MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 216

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The fighting power of the Black Mountain Demon King is the strongest one Ye Hao has encountered since his debut!

This guy is not only amazing in his own combat power, but his appeal is also unmatched by ordinary people.

A zombie that has become a monster can actually gather a large number of minions to serve him.

The most exaggerated thing is that among the subordinates of the Demon King of Montenegro, there are actually many human ghost hunters.

Usually, humans tame the creatures of the dark world, but now the creatures of the dark world have actually "tamed" humans.

"As long as the adults let me live, I will follow your lead in the future!"

The Demon King of Montenegro is willing to obey, and Ye Hao is of course very willing to accept it.

But there is a problem that must be carefully considered, and that is the issue of loyalty.

You must know that the Demon King of Montenegro is a guy with extremely powerful combat power. If he is scheming, it will pose a huge threat to Ye Hao.

"How can I judge that you truly surrender to me?" Ye Hao asked.

The Demon King of Montenegro knelt down in front of Ye Hao with his knees and shouted loudly: \"If your subordinates have two hearts, I would like to be struck by five thunders and never be born!\"

"Hehehe.??!〃 Ye Hao shook his head and smiled, "You said that, but I am relieved a lot, but in order to prove your sincerity to me, you have to put up your name in front of me! \"

"If your lord has anything, just tell me, your subordinates will do whatever you want!"

"Yeah!" Ye Hao nodded and continued, "I need to refine a few pills recently, and I need 15 black zombie corpses. You go to the desert of death and help me get 15 black zombie corpses. Dan, I believe you really obey me!"

"Uh...?..." Ye Hao's request made the Demon King of Montenegro stunned for a moment.

"Is there anything wrong?\" Ye Hao asked in a condensed voice.

The Demon King of Montenegro didn't say a word, but Zhao Yan walked up and said, "Husband, it's too risky for you to do this?"

"What should we do if the Demon King of Montenegro enters the desert of death and doesn't come back?"

"Now let him go, it's just letting the tiger return to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles!"

\"No no no!\" Ye Hao shook his head and smiled, "It's not what you imagined it to be!\"

"Brother Montenegro has just knelt down in front of me, and I believe he obeys me sincerely!"

"I think I should still give him this chance to express his heartfelt gratitude to me!"

"Yes!" The Demon King of Montenegro immediately took over the conversation and continued, "Your words are very true, I will go to the dark desert and help you get back a batch of corpse pills!" After dropping a sentence, The Demon King of Montenegro got up and was about to leave.

"Stop for me!" Zhao Yan called the Demon King of Montenegro immediately.

The Demon King of Montenegro is going to hate Zhao Yan to death now. As long as he leaves here safely today, he will definitely never come back.

The sky and the earth are huge, it is too easy for the Demon King of Montenegro to find a place to hide.

But Zhao Yan just didn't let him go so easily. The Demon King of Montenegro wanted to go crazy, but he could only swallow his anger when Ye Hao was present.

"This beautiful sister, do you have any other orders?" The Demon King of Montenegro tried his best to squeeze a smile, trying to please Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan doesn't take his tricks at all: \"Don't put it on me, if you run away today and don't come back, what can I do with you?"

\"Absolutely not, beautiful sister, just rest assured, I am a very principled person in Montenegro, and I will never do anything without a bottom line!\"

"Really?" Zhao Yan replied with a sneer, "If you are really willing to obey my husband, then take this medicine. After you take it, you can leave. When the time comes, you will complete the task and come back. I'll give you the antidote I"

"Carrion Pill!" Seeing the pill Zhao Yan took out, the Demon King of Montenegro was shocked.

Auxiliary Carrion Pills is a highly toxic drug, and the toxicity principle of this drug is mainly concentrated on its strong corrosive ability.

Even the Demon King of Montenegro is sturdy, it is difficult to resist the destruction of the carrion pill.

After taking the Carrion Pill, if there is no antidote within a month, it will be corroded into a pool of pus and blood by the powerful medicinal power.

