MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 443 end test

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  Chapter 443 End of test

  Seeing that Zhou Bai was about to give up, Doctor Zhao took out a small knife from his pocket.

   With a "slap", it landed on the table in front of Zhou Bai.

  The blade of the knife was hidden in the scabbard, and the handle of the knife was facing Zhou Bai.

  As long as he wants to, he can easily point a knife at Dr. Zhao with a stretch of his hand.

  This is...naked temptation...

   "Is it enough if you can't remember one sentence?

  You asked me to tell you what was wrong, and am I going to tell you?

  I am a doctor, what should I do, do I still need you to teach me? "

  After Dr. Zhao finished speaking, he slapped again and slapped the table with one hand.

   Zhou Bai looked at Doctor Zhao's angry look, without any expression change on his face, just quietly watching him perform.

  When Dr. Zhao saw it, he became even more enthusiastic.

  The other hand reached out and grabbed Zhou Bai's collar.

   "Aren't you afraid that I will deduct 200 points for you and let you enter the electric shock room immediately?"

   Zhou Bai shook his head with a smile: "You are a doctor, so how many points are deducted, isn't it up to you?"

   His eyes fell on the back of Dr. Zhao, he increased his firepower, and continued.

   "I'm scared, will it work?

  In the end, I'm just a...patient at your disposal..."

  Dr. Zhao's hands paused, and the expression on his face became even uglier.

   Just when he was about to continue to say something, he heard a voice behind him.

   "How can you say that about Dr. Zhao?"

  Dr. Zhao turned his head in astonishment.

  I saw Xiao Pu standing by the door with his head covered in sweat, holding a smelly notebook in his hand.

  He came over, deliberately took the notebook, scratched Dr. Zhao's white coat, and placed it in front of him.

   Allowing him to get closer and smell the stench emanating from above.

  Dr. Zhao was wronged first, so of course he couldn't say much.

   He could only frown, let go of Zhou Bai's collar, and sat back on his chair.

  Xiao Pu smiled and continued.

   "We, Dr. Zhao, have always been the most impartial.

  You are insulting him by saying that.

  I don't allow you to say such things. "

  Dr. Zhao has always paid the most attention to his own image.

  That's why Zhou Bai and Xiao Pu discussed Dr. Zhao's technique. The first method is to flatter him and emphasize his usual image.

  The fact is that this trick works really well.

  Dr. Zhao originally wanted to embarrass Zhou Bai for a while on this issue.

   Now hearing what Xiao Pu said, he immediately sat up straight, cleared his throat, and straightened his clothes with his hands.

  Returning to his usual serious look, he said to Zhou Bai.

   "This is a question to test the patient's mania level.

  I have to make sure that the patients coming out of the asylum are emotionally stable and not aggressive.

   Only such patients will not bring danger to ordinary people outside. "

  When Zhou Bai heard what Dr. Zhao said, his face paused.

   Then, Dr. Zhao picked up the knife on the table, held the knife and gently pulled it, and the blade made of plastic appeared in front of Zhou Bai.

   “Restraining yourself with multiple denials, provocations, and a weapon in front of you.

  You can get a high score for this question.

   Add another 150 points.

  The deducted 50 points are because your speech is too ugly.

  Speaking so badly, if you go outside, you will be beaten sooner or later. "

   Can this also be deducted points?

   Zhou Bai shrugged helplessly.

   Fortunately, even so, he still has 250 points, which should be enough to get out.

  Dr. Zhao may have thought of something, he stopped the pen he was recording, and suddenly looked up and down Zhou Bai with a complicated expression.

   "250 points, isn't that..."

   He murmured in a low voice,

   Then put down the pen and said seriously.

   "There are only two questions, the result is not rigorous enough, I think... I think..."

  He pondered in his mind, trying to find the third question.

  At this time, Xiaopu picked up a tissue, wiped his smelly notebook, and said to Dr. Zhao.

   "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you.

   When I was looking for this notebook in the trash, I couldn't reach it.

   Just from your office, I took your favorite pair of leather shoes to help.

  I just remembered now, after I got the notebook, I seem to have left your leather shoes in the trash. "

  Feng Shui turns around.

  This time it was Dr. Zhao's turn to stand up from the chair with a "shua".

   "It seems that there are more than thirty minutes left.

  If you don’t go there, you may never see your beloved leather shoes in this life. "

  Practically grasp Dr. Zhao's second style, and accurately grasp his hobbies.

  Dr. Zhao was concerned about his beloved leather shoes, gritted his teeth, and wrote 250 points on Zhou Bai's form.

  But before leaving, he still reminded Zhou Bai.

   "According to the test results, you can indeed be judged as fully recovered for the time being.

  However, you still need to go through a one-day observation period.

   During this day, I will focus on you. "

  After emphasizing this matter, he opened the door and walked out.

   Zhou Bai and Xiao Pu glanced at each other, and before they had time to celebrate the preliminary victory of the plan, they heard a heart-piercing roar from Doctor Zhao outside the door.

   "Old! Ink!

What are you doing? ! "

  Zhou Bai and Xiao Pu hurried to the door, holding the door frame with both hands, while looking over.

  I saw Lao Mo holding scissors in one hand and a stack of height-increasing insoles in the other, and cut them ruthlessly in front of other patients and doctors in the corridor.

   "Old Zhao, you bastard.

  The sixth floor has nothing to do with me!

  I keep my word, if I say cut it, I will cut it. "

  One side is the beloved leather shoes that are about to be lost, and the other side is the heightening insole that is already lost.

  Dr. Zhao regretted it very much at this time, and didn't know why he wanted to provoke these two "big evil gods".

   He could only grab his hair with his hands in collapse, then grabbed the insole from Lao Mo's hand, angrily walked towards the elevator entrance, and walked quickly.

   Zhou Bai smiled and exchanged glances with Xiao Pu.

  But when he turned around, he saw eight pairs of cold eyes looking at him behind him.

   Madhouse Survival Rules B (Red), Article 5.

  【Patients who are less ill are more dangerous, please find a way to eliminate them. 】

  Although Zhou Bai has now been judged to be back to normal.

   But he was still wearing a hospital gown, and in their eyes, he was still a patient in a lunatic asylum.

   And he just scored 250 points, I believe that in their eyes, Zhou Bai is also the patient with the lightest illness.

  The real danger is only now beginning to come...

  (end of this chapter)