MTL - Right A? Excuse Me!-Chapter 58

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I really don't want to go to school. My real name is Xiao Nan. He is an omega who looks thin and frail, but his rampage on the Internet has fully developed the spirit of national quintessence.

Xiao Nan was furious when she heard that a classmate asked such a stupid question.

This is not to tear down her CP in front of her!

Xiao Nan gritted his teeth and shouted loudly without thinking, "Mr. Su is already married, okay?"

When two gods fall in love, it's your turn, a male goblin, to intervene!

Su Fillxue looked at Xiao Nan and Shi Ning and nodded, "I'm married. If there are any other students who want to ask questions, please ask questions related to the classroom."

Xiao Nan proudly asked Shi Ning for credit: "How about Miss Shi, am I?"

Xiao Nan gave himself a thumbs up.

My own cp! Do your best to protect them!

From today, her identity is the love security guard who first saw the snow!

Where there is her, there is the happiness of her CP.

Now Shi Ning is only thinking about the look that Su Fillxue had just looked at.

There was only one thought in my head: Ah, oops, it was discovered.

Thanks to her, she also asked Xiaonan to borrow a hat to deliberately hide her conspicuous red hair and stuff it into the hat, just because she didn't want Su Fillxue to recognize her.

This is just great.

It's impossible for Xiaonan not to notice her with an earth-shattering cry.

I don't know if Su Ganxue will be angry for a while.

Shouldn't it be so stingy?

She just wanted to come and experience Teacher Su's class in person.

Xiao Nan did not speak when she saw it, and when she saw Su Tanxue who had been staring at the stage, she suddenly felt that she understood.

This is love! !

This look!

It's almost drawing after such a distance! !

Xiao Nan thinks it is necessary for her to work harder in class to create some opportunities for her CP to get close contact.

Looking at Shi Ning like this, Xiao Nan, who can only look at his wife from a distance, thinks she is so pitiful.

She doesn't allow her CP to be so pitiful!

So Xiao Nan, who didn't plan to study seriously and listen carefully, is now determined to take the class well. She takes the opportunity to raise her hand to answer the question, so that Su Danxue can notice her, and most importantly, Shi Ning next to her.


She's such a little wit.

Shi Ning had absolutely no idea what happened to Xiao Nan, who was beside her.

But she always had a creepy feeling.

My arms are cold and I don't know what's wrong.

Shi Ning turned to look at the air conditioner at the back of the classroom, she thought, maybe the temperature of the air conditioner was too low, so this happened.

On the podium, Su Fillxue had already started his own narration.

Introduction to Cosmology sounds like a rather mysterious subject.

Before Su Ganxue rummaged through the courseware shared by other teachers on the Internet, he could find that the directions for describing such a course were divided into several categories.

Either go directly to the iron science school, start with physics, tell the basis of the matter of the universe, and then develop further. Or just take this class as a category of astronomy.

Each has its own advantages, but for Su Tanxue, what she wants to convey on the podium is not such rigid data and knowledge.


These two words alone, for Su Fillxue, already represent infinite fascination.

Shi Ning sat on the desk under the stage, leaned back in the chair, and looked up at the woman on the podium.

Su Fillxue wore a very simple windbreaker today, took it off and hung it at the door. The inner layer is a shirt, which looks ordinary, but on her, it looks intellectual and attractive.

Holding the controller of the electronic screen in her hand, she pressed the button and tapped it, and the originally white screen immediately became completely black.

Su Fenxue reminded softly, "Please draw the curtains for the classmates sitting by the window."

The beautiful teacher has something to say, how can the students not obey?

Without saying a word, he stabbed all the curtains closed.

The light disappeared, and the darkness suddenly appeared. Su Nanxue lightly tapped again, and countless stars and clouds of smoke flowed on the screen.

With the continuous transformation of the picture, everything in the universe is presented on the screen.

Explosion - to explode, to annihilate.

Rebirth, restart.

After such reincarnation, the picture finally returned to calm.

Gradually, a distinct band of light appeared.

