MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 4 The vegetable market does not sell pork

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  Chapter 4 No pork is sold in the vegetable market

  At night, Zhou Bai was lying on the bed.

   There was a burst of baby crying outside the house.

   Zhou Bai ignored it and continued to lie on the bed trying to fall asleep.

  Today is the first night in the world of strange talk.

  He got two rules, but still too little information.

  The most important point is that until now there is no information on how to clear the customs.

   Wait enough days to clear the customs?

   Find the designated place to clear the customs?

   Or can you clear the level after completing a certain plot line?

   Zhou Bai went through every possibility in his mind.

   It seems that the first task of tomorrow is to obtain information.

  Outside the house, the crying of the baby stopped.

   Instead, there were knocks on the door one after another.

   Zhou Bai memorized the content of the rules, but still ignored it.

   In the world of ghost stories, it is very important to keep your head clear.

   So he must have enough sleep.

   Before long, he fell asleep.

  The audience in the live broadcast room were a little speechless seeing him sleeping so peacefully.

  —"Didn't you hear the sound outside? Can you sleep with this?"

  —"Night is the most dangerous time, how dare Zhou Bai sleep?"

  —"Look at Pete from the beautiful country, he is still studying the rules."

  —"Others are so introverted, why do you have the nerve to lie flat?"

   Zhou Bai has one advantage, that is, he can go with the situation.

   Even in such a terrifying new environment, he was still able to sleep soundly.

   It wasn't until dawn that he heard his wife's voice that he opened his eyes.

   "Honey, wake up, I made breakfast for you."

  He first took out his phone to check the time.


  After Zhou Bai saw this time, all his drowsiness disappeared.

  He didn't answer, sitting up vigilantly from the bed.

   "Honey, why didn't you answer me, are you still sleeping?"

   She raised her voice as if she was worried that the people in the room would not be able to hear her.

   "Honey, are you okay? Don't scare me."

   There was a loud knock on the door from outside.

  The knock on the door became louder and louder, and even turned into a knock on the door.

  The audience became nervous when they saw this picture.

  —"Is this person outside the house the wife?"

  —"According to the second rule of B, she should not be."

  —"But what if this one is wrong?"

  —"It's terrible, what will happen if she comes in?"

  In the live broadcast room of the beautiful country, Pete tried hard to analyze the rules all night, and only fell asleep when it was almost dawn.

   His wife came and told him to get up.

  He replied in a daze.

   Then the live broadcast room of the beautiful country turned into darkness.

  The viewers of Great Xia Kingdom came back from watching the live broadcast of Freedom Kingdom, thankfully Zhou Bai was vigilant enough.

  —"I'm dying of laughter, Pete from the beautiful country, it's hard work, hard work."

  —"I prepared for the exam all night, but I burped on the first question."

  —"I apologize to Zhou Bai for being ignorant last night."

  The woman's voice outside the house and the knock on the door didn't stop until an hour later.

   Seeing that there was no sound, Zhou Bai opened the door of the study.

  There is no wife outside the house.

  Dad is still sitting on the sofa watching TV, while mother is busy in the kitchen.

   Both of them were very calm, as if they didn't hear the sound outside the study just now.

  The black dog was lying in the corner, very thin, and seemed to have no energy.

  Seeing Zhou Bai coming out, unlike ordinary dogs, they would wag their tails and greet him enthusiastically.

  It looked too quiet, but it looked more like an elderly person.

   "I know to stay in your study all day long.

   Either sleeping or writing your stupid articles.

  It's been more than a week, and I don't go back to sleep in my own room, so when can I hold my grandson? "

  Mom saw Zhou Bai and started nagging.

  Hearing these words, Zhou Bai really felt that one head and two big.

   Sure enough, after getting married, they will be born.

  He lamented that he was young, why did he have to go through this?

  Although mother was nagging, she still brought Zhou Bai a bowl of porridge and a few side dishes.

  Seeing this, the audience became nervous again.

  —"Don't eat, mother feels very wrong."

  —"Yes, yes, yes! Zhou Bai, leave her alone!"

  —"She was so active in urging Zhou Bai to have **** with his wife just now, it feels like a trap."

  The experts in the analysis team also became highly nervous.

   "The identities of both father and mother are suspicious."

   "With the current relationship between their husband and wife, it is reasonable for the mother to say such things."

   "Compared to mother, father seems to be more silent."

  In the live broadcast, Zhou Bai also sat down on the table as they expected, and began to eat breakfast.

   Seeing that Zhou Bai was fine, the experts became more confident in their guess.

  Zhou Bai drank the porridge, and glanced at where his father was from time to time.

   It's okay to agree to my wife's request.

   It's okay to agree to Mom's request.

  Then the biggest doubt is on Dad.

   But it's not yet time to expose this matter.

   Zhou Bai's first task is to know how to clear the level.

  Mom was busy in the kitchen, complaining non-stop.

   "Now even the dog is a picky eater and doesn't eat dog food.

   If you don’t eat, don’t eat.

   Sooner or later, one day I will starve to death, and I will throw it into the trash can outside. "

   Zhou Bai was attracted by his mother's words, and looked at the black dog in the corner.

  Beside the black dog is a bowl of dog food.

   A large bowl is full, and it looks like it has not been touched at all.

   It turns out that it has no energy because it is too hungry.

   Zhou Bai felt that this matter was a bit unusual, so he asked.

   "Since when did the black dog stop eating dog food?"

  Mom thought about it carefully.

   "About a week."

   Also a week?

  Slept in separate rooms with his wife, around this time.

   Is there any connection here?

  Zhou Bai silently kept this doubt in his heart, and then buried himself in his meal.

   After Zhou Bai finished his meal, he sat on the single sofa in the living room.

  As soon as I looked up, I could just see the profile of my father.

  There was no blood on his face, and his hair was almost white.

   Zhou Bai only glanced at him, then moved his eyes away.

  Mom is cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen.

  Zhou Bai sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while.

  After finishing packing, Mom took out her handbag.

   "I have an appointment with Aunt Wang next door, and I won't be back until evening.

  I made your favorite braised pork in the refrigerator, and you can eat it after heating it up. "

   Braised pork?

   Rule B, Article 4.

  【The vegetable market does not sell pork. 】

   Zhou Bai frowned.

   "Did you buy pork at the vegetable market?"

  My mother was in a hurry to go out, and replied while putting on her shoes.

   "No, this piece of pork was given by Aunt Wang next door.

  Okay, I won’t tell you anymore, I’m in a hurry to go out. "

  After listening to his mother's words, Zhou Bai felt a strange feeling in his heart that he couldn't express.

   But before he had time to grasp the flashing thoughts in his mind, his mother had already walked out of the house anxiously with her bag in hand.

  The house was quiet again.

   Only occasionally bursts of sudden laughter came from the TV, echoing in the room.

   Zhou Bai raised his head and looked in the direction of his father.

   And Dad happened to look at him.

   And showed a weird smile.

  Now at home, only Zhou Bai, Dad, and a black dog are left.

  (end of this chapter)