MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 611 real father

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  Beside the tea table, Yu Niaoyou and Shen Zhuo sat side by side, and Yu Kangtai sat opposite them.

  Shen Zhuo reached out to pick up the teapot, and poured the tea into the cup.

  He pushed the first cup of hot tea in front of Yu Youyou.

   "This tea has the effect of calming the nerves. You can drink some, and you can sleep well at night."

  Yu Niao silently picked up the teacup and took a symbolic sip of tea.

  Yu Kangtai looked at the interaction between the two, hesitant to speak.

   In fact, when he was sent to this other courtyard, someone had already explained the incident to Yu Kangtai.

  Yu Kangtai, who had just learned the truth, was naturally shocked. He even wondered if he was dreaming. Otherwise, how could there be such absurd things in the world?

  But now that the crown prince is sitting in front of him, there is no room for him not to believe it.

   After Shen Zhuo finished drinking the tea, he gently put down the cup and said in a warm voice.

   "I know that you father and daughter must have a lot to say, and it happens that I have something to do, so you can talk slowly."

   After speaking, he stood up and left the tea room calmly.

  As soon as he left, Yu Kangtai couldn't wait to ask.

   "Yiao, what's going on between you and the prince? Don't forget, you are a married woman now, you must not do anything against women's morals!"

  Yu Niaoyou said expressionlessly: "I have nothing to do with the prince."

  Yu Kangtai couldn't believe it: "Really?"

  He is also a person who has experienced it, so it is natural to see that the prince's attitude towards Niao Niao is very unusual.

  Yu Niaoyou didn't want to talk about this, so she forcibly changed the subject.

   "Are Yu Sheng and Pingping okay?"

   "They're all fine."

  Speaking of this matter, Yu Kangtai couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Originally, I heard the king of Langjun say that there was a change in the palace and told us to leave Yujing as soon as possible. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. Fortunately, the prince sent someone to take us away in time. Otherwise, we would only be here right now. I'm afraid my life will be lost."

  Yu Niaoyou hastily asked: "Have you seen Prince Lang?"

Yu Kangtai replied truthfully: "No, it was Acheng and Pingping who met Prince Lang. He came to our house this morning, but left after a short stay. I was attending a birthday banquet in the palace at that time, and Did not meet him above."

  Yu Youyou pursed her lips tightly, her heart full of worry.

  Xiao Juan really came back.

  What a fool!

  Come back knowing that you will put yourself in danger.

  Yu Kangtai was also worried.

  But what he worries about is completely different from Niao Niao.

  He looked at the daughter in front of him with a very severe tone.

   "Do you know how much trouble you caused today? You vomited blood out of the empress dowager's anger, and turned the entire palace upside down. Even our family was almost implicated by you!"

  Yu Niaoyou lowered her eyes: "Sorry."

  She doesn't think she did anything wrong, but she did almost implicate the rest of the Yu family, and she feels guilty for her lack of thoughtfulness.

   Seeing that she had a good attitude of admitting her mistake, Yu Kangtai slowed down his tone a little.

   "It's good that you know you were wrong, and don't do such stupid things again. Now that Deng Yuchuan is dead, this matter is considered a turning point. You should forget all about the past."

  Yu Niao raised her head and looked at him quietly.

  Yu Kangtai was very uncomfortable being looked at by her.

  He touched his cheek: "What do you see me doing? Is there something on my face?"

  Yu Niaoyou: "Does my father also think I did something wrong?"

Yu Kangtai said without hesitation: "Of course it's wrong! It's a big mistake, it's outrageously wrong! Throughout ancient and modern times, there is no woman as bold as you who dared to make a big fuss at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, do you know? Dayan Dynasty You almost gave birth to a war because of your willfulness!"

  Yu Youyou was silent for a long time, but finally said that sentence.

   "My mother and stepfather died in vain, I want to seek justice for them."

  Yu Kangtai: "People are already dead, and they cannot be brought back to life! Even if you get justice, so what? Don't be so naive!"

  Yu Niao looked at him blankly: "But that's my mother, and also your former wife."

  It doesn't matter if others don't understand her, but why doesn't her father understand her?

   Could it be that he really doesn't have any affection for Mrs. Xie?

  Yu Kangtai subconsciously avoided her sight.

   "Liao, people can't live in the past, you have to look forward."

  Yu Niaoyou's eyes turned red little by little: "I can't do it, they are all my close relatives, and I will never forget how they died."

  Yu Kangtai couldn't bear it anymore, he slapped the tea table with his palm, and reprimanded him sharply.

   "Yu Niaoyou, wake up! They are already dead! Do you want to care about our life or death for the sake of two dead people?!"

  Yu Niaoyou: "But they are my mother and father..."

  Yu Kangtai roared angrily: "I am your father! Feng Lianghan is just your stepfather, he is just an outsider, and we are the relatives who are connected by blood. You should really care about us!"

  Yu Niaoyou slowly shook her head: "No, Feng Lianghan is the real father in my heart."

  Yu Kangtai was stunned.

  He thought he had heard wrong, so he couldn't help asking.

"What did you say?"

Yu Niaoyou: "Although I am not Feng Lianghan's own child, he treats me as his own. He gave me all his father's love. In order to protect me, he and his mother even sacrificed their lives. In my heart, He was the greatest father in the world."

  Yu Kangtai looked at her with the eyes of a madman.

   "Do you know what you're talking about?"

  Yu Niaoyou answered irrelevantly: "I don't think I did anything wrong. If I could do it all over again, I would still choose to disclose the truth."

  Yu Kangtai pointed at her and murmured: "Crazy, you are really crazy."

  Yu Youyou stubbornly said: "You just think I'm crazy."

  Yu Kangtai was angry and hated in his heart, he was afraid that if he stayed here any longer, he couldn't help but slap this unfilial girl twice.

  He held back his anger and stood up.

   "If the crown prince hadn't sent someone to take us away, your brother and sister and I would have died right now. If so, do you think you are right?"

  Yu Niaoyou remained silent.

  Yu Kangtai: "You only see the dead in your eyes, but you don't think about us living people at all. It's better not to have a cold-blooded and heartless daughter like you."

   After speaking, he walked away with a sullen face.

  When he walked to the door, there was a curling voice behind him.

   "My mother was pregnant before she died."

  Yu Kangtai paused.

  Yu Niaoyou: "She was burned alive while pregnant. I often think about how painful and unwilling she was before she died?"

  Yu Kangtai didn't look back.

  Yu Niaoyou: "You can forget her, but I can't."

  Yu Kangtai left.

  In the quiet tea room, there was only Yu Niaoyou left.

   Looking at the cold tea in front of her, she suddenly felt unprecedentedly lonely.

  Everyone thinks she did something wrong.

  Even her biological father was not on her side.

   Is she really wrong?

   Should she act like everyone else and pretend nothing happened?