MTL - Right A? Excuse Me!-Chapter 68 (1)

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Mo Lingyuan knew from a young age that her parents did not love each other. They would argue in the house and smash everything and she would just curl up in a corner and wait for all the noise to stop.

When her father walked away in anger, her mother would come to her crying, hug her and stroke her long hair over and over again to tell her, Xiaoyuan, you will grow up soon.

Little Mo Lingyuan tugged at the ears of her rabbit doll and looked at her mother blankly: "What can my mother do when she grows up?"

When you grow up, will your parents stop arguing?

Mom will pull off her rabbit, press her shoulder, and say to her seriously: "Xiaoyuan, you are a top omega. When you grow up, you can find the most powerful and wealthy family to marry into, and then you will be even We can live the life we ​​want without that **** man."

Mo Lingyuan didn't understand.

If mom wants to go, why not go now.

Later, when she was older, she realized that the top omega meant the perfect fertility tool for everyone. Her father took her out to socialize, and those people looked at her like they were looking at a commodity.

No one really treats her.

Parents only care about whether she has etiquette class in today's dance class, and if she is injured, they only care whether she will leave scars and become embarrassed.

No one in the school cared about her either.

The title of top omega distanced her from ordinary people. Even if she really became good friends with someone, her mother would definitely come to the school to stop it.

"They don't cooperate with you as friends."

"Mo Lingyuan, don't waste your time on such boring things."

"Mom only has you."

But is making friends boring?

Mo Lingyuan was holding the book, sitting by the window, looking at the girls outside the window holding hands and laughing and running on the campus, thinking to herself, that doesn't look boring at all.

She yearns for it.

But after the mother appeared again and again like that, even if she took the initiative, no one would make friends with her anymore.

Everyone called her the princess with a mocking tone.

Mo Lingyuan is good-looking, her grades have always been among the best, and she has a lot of extracurricular hobbies.

Miss Qianjin should know, she is proficient in everything.

She has a good family background, not a top wealthy family, but also richer than a petty bourgeoisie family. The mother wanted her to make friends with children from better backgrounds at school, but Mo Lingyuan didn't like them either. Those people are usually not very polite, and have a kind of arrogance that also exists in parents.

Class is a ladder, and in order to continue to climb up, her parents almost didn't put her price on it.

After a long time, Mo Lingyuan felt that she could probably accept this kind of life.

Until she was in junior high school, she met Mo Qi.

To be precise, she didn't even call her that name at that time.

She was going to participate in the competition during that time, and her mother was worried that her unsatisfactory grades would embarrass herself, so she specially hired a tutor for her, who was said to be a student from a famous school.

The mother praised the other party's achievements, but also sighed that the other party's family background is very poor, which is a pity.

Mo Lingyuan didn't care about this, and when she first came into contact with Mo Qi, she didn't feel anything special.

Until one rainy night, she was stuck at school and couldn't go home.

It's time for homeschooling at seven o'clock in the evening.

Mo Lingyuan sent a message to Mo Qi, saying that she would not be able to attend today, so the class should be suspended.

As a result, Mo Qi came to the gate of her school with an umbrella and the rain.

Mo Qi smiled, the raindrops fell from the edge of the umbrella and hung a hazy curtain.

"Xiaoyuan, I agreed to have class today, so I'm here to pick you up."

It turned out that it only takes a moment to rely on the last person.

It turned out to be the feeling of being able to share with others what happened at school every day.

It turns out that being cared for is really addicting.

Mo Lingyuan looked up at Mo Qi, her eyes described this woman like a god, she even thought that after being with Mo Qi, her parents would be furious, because her choice went against all their plans.

At the age of thirteen and fourteen, a girl Huaichun, Mo Lingyuan's heart was burning with courage she had never had before.

She thought, just say goodbye to her parents and let them down, which is exactly what she wants.

But soon, an accident happened.

The mother died, and the father soon found a new wife.

