group can be regarded as a shotgun change now.

  The star bandit group with sixty or seventy mecha masters can already rank among the second-ranked star bandit group in the galaxy, which is much stronger than when it was not popular before.

  The most troublesome thing for old Homan now is where he can buy so many mechas, and all of them need to be intermediate-level or above mechas. For old Homan, this is definitely a happy trouble.

  Several people were talking, the aircraft had already left the dock, and it was driving automatically to the destination under the navigation.

   Due to the hot climate on this base planet, the plants are not very lush, and red soil is exposed on the ground in many places.

   There are no aborigines on this planet. Basically, all the people on the planet are stationed here by the Star Thief Group or the Merchant Group.

   Perhaps the cost of rebuilding the planet is too high, and the Starlight Pirates are unwilling to invest too much resources. There is only one big city on the entire planet.

   But this city is a bit astonishingly large, covering an area of ​​over one million square kilometers. In a plain area of ​​the planet, almost all of it is included in this city.

   Moreover, the city is also poorly built. Most of the houses are built with that kind of quick floor slab, and few high-rise buildings can be seen.

  Su Xiaofan scanned some buildings with his divine sense, and found that many business groups or star thief groups just pulled a metal fence in front of the door, and then hung the name of the faction they belonged to on the door, even if they occupied a piece of territory.

   But thinking about it, Su Xiaofan can also understand that this place is just a trading place, not a livable planet. After the transaction, people leave. Except for the reason of Tina's mentor, I am afraid that no one will live here for a long time.

  Even if it is the resident points of the Star Thief Group and the Merchant Group, it is estimated that people will come here in rotation, otherwise, it is difficult for ordinary people to stay in this environment where there are generally no entertainment venues.

   More than ten minutes later, the aircraft landed outside a very empty yard.

   This yard is tens of thousands of square meters in size. A shed made of unknown material was built on the yard to block the scorching sun above the head.

  As soon as the aircraft landed, Su Xiaofan felt seven or eight cameras pointing at the aircraft at the same time.

  The source of the camera is more than ten meters below the yard, where there is a space as big as the yard.

  That space is full of various equipment and upgrade systems. It seems that it should be the place where Instructor Tina modifies small aircraft.

  The camera captured Tina's face, and the gate of the yard opened automatically. Tina walked in front and led several people into the only building in the yard.

   "Tina, are you back?"

  A middle-aged purple-blooded man who looked to be in his forties just walked out of the inner room. Su Xiaofan knew that he had actually taken an elevator from the underground to the ground.

   "Mentor, here are the materials you need, I brought them all this time."

  Tina placed two half-person-high boxes in the room.

   "Thank you, who are these? Sit down first, do you want something to drink?"

  Tina's mentor didn't look like the kind of research scholar who kept his ears to the outside world, but was very hospitable, and invited Su Xiaofan and others to sit down first.

   "Master, this is my mentor Alfonso, he is the most outstanding scientific research expert in the power system of our Zixue people."

  Tina first introduced her mentor to Su Xiaofan, and then said: "Teacher, this is my master Su. He is my master in cultivation. This time I came to see you for something."

   "Master in cultivation? Body training?"

   Alfonso obviously disapproved of Zixueren's skills. "Body training is not enough for Zixueren to break through the limits of his physical body. If he has time, he might as well do some scientific research."

  Alfonso is a rare sober faction among the purple blood people. In his opinion, it is simply impossible to rely on the empire's body forging technique to realize those stories in myths and legends.

  Relying on technology, in the tens of thousands of years, they have been able to overturn mountains and even chase stars and moons in myths and legends.

  So in Alfonso's view, technology is the only productive force of Purple Blood Civilization, and body training should be a matter of strengthening the body and practicing at will.

   "Body forging is not very good."

   Su Xiaofan has no objection to Alfonso's words. In his opinion, Zixue Civilization's body training technique is a **** technique, and Alfonso's complaints are not wrong at all.

   "Huh? You are the only one who doesn't argue with me about body training."

  Su Xiaofan's words made Alfonso look at him seriously. The Zixue people are already somewhat paranoid about the pursuit of body training. Every time this topic is mentioned, Alfonso has to argue with others.

   "Arguing is a pointless thing."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head and said: "I am very interested in technology, but I came from a relatively primitive planet, so there are many things I don't understand."

