MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 213

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The corpse demon reminded in a low voice: "Stinky girl, you don't want to live anymore, this place is Lord Demon King's territory!"

"If you dare to be disrespectful to the Demon King again, be careful that I'll be rude to you!"

Zhao Yan wanted to say something else, but Ye Hao waved his hand to stop her immediately.

Because at this time, Ye Hao could sense that there was a strong aura around him staring at his every move.


There is no doubt that it was the breath of the Demon King of Montenegro, and the corpse demon sensed the breath of the Demon King of Montenegro and was monitoring the surroundings, so he spoke out and reprimanded Zhao Yan to maintain the majesty of the Demon King of Montenegro.

After being stopped by Ye Hao, Zhao Yan immediately chose to shut up obediently.

When the group came to the gate of the "Mansion\'\' in Montenegro, the gate slammed open, and a large number of men and women dressed strangely came out from the gate.

The "things" that jumped out this time were eye-opening for Ye Hao.

The lineup of this team is too exaggerated: there are dozens of people in the team: Zombies, Specters, Hanged Ghosts, Yan Zombies, Ice Charms, Black Zombies, Fire Ghost Kings and a series of evil things.

There are also evil Taoists, Changfa demon monks and a group of evil aliens. ?

Chapter 293: The Demon King

These things under the command of the Demon King of Montenegro almost brought together all the evil creatures in this world.

Among them, there are quite a few strange things, and even more things that Ye Hao has never seen before.

With Ye Hao's determination, Rao couldn't help but sigh: The devil is the devil after all, it's really amazing!

At the forefront of the team is a big fat man with a face full of flesh!

This fat man is fat and bloated. Looking at the signs of weight, he must have a weight of more than 200 kilograms.

The fat man squinted at Ye Hao for a long time, and finally said, "You are Ye Hao!"

"That's right!" Ye Hao replied solemnly, "It's me, what's the matter with you inviting me over today?"

"Don't worry!" The big fat man replied with a smile, \"If there is anything we need to talk about in the room, I have prepared a sumptuous banquet. I really thank you brother for your honor."

The Demon King of Montenegro summoned a large group of chickens to participate in the banquet. Ye Hao thought that this guy was going to give himself a slap in the face.

But I never thought that this big fat man would be so "kind", without any fierce aura.

Although this fat man looked very disgusting with all the fat all over his body, Ye Hao felt that this guy seemed quite cute.

"Brother corpse demon, you are here too, please come in!"

Before the Demon King of Montenegro went upstairs, he did not forget to greet the corpse demon.

Although the Demon King of Montenegro has not forgotten about the corpse demon, his absent-minded attitude towards the corpse demon is not difficult to see that the corpse demon does not have a heavy weight in his heart.

This scene made Ye Hao very surprised. Why is this old monster so enthusiastic about him?

Ye Hao came over today, and his performance was quite low-key, but judging from the breath, the aura of cultivation on the corpse demon was not ten times stronger than that on Ye Hao. But why did the corpse demon give Ye Hao such a big face and disdain for the powerful corpse demon?

Could it be because Ye Hao is the protagonist of today's banquet?


This idea just popped up in Ye Hao's heart, and was immediately rejected by Ye Hao himself.

In the circle of the dark world, strength is always respected, and the fist is the biggest!

If you want to gain the respect of others, you must have the corresponding strength, otherwise you can only be trampled under your feet as a younger brother.

In this case, the only explanation for the Demon King of Montenegro being so polite to Ye Hao is that he sees Ye Hao's true strength.

In the upstairs hall, a sumptuous banquet was indeed set up for a table.

But for Ye Hao, this table of feasts is not delicious at all.

Creatures in the dark world also like to eat meat, but the meat they eat is basically pure raw meat, pure raw meat is not overdone at all, and the meat even exudes a strong **** smell. These things are simply not things that normal humans can eat.

Fortunately, the raw meat placed on the table is all the flesh and blood of various animals, and there is no human flesh and blood.

If there are human beings among them, Ye Hao is afraid that he will be killed immediately.

Ye Hao didn't have much appetite for the food on the table, but he didn't show it directly.

After everyone was seated, the Demon King of Montenegro said happily: "Brother Ye Hao, you are a guest from afar, let me toast you first!"

Ye Hao waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't have a good appetite today, so I won't drink the wine. I don't know why the Demon King invited me to come here. Let's discuss the real business first!" Ye Hao just casually perfunctory Montenegro The Demon King's attitude is also quite polite.