Mo Lingyuan thought that she could ignore it and treat it calmly, but it was Mo Qi who walked into the house with the newcomer.

She became her sister.

blood-related sister.

Mo Qi is the child born to this newcomer and his father many years ago.

One night after class, Mo Lingyuan leaned on Mo Qi's leg and acted like a spoiled child, sighing, "If only you could be my sister."

This sentence is a prophecy.

become reality.

Mo Qi still looks the same as before, but she can no longer rely on her as she used to.

Although vicious bubbles popped up from time to time in my heart, I thought, how to seduce Mo Qi and make a scandal, making this matter known to the world, making her father lose face, and making Mo Qi's mother fall into despair.

The word chaotic and lun sounds wonderful.

But just think about it.

When I met Shi Ning, it was the day of Mo Qi's first year of high school after returning home.

Because of the entertainment, she and Mo Qi attended the Shi family's banquet.

She actually saw Shi Ning at a glance.

The girl who stood in the crowd, smiling wildly, with black hair highlighted in red.

Across the crowd, the eyes of the other party also looked over.

Mo Lingyuan had seen the stunning moment in the eyes of too many people.

It was within Mo Lingyuan's expectation that Shi Ning wanted to be her friend.

She thought, this is nothing more than another Alpha who likes her appearance and top omega status.

But it happened that she was in a bad mood and needed someone to accompany her.

So they gradually became acquainted.

Shi Ning and her are not in the same high school, and the two schools are not far apart.

Every day after school, Mo Lingyuan could see a girl riding a bicycle, carrying a satchel and supporting her car, waiting for her to leave school. Seeing her coming out, Shi Ning waved enthusiastically. Mo Lingyuan sometimes had a bad appetite in the afternoon and didn't like to eat in the school cafeteria, so Shi Ning would buy soft bread and milk from the canteen and bring it to her along the way.

Sitting in the back seat of her car, Mo Lingyuan didn't want to hug her, so she always only grabbed the hem of her clothes.

Mo Lingyuan wondered why Shi Ning was able to rush over so early. She asked her and the answer was that the last session of the middle school next door was free and she could leave.

Later, when I went to Shijia to play, I realized that this guy had skipped the last class every time.

Little liar.

Once, it was also raining heavily. Mo Lingyuan walked to the school gate in the rain with her schoolbag on. She didn't see Shi Ning, so she took a taxi and left.

But when she was sitting in the taxi, driving in the direction of departure, she saw Shi Ning's figure.

She was wearing a raincoat and riding a bicycle, heading towards the school gate.

In the heavy rain, her bright yellow raincoat was dazzling, going against all the flow of people and cars, constantly advancing.

Mo Lingyuan subconsciously called to stop.

But the taxi driver said, "Sister, there is no parking here, it's a one-way street. What are you doing?"

The car never stopped.

On the rainy day that day, she did not receive Shi Ning's umbrella.

Mo Lingyuan was afraid that she would wait any longer, so she sent a message to Shi Ning, saying that she had left early.

Shi Ning said: It's raining today, so I didn't go, don't worry.


Shi Ning likes herself.

Mo Lingyuan gradually became aware of this.

But how long can this love last?

What Shi Ning likes may be the bright and beautiful self she sees.

Shi Ning didn't know the viciousness that ignited in her heart time and time again, and the paranoia that she couldn't tolerate.

She's a rotten, rotten girl.

Mo Qi is in love, which is normal.

So Mo Lingyuan also fell in love.

She couldn't bear Mo Qi to bring people home, and said softly, Xiaoyuan, called her sister.

She had to find a way to distract herself.

In the summer night wind, two people are on the school playground.

Shi Ning took Mo Lingyuan over the wall and entered her high school.

Mo Lingyuan sat on the single pole, dangling her legs, she bent down, her long hair was scattered, and seemed to say casually: "Hey, Shi Ning, let's fall in love."

