MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 616 bait

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  When the blade cut his neck, the fear of death completely overwhelmed the old emperor.

  He opened his mouth as hard as he could, trying to scream.

  In the end, it could only make a sound like a broken bellows.

  He looked at Xiao Juan with eyes full of begging.

  Xiao Juan increased his strength expressionlessly, the blade pierced into the flesh.

  Blood flowed out continuously.

  The old emperor's body twitched uncontrollably, and after a while, he was completely out of breath.

  He just stared at Xiao Juan with his eyes wide open, the rest of the bed sheet was soaked in blood and turned bright red.

  Xiao Juan wiped the blood off the dagger, put the dagger back into his sleeve, picked up the candlestick on the table, and threw it on the bed.

  The candlelight ignited the bed curtain, and the fire spread all at once.

   In just a moment, the old emperor was engulfed in flames.

  At the beginning, he ordered people to kill Feng Lianghan and Mrs. Xie, and burned Feng's house into ruins.

  And now, he also wants to taste the taste of being burned.

  After Xiao Juan finished these, he never looked at the old emperor again, and he flew up to the beam with the help of lightness kung fu.

Thick smoke overflowed from the crack of the door, and people outside the house noticed something strange, they hurriedly opened the door and rushed in, seeing the fire in the house, everyone was frightened half to death, some people rushed towards the bed, trying to rescue him, the other People hurried out to fetch water to put out the fire.

  The bedroom was in chaos with people coming and going.

  Xiao Juan mixed in the crowd and left the bedroom quietly.

  When he came near the palace gate and was about to sneak out as a guard, his real identity was exposed.

   "Stop him quickly! He is the king of Langjun, the murderer who assassinated the emperor!"

  The person who shouted was the guard of the Prince's Mansion.

  The guard followed Xiao Juan quietly under the order of the prince. He saw Xiao Juan sneak into the palace in disguise, and saw Xiao Juan sneak into the bedroom. Not long after that, the bedroom caught fire, and then news of the emperor's assassination came out.

  He knew that Xiao Juan must have done this!

  The crown prince told him not to let Xiao Juan leave the palace alive.

  That's why he exposed Xiao Juan's identity in public just before Xiao Juan was about to step out of the palace gate.

  The imperial guards drew out their sabers one after another, intending to take Xiao Juan down.

  Xiao Juan naturally wouldn't just let him go.

  The two sides fought near the palace gate.

  Xiao Juan's martial arts skills are superb, and his skills are extraordinary. Even though there are many imperial guards, they can't take Xiao Juan down for a while.

   Seeing that the palace gate was about to be closed, Xiao Juan felt ruthless.

  If the palace gate is closed, he will have no hope of escaping.

  Although he had prepared himself for the worst before coming here, Xiao Juan was still a little bit unwilling when it came to this.

  He still remembers you in his heart, and he wants to see you again.

  He wanted to hug her again and say goodbye to her.

  Xiao Juan slashed at the Imperial Guard standing in front of him, and rushed out of the palace gate recklessly.

  The archers on the palace wall immediately drew their bows and set up arrows, all aiming at Xiao Juan who was running below.

   Arrows rain down.

  Even though Xiao Juan's qinggong was at its peak, he still couldn't dodge all the arrows.

  He got two arrows in the back.

   But he still didn't stop, gritted his teeth, and ran out of the range of the archers enduring the pain.

  By the time Shen Zhuo arrived at the palace, the fire in the bedroom had already been extinguished.

  The body of the old emperor was burned beyond recognition. Empress Wen and all the concubines knelt on the ground, crying one after another.

   Shen Zhuo stepped forward to help Empress Wen up, and comforted her in a gentle voice.

   "Mother, please sit down and rest for a while, don't cry yourself to death."

  Queen Wen wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with a silk handkerchief. Seeing that Shen Zhuo was sad, but not surprised, she couldn't help asking.

   "You know, why aren't you surprised? You know, your father, the emperor, was killed."

  Shen Zhuo glanced at the people around him.

  Everyone understood and retreated silently.

  There are only two of them, mother and son, left in the house.

  Shen Zhuo said: "I know that my father was killed by Xiao Juan, and I have already ordered people to arrest him, so I will definitely not let my father die innocently."

  Queen Wen sensed something unusual from his calm demeanor, and suddenly had a bold guess in her heart.

  She lowered her voice and asked, "Tell me the truth, did you know that Xiao Juan would be bad for your father?"

  Shen Zhuo did not give a positive answer.

   "It was Xiao Juan who did the killing, and it had nothing to do with my son."

   It really has nothing to do with him.

  He just deliberately let people relax the defense of the palace when Xiao Juan sneaked into the palace, so that Xiao Juan could take advantage of it.

   This matter was done by Xiao Juan from the beginning to the end, and the only person who should be cut to pieces is Xiao Juan.

  Empress Wen involuntarily grasped Shen Zhuo's voice, and the deliberately lowered voice trembled slightly.

   "Your Majesty, he is your royal father."

  Shen Zhuo asked calmly: "Back then, my mother and concubine died of dystocia, and my twin brother was also forced to die early. At that time, did my father ever think about the father-son relationship between him and me?"

  Empress Wen couldn't help reminding: "The person who killed Concubine Yue was Concubine Shu."

  Shen Zhuo continued to ask: "But if there is no acquiescence and connivance of the father, how can a concubine Shu harm the concubine mother?"

  Queen Wen was stunned.

  Since she was a child, she told Shen Zhuo that it was Concubine Shu who killed his mother and concubine, without mentioning the emperor at all.

   But unexpectedly, Shen Zhuo himself had already figured out the reason.

  This kid actually understands everything.

  It is precisely because I understand that I hate it in my heart.

  With this hatred, he worked hard to grow and planned carefully, for today.

  Shen Zhuo held Empress Wen's hand back and said softly.

"Isn't this good now? Father is dead, Xiao Juan will be executed for the crime of regicide, and you will get revenge. Queen Mother, you don't have to wrong yourself to please Father, and mother and concubine Quanxia Youzhi will also rest in peace. Everything is great."

   At the end, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a faint smile.

   It seems that the mood is really good.

  For a while, Empress Wen didn't know what to say.

   Looking at Shen Zhuo's eyebrows, she felt that this child had changed a lot.

  He is becoming more and more powerful, and it is becoming more and more difficult for people to see what he is thinking?

  At this time, a guard came in a hurry.

   "His Royal Highness, Prince Lang broke through the siege of the imperial guards, escaped from the palace through Deyangmen, and is now gone!"

  Shen Zhuo's expression changed, and a ruthless look appeared in his usually gentle eyebrows and eyes.

   "Can all of you fail to catch Xiao Juan?"

  The guard knelt on the ground, trembling all over: "This subordinate is ineffective, this subordinate should die!"

Shen Zhuo sneered: "Does he think that he will be fine if he escapes from the palace? The order will be passed down, and heavy troops will be sent to guard the gates of the city from now on. Anyone who leaves the city will be strictly interrogated. In addition, people will be sent to search the whole city. No matter who is If you can catch Xiao Juan, you will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold!"

  The guard took the order and left.

  Empress Wen looked at Shen Zhuo and asked, "Why don't you just block the city gate?"

  Shen Zhuo said meaningfully: "When hunters are hunting, they always prepare bait in advance."

  Now, for Xiao Juan, the hope of leaving the city is the best "bait".