The refining formula of Carrion Pills has a total of 81 spare medicinal materials, which are made from 18 kinds of medicinal materials in the 81 medicinal materials!

The carrion pills refined by each formula have different detoxification methods.

Even if the Demon King of Montenegro knows all the formulas of the carrion pills, but he doesn't know the formula of the carrion pills in Zhao Yan's hands, he can't come up with an antidote.

Yes, now you take this medicine and you can go! \"

"But this...\" The Demon King of Montenegro really wanted to slap Zhao Yan to death now.

But in the end, he turned his pleading eyes to Ye Hao!

"Mr. Ye, I sincerely trust you, look at this...???. Jian\"

Ye Hao said with a faint smile: "Since you are sincerely trusting me, what does this carrion pill mean to you? As long as you can complete the task and come back on time, I will definitely urge Zhao (Wang Dehao) ) Yan, give you the antidote!\"

The Demon King of Montenegro wanted to say something more, but he finally swallowed the words.

In the end, the Demon King of Montenegro gritted his teeth, threw the carrion pill directly into his mouth, and swallowed it in one bite.

The Demon King of Montenegro is not stupid. If there is no restraint at all, how could Ye Hao let him go so easily?

Based on his IQ, he knew that if the tiger returned to the mountains, there would be endless troubles. Could it be that Ye Hao's IQ is not as good as his?

Questions that can be figured out with a pig's brain, why do they need to say it?

Watching the Demon King of Montenegro walk away, Zhao Yan was still a little uneasy: \"Husband, the Demon King of Montenegro has many tricks, and this carrion pill may not necessarily be effective for him, we "Alright! "

Before Zhao Yan could finish her words, Ye Hao interrupted him: \"I don't think this guy from the Demon King of Montenegro will come up with anything!\"?

Chapter 300: No Escape

It is true that with the strength of the Demon King of Montenegro, there is indeed a high probability that he will be able to withstand the invasion of carrion pills.

After all, he is a so-called disappointed existence. If he didn't have any special means to save his life, he would have been smashed to ashes long ago.

But the Demon King of Montenegro can never achieve a 100% chance of successfully fighting the carrion pill!

If the Demon King of Montenegro chooses to bear the erosion of the carrion pill, there is a 50% chance that he will succeed, and another 50% chance that the carrion pill will be corrupted into pus and blood.

The more old monsters like the Demon King of Montenegro, the more they cherish their lives!

With a 50% chance, he definitely wouldn't dare to gamble!

"By the way, husband, you said that you helped us refine the spirit corpse pill. How is the refining?" Zhao Yan suddenly acted like a spoiled brat and wrapped her arms around Ye Hao's neck. Ye Hao did not refuse, but immediately took out a small box from his arms and handed it to Zhao Yan.

After Zhao Yan took the box, she opened it immediately.

But it was found that the box contained seven peanut-sized particles.

"Uh, this?..."

Ye Hao immediately explained: "There are a total of seven spirit stone pills in it. After you take one, you can share the others with her 613. One is fair and reasonable for everyone!" "Uh, Got it!" Zhao Yan pursed her lips and nodded in response.

Zhao Yan originally wanted to swallow the pills she got!

But when the pill was delivered to her mouth, she suddenly stopped her movements.

"By the way, husband, is there anything I need to pay attention to when taking this pill?"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "I asked the Demon King of Montenegro to hunt black zombies in the desert of death, and get the corpse pill, which is just for you!"

"With your current cultivation, the probability of breaking through to the corpse fairy realm by taking the Spirit Corpse Pill directly is only about 30%!"

"If you can take it with the corpse pill, the probability of breaking through may be doubled!"

"Humph!\" Zhao Yan suddenly raised her small mouth, "Since this is the case, why don't you tell me sooner!"

"If I eat the corpse pill now, isn't it a waste!"

"It's not exactly like this!" Ye Hao continued, "In terms of cultivation, Zhao Fang and Ma Yuzhen's cultivation is much deeper than yours!"