   "Primitive planet? Does the empire still have a very primitive planet?"

   Alfonso was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. The life planets of the entire Purple Blood civilization have basically been developed. Except for the chaotic star field, primitive planets are already extremely rare.

   "Garbage planet, an abandoned planet." Su Xiaofan borrowed the birthplace of two disciples.

   "Oh, I see, it should be relatively primitive now."

   Alfonso nodded and said: "I have been there, and I wanted to obtain a material, but unfortunately I couldn't get it."

   "Mentor, what materials do you want?"

  Tina asked, standing in front of the instructor at this time was Lin Yifei, the black market boss with a garbage star.

   "The horn of the dragon rhinoceros!"

   Alfonso said: "I have studied that the horns of general creatures can be used as fusion agents.

   If I can grind dragon rhino horn into powder and add it to one of my researches, I think it will make a big breakthrough for my latest power system. "

   "By the way, you are Tina's friends, that young man, are you Tina's lover?"

  Alfonso's eyes were very sharp, and he could see the relationship between Tina and Lin Yifei just from a few small movements.

   "Yes, Teacher Alfonso." Lin Yifei nodded.

   "Tina is a good girl, treat her well."

  Alfonso didn't greet a few more people, and said straight to the point: "What do you want to come to me? Now you can talk. For Tina's sake, I can give you a discount."

   Alfonso's reputation at this forward base far exceeds Tina's description of his mentor. He is now the master of the entire forward base's power system.

   Many battleships and space capsules in the forward base, after being slightly adjusted by Alfonso, the performance speed has increased by at least two layers compared to before.

   You must know that there are only two results of robbery in the universe and stars. One is to beat the opponent and board the ship to rob.

  The other type is unable to beat the opponent and can only flee in embarrassment. In this case, the speed of the spaceship is the key to escape.

   Not to mention increasing the speed by two layers, even if it is increased by 10%, it can become a killer weapon for escaping at critical moments.

  So Alfonso is very popular in the forward base. Not only the Starlight Pirates will ask him to modify the battleship, but other star pirates will also come to him.

  If it wasn’t for Alfonso’s acceptance of only three orders a year, his orders would probably be able to fill a full 365 days a year.

   "Mentor, haven't you received three orders this year?"

  Tina knows the habit of the tutor, because the tutor has to set aside time to study the quantum speed, take orders to modify the spacecraft, and also to have funds to continue her own research.

   "Well, I still have an order left. Those guys always take some junk and refit it for me, and they don't have much interest."

   Alfonso said a little depressed: "The value of the spaceship is only tens of millions, how good can the modified things be? These real poor ghosts who are star thieves!"

   Alfonso refitted the spaceship to earn funds for research on quantum speed. He won’t make much money after receiving a small order, so he is naturally lacking in interest.

   "Teacher, I'm also a star thief..." Tina stuck out her tongue, and the mentor killed a group of people with one blow.

   "Your family is also a poor ghost. Such a big spaceship cost millions to refit. What is it if it is not a poor ghost?"

  Alfonso didn't show any kindness to Tina. Last time, if Tina hadn't begged him, he wouldn't have bothered to modify such a garbage spaceship.

  In Alfonso’s view, these star thieves would rather spend money on weapon equipment than pay more for modification. When they hit the iron plate, they will regret that they ran slowly.

   "Alfonso, I want to modify an extremely fast spaceship, more than ten times the speed of light, are you sure?"

  Su Xiaofan understood Alfonso's meaning, which happened to be right for him. It's easy to make money, as long as you can meet my needs.

   "More than ten times the speed of light?"

  Alfonso was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said: "This kind of power technology for spaceships is probably only available in the third-level human civilization. I'm not sure."

   "Where is the difficulty?" Su Xiaofan asked.

   "First, the material of the spacecraft itself needs to be able to withstand the pressure brought by ten times the speed of light. The materials tested now can only reach eight times the speed of light."

   Alfonso thought for a while, and then said: "Second, at ten times the speed of light, I need to study a new power system. Some materials are very expensive and rare, and I have no money to buy them at present."

  In fact, the power system is only one of the factors that restrict the speed of the spacecraft, and the more important thing is the pressure bearing capacity of the spacecraft itself.