Shi Ning was holding a grape-flavored lollipop. Hearing her words, he froze for a moment, then turned to laugh, and the silver stud on his right ear flashed.

She said, "Okay."

Now it was Mo Lingyuan's turn to frown: "Did you just promise me that? Don't you ask me why I said that?"

Shi Ning approached her, took down the lollipop, and looked into Mo Lingyuan's eyes from the bottom up.

"I've said it since the day I became friends with you."

"I can promise you anything."

"And, I like you."

She smiled brightly and brilliantly: "so I'm glad you said that."

Mo Lingyuan thought, but Shi Ning didn't ask herself whether she liked her or not.

Falling in love with Shi Ning seems to be no different from being friends with her.

Nothing to break in.

She is the princess high above, and Shi Ning is the knight standing by her side.

She always thought that it would be good to go on like this.

Although occasionally seeing Mo Qi still feels sour in his heart, and still envy and envy the person standing by her side in an upright manner, Shi Ning is also quite good.

Until one day, she came out from home and wanted to go to the supermarket, but was stopped and stabbed in the back of the neck.

The Moon Spring is damaged.

When Shi Ning knew this, he rushed in full of anger and asked who did it.

Mo Lingyuan said that she is a small fan of Shi Ning.

But she lied.

She knew who did it.

It was Mo Qi's girlfriend at the time.

There is always a special intuition between women and women.

I don't know where she revealed her flaws, so that the other party could see her thoughts.

She didn't dare and didn't want to tell Shi Ning about it.

So lied.

The breakup also came unexpectedly. The reason for going abroad for treatment was because Mo Qi's girlfriend requested it at the time. Otherwise, her family would not cooperate with the Mo family.

Mo Lingyuan was easily abandoned.

Shi Ning didn't dare to come to her because she felt guilty.

After ten years in a foreign country, Mo Lingyuan was always waiting for news from someone.

But she didn't know whether she was expecting the sender's name to be Shi Ning or Mo Qi when the screen of her mobile phone turned on.

Shi Ning's news will come soon.

There are still traces of each other in the WeChat circle of friends.

She fell in love and had a girlfriend.

Mo Qi also always posts pictures with his girlfriend.

Everyone was accompanied, only her.

She was alone, huddled in a cheap small apartment.

The princess lived abroad, and from then on, she could only move forward on her own.


The moment she confirmed that Shi Ning was not "Shi Ning", Mo Lingyuan was actually quite fortunate.

She didn't even know what she was happy for.

Perhaps, it is possible to continue to hope that Shi Ning treats her like this and falls in love with Su Fillxue, just because she has changed her shell, not herself.

However, when she grew up with her, Shi Ning, who had been crazy with her, disappeared.

If you want to let Mo Lingyuan choose.

When Shi Ning disappears, and Shi Ning's love for her disappears, choose between these two things. She would even feel that the former seemed more acceptable to her now.

Once love is gone, there is no way to get it back.

It's like, her feelings for Mo Qi have long since disappeared in despair and tear again and again.

No love, no love anymore.

Can't get it back either.

Finding Su Ganxue and asking about the parallel world was just a flash in the mind of a little lunatic like her.

But unexpectedly, she really got an answer from Su Ganxue.

That night, Shi Ning's car galloped away on the mountain road and hit a tree.

On that day, a star happened to fall on the earth.

Mo Lingyuan believed in coincidence.

She has nothing to believe now but a coincidence.

On the wedding day of Shi Ning and Su Ganxue, a star was about to fall.

This is a prediction from an astronomical agency abroad.

So, Mo Lingyuan didn't tell anyone, she got into the car and walked onto the mountain road where Shi Ning's accident happened.

Full throttle.

Then, without hesitation, he slammed into a tree.

— bang.

Mo Lingyuan actually wanted to do this a long time ago.

In countless nights, the thoughts of wanting to die flooded out of her mind, and it seemed that countless gods were tearing at her brain, clamoring to destroy everything.

Beneath the flawless face is the collapse that is suppressed day and night.