"Even if they take the Spirit Corpse Pill directly now, the probability of a successful breakthrough is still very high!"

Everyone's cultivation process is different, and their own foundations are also different.

As a cultivator, you must have a nuanced understanding of your own cultivation status.

What Zhao Yan just said was obviously irresponsible.

But Ye Hao didn't completely break out the words, so he just made a side-by-side attack and let her know.

The defeat of the Demon King of Montenegro made Ye Hao's forces flourish in Mingyue City.

In the evening of the same day, Ye Hao took everyone under his command to accept the Montenegro Mansion!

Half of the creatures from the dark world that originally belonged to the Demon King of Montenegro defected and joined other forces, while the other half chose to serve their new master, Ye Hao. That night, Ye Hao asked Ma Yuzhen to take charge of checking the refugee situation of Heishanmen!

Ma Yuzhen's work efficiency is very high. Early the next morning, she handed over an accurate list to Ye Hao.

This list is realistic, there are as many as 3,790 people in Montenegro who defected to Ye Hao's command!

Among them, there are more than 1,500 ghosts, more than 1,200 zombies, and hundreds of vampires, demons, demons and monks.

After reading the list, Ye Hao couldn't help but ask, "What exactly does the demon on this list refer to?"

"I have seen a seductive, a vixen!\"

\"Fox spirit?"

"Yes, there are also a lot of strange things such as rabbit essence, wild boar essence and so on!"

(acbc) "My God!\" Rao is Ye Hao's steadfast strength, and at this time he was also stunned.

"Is the charm of this Demon King of Montenegro so terrifying? Even these demon cultivators can earn him?"

The dark world belongs to a place where strength is respected, in this kind of place only the strong can get the respect they deserve!

The weak must be attached to the command of a strong man in order to be qualified to live.

Otherwise, it will soon be eaten as a small shrimp.

Ye Hao stared at the list in his hand and praised constantly.

And Ma Yuzhen asked in confusion: \"Husband, what are you doing with this group of waste?"

"I went to see their situation. They originally belonged to the demon king of Montenegro. Those more powerful evil spirits were all dug up by other demon kings!"

"The ones left behind are all useless stinky fish and rotten shrimps."

"These guys stay, except for wasting food, there is no practical significance at all!"

"Our forces want to grow and develop, and it's definitely not enough to rely on us alone!"

"With these guys on board, I think some great people will join us soon!"

This can be regarded as a plan to attract new ideas, and it will have a certain effect with the proposal over time.

Under the auspices of Ye Hao, the Heishan Building was "opened for business" after being closed for a day.

On this day, Ye Hao took the time to meet a demon under his command.

This little demon is called Red Fox, a beautiful and beautiful girl, her real identity is a fox spirit.

For a long time before, Ye Haoye had come into contact with many evil beings, but this was the first time he had come into contact with such a thing as a demon.

In order to satisfy his own "curiosity\", Ye Hao made the red fox live on the spot and turned it into an ontology state to give himself a good appreciation.

Sure enough, in front of Ye Hao's face, the red fox performed an ultimate makeover for Ye Hao on the spot without any cover. Originally a slender girl, in less than three minutes, she turned into a furry red fox. After turning into a fox, Ye Hao pampered her and waved his hand.

After seeing Ye Hao's call, the red fox immediately walked towards Ye Hao.

After walking in front of Ye Hao, the red fox rubbed Ye Hao's leg a few times with its small furry head.

This quite harmonious scene made Ye Hao feel uncomfortable!

Ye Hao hurriedly pushed the red fox aside, and said in a condensed voice: \"Okay, you can change back now!\"

This time, it took only two minutes for the red fox to transform into a slim girl.

\"Can you freely switch between these two physical states?\" Ye Hao asked curiously.

The red fox responded truthfully: "I need to consume a lot of my own energy to change my physical state to be able to do it!

almost I*

Chapter 301: I have a ghost in my heart

"With my current cultivation level, I can only switch up to three times in one day, and all my energy will be exhausted!"

"Then your current combat power is equivalent to...???...\"