MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2610 2612【Stretching out the head with a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife】

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  Chapter 2610 2612 [A slash of the head, a slash of the head is also a slash]

   "How is it? Is the mission going well?" Xiang Nan asked with a smile when he happened to see Lin Shufen when he was touring the field at night.

   "It's okay." Lin Shufen nodded, "I just don't know why, they seem to have misunderstood me as your slut."

   "What?! No way?" Xiang Nan was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Why do they think so?"

   "It's probably because you took me to celebrate Erye Guan's birthday, and now you let me preach the gospel in your territory, and you also sent a younger brother to protect me." Lin Shufen explained.

   "..." Xiang Nan blinked, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "I'm really sorry."

   "Why do you say that?" Lin Shufen asked in confusion.

"You are an innocent woman, but you have something to do with our short mules. Isn't it tarnishing your reputation?" Xiang Nan explained, "Furthermore, out of ten short mules, nine will fail to the end. The more famous the elder brother , the more you will be messed up by others. I am afraid that others will misunderstand your identity and may attack you. "

"An innocent woman?! Do you still think that I am a girl with yellow flowers? Don't think that my name is Shufen, and I am really virtuous and virtuous." Lin Shufen giggled and said, "To be honest, I am in England. You can't imagine how crazy you are when you study abroad.

   As for danger, I am even less afraid. I also grew up in a housing estate, so I have never seen such a scene. Even if someone starts fighting now, I won't blink. "

   "Yes, you are amazing." Xiang Nan smiled, "But you still have to be careful. You single woman, don't go shopping in Temple Street so late, go home early and rest."

   "Ha, you talk like my dad." Lin Shufen smiled, "You promise to have a drink with me, and I'll go back."

   "Okay." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Lin Shufen immediately ordered a cup of heavenly kiss, and asked Xiang Nandao with a smile, "Dare you?"

   "Why don't you dare?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   Just about to raise a glass to drink, Lin Shufen suddenly picked up the wine and drank it first, then put her arms around Xiang Nan's neck, pouted and kissed it.

  Xiang Nan blinked, but didn't react for a while.

  However, the other boys in the bar cheered when they saw this scene.

  A moment later, Lin Shufen let go of Xiang Nan, and asked provocatively, "Is it good?"

  Xiang Nan smiled, and told his two younger brothers, "Send her back."


  Xiang Nan then continued to tour the field.

   While patrolling, suddenly Baopi rushed over with two younger brothers, "It's not good, Brother Nan, something happened."

   "What's the matter?" Xiang Nan saw that the two younger brothers were the younger brothers he sent to **** Lin Shufen home, he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart, and asked hastily.

   "We sent my sister-in-law back. When we passed the night market, we were crowded by the crowd. We were a little slower, and when we went to look for her, she was gone." The younger brother explained.

   "Fuck!" Xiang Nan couldn't help cursing when he heard it, "Where is it?"

   "It's at the Wangji food stall." The younger brother said quickly.

  Xiang Nan nodded and was about to go, when his cell phone rang suddenly.

   "Hello?!" Xiang Nan quickly answered the phone.

   "Hello, Chen Haonan, do you recognize who I am?" said an arrogant voice.

   "Crow?! What are you going to do?" Xiang Nan recognized him immediately.

"Huh, I don't do anything, I just want to tell you that your son is in my hands now. You can help me prepare a boat immediately, and prepare three million Hong Kong dollars for me." I can't see your horse."

   "Crow, don't mess around. The boat and the money are trivial, just wait for me to arrange it immediately." Xiang Nan said.

   "I will call you again, remember not to play tricks. I even killed my eldest brother, and I don't care about killing another one." Crow said, and then hung up the phone.

   "Brother Nan, was my sister-in-law taken away by the crow?" Baopi asked immediately, "I'll go find all the brothers right away."

   "No, this matter cannot be publicized. Just act as if nothing happened, and let me handle this matter myself." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

  Bao Pi and the others are not professionals after all, and they do not have the ability to handle cases, so it is more troublesome to get them involved.

  Xiang Nan then came to Wang Kee food stall.

  He silently practiced the Zixia magical power, transported the internal energy to his nose, and sniffed hard, and immediately he smelled all the smells in a radius of several hundred meters.

   There are scents and smells, salty and sour, fishy and astringent... Mixed together, Xiang Nan almost vomited. However, he still smelled a little bit of Heaven's Kiss wine from many scents.

  Lin Shufen just drank this glass of wine, and the smell has not completely dissipated yet.

  After Xiang Nan smelled it, he immediately performed lightness kung fu and followed him all the way.

  Fortunately, it is night, the night is dark, and the flow of people is turbulent, so even if he performs lightness kung fu, no one will notice, at most they think it is a gust of wind blowing past.

  Xiang Nan ran for more than 500 meters and arrived in front of an old building.

   "No way?! They are actually hiding in my territory?" Xiang Nan said in surprise, and then sniffed all the way to the top floor. I saw that the smell came from the room on the west.

  Xiang Nan listened, and heard voices coming from inside the room.

   "Crow, do you think Chen Haonan will really agree to our request?" Smiling Tiger asked.

   "If he dares to refuse, I will **** his son first and then kill him." Crow sneered, "I can't leave anyway, so I'll just fight to the death."

   "Then what if he agrees?" Smiling Tiger asked again.

   "Then I will be merciful and just **** him. I have played with his son, and I will see how he will be a big brother in the future." The crow said fiercely again.

   "I think it's better not to go too far, we can't offend people anymore." Smiling Tiger heard it, and quickly persuaded.

   "It's impossible to stop now." Crow smiled, "Ah Hu, if you stretch out your head, you will also be cut back. At this time, there is no need to retreat, and you can only go forward."

   "But..." Smiling Tiger wanted to persuade him again.

   "Okay, that's enough, I'll take advantage of it while I have time now. Ma De, I haven't touched a woman for several days, and I'm going crazy." Crow cried.

   "Crow, don't mess around." The smiling tiger said quickly, "Now is not the time."

   "Now is not the time, what is the time." Crow shouted, "Chen Haonan has repeatedly opposed me, if it weren't for him, Jiang Tiansheng would have been completely cold by now, we can also take this opportunity to dominate the Xiangjiang drug market.

  At that time, we will be the godfathers of Xiangjiang, why are we hiding like a lost dog like we are now? Haha, Chen Haonan never dreamed that I would hide in his territory and play with his woman..."

   "Crow, you..." Smiling Tiger wanted to persuade him again, but at this time he didn't want to make any more troubles.

   "Don't worry, I will let you have a good time after I finish having fun." Crow smiled and said, "Ah Hu, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today. You don't know what will happen tomorrow, so why bother with yourself."

   "Okay." Smiling Tiger stopped persuading.

   The crow sneered, and immediately heard the sound of tearing clothes.

  (end of this chapter)