MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 51 leave

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Zheng Jue was almost a little confused when he left the Han family. When he reacted, he was already standing on the bustling street, surrounded by a lot of traffic and people, and he was standing there alone, like an outsider. People seem to be separated by a layer of film from the people around them. He can't feel their complexity, and they can't feel his joys and sorrows.

Zheng Jue was a little dazed for a while, he walked along the road swayingly, and finally merged into the crowd.


Zheng Jue went to the small hotel where he died last life. He was in Dongxijiao, the poorest and filthiest part of Hong Kong City. It was only separated from the city center of Hong Kong City by a river, but it was two worlds.

Zheng Jue stood at the door of the small hotel, and everyone around him gave him strange looks. He was too abrupt, and he didn't belong to the same world as the people in this place.

The innkeeper greeted him with a slightly flattering smile: "This gentleman, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

Zheng Jue could still remember how the innkeeper in the previous life looked at him indifferently, and could not wait to kick him out the next moment, for fear that he would not be able to pay the room fee, but now he is calling himself Mr.

Zheng Jue curled the corners of his mouth sarcastically, and his drooping eyes were completely cold. This person in this place seemed to be ringing a warning bell in Zheng Jue's ear. He suddenly remembered the result of his last life. Does he want to repeat the tragedy of that life?

Zheng Jue slowly raised his head, looked at the innkeeper in front of him, and said softly, "No, thank you."

Zheng Jue quickly turned around and left this place. He should never come to this place again in the future, Zheng Jue thought to himself.


When Zheng Jue left Dongxijiao, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the whole port city was already in the midst of feasting. Zheng Jue stood by the river in a trance and took out a cigarette from his arms. He didn't like it the most. The smell of cigarettes, but at this time he felt that he needed a cigarette.

Zheng Jue took a deep breath and finally stopped his slightly trembling hands. He suddenly wanted to laugh in his heart. Humans are really strange animals. As long as life is better, he begins to think about things beyond his control. Love is still too expensive for him now.

He can't afford it, and he can't.

Zheng Jue quietly finished smoking a cigarette and wanted to leave, but the phone rang, Zheng Jue picked it up, and Susie's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Zheng Sheng, Young Master Han is awake." Susie's voice trembled slightly.

Zheng Jue's eyes widened abruptly when he heard the news, the cigarette **** in his hand was also clenched in his palm, and a snoring sound came from his palm, but Zheng Jue didn't seem to feel the pain. I just felt that his heart, which had been silent for a long time, finally jumped up, is he awake? He's alright...

Zheng Jue wanted to go and see him now, but in the end, he just clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "Susie, help me buy a plane ticket to go abroad, I'm going out for a few days."

Hearing Zheng Jue's incorrect words, Susie was a little stunned for a while. After a while, she finally replied in a hurry: "Okay Zheng Sheng, I don't know which country you're going to?"

She is a dedicated assistant after all.

Zheng Jue's mind was a little confused, and he couldn't even make up a place name. He just said casually, "Anywhere, as long as you stay away from the port city."

Susie fell silent for a moment, but after a moment she replied calmly, "Yes, Zheng Sheng."

When he hung up the phone, Zheng Jue only felt that his body was a little weak. Maybe the previous trauma was not fully healed. Maybe the ups and downs he experienced today were too great. Zheng Jue lay on the guardrail by the river and buried his face deeply. In the crook of his arms, he felt a little sore in his eyes, but not a single tear remained. In the end, he finally threw away the cigarette **** in his hand, and a black scar appeared on the palm of his hand.

Zheng Jue raised his hand and looked at his palm, a wry smile formed on the corner of his mouth, and finally left without hesitation.


Han Jin was a little confused now. He stared at the doctor who was examining his body, and his thoughts were a little confused for a while. He still remembered the dazzling headlights, the warm touch in his arms, and the smell of grass on the tip of his nose and the corners of his lips before he fell asleep. But now he is lying in this place, looking at the white ceiling and the cold instruments around him, he finally realizes that he is not dead.

When he realized the problem, Han Jin was about to jump up suddenly, but luckily the male doctor beside him was so anxious that he quickly pinned him down, and said sharply, "If you're so badly injured, don't move, or else you'll get hurt again. aggravated."

Han Jin was already weak, so he couldn't get up at all, and now he can't get up anymore, so he could only say: "I don't move, I just want to ask how the person who sent it with me is how?"

The doctor frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and finally said, "Is it Mr. Zheng? He was discharged from the hospital today."

"What? Discharged?" Han Jin looked at the doctor puzzled, as if he didn't understand what he said.

He nodded impatiently: "His secretary just went through the discharge procedures, and Mr. Zheng left the hospital in the morning."

"Leave..." Han Jin repeated in confusion. He didn't come to see him, and he didn't wait for his injury to heal. He just left...

Han Jin intuitively felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was. He just sat on the bed and let the doctor examine him.

After a while, Han Zizhang came in with a smile on his face. He saw Han Jin sitting there, and then he straightened his face slightly. He first signaled the doctors and nurses in the room to go out, and then said solemnly, "You are here. The next time I did things, I was too impulsive, but fortunately it's better now, if something really happened, you won't say it yourself, and Zheng Sheng who is with you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Hearing Han Zizhang talking about Zheng Jue, Han Jin raised his head slightly, but his eyes were blank.

"He's gone..." Han Jin said softly, "I haven't seen him yet." There was a hint of grievance in his tone.