  Flying at a speed ten times faster than the speed of light, it is inevitable to encounter some meteorites and the like during the flight, which will test the outer shell material of the spacecraft.

  If under the impact, the shield of the spacecraft itself is broken, allowing objects to hit the hull, and the hull will shatter when touched, then the speed of the spacecraft is meaningless.

   "Money is not a problem, as for the materials, I may be able to give you some reference."

  Su Xiaofan thought for a while, turned around and left the room, and when he came in again, he already had a silver-white alloy plate in his hand.

  This alloy plate is square in shape, about 30 to 40 centimeters long, and it is about the same size as the box Lin Yifei brought.

   "What do you think of this alloy as a material for the outer shell of a spacecraft?"

  Su Xiaofan handed the alloy plate to Alfonso, this thing has been placed in Su Xiaofan's personal space for a long time.

  In the beginning, when Su Xiaofan got this alloy plate on Earth, even with the Flying Sword of Fate, he couldn't split or destroy it.

  But with Su Xiaofan's current cultivation base, this alloy can be cut at will under his divine sense, and it has no previous value.

  However, this does not mean that the technological content of the alloy is not high. From Su Xiaofan's point of view, the material of any aircraft or spacecraft that is currently on board is not as good as this alloy.

   "Huh? I don't think I've seen this alloy before."

   Alfonso himself is also a material master, but when he took the alloy plate, his eyes were a little confused.

   "This seems to be made of nano-alloy plus other materials. I'm sorry, please sit down first. I want to use tools to analyze the material of this alloy."

   Alfonso is a scientific research madman. Now that he saw materials that he had never seen before, he couldn't help it immediately. After asking Tina to greet a few people, he plunged into the basement.

  Su Xiaofan is not afraid that he will swallow the alloy. This thing is of little value to him, because with the current technology of the earth, there is no research result.

   On the contrary, if Alfonso can research it, it will benefit a lot. Su Xiaofan doesn't mind waiting a few more years for a top-notch spaceship.

   "Master, where did your alloy plate come from?"

  Tina is sure that when she helped Phineas pack the box, there was absolutely no such item in the box.

   "You will know later."

  Su Xiaofan waved his hand, he doesn't know how long he will stay in this chaotic star field, the less people know about the mustard space, the better.


   Alfonso's research is okay, he only showed one side for three days.

   Alfonso showed up to tell Tina to arrange for Su Xiaofan and others to live with him, and then he plunged into the laboratory and smashed into the alloy plate.

   It wasn't until the third day that Alfonso came out of the underground laboratory disheveled, and drank several tubes of nutrient solution as soon as he came out.

   "Teacher, do you usually eat this?"

  Tina looked at the teacher's miserable appearance, and knew that he was doing an experiment, but she didn't know that she thought he had been beaten by some big guys.

   "As long as it can supplement the consumption of the body."

   Alfonso said indifferently, but his nose couldn't help but move a few times, and his eyes couldn't help looking out of the yard.

  When he followed the smell to the yard and saw a large piece of grilled meat on the grill, Alfonso's throat began to move up and down.

  The body is honest. When Muge handed over a bunch of barbecue, Alfonso dropped the nutrient solution in his hand and ate it with big mouthfuls.

   It's also a loss that the purple blood man is strong, otherwise the mutated beast meat would not be eaten casually. Even so, Alfonso didn't stop until his nose bleeds.

   "You still enjoy life."

   After eating and drinking, he returned to the room. Alfonso sighed, "I haven't eaten barbecue for more than ten years, no, I haven't eaten artificial food for more than ten years."

"Ten years?"

  Su Xiaofan looked at Alfonso and was filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart. Those who rely on nutrient solution to survive are ruthless people, at least Su Xiaofan can't do it.

   "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about your material."

  Alfonso was more thoughtful, and he didn't care much about things other than research, and he didn't ask Tina where the mutated animal meat came from.

   "That kind of material should be the technology of the third-level civilization, with a bit of dark matter characteristics, and it is not difficult to produce it with a sample."

   Alfonso thought for a while, and said: "But if this material is used to make the hull outside, the synthesis method of the material will definitely be lost, and it may even cause us trouble."

  The third-level cosmic civilization is already the highest technology in the Milky Way, and the Purple Blood Starfield is the second-level civilization, which is far from the level of technology of the third-level cosmic civilization.