But she was not so brave.

She also loved Mo Qi's tenderness.

But now, she has nothing to fear and nothing to miss.

This hit, it's life or death.

Or, like Shi Ning, disappear.

At the moment of the collision, there was no loud noise like Mo Lingyuan imagined.

The car got stuck by a tree, but her people disappeared out of thin air.

When Mo Lingyuan opened her eyes, she was in a room.

She always felt familiar in this room.

When the owner of the room opened the door, she remembered where it was.

This is Shi Ning's home.

She has come to visit before.

When she was still in love with Shi Ning, she also came to this room.

But at that time, the room was warmer than it looked....

Mo Lingyuan still remembers that Shi Ning likes to use green sheets, which is very spring-like. But now, the room is all gray.

They used to kiss at the desk.

It was Mo Lingyuan's first kiss.

She also remembered that at that moment, she kissed it first.

Shi Ning was always cautious, not daring to hold hands, and worried about hugging.

Probably always taking into account her feelings.

Sometimes, this kind of thoughtfulness makes Mo Lingyuan feel a little annoying.

It's not that she hasn't longed for some moments that cross the line.

Since Shi Ning wouldn't take the initiative, she would take the initiative.

They only kissed, nothing more.

Everything in the past revolved in Mo Lingyuan's mind.

She looked at Shi Ning who pushed in the door, thinking about how she would explain to her why she was here.


When Shi Ning walked in, she was only eighteen years old.

There is no high-spiritedness on his face, only endless gloom and rain, showing melancholy.

Mo Lingyuan stopped.

She opened her mouth to speak, but she found that Shi Ning walked straight towards her, and then passed through her body.

Mo Lingyuan couldn't believe it.

She turned her head and turned to touch Shi Ning, and then her fingertips could only penetrate Shi Ning's arm.

So - she died?

After his death, he returned to Shi Ning's eighteen years old.

But how can Mo Lingyuan be sure that this Shi Ning is the Shi Ning she has been with?

Or, she was thinking—


Perhaps Shi Ning, who never met her, was the luckiest one.

Better not to meet her.

She was never a good person.

God probably never heard her prayers.

She saw Shi Ning took out her cell phone and made a call.

The phone was connected, and the voice from the receiver was more familiar to her than anyone else.

It was herself.

On the phone, her voice sounded clear.

"Why are you still calling me?"

Now, standing beside Shi Ning, Mo Lingyuan realized how cold and impatient she was when she spoke.

Shi Ning was sitting at the table with her cell phone in her hand, looking a little cramped.

After a while, she was dumbfounded and begged in a painful voice: "A Yuan, let's not break up, okay?"

Mo Lingyuan wanted to say yes, but she couldn't speak at all.

Another she, repeating the lines she said on the phone.

"I never liked you, how many times do you want me to tell you about this?"

"I'm going abroad, don't contact me again."

"But A Yuan—"

"Shi Ning, you are not my dog, don't pester me."

Then, the phone was hung up.

When Shi Ning called again, there was only a blackout prompt.

-Sorry, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later.

Mo Lingyuan stood beside Shi Ning, only to feel cold sweat all over her body.

She forgot that she had said such an outrageous thing.

At that time, she seemed to be forced by Mo Qi's mother because of injuries and illnesses, so she was in a bad mood.

But even so, it's not the reason why she hurt Shi Ning.

Mo Lingyuan thought, she is really a bad person.

Uncompromising bad guy.

She was so bad that she turned around and hoped that Shi Ning could stand there and wait for her.

When Shi Ning looked at the phone, it seemed like she was crying, but it seemed like she wasn't.

She was lying on the table, and Mo Lingyuan couldn't see her face, couldn't hear her voice, and couldn't hug her.

Mo Lingyuan thought, how long will these days last?

Could it be that she could only stand beside Shi Ning and look at her like this?

The joking God told her the answer with practical actions.


