MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2582 2584【Clean up the portal】

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  Chapter 2582 2584【Clean up the portal】

   "That bastard, Akun, really deserves to die." Big Brother B scolded, "Mr. Jiang, what shall we do?"

   "Immediately call a meeting of twelve fit people, I want to clean up Hong Xing's house." Jiang Tiansheng said immediately. Dang Duan continued to suffer from the chaos, and now that soldiers are approaching the city, he can't help but be merciful.

   "Ah B, help me transfer someone here." Jiang Tiansheng said again.

  He doesn't have any younger brothers, and now he can only rely on the big brother B.

   "Okay, Mr. Jiang." The boss B nodded immediately, and then called to shake people.

  Xiang Nan also called, calling Pheasant, Nest Pi, Baopi, and Datian Er.

   "Ayao, call Liang Kun, you should know what to say." Jiang Tiansheng said to Chen Yao again.

  Chen Yao nodded, and then called Liang Kun in front of everyone, "Hey, brother Kun, it's all done."

"Very good." Liang Kun's voice came from the other end of the phone, "That kid is smart, but it's a pity that he's just smart and can't see the future. Since he won't be used by me, I can only send him to It's west."

   "Yes, Brother Kun is wise." Chen Yao smiled, "But Brother Kun, since the surname Jiang already knows about this matter, he will definitely not let it go, even Ah B will not just let it go.

  In my opinion, the night is long and the dream is too much. It is better to hold a club meeting immediately and win the leading position. In this way, even if they are dissatisfied, they can't do anything to you. "

   "Brother Yao, you are right. Alright, let me know right away." Liang Kun agreed.


   Afterwards, Chen Yao called a meeting of twelve fit people.

  Xiang Nan, Big Brother B took Chen Yao, Sha Qiang, and protected Jiang Tiansheng to the Hongxing headquarters.

  After arriving there, I met Pheasant, Chaopi, Baopi, Datianer and others.

   "Brother Nan~" They went forward together.

   "Something important will happen later. Remember, protect Brother B and Mr. Jiang." Xiang Nan instructed.

   "Brother Nan, what's the matter?" Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they heard him speak so seriously.

   "Don't ask now, I'll explain later." Xiang Nan waved his hands, "In short, behave better today, I'm sure there is nothing wrong."

  Seeing what he said, everyone nodded.

  Subsequently, Hong Xing's twelve fit people were basically all present.

  The Twelve Fitters are the current hall masters of the Twelve Halls of Hongxing, and they are basically old people who have been passed down from the leader of the founding school, Jiang Zhen.

  Prince, Dinosaur, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, Fatty Li, etc., although they have guarded one side now, their qualifications are still too young to attend the meeting.

   "Brother Yao, what happened, why did you have a meeting all of a sudden?"

   "Damn it, I just caught a Malay girl, and I was having a good chat, and I rushed over when I received the call."

   "Hey, have you read the news? The Rush in Macau has injured more than 80 people. It is said that it was hacked by a person. What a beast!"

   "Fuck, bragging?! Killing more than 80 people by one person? I was exhausted after flying 80 times. Why don't I believe it."

   "Don't be stubborn. I also received news that it was indeed chopped by one person. I heard that the person took two beef knives and chopped left and right. From the beginning to the end, he was not injured at all."

   "Fuck, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is. How can there be such a strong man in the world?! One person chopped more than 80 people, and there is no injury at all!"

   After they sat down, they started talking.


  Hearing what they said, Big Brother B couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

  Xiang Nan is his younger brother, the more he can beat him, the more honorable he will be.

  Chen Yao and Shaqiang, as insiders, showed embarrassment.

  If they knew that Xiang Nan was so good at fighting, they never dared to provoke him. It's all right now, I hunt geese all day long, but today I was pecked by geese.

   At this moment, I heard someone say, "What are you talking about, so lively?"

   It is Liang Kun, a fit person from Yau Ma Tei.

   "Akun, you are late." Ji Ge, a fitter from Xihuan, said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang didn't even come, so I'm late." Liang Kun sneered, "Brother Ji, your back is hardened. This is true, we work hard, others enjoy it, maybe we are still in the group of women now Happy."

   "That's true." Brother Ji nodded, "I would have charged a few more bills before I came here. I don't need a bunch of people waiting here, just like my wife and I are waiting for the master."

   At this moment, Jiang Tiansheng stepped in and asked with a smile, "Sorry, I'm late. What were you talking about just now, so lively?"

"Mr. Jiang, we are talking about the news in Macau. It is said that a fierce man singled out more than 80 people. Not only did they beat them to death, but he was not injured. We are all talking about whether this is true or not. "Ji Ge said hastily.

   "Oh, this matter is true." Jiang Tiansheng nodded.

   "Mr. Jiang, how do you know that you have received the wind?" Everyone asked curiously after hearing this.

   "To be honest, that fierce man is Hong Xing's brother." Jiang Tiansheng nodded.

   "Huh?! Our brother Hong Xing?! That's really amazing."

   "Mr. Jiang, which brother is so fierce, he is simply the **** of war!"

   "I just said, Hongxing has a lot of talents, and there are indeed many capable people."

   "Dazi Hongxing is famous all over Xiangjiang."

  When everyone heard it, they all praised.

  Jiang Tiansheng smiled, "At the beginning of the year, there was a man named Fat Dog in Macau who wanted to take 30% of our commission from Hong Xing, which was even more fierce than the government of Portugal..."

   "Wow, 30% commission?! He really dares to open his mouth."

   "I've heard about Macau Fat Dog, Ma De, how dare you go against Hong Xing?"

   "Mr. Jiang, such a person is outrageous and must be eliminated!"

  Everyone said one after another.

   "That's right, so I sent Ah B's younger brother Haonan to Macau to settle the matter." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "And he did a good job, successfully killing Fat Dog."

   "Oh, Anan is indeed very capable. He also did what Bhagavan did last time."

   "Ah Nan is good, and he usually respects us old guys."

   "Well, Mr. Jiang really knows people and makes good use of them."

  Everyone echoed.

   "However, such a capable little brother will be plotted against, and it will be plotted against by Hong Xing himself." Jiang Tiansheng said again.

   "What?! To betray my brother is a big taboo!"

   "Mr. Jiang, who is it? If you tell me, I'll chop him to pieces."

   "If you even betray your own brother, you are simply not a human being, but a beast!"

  When everyone heard this, they said angrily.

  Jingkun sat there, although she was smiling on the surface, as if it had nothing to do with her, but her smile was inevitably a little stiff.

   "Everyone is right. Can we let such a person stay in Hongxing?" Jiang Tiansheng asked immediately.

   "Of course not!"

   "Such a young man should be cut to death."

   "Selling out your brother is a big taboo in the world, so of course you can't stay."

   "Mr. Jiang, who do you think this person is? I will definitely make three tricks and let him know how powerful he is!"

  Everyone said indignantly.

   "Akun! Don't you want to give everyone an explanation!" Jiang Tiansheng immediately looked at Liangkun and said.

  (end of this chapter)