MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 67 trade

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Zhou Chen's face changed immediately when he heard this voice. The flattering smile he had before disappeared completely, leaving only a deep disgust and hatred: "Zhou Chengan! Come in quickly!"

Zheng Jue raised his eyebrows and put down the blade in his hand. Now that Zhou Chengan is here, the scene can be temporarily controlled. He will be a little embarrassed if he acts like this.

Zhou Chengan also walked in, his expression was calm, but when he looked at Zhou Chen, there was a flash of strangeness in his expression, but Han Jin, who came in with Zhou Chengan, was not so polite, his gloomy expression was almost Let everyone in the house cool down.

As soon as he came in, he walked to Zheng Jue's side, looked Zheng Jue up and down, and said in a low voice, "Are you alright?"

Zheng Jue shook his head, but Han Jin looked at Zheng Jue's obvious blue and purple corners, and his face became more and more ugly. He waved to the outside, and two medical staff walked in. Looking at this posture, he would not give up until his goal was achieved. .

Zheng Jue was a little embarrassed for a while, so he could only whisper: "I'm fine, I'll deal with it later."

Han Jin frowned unwillingly, but Zheng Jue patted the back of his hand lightly, and the look in Han Jin's eyes finally eased, and he didn't say any more.

As for Zhou Chen, who had regained his freedom, his whole person seemed to be arrogant. He didn't dare to provoke Han Jin and Zheng Jue, who was obviously protected by Han Jin, so he could only walk towards Zhou Chengan with a cold face.

"What are you doing standing here! Go!" Zhou Chen didn't dare to face this situation, so he could only come to his son to support him.

But Zhou Chengan didn't have the slightest idea of ​​not answering, he just sneered: "Father, you illegally kidnapped and detained Zheng Sheng, don't you want to take any responsibility?"

Zhou Chen had a chill on his back for a while, and he looked at his son in surprise, as if he didn't know him.

"Are you crazy!" Zhou Chen gritted his teeth and walked to Zhou Chengan's side, saying viciously.

Zhou Chengan still had a calm face, and said coldly, "Father, if you do something wrong, you will have to pay it back. Do you want to escape?"

Zhou Chen looked at Zhou Chengan almost gritted his teeth: "What do you want!"

He didn't believe that Zhou Chengan would let the Zhou family be in such a scandal, he must have bad intentions for what he said.

But before Zhou Chengan could speak, Han Jin said, "What do you want? Can't you think of Mr. Zhou treating Zheng Sheng like this? I have just called the police, so Mr. Zhou will be imprisoned!"

Zhou Chen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Han Jin with some fear. He believed that Han Jin could do such a thing, not to mention the rumored relationship between Han Jin and Zheng Jue.

"Young Master Han, I'm just joking with Zheng Sheng, I don't mean anything else..." Zhou Chen's arrogance immediately dropped.

Zheng Jue looked at Zhou Chen like this, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Just kidding? Mr. Zhou's joke really went too far."

Zhou Chen glanced at Zheng Jue with some resentment, but in the end he had to lower his head and whispered, "Zheng Sheng, I'm really sorry this time." Now Zhou Chengan obviously doesn't agree with him. I'm afraid I can't even get out of this place.

Zheng Jue sneered and didn't speak, but Zhou Chengan said from the side: "Father, I think it's better for you to pay Zheng Sheng some compensation." Han Jin was obviously full of anger. Everyone is having a bad time.

Hearing this, Zhou Chen's expression couldn't help changing. Zhou Chengan was threatening him. He was already at a disadvantage in Zhou's family. .

It's just that Han Jin didn't give him time to think, and said directly: "There is no need for compensation, as long as Mr. Zhou leaves the Zhou family, that's it."

There was a hint of coldness in Han Jin's voice, and he stared at Zhou Chen closely. He didn't want to really make Zhou Chengan look ugly, but he didn't want to let Zhou Chen go so easily, so he had to stab him directly. This is the most painful way to make him lose the power he was proud of.

Zhou Chen almost scolded when he heard this, but looking at the situation around him, he didn't dare to say a word. He looked at Zhou Chengan, but found that the man who was supposed to be his son was looking cold. Look at yourself, without a trace of emotion.

Zhou Chen only felt a chill in his heart, why would he be so stupid to provoke Zheng Jue? He raised his head and looked at a man in black standing behind Zhou Chengan, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, he was calculated by Zhou Chengan.

Zhou Chen shook his trembling hands, trying to gather the courage to say something, but before he could speak, he saw a ruthless flash in Zhou Chengan's eyes, Zhou Chen didn't dare to say anything for a moment, and he again He clenched his sweaty hands and said in a low voice, "Okay, I see."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person came up behind Zhou Chengan immediately, took out a contract, and handed it to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen was almost dizzy when he saw the contents of the contract. All the shares in his name were transferred to Zhou Chengan, while the original shopping mall in the city center was transferred to Zheng Jue and I as compensation.

He raised his head to look at Zhou Chengan, but only saw disgust in his eyes. He should have known that since he broke up with Zhou Chengan, there must be such a day.