But even so, it still caused a fierce backlash from that group of little hooligans!

"Stinky boy, don't give your face, our Lord Demon King has toasted himself. How dare you be so generous, I think you don't want to live?"

"Yeah, you thief kid is really too much, it's really outrageous!"

"Drink the wine immediately, kneel on the ground and apologize to Lord Demon King, or I will kill you immediately!"

"I not only want to kill you, but also drain your blood, this is the end of the blasphemy Lord!\"

The group of creatures from the dark world is more vicious than the other, and the tone of these guys' words contains a strong smell of gunpowder.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became anxious, and there was a rhythm that was about to explode.

Fortunately, in the end, the Demon King of Montenegro came forward to ease the atmosphere: "Okay, all you guys shut up!"

"Mr. Ye Hao is my most honored guest. We should be as close as brothers to him. How can we make trouble because of this trivial matter? It's totally unreasonable!"

When the Demon King of Montenegro spoke, the group of scoundrels under his command closed their mouths and stopped talking.

After stabilizing the situation at the scene, the Demon King of Montenegro continued: "Since Mr. Ye doesn't want to go around detours, then I'll just say it!"

"The main purpose of my invitation today is to invite you to join us!"

"Join you?" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "How to join?"

"Join our Montenegro Gate and become a member of our Montenegro Gate. In the future, everyone will enjoy the same blessings and difficulties!"

"Oh, so that's how it is!" The words of the Demon King of Montenegro really made Ye Hao "suddenly realize\" over.

Ye Hao nodded and said with a smile: "Master Demon King 610 really has a heart. Your idea of ​​having both blessings and hardships is very good!"

The Demon King of Montenegro replied: "Since you think my idea is good, then join us immediately!"

"Now give me a drop of your blood essence, and I will put your blood essence into the altar of Montenegro, and we will be brothers in the future!"

Ye Hao knew very well in his heart that as long as he handed over his blood essence, cooperated with the request of the Demon King of Montenegro, and completed the occupancy ceremony, he would immediately be refined into a puppet by the Demon King of Montenegro, completely losing his personal dignity. This is definitely not what Ye Hao wants, and Ye Hao naturally cannot compromise.

But Ye Hao didn't immediately reject the Demon King of Montenegro, but responded quite politely: "Thank you Lord Demon for your trust in me, but this matter is very important, and I have to think about it!"

"Let's do it!" Ye Hao proposed: "I won't make a decision today. After going back and thinking about it for three days, how will I reply to Lord Demon King?"

Originally, the Demon King of Montenegro always had a smiling face, but at this time, he suddenly became cold and severe.

"Ye Hao, you don't want to play tricks in front of me, if you join us today, our grievances will be wiped out! "Otherwise, I will settle the grievances of Earl Wu Gang with you today! \"?

Chapter 294: You are nothing

"Oh?\" Ye Hao replied with a smile, "Brother Demon King is going to start for Wu Gang?"

"Humph!\" The expression on the Demon King of Montenegro was even colder than before, "Wu Gang is my younger brother, of course I want to stand up for him, if you are willing to be my younger brother today, I can consider letting you go! \"

"We have internal conflicts in Montenegro, even if the trouble is a little unpleasant, the brothers can understand it!"

"If there are outsiders who come to bully our brothers in Montenegro, all our brothers will not agree!"

The current attitude of the Demon King of Montenegro is as arrogant as he wants, but his arrogance obviously failed to attract Ye Hao's attention, and Ye Hao directly regarded him as a transparent person.

"Boy, do you know that your current behavior is killing you, our boss only needs a word, and you will be turned into a pile of gravel in an instant!"

A flower monk sitting next to Ye Hao finally couldn't bear it anymore!

Monk Hua directly pointed at the tip of Ye Hao's nose and scolded Ye Hao sharply.

At this time, Ye Hao was not accustomed to this monk Hua. He took a strong shot and grabbed the monk Hua's wrist and broke it with force, directly breaking the joint of the monk Hua's wrist.

"Ouch!" After the wrist joint was broken, Monk Hua let out a scream like a pig.

And Ye Hao said with a sneer: "You dare to be arrogant in front of me just because you don't have a waste, you really don't know whether to live or die!"

Ye Hao took a strong shot and directly destroyed the flower monk, which made the demons under the Demon King of Montenegro furious!

A large group of people swarmed up and wanted to surround Ye Hao.

