MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 4 4【Change begins with clothes】

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  Chapter 4 4 [Change begins with clothes]

   "You should come to me, I'll be busy for a while." Xiang Nan thought for a while and said to Howard.

  He hasn't finished memorizing the main points of the thesis, and he doesn't want to give up halfway. Otherwise, if he forgot, it would be too late for him to cry.

   "Okay." Howard hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

   After hanging up the phone, Xiang Nan continued to write.

   After about half an hour, he heard a knock on the door.

  Xiang Nan hid the notes, went to open the door, and saw Howard standing outside the door with a smile.

   "Hi, please come in." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Sorry, I really forgot our date."

   "It's okay, you have already apologized." Howard waved his hand and smiled, then walked into the room quickly, "Tell me about your new discovery."

"It's a planet, about a hundred light-years away from us, located in the Magellanic Cloud constellation Doradus, revolving around a red dwarf star." Xiang Nan laughed, "I boldly guess that it is probably an Earth-like planet. planet."

   "Earth-like planets?! Wow, congratulations!" Howard smiled sincerely after hearing this.

  Earth-like planets, as the name suggests, are planets similar to the earth, and they are also the celestial bodies that astronomers are most keen to find.

   On the one hand, terrestrial planets are similar to Earth. The so-called stones from other mountains can be used to drill jade, and by studying them, we can know the origin of the earth and life.

  On the one hand, terrestrial planets may breed life, which is of positive significance to the search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, it may become a future interstellar colony.

  From ancient times to the present, humans have discovered less than 5,000 terrestrial planets, and there are only more than 50 habitable planets the size of the Earth.

  So if an terrestrial planet is found, and it is a habitable planet, it is really a great honor for astronomers, and it is also a major breakthrough for the scientific community.

"Thank you." Xiang Nan smiled, "I also want to thank you. Without the telescope bracket you designed for me, I would not have found it so smoothly. If I am lucky enough to be interviewed in the future, I will definitely praise you of."

In the play, when Raj was selected as one of the "30 Most Noteworthy People Under 30 in the World" by "People" magazine because of his discovery of an asteroid (2008-nqsub-17), he looked like a villain. Arrogant and rude, which made friends very unhappy.

  Xiang Nan naturally wouldn't have such a low EQ.

   Hearing what he said, Howard was really happy.

  He hugged Xiang Nan hard, "Thank you, good brother."

   "You're welcome, you deserve it." Xiang Nan laughed.


   "Well, we should go to Leonard and let him be happy for you." Howard suggested, "Wow, if Sheldon knows that you have made such a big discovery, he will be jealous of you."

  Xiang Nan nodded with a smile.

   Sheldon does not like being surpassed, whether that person is his friend or his competitor.

   "Okay, but wait for me to change my clothes first." He waved his hand again and smiled.

  After crossing over, he was busy with work and hadn't had time to change his clothes yet. Now he is still wearing Raj's favorite three-piece suit, shirt, sweater, jacket, a third world working people's attire.

   Such rustic outfits can't attract girls.

   "OK!" Howard readily agreed.

  Xiang Nan immediately walked into the bedroom and began to change his clothes.

  Actually, Raj still has a lot of good clothes. After all, he was born in the second generation of the rich, and there are many famous brands in the wardrobe.

  Xiang Nan took off his three-piece suit, put on a shirt, tie, suit, and a pair of leather shoes.

  Following him and looking in the mirror, he saw that he was much more energetic.

  With Raj's appearance, figure, and temperament, the yuppie-style outfit is very suitable for him.

  Before Xiang Nan crossed, he specifically checked the photos of Raj’s actor, Kunnao Neyya.

  I found that his daily attire is yuppie style, very handsome and very gentleman. Coupled with his unique dark skin, it is really attractive.

   Even Jim Parsons, who plays Sheldon, praised "he is the most handsome man I have ever seen."


   After changing his clothes, Xiang Nan came out.

   "Wow, why are you dressed so grandly? Where's your sweater, where's your coat?" Howard was surprised when he saw it.

   Only when attending important occasions did he see Raj dressed like this. Today I just went to Leonard's house as a guest, so it stands to reason that I wouldn't wear such a grand dress.

   "I don't want to wear it like that anymore." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled.

   "Why, you figured it out?" Howard asked in surprise.

  Raj is confident in his aesthetics. He has persuaded Raj countless times before to stop wearing sweaters and old-fashioned coats, but he never listened.

  Unexpectedly, today, he actually changed it.

   "Yes, I have been dressed like that for more than 20 years, and no girl has ever liked me. I should have thought of this earlier." Xiang Nan said with reason.

  Howard nodded after listening.

   "Actually, Howard, you should also change." Xiang Nan suggested with a smile again.

   "Me?! My outfit is cool, why do I need to change it?" Howard asked in puzzlement when he heard this.

  Xiang Nan smiled.

  Howard wears leggings, bright shirts, high false collar sweaters, alien badges often pinned to the collar, and an exaggerated belt. It makes others look naive and exaggerated, like a child who can't grow up.

   In fact, the reason why he is dressed this way is because his mother arranged it.

   "Dude, you are like me, you also can't find girls all the year round, why don't you think about it." Xiang Nan laughed, "If you look really cool, why don't girls chase you?"

   "..." Howard couldn't help being stunned by Xiang Nan's question.

  He has been dressed like this for more than 20 years. During this period, no girl has ever pursued him. On the contrary, he also provoked a lot of ridicule.

  He always thought it was because they didn't know how to appreciate them, but now hearing what Xiang Nan said, his belief was suddenly shaken.

   "We are all scientists, we know how to falsify. When a theory is proven wrong, we should have the courage to give up it." Xiang Nan patted Howard on the shoulder and said.

   "..." Seeing Xiang Nan say such insightful words, Howard was speechless for a moment.

   "Okay, let's go." Xiang Nan smiled again, "I'm going to buy new clothes tomorrow, if you are determined to change, please go with me."

   "Yes." Howard nodded with complicated emotions, and then walked out of the room with Xiang Nan.


  Going downstairs, Xiang Nan found Raj's car.

   This is a silver BMW, presented by Raj's father, very beautiful and very new.

   Then, he drove Howard to Leonard's home.

  (end of this chapter)