  So even if it is just a hull material, if it is lost, it will cause an uproar.

   At that time, not only the various forces will compete for it, but even the third-level cosmic civilization will intervene, which is not a good thing for Alfonso, including Su Xiaofan and others.

   "How much can this material improve the performance of the spacecraft?" Su Xiaofan asked.

   "Three hundred percent!"

  Alfonso's eyes lit up, "This nano-alloy has the function of automatic repair. As long as it is not disassembled, some minor damage can be repaired by itself."

  For Alfonso, the appearance of this material can subvert the existing spaceship hull technology of the Purple Blood Starfield.

   But there is no doubt that the sequelae are also huge. Even Alfonso, a scientific research madman, needs to consider the consequences of the loss of material synthesis methods.

   "If this alloy is used as the hull, I am sure to increase the speed of the spaceship to about fifteen times!"

   Alfonso's eyes were full of enthusiasm. In the past, the speed of the spacecraft could not be increased, which had a lot to do with the hull. But with this new material, Alfonso has full confidence in greatly increasing the speed of the spacecraft.

   "Okay, how much money do we need to produce this material ourselves?"

  Su Xiaofan thought for a while, and decided to do it in one step, "From the hull to the cabin to the power system, if we complete everything by ourselves, how much will it cost?"

   "All done independently?"

   Alfonso shook his head, "This is impossible, because there are many aspects involved, and we don't need to be so troublesome."

   "We can buy a repair shop capable of manufacturing hulls. This is available in the base. As long as the purple blood coins are in place, it can be done."

   Alfonso thought for a while, and then said: "As for the cabin driving system, we can completely customize it according to the size of the spaceship, and there will be a special manufacturing company to complete it.

   I am in charge of the power system, so what is needed now is to buy a repair shop, order the cabin driving system, and the materials needed for the power system! "

  Alfonso was only in charge of the power system before, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t know anything about the spaceship. Alfonso was also excited when he thought that he could build a spaceship that was unprecedented in the Milky Way.

   “Okay, how much money would it take to do what you said?”

  Su Xiaofan nodded, "How much time will it take, I want to have such a spaceship as soon as possible!"

   "A repair shop with the ability to manufacture ship hulls needs about 80 million to 100 million purple blood coins, and about 30 million purple blood coins are needed to buy the materials to synthesize these metals."

   Alfonso counted with his fingers, "Customized cabins and driving systems, based on the calculation of a cabin with 30 people, the top-level one needs 100 million purple blood coins, and the driving system needs about 50 million.

   As for the power system, I plan to use this alloy on some parts, which will reduce the wear and tear of the power system and have a longer service life. Two hundred million purple blood coins should be enough. "

   "580 million purple blood coins?"

   The number Alfonso said made Su Xiaofan feel a little surprised, it was much less than he imagined.

   "680 million purple blood coins."

   Alfonso said proudly: "The cost of my move is 100 million purple blood coins, so don't worry too much, if such a spaceship is purchased in a third-level civilization, it will cost at least about 2 billion purple blood coins!

  And the power system of the spaceship you bought with two billion purple blood coins may not be as good as mine. In terms of power system research, I, Alfonso, is definitely the top in the galaxy. "

  Talking about his major, Alfonso was in high spirits, as if he had returned to the college lecture hall.

   "What about the energy system? You didn't mention that."

  Su Xiaofan looked at Alfonso, he has always been very concerned about the energy of the purple blood civilization.

   Just wandering around Mouton Star for a few days, Su Xiaofan also "checked" the energy system of the fleet stationed on Mouton Star, but he didn't find any energy stones that could be used to repair the system and upgrade.

   Now hearing Alfonso say that this alloy plate is a product of a third-level civilization, Su Xiaofan immediately understood that that kind of energy stone may only be produced by a third-level civilization.

   "The Kabe Empire has recently researched antimatter energy, and its performance far exceeds that of nuclear fusion energy."

   Alfonso said: "You can buy this energy from the black market platform, but the price is very expensive. It will cost about 300 million purple blood coins to use it on the spaceship!"

   "Of course, you can also use traditional energy sources, and only a few million purple blood coins are enough."

  Energy power and hull protection are the most important parts of a spaceship. Alfonso gave all the highest configurations he could think of.