Unexpectedly, the Demon King of Montenegro suddenly spoke at a critical moment: "Stop it all for me!"

After the Demon King of Montenegro came out and stopped the people who were about to start, he continued: "Ye Hao, you are my guest today, I will let you go, now you can go, I will go to you for a duel in three days!" "Originally, Ye Hao was ready to fight to the death with the Demon King of Montenegro, but he didn't expect the Demon King of Montenegro to come at a critical moment.

This made Ye Hao a little unexpected. He didn't expect that a guy like the Demon King of Montenegro was actually a guy who pays attention to principles.

"Let's go!" Since the Black Mountain Demon King didn't order an attack, Ye Hao certainly wouldn't stay at the scene and wait for a loss.

Watching Ye Hao and Zhao Yan walk away, the corpse demon finally spoke!

"The Demon King of Montenegro, Ye Hao is my friend, I hope you can sell me three-point thin noodles!"

The Demon King of Montenegro replied viciously: "If it wasn't for your face, do you think Ye Hao would be able to walk out of my Montenegro Mansion alive?"

"Even if I don't kill him, my brothers will never let him go!"

"Look at your thin face, I will let him live for three more days, and after three days, I must kill this dangerous guy with my own hands!"

"Dangerous guy?\" The corpse demon asked back, "What are you doing, old ghost of Montenegro?

"Ye Hao's cultivation is not as good as me. How could he be your opponent?"

The Demon King of Montenegro didn't seem very willing to pay attention to the corpse demon, so he just got up and left with a cold snort.

But the corpse demon shouted loudly: "Demon King of Montenegro, if you don't even save me any face today, don't blame me for fighting against you!"

"There is such a shallow friendship between you and my brother. I have always regarded this brotherhood very seriously, and I hope you can even cherish this brotherhood!" At this time, the corpse demon was obviously threatening the Demon King of Montenegro.

And the Demon King of Montenegro did not give him any face at all!

"Shi Chong, you better wake up, I've saved you face, you still want to smack your nose, right?"

"Just because you want to fight against me, please take a picture of yourself by peeing first, do you have that ability?"

"Get out of here now, don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

At the critical moment, the Demon King of Montenegro did not give Shi Chong any face at all, but Shi Chong was completely blown away!

Shi Chong immediately slapped the table and smashed his handle towards the forehead of the Black Mountain Demon King.

"Bang!" The Demon King of Montenegro also raised his huge fist and came over to meet the fist of the corpse demon.

This fist smashed down firmly, directly smashing the body of the corpse demon, and then retreated more than two feet away, overturning the two tables behind, and the corpse demon himself was overturned to the ground.

This wave of shocks, the corpse demon suffered a severe blow!

But the corpse demon has absolutely no intention of fighting back. After standing up from the ground, he directly ran away!

"Hahaha!\" Watching the corpse demon fleeing in an embarrassing manner, the Demon King of Montenegro could not close his mouth with joy.

The corpse demon suffered a defeat and was taunted by the Black Mountain Demon King, his angry old face turned green.

It is a pity that the Demon King of Montenegro is the boss now. Since the Demon King of Montenegro has stronger fists than him, he is not qualified to be fierce in front of the Demon King of Montenegro. After leaving the Heishan Mansion, Zhao Yan immediately told Ye Hao: ?? Husband, let's run away! \"

"The aura on that Demon King of Montenegro is so terrifying, we might be able to save a life by leaving now!"

"If it's too late, the entire Mingyue City will be monitored by him, and then we can't escape!"

"Humph!\" Ye Hao replied indifferently, "Isn't it just a little Black Mountain Demon King, what's the big deal!\"

"If he comes to trouble me in three days, he will be the one who will die!"

"Ah?\" Zhao Yan's mouth widened in surprise, unable to say a word for a long time.

Ye Hao stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder to comfort him: "It's okay, Zhao Yan, don't be too pessimistic, the Demon King of Montenegro is not as powerful as you think, as long as we work together, he will die without any doubt (Wang De's) !\" Zhao Yan is still not at ease: "If it is only the Demon King of Montenegro, we might be able to handle it together!"

"But you also saw the scene just now. The Demon King of Montenegro has a large group of minions!"

"The dozens of people in the seats are all powerful characters. When the time comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much!"

"Okay, don't worry too much about this matter, I have a solution!"

From a personal subjective point of view, Zhao Yan is still not at ease, but at this stage, what if he is not at ease?