Some classmates in the audience could not restrain their excitement and shouted: "This is the Milky Way!"

Su Fillxue supported the desk with one hand, leaned halfway against the table, and held the controller lightly with the other hand, nodding his head to the classmates under the stage: "Yes, this is the Milky Way."

Further in the Milky Way is the sun and several planets around him.

Finally, it landed on a tiny blue planet.

Su Fillxue raised his hand and pressed the switch of the vertical microphone on the podium, fiddled with the curvature of the microphone, and said to the black sponge that wrapped the microphone: "As you can see, the earth is like Zhouzhu in the universe ocean. , a small land. Our human knowledge of the world, most of the galaxies we know, is obtained from this small place. In the past hundred years, a century, we have been striving towards the ocean of the universe. One small step of the trek. The information we have now, the so-called knowledge we have, is nothing but a shoal in the ocean, the current that has just wet our feet.”[Note 1]

"Revere the universe, revere nature. When looking up at the sky, please remember that no matter how much success we humans think we have achieved on the earth, whether we have become the masters of the earth and nature... Cognition, the understanding of the universe, is still superficial, but a drop in the ocean."

Su Fillxue put down the microphone, tapped the remote control in his hand, the screen changed smoothly, and a small moving aircraft appeared on the screen, which seemed to be a space exploration instrument.

Soon, a human in a space suit came out, and he roamed among the stars.

There is no way back, no direction.

Su Fillxue's voice came through the microphone again.

"I don't know how people define science, or understand science. But to me, science is the most primitive question of human existence. For example, why does an apple fall to the ground? For example, the air between breaths What is it? Or, what is it that we see above our heads? Is the earth round or square? Science always begins here.”

"Cosmology, astronomy, physics, biology, and even all philosophy and psychology in a broad sense in the world must ultimately answer the three most basic questions."

Some classmates heard this and couldn't help but whispered: "Could it be who I am? Where do I come from? Where am I going?"

Su Fillxue chuckled lightly.

The light in the classroom is not obvious, it is dark, and nothing can be seen.

Only the light cast on the screen fell on Su Fillxue's face.

The light with a little psychedelic color concealed the smile on Su Fillxue's face at the moment to be charming and beautiful.

She said, "Yes, as you would expect."

"In the next semester, I will lead you to explore the universe, and at the same time lead you to ask the answers to these three questions."

"I hope that after one semester, in addition to knowing the relevant knowledge of the universe and sharing it with others, I also hope that you can understand the meaning of human life in the universe."

"Existence is extraordinary."

With such an opening, even Shi Ning, an outsider who had no idea of ​​coming to learn something, was attracted.

Her playful eyes couldn't help but become serious.

She watched Su Fillxue, followed her, and walked together in the ocean of the universe.

I have seen the elusive planets, but also stopped, stopped and looked up at the eternally twinkling stars.

Supernova explosion - the majesty of the explosion, the mystery and complexity of black holes.

Extraterrestrial intelligent life, those hypotheses about extraterrestrials.

The whole class seemed to be a mysterious and fantastic cosmic journey.

Su Fillxue used this to arouse everyone's fascination and curiosity about the universe.

Before the get out of class ended, she said one last sentence.

"I'm standing here, but also have some selfishness. I like astronomy very much, so I hope that through my class, I can make everyone feel good about astronomy. It's not as far away as it sounds. For me , Astronomy is the most open-minded natural science in all disciplines, abandoning all prejudices, and exploring from the perspective of all mankind."

"Because the object of its study is outside the earth, in the face of the vast universe, everything will appear insignificant. Therefore, human beings, I mean, all life forms on earth should be regarded as a community. Study the universe , perhaps the least utilitarian thing."

"Okay, get out of class is about to end."

"Thank you for sharing this time with me on the same planet in this vast expanse of space and infinite time."

"Then, see you next class."

The words THEEND were cast on the screen.

The white light returned to the classroom, and many students in the audience came back to their senses as if they had woken up from a dream.

Xiao Nan was amazed.