   "What about the time? If you meet these requirements, how long will it take to manufacture this spaceship?"

  Su Xiaofan did some calculations, and according to what Alfonso said, a total of 880,000,000 purple blood coins are needed, and it seems that they have just enough money.

   Just adding Alfonso's 100 million compensation, their money is not enough.

  Su Xiaofan still wants to buy some super mechs and the like, but he still has a lot of mutated beast meat in the space in his body, at worst, he can sell it for several billion.

   "It will take a year and a half at the earliest."

  Alfonso calculated that it would take eight months to order the cabin driving system, and it would take at least a year for him to develop and produce the hull and power system.

  Combined with the later assembly and debugging, the one and a half years given by Alfonso is already considered very fast.

   "Okay, let's get started!"

  After Su Xiaofan made the final decision, he looked at Alfonso with a smile, "Alfonso, how do you know that I can come up with this money?"

   This is something that has confused Su Xiaofan and Alfonso since the conversation. The first thing he said was hundreds of millions of purple blood coins, but Alfonso was very serious and didn't think that Su Xiaofan was a big fool.


  Alfonso pointed to the vertical eye on his forehead, "It tells me that you are a confident and capable person, and every word you say is worthy of my trust!"

   "Huh? This eye of ours still has this function?"

  Su Xiaofan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, the vertical eyes on his forehead were fake, so naturally he couldn't realize the magical function of vertical eyes.

   “Some people have it, some people don’t.”

   Alfonso shook his head and said: "My eyes can see the essence through the fog, which is why I can go so far on the road of scientific research."

  Actually, Alfonso did not tell Su Xiaofan a word, that is, when he looked at Su Xiaofan with vertical eyes, the other party was still a cloud of fog, and Alfonso could not see anything.

  But Alfonso could feel Su Xiaofan's strength, that kind of strength was like Alfonso's feeling when looking directly at a burning planet, making Alfonso feel himself trembling from the bottom of his heart.

  So the arrogance of Alfonso's scientific research experts was not revealed at all this time.

  I'm afraid that Alfonso's tutor is here, and he can't imagine his students to be so polite.

"You are very good."

  Su Xiaofan looked at Alfonso and nodded. With this ability, Alfonso will be the top talent in everything, including becoming a cultivator.

  Although Alfonso's age is over forty years old, he has passed the best time for cultivation.

   But these are not important to Su Xiaofan, Alfonso's talent to see the essence through the fog is only possessed by Su Xiaofan after he became a planetary life.

   "You...forget it, let's talk about it later."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head, and said to Lin Yifei: "Sell another two million catties of mutated animal meat, and exchange them all for purple blood coins. I will build two of these spaceships!"

  This is the first time that Su Xiaofan has thought about accepting someone as a disciple, but it is still too early, and it will not be too late to talk to Alfonso after the spaceship is manufactured.

  But for Alfonso, who is a comprehensive talent, Su Xiaofan has already decided on him by default. In the future, regardless of whether Alfonso is willing or not, he has to go with Su Xiaofan.

   "Master, do they all make the same spaceship?" Lin Yifei asked.

   "A small one, for about ten people."

  Su Xiaofan thought for a while, and said: "The other one is a little bigger, it can accommodate two hundred people."

  When he returns to Earth in the future, Su Xiaofan doesn't know how many people will follow him.

  But Su Xiaofan doesn't have many relatives and friends, two hundred people should be enough.

   "Actually, a spaceship with two hundred people is also small."

   Alfonso said on the side: "A spaceship with more than 500 people can be considered a medium-sized spaceship, and a spaceship with more than 1,000 people is considered a large spaceship..."

  The starry sky of the universe is so big that there is no limit. Even a spaceship thousands of meters long is just like a grain of sand in the starry sky.

  As far as Alfonso knows, among the third-level civilization countries in the Milky Way, there are spaceships with a length of more than 30 kilometers, and that is the real giant.

   "I leave this to you, Alfonso, please."

  Su Xiaofan said: "Help me do this well, I will bring you an unexpected surprise, it is about the quantum speed of your research."

   "Huh? understand quantum speed?"

   Alfonso became excited when he heard the words. Quantum speed is a technology that surpasses the third-level civilization. All the scientists he knows know nothing about quantum speed.