She can only do this, watching Shi Ning in a place no one knows about.

Seeing her falling into a broken love and unable to recover, she still posted her very good news in the circle of friends.

Seeing that she deliberately found someone to pretend to be a couple, took a group photo, and made an official announcement.

Watching her finish all this, staring at the phone, as if waiting for an answer.

It turned out that she had not been happy all these years.

After knowing this, Mo Lingyuan was not even half happy.

In the past moments, across the foreign ocean, there was only news on the Internet. When she found out that Shi Ning seemed to have found a new girlfriend and fell in love again, she always felt unwilling for a moment.

Not happy that she was let go.

All the words Shi Ning said turned into lies.

Commitment becomes a mess.

She is not reconciled.

She wants this person to love her, love her all the time.

But now, standing beside Shi Ning like a ghost, watching her think of the same name over and over every night.

her name.

Mo Lingyuan felt very painful again.

She didn't find it happy at all.

It would be great if Shi Ning could come out.

After a long time, Mo Lingyuan was used to swaying like this.

When working as a ghost, the concept of time is not so heavy, and the perception of time is not clear enough.

She can only feel the change of time from the changes in Shi Ning's body.

She has grown taller.

The red hair that was originally just highlights has now become the color of roses.

Her eyes changed from young and frivolous to uninhibited world-weary.

Watch her put on high heels and a suit.

Also look at the people around her, who come and go.

Sometimes, Mo Lingyuan would even be interested in secretly commenting a few words in her heart, thinking that there are actually a few little girls who are really nice.

After all, she's been a ghost all her life.

It is better that someone can accompany Shi Ning well.

But sometimes, when there is no one in the dark night, Mo Lingyuan will secretly kiss Shi Ning's eyebrows.

She was always dreaming when she slept and frowning when she was dreaming.

Mo Lingyuan thought that she was probably in every dream of Shi Ning.

Because of her, tears will fall and her name will be called.

She is like a knife, stuck in Shi Ning's heart.

It circulates in the world and has never been taken away.

Shi Ning refused to do so.

No one else can take it.

She would rather fall asleep holding the wound every night and let all the pain and blood flow down, rather than throw the knife away.

It was as if, after being thrown away like this, everything disappeared.

She was reluctant.

Even the damage Mo Lingyuan caused her was regarded as romantic.

Sometimes, Mo Lingyuan would feel that this kind of life is just for a moment.

But sometimes, she will feel that time has passed for a long, long time.

Until one day, she saw Shi Ning and drove away.

She caught up and stayed in her co-pilot position.

Mo Lingyuan wanted to know where Shi Ning was going.

Waiting for the car to drive into the mountain road, it turns to a circle of emerald green.

Wait for the rest to show up.

Mo Lingyuan suddenly realized.

Ten years have passed by in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day when Shi Ningchu disappeared unexpectedly.

Mo Lingyuan felt a sense of despair in her heart.

She thought, no matter what she does, she must let Shi Ning stay.

Can't have that accident again.

But she has nothing.

She can't touch anything in this world.

I can only watch as everything is about to go down the road of repeating itself.

When Shi Ning was about to drive in front of the tree, Mo Lingyuan tried her best and shouted, "Shi Ning! Don't!"

She thought that Shi Ning must have heard her voice.

That's why he looked over in astonishment, not paying attention to the road ahead.



The car hit a tree.

Mo Lingyuan's eyes widened, and then she laughed in despair.

turn out to be.

It all started here.


woke up again.

Mo Lingyuan didn't dare to open her eyes.

She was afraid that when she opened her eyes, it would be empty and return to reincarnation.

Back to the day she met Shi Ning ten years ago.

Opening her eyes tremblingly, Mo Lingyuan's first reaction was shock.

feel unreal.

She got up, looked around, and saw that this seemed to be her residence abroad.

The memory of those ten years is like a dream.

It seemed like it had happened, and there was no trace at all.

The first thing Mo Lingyuan did was to pick up the phone to check the time.

