MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 662 title

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  Chapter 662 title

  One month later, Tang Guixi officially changed the name of Liaodong County to Dongtang Kingdom in Xingning City.

  She became the founding empress of Eastern Tang Dynasty.

  Xiao Juan was conferred the title of Founding Duke, and Yu Niaoyou became the wife of the Duke, with a special title of first-rank imperial order.

  Eastern Tang domestically accepted this well.

  Whether it is the soldiers of the Eastern Expedition Army or the common people, they all know that when they need help the most, it is Tang Guixi who stands in front of them without hesitation. They live and die together, and their friendship is profound.

  In contrast, Emperor Dayan's decision to cut off food and grass support and abandon Liaodong County was too heartless.

  The news of Liaodong County's independence quickly reached Yujing.

   Shen Zhuo was furious!

   It just so happened that the rebellion in Prince Jia's Mansion was about to be quelled, and he planned to send troops to Liaodong County to suppress the rebels.

   In the end, he was dissuaded by the elders.

   "We have just ended a civil strife, and it is really inappropriate to go to war in a short time!"

   "Although we put down the rebellion in Prince Jia's Mansion, our side suffered heavy casualties. If there is another war, neither the treasury nor the soldiers will be able to sustain it."

   "Wars are fought one after another, fearing that people will resent!"

   "A mere Liaodong County is not enough to cause trouble. Let's ignore them for the time being. Let's rest and recuperate for a while. It won't be too late to go to war when we have enough money and food."

   "Yes, yes! Your Majesty, please think twice!"


   No one supported Shen Zhuo.

  He walked away in a huff.

  In Fengyi Palace, Empress Dowager Wen couldn't help asking when she saw Shen Zhuo walking in with a gloomy face.

"What happened?"

  Shen Zhuo told Empress Dowager Wen about what happened in Shang's study just now, and finally couldn't help but snorted heavily.

   "Every one of them speaks high-soundingly, but they are actually very shrewd in their hearts! The reason why they don't want to fight is nothing more than fear that I will reward those generals again. They are afraid that their status will be replaced by generals, a bunch of old foxes!"

  Because of successfully suppressing the rebellion in Prince Jia's Mansion, Shen Zhuo rewarded a large number of outstanding generals, including many of his trusted aides.

  This made many civil servants in the DPRK and China feel a sense of crisis.

  They are afraid that Shen Zhuo's emphasis on martial arts over literature will affect their status in the future.

   Therefore, the officials in the court do not like to fight.

  Empress Dowager Wen comforted: "Since you know everything in your heart, there is no need to get angry with them."

  Shen Zhuo took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

   "I'm not angry because of their little thoughts, I'm because of..."

  Because no one stood by his side at the critical moment and supported his decision.

  Empress Dowager Wen had someone pour him a cup of chrysanthemum tea.

   "Drink some tea to clear the fire, the days will be long in the future, everything must be done step by step.

  The people in the cabinet are very cunning, but they are all human, as long as they are human, they will have weaknesses.

  As long as you can grasp their weaknesses, you can naturally contain them. "

  Shen Zhuo took a sip of tea, and the whole person has completely calmed down.

   "I see. Thank you, Queen Mother, for your reminder."

  Empress Dowager Wen ordered someone to bring a stack of portraits, and spoke softly.

   "You have been on the throne for almost a year, and the harem is still empty, which is really shameful.

  Aijia asked people to draw all the famous ladies in Beijing who were ready to marry at the right age,

  You take a good look and choose. "

  Shen Zhuo put down the teacup and stood up: "I suddenly remembered that there are still some memorials that I haven't finished reviewing, so I have to take a step first. The queen mother has a good rest, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

   After speaking, he was about to walk away.

  Empress Dowager Wen had expected him to be like this a long time ago, and said in a calm and unhurried manner.

   "Since the emperor is so busy, Aijia will take these portraits to accompany you in the minister's study. When you finish reviewing the memorial, Aijia will show you these portraits."

  Shen Zhuo had no choice but to stop, and begged: "Mother, please spare my son."

Empress Dowager Wen: "The Ai family knows that you can't forget Yu Niaoyao in your heart, but it is impossible for her to come back. Take a step back and say that even if she does come back, the Ai family will never let her enter the harem, and you will die This heart."

  Shen Zhuo remained silent, revealing a silent stubbornness all over his body.

  Empress Dowager Wen sighed: "It's a big deal to spread branches and leaves. You can't live without marrying a wife and having children, right? Even if the Ai family can agree, the ancestors of the Shen family will not agree."

  Shen Zhuo naturally knew this reason.

  He is the emperor, and he must have a prince as his heir.

   But he is not reconciled.

  He already has the world under his belt, so it stands to reason that he should be able to get whatever he wants.

  But why he still can't get Yu Niaoyao?

Empress Dowager Wen: "Don't forget, you promised the Ai family before that if Yu Niaoyao hasn't married you within a year, you have to follow the arrangement of the Ai family to choose a concubine. Now that the one-year deadline has expired, it's time for you to marry her." He fulfilled his promise."

   After a long silence, Shen Zhuo suddenly said as if he had made up his mind.

   "But I'm still not reconciled, mother, give me a little more time, I'll make one final confirmation, just one time, okay?"

   At the end, he was already begging.

  Empress Dowager Wen finally softened her heart and was willing to give him one last chance.

   "I hope you won't be disappointed when you get the answer."


  In the end, Shen Zhuo temporarily gave up the idea of ​​sending troops to attack Liaodong County.

   But that doesn't mean he's compromised.

  He just needs a little time to get rid of those old foxes in the cabinet.

  At the same time, Tang Guixi excitedly found Yu Niaoyao, and wanted to discuss with her about canonizing Xiao Yining as a princess.

   "Look quickly, this is the princess title I thought of for Xiao Fubao, what do you think?"

  About the canonization of the princess, Yu Niaoyao once expressed his refusal. After all, Xiao Yining is not Tang Guixi's own daughter. It is against the rules to confer the princess to her for nothing.

  But Tang Guixi insisted on doing this, and Yu Niaoyou couldn't persuade her, so she simply let her go.

  Yu Niao picked up the rice paper and looked at it.

  I saw a long string of titles written on the paper—

  Jiashunde Shuxian Yongfu Yarou Ningkangshou Zhaoyang Changle Hua Renhui and Princess Sheng'an.

  Yu Niao: "..."

   It was the first time she saw such a long title in her life.

   In her previous life, she had seen such a long name and it was Mary Suwen.

  She couldn't help complaining: "It's better to be called Princess Mary Su Zibing Aiyumeng Cuishuang."

  Tang Guixi immediately brought a brush and asked excitedly.

   "Your title is also good, you say it again, I will remember it."

  Yu Niaoyou was afraid that she would take it seriously, so she quickly persuaded her.

   "Don't you think these titles are too long? Most people can't remember them, and they may bite their tongues if they are not careful when saying the titles. Let's change to a simpler and more simple title."

   Tang Guixi disagreed.

"Little Fubao is a born lucky star, who can bring good fortune to us in Dongtang. How can an ordinary title show that she is different? I think the name you just mentioned is very good. It is both nice and special. Hurry up , repeat it again, let me write it down."

  Yu Niao: "..."

  Daughter Goose, Mom is sorry for you.

  (end of this chapter)