MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2620 2622 [Successful ending]

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  Chapter 2620 2622【Successful ending】

   "Really, Sheng Fan colluded with Dongxing Yaoyang?"

   "It's no wonder that Sheng Fan chooses fit people, but Fatty Li is so active. That's how it is."

   "We, Hong Xing, prohibit the sale of pills. How dare Sheng Fan and Fatty Li break the gang rules?!"

  When all the brothers present heard this, they all said in amazement, and some were skeptical.

   "Everyone, I still have a tape for everyone to listen to." Xiang Nan took out his Walkman and pressed the play button.

"Fatty Li, I've killed the dinosaur, and if we put Shengban on the throne, then Tuen Mun will be ours. At that time, our pills will be able to enter Tuen Mun unimpeded, and we'll make a lot of money." A person soundtrack.

"Speaking of which, you're a dinosaur idiot. If you refuse to cooperate with such a good business, you deserve to be thrown downstairs." Fatty Li's voice came out, "It's just that Sheng Fan is so stupid, he may not be able to compete with Pheasant and Da Fei .”

   "Don't worry, with his contacts, your financial resources and my mind, he is just a puddle of mud, and I am sure to help him up the wall." The male voice said again.

   "Have you heard it?" Xiang Nan then looked at the audience and asked.

   At this time, everyone in the audience was shocked.

   Didn't expect that the dinosaur was killed by Lei Yaoyang, let alone Fatty Li was also an accomplice.

   "Fatty Li, you bastard, kill my brother, I'll kill you!" Han Bin immediately stood up and cursed.

   Fatty Li and Sheng Fan saw their photos with Lei Yaoyang exposed, and when they heard the tape, they were all ashamed.

   "It turns out that Fatty Li also eats inside and out, and actually colluded with Dongxing Yaoyang."

   "It's no wonder that Sheng Fan looks stupid, but he fights for the fit person with great vigor. It turns out that Lei Yaoyang and Fatty Li are behind it."

   "Lei Yaoyang is really ruthless. Killing a dinosaur is not counted, but he even stepped into Tuen Mun to support Shengban as a puppet!"

   "Sheng Fan is really stupid enough to cooperate with Dongxing and be willing to be his puppet. Don't you know the truth of seeking skin from a tiger?"

   Others are also talking about it.


   At this moment, a gunshot was heard, and the bullets came straight to Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nangang exposed the truth of Shengfan's collusion with Li Fatzi and Lei Yaoyang.

  Suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

  He heard a gunshot, and immediately there was an extra bullet hole in his original position.

  If Xiang Nan hadn't dodged in advance, the shot would have killed him.

  The gunshot also exposed the location of the gunman, and then several people rushed to the second floor, ready to take down the gunman in one fell swoop.

   But at this time, the gunman did not give up and continued to shoot at Xiang Nan.

  For him, he was already in a desperate situation anyway, and he was doomed. Killing Xiang Nan before he died was a way to help himself.

   But Xiang Nan's qinggong is superb, and his figure is erratic. The gunman emptied his bullets and failed to hit Xiang Nan, but missed the last chance to escape.

   "I don't know who it is, so it's Dongxing's Ben Leihu~" The prince laughed, "You really have the guts to come here alone."

   Lei Yaoyang saw that he was blocked and had no way to escape, so he simply jumped from the second floor to the first floor.

  Seeing this, all the brothers of Hong Xing stepped forward together and surrounded him.

  At this time, Fatty Li and Sheng Fan were already under control.

"I, Lei Yaoyang, made a mistake, and the whole game was lost. I was wrong. I chose to cooperate with two idiots." Lei Yaoyang sighed, "Now that I am caught by you, I would like to bet and admit defeat. Brothers, you can beat me to death with one punch. It's a pity that outsiders will say that you, Hong Xing, have no talents and only know how to bully the few."

   "What are you farting, Hong Xing has a lot of talents, each of you will drown you with a mouthful of spittle." Ji Ge cursed immediately when he heard it.

   "Brother Ji, you are called eloquence, not talent." Thirteenth sister curled her lips and said.

"Lei Yaoyang, listen to me, you really have the guts, you are not chaotic in times of crisis, and you can use aggressive tactics." Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile, "Okay, I will send someone to fight you one-on-one. If you can win, then I will let you go today, but only for today."

   "Okay, Jiang Tiansheng, you really are the leader, I admire you." Lei Yaoyang gave a thumbs up and said.

   "Stop talking nonsense." Xiang Nan shouted, "Mr. Jiang, let me do it."

   "Anan, give me this opportunity. He killed my brother, and I want to avenge him." Han Bin stood up and said.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan nodded.


  Everyone immediately gave up the open space, leaving it to Lei Yaoyang and Han Bin to fight one-on-one.

  Seeing that Han Bin shot out in anger, he punched Lei Yaoyang.

  Lei Yaoyang dodged sideways, and also punched Han Bin.

  Han Bin didn't dodge, he hit the side rib with a punch, and staggered immediately.

   It turns out that boxing is afraid of young people, Lei Yaoyang is only in his twenties, when he is young and strong, but Han Bin is already in his forties, how can he be a young man's opponent.

  In addition, Han Bin has been the eldest brother for many years and has not done it himself for a long time, so it is naturally not Lei Yaoyang's opponent to do it now.

  Lei Yaoyang took advantage of his illness to kill him. Seeing that Han Bin was no match, he rushed forward immediately, pressing down on him and beating Han Bin until he retreated steadily. After a while, his head became like a pig's head.

  Seeing that Lei Yaoyang was about to win, everyone present couldn't help showing embarrassment.

   "Han Bin, go down and accompany your little brother." After Lei Yaoyang knocked Han Bin down to the ground, he stomped **** his neck.

  Anyway, he is out of the theater today, and he won't live until tomorrow, so he simply kills one by one.

  Seeing that Han Bin was about to be trampled to death by him, everyone looked sideways.

   At this moment, Lei Yaoyang suddenly slipped and fell on his back, falling headlong.

  Han Bin had already lost his strength, but when he saw this, he suddenly had the strength to crawl towards Lei Yaoyang.

  Lei Yaoyang wanted to hide, but he couldn't move, Han Bin strangled his neck tightly.

   "Brother, give me strength, let me avenge you!" Han Bin shouted, and then twisted with the remaining strength, and there was a click, and his neck was twisted.

  Han Bin looked up to the sky and laughed, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, and everyone present were all moved when they saw it.


   Immediately afterwards, Lei Yaoyang's body was carried down for treatment.

Jiang Tiansheng said again, "Sheng Fan and Fatty Li colluded with outsiders and sold pills in Tuen Mun. This violated the rules of the road and the rules of our Hong Xing gang. According to the rules, it should be three times and six holes. Expelled from Hong Xing prosper.

  Therefore, I declare that the Tuen Mun speaker of Shengpan will be deprived of his candidacy, and the Tuen Mun 揸fit person will be elected by Pheasant. Deprive Fatty Li of his qualifications as the speaker in North Point, Da Fei, are you sure you can engage in salty books? "

   "Not only salty books, but also small movies." Da Fei said proudly.

   "Then the North Point will be handed over to you." Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile, "What do you guys think about my arrangement?"

  When everyone heard this, they all shook their heads, and immediately applauded Da Fei and Pheasant.

  Fatty Li and Sheng Fan are like eggplants beaten by frost at this moment, extremely embarrassing.

  (end of this chapter)