! !

Now! !

It was the day when something happened to Shi Ning.

Mo Lingyuan quickly found Shi Ning's WeChat friend and sent her a message.

Mo Lingyuan: Are you there?

After waiting for a long time, Shi Ning did not reply.

Just when Mo Lingyuan thought she came back late, Shi Ning replied.

Shi Ning: ......

Six ellipses do everything.

Mo Lingyuan:  …

Shi Ning: Do you want to borrow money?

Mo Lingyuan: Well, can't you?

Shi Ning: How much, I'll turn to you.

As soon as these words came out, Mo Lingyuan knew.

Now Shi Ning is her Shi Ning.

It was the one who accompanied her through her youth, and the one who had been by her side for ten years, Shi Ning.

Tears poured out.

Smashed it on the phone screen and shattered into flowers one by one.

Mo Lingyuan wiped away the tears with her fingertips.

Mo Lingyuan: I want cash.

Shi Ning:......?

Mo Lingyuan: Stop racing and wait for me at the airport.

Mo Lingyuan: Did you hear?

Shi Ning didn't answer.

Mo Lingyuan's heart tightened again.

She was worried that Shi Ning went to the game again.

Another surprise.

Heart ups and downs.

When Shi Ning took a photo and sent it to her, she felt at ease.

Shi Ning: [Picture]

Shi Ning: Well, go home first, then pick you up.

Mo Lingyuan started booking tickets without a word, and she couldn't take care of packing her luggage. She picked the earliest flight and sent a message to Shi Ning.

When it was time to meet, Mo Lingyuan was still a little hesitant.

Uneasy on the plane.

She is now like a bad woman who suddenly has a conscience.

I don't know how to face Shi Ning for a while.

What do you say?

The absurdity of youth ten years ago is still engraved in Mo Lingyuan's mind.

The moments she had been by her side for ten years were all integrated into her blood.

Memories became part of her life.

Now, Mo Lingyuan can say that she is the stranger Shi Ning is most familiar with.

She knew that before going to bed, Shi Ning liked to toss and turn to try all the sleeping positions, and then cuddled her pillow to sleep.

She knows that Shi Ning only likes to brush her teeth half the time with an electric toothbrush, and then washes the toothbrush under water for the rest of the time.

She knew everything about Shi Ning.

Ke Shi Ning knew nothing about it.

It's weird to show up suddenly, isn't it?

Mo Lingyuan had a lot of thoughts in her mind. When she really got off the plane and walked towards the exit, she suddenly felt a sense of embarrassment and didn't know how to move forward.

I can't imagine what it looks like when I see her.

Will she be happy?

Still looking cold.

Or yell at her?

Mo Lingyuan was extremely nervous, and then she saw the most conspicuous Shi Ning at the exit.

Just like many years ago, when she first met, her eyes fell on Shi Ning through the crowd.

Shi Ning was also looking at her.

Mo Lingyuan pursed her lips, wondering if she should raise her hand to say hi, or do something else.

She walked over.

Shi Ning took out the hand behind her back.

A rose.

"Give you."

Mo Lingyuan suddenly burst into tears.

Why is she still so stupid after so many years?

This person is Shi Ning.

not others.

It means Shi Ning who will love her and will always love her.

She still remembers what she said to this day.

Ten years ago, when she was still in love, Shi Ning asked her what she wanted for Valentine's Day.

"I like to be given flowers, but I don't want a bunch. It's too earthy. I just have one, a red rose, preferably with a black ribbon on it."

Mo Lingyuan said so.

However, they broke up completely before Valentine's Day.

Therefore, Mo Lingyuan had never received such a rose.

until today.

until now.

Shi Ning remembered everything.

Seeing Mo Lingyuan crying, Shi Ning was a little flustered.

She didn't bring paper, because she was afraid that her hands would not be clean, and she was afraid that Mo Lingyuan would not like it, so she didn't dare to reach out to wipe her tears, so she asked dryly, "What's wrong? You were bullied abroad?"

