MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 8 reward

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After the incident, although Zheng Jue was unavoidable to be talked about after dinner, the effect was very good. Ever since knowing that there is such a foolish man with a lot of money who is willing to devote himself to film and television, many producers/radio /Companies/investors, all began to contact him secretly and secretly.

Zheng Jue is very satisfied with this effect. He personally likes the investment in film and television. In addition, he has the foundation of his previous life, and it will be no problem within ten years.

In the process of getting in touch with these people, Zheng Jue also really valued a few projects that were very successful in his last life, so he also invested one or two times. After this action, his reputation gradually rose.

After only a few months of work, a TV drama he invested in is about to start casting. The producer has been very flattering to him recently, so he invited him to visit. Zheng Jue never did this in his last life. The experience was a little strange, so he also agreed to his invitation and went to the audition place.

When Zheng Jue went, more than half of the audition had already been done. The producer was a genius. As soon as he saw his figure, he greeted him with a smile. The audition process was interrupted.

The director frowned and glanced at him without saying hello. He nodded towards some of the actors who were at a loss on the stage and motioned him to continue acting. Zheng Jue smiled but didn't say anything. He was indeed a little disturbed.

On the contrary, the producer was a little embarrassed: "I'm really sorry Zheng Sheng, Director Wei has a straight personality, please bear with me."

Zheng Jue just smiled and said in his heart that character is nothing, as long as you can make money for me.

This director Wei Mingwei is incredible. Although now he is only a rookie director who has only made two or three films, within ten years, he has rushed into the ranks of first-class directors in China. At that time, who would care if his temper was straight or not.

The producer looked at Zheng Jue and didn't say a word, but when he felt uncomfortable, he wanted to distract his attention, and hurriedly pointed at the tearful young man who was performing on the stage and said, "Zheng Sheng, look at this person, it's just this year. Twenty-two years old, just graduated from the film school, the image and appearance are very suitable for the plot, and the acting skills are also very good, do you want to have a meal together later?"

Zheng Jue's heart trembled, this was the legendary pimp.

"It's not necessary, I have something to do this afternoon." I don't know what the producer thinks. He has been in Hong Kong for so long. Although he was considered to be both men and women in his last life, he is very honest in this life, and there is no news about him. He has had any homosexual scandals, not to mention now that as long as he thinks of Han Jin's thoughts towards him, he is a little disgusted with men.

"Haha, that's it, business is important, business is important!" The producer was a little embarrassed when the flattery slapped on the horse's leg.

Although Zheng Jue looked at Gao Leng, he also knew how to behave in the world. Seeing that the producer was a little embarrassed, he cut off the conversation and talked with him about the filming of the TV series. The two of them were talking about the rise. However, Zheng Jue's eyes flashed and a person walked onto the stage, and Zheng Jue's face suddenly sank.

The man was dressed in a light yellow dress, with fair complexion, delicate eyebrows, and long curly hair that fell softly down his shoulders, which was very moving. It was Lin Su who had not been seen for a long time.

It has been more than a month since Lin Su came to the company and was persuaded to leave by Susie. For more than a month, Lin Su did not come to the company to make trouble again as Susie expected, but never came again. Zheng Jue is gone. If he hadn't passed through the previous life, Zheng Jue might have thought that Lin Su had given up, but this time Zheng Jue clearly understood that this was just a way for Lin Su to set a long line to catch big fish.

Although it is not well known that he invested in this TV series, he has been in the limelight these days. The tabloids in Hong Kong basically picked up all his eight generations of ancestors. This trivial matter is naturally not a problem. Lin Su is an acting artist. People in the circle must know this. Since they know that they are still auditioning, there is no doubt that they have hidden feelings.

Sure enough, seeing Zheng Jue's presence, Lin Su was startled at first, and then looked at him with her eyes like autumn water, like water with anger but not anger, Zheng Jue's heart was slightly cold, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, his eyes were heavy. staring at Lin Su.

What a camouflage! It's just that who would have thought that behind such tenderness and sweetness is a scorpion's heart. In the last life, even someone as cautious as Han Jin fell into her ecstasy, and he died rightly.

The producer is a clever person. He knew there was a drama when he saw the situation, and quickly said with a smile: "Do you know this young lady Zheng Sheng? Would you like to talk to Director Wei?" In one sentence the producer said very guilty.

Zheng Jue looked at Lin Su with stern eyes, and bluntly spit out two words: "No."

Since she likes to use these little tricks to deal with him, let him see her ability.

Director Wei over there watched the actor without speaking for a long time, and couldn't help but get angry: "If you want to audition, hurry up, if you don't want to audition, get out!"