Han Zizhang had never seen Han Jin like this before, he was a little surprised for a while, but he calmed down when he remembered what he had done.

"Oh, I've heard about this too. I heard that Zheng Sheng's company has a project abroad and wanted to hire someone over there. Zheng Sheng was worried, so he went over to watch it in person." Without blinking.

Hearing these words, Han Jin seemed to have come back to life, and his eyes suddenly glowed with brilliance. He picked up his mobile phone from the bedside, and couldn't wait to dial Zheng Jue's number.

Why didn't he think of this, Zheng Jue has always attached great importance to the company's affairs, it must have been too late to talk to him, so he left in a hurry.

Han Jin carefully picked up his mobile phone, and almost immediately recited Zheng Jue's mobile phone number silently. He was full of hope. Zheng Jue has always been a soft-hearted person. would have the heart to leave him.

Then, when the phone was dialed, after a long silence, a mechanical female voice came from the other end of the phone, and the number was empty.

Han Jin's whole person seemed to freeze. The gentle smile on his face was now a little ridiculous. He didn't seem to understand, and he still put the phone to his ear.

Han Zizhang stood by and looked at it and couldn't help sighing. He reached out and took the phone from Han Jin's hand, only to find that he was holding it so tightly that he couldn't take it out at all.

Han Zizhang had no choice but to say, "Han Jin, before Zheng Sheng leaves, let me tell you that he did something wrong before, and now he is going to correct it, let you think about it, and don't go to the horns."

Zheng Jue didn't say such a thing, but in Han Zizhang's eyes, their unethical feelings were wrong.

Han Jin froze his neck and turned his face to look at Han Zizhang, his expression suddenly became a little grim, with a touch of scarlet in his eyes, he suddenly rushed towards Han Zizhang, shouting: "It must be you! It must be Did you let him go! Han Zizhang! How much do you have to take away from me to be satisfied!"

Han Zizhang was startled at first, then sad, but his feet didn't move at all. The assistant behind him quickly stepped forward to stop Han Jin and pressed him onto the bed.

Han Jin was weak from the beginning and was no match for the assistant at all, but even if there was no room for resistance, he still waited for Han Zizhang with hateful eyes, and the hatred in his eyes almost poured out.

Han Zizhang stood by the bed and looked at him, and suddenly there was a bit of vicissitudes in his eyes. When Han Jin's mother betrayed him, how could he bear his arrogance and arrogance at that time, so he expelled her from the Han family, and finally she Died from illness.

Since then, Han Jin has always hated him, and he has always known about it, but he just thinks he doesn't know that this is his only son, and he only cares about a person like Han Jin in this world.

If it is said that Han Jin likes a woman today, no matter what status the woman is, he can accept it, but a man, he absolutely cannot accept it. He cannot let the fireworks of the Han family break in this generation, nor can he Han Jin became the laughing stock of the entire Hong Kong city.

Han Zizhang closed his eyes gently, and suddenly seemed to be a few years older, he sighed slightly: "Han Jin, Zheng Sheng is an adult, I can't force him to do anything, this matter is entirely Zheng Sheng. Jue's decision, you should also think about your future, you can't keep messing around like this, the Han family will leave it to you in the future!"

Han Jin pursed his lips, and his hands trembled uncontrollably, but his eyes were still filled with resentment when he looked at Han Zizhang.

Han Zizhang only felt a little tired and waved at the assistant, who released Han Jin's restraint.

But this time Han Jin didn't rush over again, he just lay there, staring straight at the ceiling, a sadness welling up in his eyes.

Although Han Zizhang said a lot of nonsense, he was right about one sentence. Zheng Jue is an adult, and he is a very assertive adult. If he doesn't want to, no one can force him to do anything, but he Now he chooses to give up on him, which means that in Zheng Jue's eyes, he is still inferior to his future.

Han Jin suddenly felt a little tired, what was he doing?

He kept chasing Zheng Jue, but in the end, he had such an ending, should he be kept in this way? He was also the eldest son of the Han family, so why was all his pride thrown into the dust when facing Zheng Jue, and he couldn't pick it up even if he wanted to.

Han Jin suddenly raised his arm and attached it to his eyes, and the next moment a warm liquid wetted his cuff.

Han Jin, he cried.

The author has something to say: inexplicably feel that I will be beaten... ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ps: answer the questions in the comments

1. Regarding the issue of distressed Gongshou, I am a little confused now, there are those who are distressed and some who are distressed. It is best for everyone to unify their opinions, otherwise I don't know who should be abused [Actually, not..._(:з"∠ )_I really don’t write about abuse. I’ve been holding this chapter for a whole night, and I didn’t write it until it was a little bit faster last night ┭┮﹏┭┮, and if my outline didn’t collapse, then the biggest abuse point should be It has passed, and there will be a few pots of dog blood that I like to hear and see. After this dog blood is sprinkled, you can be sweet and not ashamed~(≧▽≦)/~

2. He doesn't know how to write a national bl. Dad Han is a straight man! !

3. Regarding the way of writing and the title of this article, this is a sad story of the author, who pretended to be unreasonable and was beaten in the face, and finally gave up on himself. Originally wanted to write about the Hong Kong style, but the writing power was insufficient, and it was not written properly. It became half a bucket of water. This time, you will pay attention to the scale of pretending, and you will not make such a low-level pretending mistake! !

OK, that's all.