Borrow money again.

Also cash.

Seeing her cry.

Is this not being bullied?

After listening to Shi Ning's words, Mo Lingyuan took a breath. She pulled Shi Ning's clothes and wiped her tears on her sleeve.

Then grabbed the rose in Shi Ning's hand.

Shi Ning was stupid.

She asked tentatively, "How about I make an appointment for you with a doctor?"

Mo Lingyuan looked really a little mentally ill.

Mo Lingyuan gritted her teeth: "No need."

Shi Ning thought to himself, still have to make an appointment.

Always feel weird.

She led Mo Lingyuan into the car, and Mo Lingyuan had to drive her out of the driver's seat and drive by herself.

Shi Ning: "Do you have a driver's license?"

Mo Lingyuan: "...let you sit in the co-pilot."

The princess lost her temper.

Shi Ning opened the co-pilot's door and sat down.

She opened the navigation and looked for the address.

Mo Lingyuan glanced at it and felt that something was wrong.

"What address is this?"

Shi Ning explained: "I booked a hotel for you when you came back on the first day. I guess you probably don't want to go home, otherwise, you wouldn't contact me."

Speaking of the last few words, Shi Ning's mouth showed a bitter smile.

She knew that she was only Mo Lingyuan's last choice.

In Mo Lingyuan's world, she is the one at the bottom.

If it is not necessary, Mo Lingyuan will not look for her.

Mo Lingyuan saw Shi Ning's thoughts, and with a stab in her heart, she narrowed her eyes and turned off Shi Ning's phone.

Shi Ning: ?

"I'm not going to the hotel."

Shi Ning: "Then do you want to go home?"

Mo Lingyuan: "I'm not going home."

Shi Ning: "Ah? That?"

Mo Lingyuan: "I'll go to your house."

Shi Ning: ......

She looked at Mo Lingyuan, and after confirming that Mo Lingyuan's eyes were full of seriousness, she fell silent.

Mo Lingyuan raised her eyebrows: "Don't want to?"

Shi Ning thought, how could she not be willing.

Facing Mo Lingyuan, she could never say a single word of rejection.

She nodded and was about to enter the navigation for her home address.

Mo Lingyuan immediately started the car.

"I know where it is."

Shi Ning was at a loss: "I don't live where I used to be now."

I didn't live with Qin Li and Ye Wanlan anymore.

She didn't want to watch her mother and Ye Wanlan change their ways and show their love every day.

Mo Lingyuan: "I know."

Shi Ning: "...Ah?"

How could Mo Lingyuan know?

Seeing Shi Ning's surprised expression, Mo Lingyuan thought, of course she knew.

On the way to Shi Ning's house, as early as in those ten years, she accompanied Shi Ning countless times.

At first, Shi Ning thought that Mo Lingyuan was just talking nonsense, and she was going to drive the car home by herself when she was unable to return to the sky.

No shortage of oil after all.

However, Mo Lingyuan really steadily parked the car in front of her house.

You can even find it in the underground garage.

At this moment, Shi Ning was stunned.

It would be a lie to say that it is not strange, and even a little scared.

So he asked in a hoarse voice: "How do you know?"

Mo Lingyuan held the steering wheel, thinking, it's over.

She patronized Shi Ning's home first and forgot about it.


What to say?

Say I've been by your side for ten years, but you don't know.

Doesn't this scare people to death?

Aware of Mo Lingyuan's hesitation, Shi Ning stopped asking. She opened the car door.

Mo Lingyuan saw her movement and raised her head.

"Get out of the car." Shi Ning looked away.

Mo Lingyuan got out of the car and followed Shi Ning's side.

Back home, Shi Ning's house had no guest room, and she had remodeled it.

She has no habit of hospitality.

"You sleep in the bedroom, I sleep on the sofa."

After Shi Ning said this, she left as if running away.