Zhou Chen shook his hands to sign the contract and handed it to Zhou Chengan with his eyes closed.

Zhou Chengan looked at the contract with a smile, and handed one of the transfer contracts of the shopping mall to Zheng Jue. He smiled and said, "My father has done these things, I am really sorry, and this shopping mall will be regarded as my compensation."

Zheng Jue is not a fool either. Zhou Chengan was able to prepare so well, and he must have taken him into account. It's fortunate that he thought that Zhou Chengan had a traitor by his side, but now it seems that Zhou Chengan is playing a game of Infernal Affairs, which is really meticulous. mind.

Zheng Jue unhappily picked up the contract that Zhou Chengan handed over. He did such a big favor to Zhou Chengan, and he deserved the reward.

"Young Master Zhou is really a good strategy." Zheng Jue couldn't help but say something.

Zhou Chengan nodded apologetically, but the look in his eyes was still very firm.

However, Han Jin never said a word again, and only gave Zhou Chengan a cold look. He didn't find out because he was worried about Zheng Jue, but when Secretary Zhou Chengan took out the contract, he understood Zhou Chengan's strategy. .

Han Jin's expression darkened. According to Zhou Chengan's plan, he should not have exposed his plan so carelessly, but he still did it...

Han Jin's expression finally slowed down, he reached out and grabbed Zheng Jue's hand, turned and left the place.

After waiting for the car, Zheng Jue looked at Han Jin and hesitated for a while.

Han Jin didn't want him to be embarrassed, and whispered, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zheng Jue sat next to him and stroked his hair. Han Jin's hair was very soft, and Zheng Jue liked the touch very much.

"Vi, don't be angry with him. He also wants to solve this problem once and for all. Besides, I haven't been hurt much." Zheng Jue felt that he had never been so patient.

Han Jin lowered his head and didn't speak. He stroked the place on Zheng Jue's shoulder where Zhou Chen had kicked him. Zheng Jue couldn't help but let out a squeak, and Han Jin couldn't help but feel a little unbearable in his eyes.

"I wish I could kill him." Han Jin gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Zheng Jue couldn't help but smile: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Han Jin raised his head and looked at Zheng Jue, then leaned to his cheek and kissed him: "I'm sorry." His voice was low and vague.

Although this apology has no beginning or end, Zheng Jue understands it. He was hurt, but because of Zhou Chengan, Han Jin has no way to seek justice for him. This is a very embarrassing thing for Han Jin. matter.

Zheng Jue stroked Han Jin's side face, kissed his eyes again, and said with a smile, "We don't need to talk about this, Young Master Zhou has helped me a lot before, this time I'll take it back from him. Humanity."

In fact, for Zheng Jue, he is also angry. If Zhou Chengan told him frankly about this, he would also help him, but Zhou Chengan didn't say anything and let him take such a big risk. He really couldn't accept it. , but in the face of Han Jin's guilty appearance, Zheng Jue found that he couldn't say a word of blame.

Hearing what he said, Han Jin's originally depressed expression recovered a bit. He raised his head and glanced at Zheng Jue, seeing that he really had no idea, he was relieved.

Looking at Han Jin's cautious appearance, Zheng Jue only felt a little sour in his heart. When will the carefree Han Jin become like this, the arrogant **** in his heart will also turn himself into love because of love. In such a humble position, Zheng Jue couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He lowered his head and kissed Han Jin's lips fiercely, putting all the annoyance and irritability in his heart into this kiss.

Han Jin hugged Zheng Jue's neck tightly, half-closed his eyes, no one could see the dark light flowing in his eyes.


Zheng Jue and Han Jin hugged and kissed each other, but Han Zizhang's situation was not so good. He sat alone in the office with his assistant standing at the desk, looking a little tired.

"Han Jin really told you that?" Han Zizhang's voice was a little tired.

The assistant hurriedly replied in a low voice, "Yes, Master Han will have a proposal for the board meeting three days later."

"Proposal..." Han Zizhang murmured alone, then lowered his head and smiled: "Can't you guess what proposal he wants to say?"

The assistant was at a loss for words for a while, so he couldn't say a single word. He naturally guessed what the case Han Jin was going to propose. Now that Han Jin's power accounts for 80% of the entire board of directors, he wants to break free from Han Zizhang's cage. .

"Since his wings have grown hard, then let him be." Han Zizhang sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

The assistant wiped his sweat nervously and said in a low voice, "Then how should I reply to Young Master Han?"

"Tell him, come to see me in my office tomorrow, and he will tell me what he has to say." Han Zizhang's expression became firm again. He looked at the photo of himself and Han Jin on the table, and suddenly a bit of relief appeared in his eyes. , Han Jin can do this, then he can rest assured that this company will be handed over to him.

The author has something to say: I just opened the folder and wanted to update it, but it turned out to be blank, and the whole person was relieved. Fortunately, I finally found it, otherwise I would really have to kneel in this place _(:з」∠)_

The little angels are bubbling~