MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 4 Do you like to read comics?

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亚 "Yarin Sang, although I don't know what you are doing, I think you should pay more attention to your physical condition, at least you should maintain a good rest time so that you can have a good body."

A serious preaching by a girl who is three or four years younger than herself and mentally ten years younger than herself, what other expressions can Li Yalin show besides a bitter smile?

Keep a good schedule and have a good body, can he not know such things?

But the question is, how can he earn 100 million island coins in only three months?

In fact, even if he now holds the script of the three sisters of Cat's Eye and has a system nearby, he is not confident that he can complete this task.

Even for the best works, it takes a certain amount of time to spread the fermentation. Three months may make the three works of Cat Eye Sisters prosperous and earn a hundred million ... one word-difficult!

Of course, bitter smile turns to bitter smile, Li Yalin also understands that this is a good intention of Zhi Nai, even if he is helpless, he can't help but appreciate it.

But there are some words, he feels that he should take this opportunity to say something. He wanted to talk to Zhi Nai at first. Isn't it a good time?

谢谢 "Thank you, Chino, for making you so worried about me."

First of all, Li Yalin thanked Zhinai not only because of her worry but also for her recent care.

It is really important that such a child take care of himself as an adult, even if Ji Nai doesn't say it, he will feel blushing.

"The reason why my recent schedule is not fixed is not because I don't care about my body, but for another reason ... Do you like to read comics?"


Li Yalin expressed his thanks to Zhi Nai, and also planned to explain to her, after all, this must be said sooner or later, and he also felt that this matter should not be late.

I just changed to Zhi Nao, and she felt very strange. Why did she suddenly mention a comic? Manga ... Is there an inevitable relationship with the irregular schedule?

"Yes! I'm going to create a comic, so the preliminary preparations will be more tiring, but as long as this work can be successfully created, I don't have to work so hard."

增加 In order to increase his credibility, Li Yalin took out the previously drawn drafts. Since he added the script of the three sisters of Cat Eye in his mind, all he has drawn are comics about Cat Eye.

For example, the pictures of the three sisters in the next life, the setting of the actor and each supporting role.

这些 Anyway, these need to be painted, so it is good to prepare in advance.

"It's ... awesome ..."

Seeing Li Yalin's drawings, Zhi Nai couldn't help but marvel. Although she didn't read comics often, she also knew some comics. She was able to draw so many drafts, and it was so beautiful. This is already the level of a professional cartoonist.

Is Yalinsang so powerful?

"According to my observations, the comic industry will definitely usher in a period of rapid development. There will be more and more people who like comics. An excellent comic book must also be very scary in its ability to attract gold.

"I am confident that I will create the best works that are most popular with readers!"

Li Yalin's next words, but completely shocked Zhi Nai, she did not expect that this boy who is not a few years older than herself, actually cherished such a huge ambition.

He wants to create an excellent work that is most popular with readers?

Not to mention whether he has that ability, just that ideal, that ambition, is not unusual for a boy of his age.

What's more, he has put all this into action.

"Yarin Sang, you will succeed."

Li Yalin's words silenced Zhi Nai for a while, because she didn't know what she should say.

Blessed words? Or praise?

Wu Zhinai wasn't quite sure, so in the end, she could only say such a sentence, but she couldn't think of it at all. After Li Yalin said his ambition, it was just the beginning.

"Jin Nai, would you like to be my assistant?"


智 For Zhi Nai, what Li Yalin said next made her totally inexplicable, because she had no idea why she received the invitation.

Li Yalin wants to be a cartoonist and wants to create the best works. This is his ambition. But that has nothing to do with Zhi Nai.

I just want to, Li Yalin wants to have a relationship with her, which makes Zhi Nai not understand.

The most important thing is that Zhi Nai only reads comics, but he does n’t know how to draw comics, or be an assistant or something. This is nonsense.

"Yarin Sang, I don't draw cartoons, and my drawings ..."

"I know, I do n’t want you to be my comic assistant, but I am going to hire you as my life assistant. You know, my schedule is completely irregular, and I need to take care of my meals, and sometimes It's certainly impossible for people to run errands without hiring an assistant. "

When I heard what Li Yalin said, Zhi Nai instinctively refused. Her family knew about her own affairs. Zhi Nai thought that she had no talent in painting. At least she felt that her painting was not good-looking at all, and it was impossible to draw any comics.

I ca n’t wait to finish her words, UU reading www. was interrupted by Li Yalin first, because he was not prepared to let Zhi Nai be his comic assistant. Otherwise, his three sisters with cat eyes would become three sisters with Picasso.

What he needs most is Zhi Na's help in life trivia. Although a big man said this to a 13-year-old Lolita, he couldn't explain it, but the problem was that he needed this excuse.

I'm right, that's an excuse.

In his relationship with Zhi Nai, even if he made a hundred million and was willing to give up the one hundred million to help Zhi Nai, Zhi Nai would not necessarily accept it, unless their relationship was already close to each other.

So before that, he must try his best to improve the intimacy between the two, and the so-called life assistant is a very good excuse.

"but I……"

That ’s what Li Yalin said, but Zhi Nai was overwhelmed, because she felt that she did n’t seem to care about being a life assistant. After all, she now also has Li Yalin ’s three meals a day, and errands or something. As long as she has time, she can help.

So is it necessary to be an assistant or something? Is this really necessary?

"Of course, I do n’t have the money to hire you as an assistant right now. Before the comic was successfully created and published, all my checks were empty checks, so life assistants and so on are just a name. Zhi Na, do n’t be too Tangled. "

Li Zhilin's hesitation was seen by Li Yalin. Of course, he knew that he should take the initiative and take the right to speak, so that Zhi Nai could not refuse.

In fact, this is exactly the case. After hearing Ya Yalin's explanation, Zhi Nai was relieved.

Yeah, I do n’t know if it will be successful, what are you tangling here?