Mo Lingyuan looked at her silently.

Is she that scary?

After taking a shower, Shi Ning came out to clean up the sofa and prepare to put on a quilt.

Mo Lingyuan held a water glass, stood behind her and looked at her, and suddenly asked, "Why don't you ask me why I came back?"

Shi Ning: "...You have to leave anyway."

What's the point of asking why?

Mo Lingyuan rolled her eyes and thought again that when Shi Ning became like this, she probably had a problem with her, so she endured her temper, walked over, and poked Shi Ning's back: "Who told you that I'm leaving? "

Shi Ning's action of covering the quilt paused: "Are you going back to China?"

She suddenly remembered something.

"Mo Qi is getting married."

Mo Lingyuan gritted her teeth, stepped forward, and pulled the quilt from Shi Ning's hand.

"It has nothing to do with her."

Shi Ning also has a temper.

She looked at Mo Lingyuan: "So what? Does it have anything to do with me?"

Mo Lingyuan: "Yes, because of you."

The answer was beyond Shi Ning's expectations.

She wanted to beg for mercy.

"Mo Lingyuan, what do you mean?"

Shi Ning couldn't hide her pain.

There was pleading in the woman's voice.

"Can you let me go?"

Come when you want, go when you want.

Even a puppy can be sad.

Besides, she was never a puppy.

Mo Lingyuan knew that it would be futile to explain anything at this time.

Open your mouth and say, oh, I seem to be in love with you now.

In Shi Ning's eyes in this world, it's just a ridiculous joke.

A prank.

Mo Lingyuan pursed her lips and sat on the sofa: "Anyway, I came back because of you, it has nothing to do with others. Then, you don't need to sleep on the sofa today, I'll sleep."

Shi Ning: "......"

Is this a comet hitting the Earth or what?

How has the day changed?

She couldn't understand Mo Lingyuan's mind.

Mo Lingyuan knew that according to Shi Ning's sleeping habits, she would definitely not be able to fall asleep on the sofa.

This guy is dishonest.

Mo Lingyuan insisted, and Shi Ning didn't ask any more.

The moment she was about to turn back to the room, Mo Lingyuan couldn't hold back and asked, "If I said, if, I like you now, Shi Ning, would you believe it?"

Shi Ning sighed lightly: "Mo Lingyuan, I'm not a fool."

She closed the door and leaned against the door frame, listening to her heartbeat.


She almost believed it.

Seeing Shi Ning like this, Mo Lingyuan didn't have a temper.

She deserved it, and she had to suffer this.

Glancing at Shi Ning's room, he lay down on the sofa.

Mo Lingyuan thought.

It's much better now than it was ten years ago.

She can talk, she can appear, she can touch.

to be truly by her side.

Ten years of silence have passed.

She couldn't believe it.

She, the princess, can't win a knight who defected!

And this night, for Shi Ning, it was also very restless.

She had a dream.

In a dream, she and Mo Lingyuan were sitting in a car, rushing towards a tree.

Vehicle crashed.

She woke up with a start, but thought again, if that's the case, it's still complete.

We can't live together, at least we can die together.

As a result, there was a knock on the door by Mo Lingyuan.

"Are you okay? Had a nightmare?"

Shi Ning hummed.

"I'm in."

Mo Lingyuan twisted the door, looking at it probably a little anxious. She skillfully walked to Shi Ning's bedside, and then reached out and stroked her eyebrows.

The action is soothing.


One after another, Shi Ning's anxiety and anxiety that was born from a nightmare was quickly relieved.

For some reason, Shi Ning always felt that this feeling was very familiar.

It was as if Mo Lingyuan had done her countless times in the past ten years.

But she thought to herself, how is that possible.

She is stupid again.

Calm down, Shi Ning said, "I'm fine."

She grabbed Mo Lingyuan's wrist and took her hand away: "You can go to rest."

Mo Lingyuan blinked and put down her hand.


She left obediently.

look at her