   "I can take you to see the real quantum technology."

  Su Xiaofan glanced at the underground, where there is the quantum laboratory built by Alfonso, "Where does the quantum teleportation array in your laboratory lead to?"

  Hearing the words quantum teleportation array, the corner of Alfonso's mouth twitched. He believed that Su Xiaofan really understood quantum technology.

   "It leads to an asteroid three million kilometers away from here."

   Alfonso said a little depressed: "It is still impossible to transfer the object completely, whether it is life or other things."

   Compared with the Norman Empire, Alfonso's quantum teleportation array has not made much progress.

   But at this time, he has already fallen into a bottleneck.

  Even with the eye that can pass through the fog, Alfonso could not cross the civilization gap of several dimensions and analyze the technology of quantum teleportation.

   "Can I see what's going on on that planet?"

  Su Xiaofan asked, although Alfonso showed enough respect to him, Su Xiaofan still wanted to give him a little shock.


   Alfonso called up the holographic image in his brain, and a planet suddenly appeared in front of several people.

   Pulling the planet closer, under an inconspicuous rocky hill is the quantum teleportation array built by Alfonso.

   "In fact, in addition to quantum speed, you can also learn about the application of space to speed."

  Su Xiaofan patted Alfonso on the shoulder, pointed to a location on the small hill, "Enlarge this place, and then look carefully."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

  Not only Alfonso, but also Lin Yifei Muge and Tina in the room were stunned when they heard the words. They didn't understand what Master wanted to do.

  Su Xiaofan didn't explain to the few people, but walked to the door, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the sight of the few people.

  When Alfonso recalled that planet, Su Xiaofan's divine sense locked it, and when the divine sense unfolded, three million kilometers could only be reached in an instant.

   At the next moment, Alfonso was shocked to find that Su Xiaofan, who was at the door, appeared in his own holographic image.

   Moreover, the position where Su Xiaofan appeared was exactly where he pointed with his finger just now, and he was waving his hand to signal to himself.

   "This... what's going on?"

   Alfonso looked at Tina with a blank face, and Tina was the only person he was most familiar with.

   "I...I don't know either."

  Tina has been frightened silly, she knows that the master is very powerful, but even a **** can't go to another planet in an instant.

   "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

  Seeing Tina's gaze turned to him, Lin Yifei shook his head, "Master just said that the speed of the spaceship is too slow, but I don't know what kind of ability Master is."

  Lin Yifei knew that Su Xiaofan could cross the universe physically, but seeing it with his own eyes, he was still shocked. With his current strength, it is really difficult to understand the realm of master's cultivation.

   "If the application of space reaches a certain level, it can do what I do."

  Su Xiaofan's voice rang in the ears of several people, and when they looked at Alfonso's holographic image again, Su Xiaofan's figure had disappeared.

   "See if it's something from that planet." Su Xiaofan casually threw a stone to Alfonso.

   "No... That's right!"

  Even if Alfonso doesn't believe it anymore, he can't raise any doubts. The man in front of him can really cross the universe and starry sky with his body.

  This strong impact from perception to thinking made Alfonso stunned on the spot for a moment. Su Xiaofan's actions completely subverted his understanding of technology and personal mysteries.

   "The teacher taught me!"

   After five or six minutes, Alfonso woke up and bowed to Su Xiaofan.

   It's not that Alfonso is not sincere enough, but that the Norman Empire did not have the etiquette of kneeling, and bowing is already a respectful etiquette for teachers.

   "Do the spaceship well first, and I will consider teaching you."

  Su Xiaofan drew a big cake for Alfonso, of course, the premise is that Alfonso must go all out to manufacture the extremely fast spaceship he needs.

   "Yes, I will do my best."

  Su Xiaofan showed Alfonso a whole new world, which made Alfonso feel full of energy.

  In fact, not only Alfonso, but also Lin Yifei, Mu Ge and Tina, the shock in their hearts was no less than that of Alfonso.

  They just knew that the master was very strong, but they didn't have an intuitive feeling of how strong it was.

  But now they know that walking in the cosmic starry sky is really like walking on flat ground in the eyes of Master, which is a realm that they can't understand at all now.

  But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, as long as you follow Master, sooner or later, you may be able to become a strong man walking in the universe and stars like Master.

  (end of this chapter)