Since she went to college, it wasn't her who said that she really hadn't listened to the lectures carefully for a long time and had a good class.

After all, when you are in class in college, there is no teacher who will care whether you have handed in your mobile phone or not. Playing games on the computer is even easier.

But today, in Su Ganxue's class, she completely forgot about things that had nothing to do with the class.

Even the important event of knocking CP was left behind by her.

The whole person seemed to be enchanted, immersed in the universe, and also immersed in Su Nanxue's eloquent narration.

After a long silence, there was applause from the classroom.

Some students were shouting: "Mr. Su! Don't go!! Let's stop teaching another class!"

It's the first time I heard it in class.

Xiao Nan quietly said to Shi Ning with emotion: "Sister Shi, I think you should have a sense of crisis."

Shi Ning: "?"

Xiao Nan said seriously: "I have a hunch that from today onwards, Mr. Su will become the most popular teacher in our school. I think the classroom for elective courses will also be changed from today's small classroom to the projection hall."

Shi Ning said word by word, "We got married."

Xiao Nan snorted: "Sister Shi, have you been away from university for too long? Don't you know that omega's favorite type is Teacher Su? Oh yes, with your precedent, I feel that other alphas may also It will be interesting to Teacher Su. Many college students have just come in now, and the rebellious period is not over yet, maybe one day they want to have a forbidden love with the teacher??"

Shi Ning felt that Xiao Nan might have read too many novels.

But after listening to it, she felt that there was still some truth to what was going on.

When Shi Ning fell into deep thought, when he looked up, Su Ganxue was surrounded by many students.


Depend on! north!

Shi Ning was thinking about whether to rush to take the oath of sovereignty, but was afraid of causing trouble for Su Tanxue. After all, people's current external image is that of a university teacher. With so many people watching, Shi Ning is afraid of what she will do and make Su Ganxue talk nonsense behind her back.

Su Danxue has coldly rejected all the students' applications to add friends, and stepped through the crowd, wearing the beige trench coat on his elbows.

She walked towards Shi Ning.

Shi Ning didn't know why, so she picked up an extracurricular book that Xiao Nan put on the table and put it in front of her face.

Well, there is still a bit of a guilty conscience.

Xiao Nan didn't have time to stop it.

The footsteps got closer and closer, Shi Ning's eyes flickered.

Someone raised his hand and tapped on the table, and a crisp sound came.

Shi Ning secretly raised her eyes from the book and looked at Shang Su Fillxue.

Su Tanxue said solemnly, "This classmate, are you reading extracurricular books in class?"

The rest of the people who were unwilling to leave after class also followed Su Ganxue's footsteps and cast their gazes over.

Someone was whispering about the discussion.

"Who is this?"

"I can't see clearly with a hat on."

"Mom, what's the matter with a little familiar."

"Still wearing a mask, where are students wearing masks in class?"

"She actually still has the mind to read extracurricular books in this class!"

Shi Ning rolled her eyes at Su Fillxue, and the meaning of pleasing was obviously incomparable.

Su Fillxue stretched out his hand, and Shi Ning obediently handed over the book.

When Su Tanxue read out the title of the book, Shi Ning's reaction was to turn her head to look at Xiao Nan.

""To A? I'm sorry!""

The cover of the book is as above.

Xiaonan secretly said, it's over, it's over.

Su Ganxue: "Are you studying gambling skills in class?"

Shi Ning: "..."

If she said she didn't know what was written in the book, would Su Danxue believe it?

Xiao Nan watched Su Tanxue gesture to open it, and she screamed, "Mr. Su! Don't look!"

Su Fillxue: "Huh?"

Su Fillxue dodged back, dodging Xiao Nan's hand that was reaching out to grab the book.

Shi Ning didn't know why: "Why are you so nervous?"

Xiaonan wants to cry but has no tears: "I..."

Xiao Nan didn't need to explain, because Shi Ning looked up and saw a sign on the back cover of the book.

In red, a circle was drawn, R18 was written on it, and a bar was drawn.

Su filled the snow with one eye and ten lines, and quickly swept the catalog of the book.