MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2630 2632【In business, business】

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  Chapter 2630 2632【In business and business】

  While Xiang Nan and Deng Meiling were shopping, Haonan Group, a subsidiary of Xiang Nan, was also talking to Chen Jianan about cruise cooperation.

  In the movie, Chen Jianan took advantage of Chen Haonan's lack of English and legal knowledge to trick him into signing a very unequal contract. Not only did it not mention 10% of the bonus shares, but even the management rights of the cruise line can be withdrawn at any time.

  But in fact, the cruise ship was jointly invested by Uncle Qi and Hong Xing. What Chen Jianan did obviously kicked Hong Xing out of the game, making the cruise ship his possession.

   Naturally, Xiang Nan would not be that stupid. He had to get 10% of the shares and management rights. Otherwise, he would never cooperate with the cruise ship.

  Chen Jianan did not expect Xiang Nan to be so cautious, and actually sent people from the business department and the legal department to contact him.

  They are all professionals, proficient in business and law. It is much harder for him to deceive them than to deceive a dwarf mule.

  So he quickly called Xiang Nan, "Haonan, the cruise ship is about to set sail. But now we are still haggling over the contract, and we don't know when it will be settled.

   What if Uncle Qi and Mr. Jiang blamed him? In my opinion, we'd better have a good time and sign the contract neatly. In this way, I can explain to Uncle Qi, and you can also explain to Mr. Jiang, how about it? "

   "Datuk, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "This cruise ship has an investment of over one billion Hong Kong dollars, and it is an out-and-out big business.

  The bigger the business, the more cautious we must be. Otherwise, once something happens, it will be terrible. I, Chen Haonan, have been traveling the rivers and lakes for so many years, but nothing happened. I can only rely on two words [cautious].

  I understand your eagerness for success, but please forgive my cautiousness. Mr. Jiang entrusted me with the cruise business, so I have to take responsibility for the club. "

   "But Haonan, you are too cautious to do this, can't you still not trust me?" Seeing what Xiang Nan said, Chen Jianan quickly played the emotional card again.

"Datuk, why do you say that? Of course I can trust you." Xiang Nan smiled, "It's just that, as you said before, we are talking about business, of course we rely on the contract. You are the boss of the mall. Xingzun is much more experienced than me, so he doesn't even understand this truth."

   "This... this..." Chen Jianan didn't expect that Xiang Nan would use what he said before to block his mouth in turn, and he couldn't help but hesitate to answer.

"Okay, Dato, as the saying goes, if people are close to each other and not close to each other, wealth and profit must be distinguished. Let's be a villain first and then a gentleman." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "If everyone has enough sincerity, then cooperation will be guaranteed. It will work."

   "That's... alright." Chen Jianan saw that Xiang Nan was so persistent that he wouldn't give him a chance to play tricks, so he had no choice but to nod.


  Subsequently, the Malaysian consortium represented by Chen Jianan formally signed a contract with Xiangnan's Haonan Group.

  In addition to stipulating that the security and loan business of the cruise ship should be handled by Haonan Group, the contract also stipulates that Xiangnan will hold 10% of the shares. In this way, at least one or two billion Hong Kong dollars in income are generated every year.

  For Xiang Nan, although it is not much, it is already very enviable.

  Subsequently, Dragonstar Cruises officially launched its business and held a grand sailing ceremony.

  Jiang Tiansheng, Uncle Qi, Chen Jianan, Xiang Nan, Big Brother B, Han Bin, Da Fei and many other people all attended the event that day.

   "Hao Nan, I heard that you had a little conflict with Dato?" Jiang Tiansheng asked Xiang Nandao.

   "No, who told Mr. Jiang?" Xiang Nan asked curiously.

   "Uncle Qi mentioned to me that you didn't hand over Huihua Jiayuan to your agent in order to retaliate against Dato, so you deliberately care about the cruise cooperation." Jiang Tiansheng laughed.

"Mr. Jiang, there is no such thing at all." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "This cruise ship has invested more than one billion Hong Kong dollars, and I will take over it. Naturally, I must be more cautious. Otherwise, if something happens in the future, I will be sorry for the company and you trust in me."

   "Well, you are right to do this." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "Don't worry, I will explain it to Uncle Qi for you."

   "Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Xiang Nan smiled, thinking that Chen Jianan was really hateful, and dared to sue him for being tricky.

  But what he did was doomed to be in vain.

   On the one hand, he has long been designated as Hong Xing's next successor, Jiang Tiansheng has sufficient trust in him, and will not offend him because of a few gossips from others.

   Moreover, Uncle Qi has cooperated with the Jiang family for many years, and his trust in Jiang Tiansheng is much higher than that in Chen Jianan. So even if he tells the truth, it won't affect the overall situation.

   On the one hand, Chen Jianan himself has been dishonest, cheated, double-faced, and used a big banner as a tiger's skin. Even if one can be deceived for a while by relying on a three-inch tongue, it cannot be deceived for a lifetime, and one day the truth will eventually come to light.


   "Dear guests, our Dragonstar cruise ship is about to set sail, and it also represents a new era for Xiangjiang's maritime entertainment industry." The host announced loudly, "Next, we invite the director of Dragonstar, Chen Jianan, to give us a speech~"

   "Thank you, distinguished guests, and friends from the press. The Dragon Star Cruise is a major project invested by our Canaan Group, with a total investment of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars.

  The purpose is to bring the best entertainment and enjoyment to tourists. I also hope that every tourist who boards the ship can have a good time, value for money, come with joy, and return with joy. All right, all the members of the board of directors are invited to come on stage and cut the ribbon. "Chen Jianan said on stage.

  As soon as Xiang Nan heard it, he knew he was bragging again.

  Hong Kong Dragon Star Cruises does have investment from Jianan Group. But he is just a small shareholder, with less than 5% of the shares. It's just that he likes to flatter Seventh Uncle, and won the strong support of Seventh Uncle, so he got the management right of the cruise ship.

  But what he said just now seems like the entire ship is invested by the Jianan Group, and it is as if it has full control, and he really dares to put money on his face.

  However, Uncle Qi, Jiang Tiansheng and others were the investors, and they didn't come forward to refute it, so Xiang Nan didn't speak, and quietly watched Chen Jianan pretending to be X.


   After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, lion dance ceremony, and worship ceremony, Star Dragon is ready to officially set sail.

  At this moment, a group of people suddenly walked up to the deck and said repeatedly, "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations~"

  As soon as Xiang Nan saw it, he recognized the leader as Situ Haonan from Dongxing, followed by He Yong, Chang Maojie and others, walking through the market in a mighty manner.

   "Oh, the ceremony is over?! I'm so sorry, I'm late." Situ Haonan laughed.

   "It's okay, no one invited you here at all." Xiang Nan laughed.

"Hey, I invited you, I invited you." At this time, Chen Jianan squeezed over and said, "Mr. Situ asked me to cooperate and wanted to hold a century boxing match after the Chinese New Year. It's a good idea, so we will sponsor this event. Boxing."

"That's right, our Eastern Star is already preparing to send He Yong to fight for the boxing champion gold belt." Situ Haonan nodded and said, "As for you Hong Xing, there is no one who can fight anyway, so I don't think there is any need to participate. "

  (end of this chapter)