Director Wei was short-tempered and his voice was not too small. Lin Su was taken aback, and then looked at Zheng Jue with a cry for help, only to find that Zheng Jue was indifferent and indifferent. Lin Su could not help but grit his teeth secretly. The astringent hair-headed boy, who would have known that in this year's effort, he has become indifferent to himself, she must not give up!

"I'm sorry director, it's my fault..."

In a twinkling of an eye, she looked like she was about to cry and was soft and charming, even though her temper was as cold as Wei Ming, she couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted, and her voice was an octave lower: "You know what's wrong, just act quickly, there are still more people behind. "

Ignoring Lin Su's high and low acting skills, this look made the producer on the side full of praise: "Zheng Shao has a good eye, such a beauty is really rare."

Zheng Jue sneered to himself, it is indeed rare, how many beauties are there in this world who make people lose their families and ruins?


Just two days after that audition, Susie's phone called.

"Zheng Sheng, Miss Lin has come to look for you again. I gave her your hotel address. It is estimated that you are on the way now."

Zheng Jue stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the lights of thousands of homes outside the window, stretched out a long finger to aimlessly trace the full moon in the sky, and said unintentionally, "I see."

After a long time, there was no sound from the other end of the phone, Zheng Jue frowned slightly: "Susie?"

"Zheng Sheng, I don't know if I should say something." Susie's tone was hesitant.

Zheng Jue gave a short laugh: "You've worked for me for so long, you can say anything if you have anything to do." He stayed with him until the end in the last life, and was only a Susie.

"Since Zheng Sheng said so, even if Zheng wants to fire me after his birthday, I also want to remind you that this Miss Lin is not as simple as she seems, she used to be famous in Hong Kong. Courtesy, Zheng Sheng, you have to be careful!" The last sentence was both serious and heavy.

On the other hand, Zheng Jue's cold face softened instantly. Susie seemed to have said the same in the previous life, but at that time, he didn't believe it at all, and he reprimanded her.

"Don't worry, I know her details, but there are some things I haven't understood yet, I still need her." Zheng Jue turned around and sat on the sofa by the window.

After hearing this, Susie thought that he hadn't forgotten his love for Lin Su, so he made excuses to perfunctory her, so although she was worried, she didn't say any more. She was a smart person and knew the bottom line of being a subordinate.

It was only half an hour after the call with Susie that Zheng Jue's doorbell rang.

At this moment, Zheng Jue was holding a glass of whiskey and sipping slowly. Hearing the sound, he put the whisky down and went to the door to open the door.

Sure enough, it was Lin Su.

However, today's Lin Su is different from the past. In the past, she was elegant and gentle, but today she is a little pitiful, with no trace of blood on her pale face, her lips were blue, and her eyes were red and swollen.

Zheng Jue couldn't help frowning when she saw her, but she suddenly burst into tears: "Aaron, I thought you didn't want me anymore!" While crying, she threw herself into Zheng Jue's arms.

Zheng Jue held the door with one hand and caught her on the back, hugged her inside the door, and quickly closed the door again. He is unusual now, and the paparazzi in Hong Kong always want to squeeze gossip out of him. Come on, he is not strong enough to completely control the media now, and he doesn't want to add a joke to the people of Hong Kong after dinner.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't the audition go well?" Zheng Jue pretended to be confused.

Lin Su gritted her teeth secretly, but she was still aggrieved: "What is an audition? I haven't seen you for two months. The last time I went to your company to look for you, I was stopped by Susie. She also said that I was disrespectful, Aaron, I'm clearly dating you, how could she say that to me?"

It also gave Susie eye drops, and he didn't believe it in his last life, let alone in this life.

"Susie is my secretary, how could she say such a thing? You want to be wrong. Besides, I've been too busy these days, so I haven't seen you. It's my fault, don't you like Hermes' bags? I Can I buy it to make amends for you?" Zheng Jue endured the discomfort in her heart and patted her on the shoulder gently.

After hearing this, Lin Su knew that Susie was someone who could not be offended at will, so she held back her tears and whispered, "Where do I want a bag, I just want you to accompany me more."

Zheng Jue raised his hand gently and wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes: "I also want to accompany you more, but I have too much to do right now, you have to be obedient, okay?" His soft tone could drown people to death , but his eyes were indifferent.

Lin Su lowered her head and didn't see Zheng Jue's expression. She just felt that Zheng Jue still liked her in her heart. During this time, Zheng Jue did not do anything out of the ordinary, but she was really busy. She was a little confused at first. My heart finally stabilized.

The author has something to say: Hey, in the last few days, I have written an article that really wants to die. People who don't have a detailed outline can't afford to hurt, so I kneel...