MTL - School Heroine Secretly Loves Me-Chapter 31 temple fair

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"Alright alright, I won't tease my sister anymore."

Wen Wenyao straightened up, she also knew that this kind of thing must be properly controlled.

"I have something to tell you."

The girl took a coat from the bed and put it on herself, then got off the bed and sat on her desk.


Song Nanqiao feels much better now, and her brain is not so hot.

"There is an annual temple fair this weekend, I want you to accompany me."

Wen Wenyao always attends the almost annual temple fair. It was one of the few sources of happiness when she was a child. Now that she has grown up, she still finds it interesting. This year's temple fair Wen Wenyao She had planned for a long time that she would take Song Nanqiao to do many things that she had never done before.

Temple Fair?

Speaking of this matter, Song Nanqiao suddenly remembered, she remembered that two weeks ago, she owed a contract with a toy accessories company and wanted to help them sell accessories.

She almost forgot about it.

But in the current situation, she doesn't need to work hard for that little money, and now her card is seven digits.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Song Nanqiao agreed, and when she went back, she told the company that she couldn't go and gave the liquidated damages.

In this way, there is a lot of time to go out for entertainment, and Song Nanqiao is also very curious about what the temple fairs in this world look like.

"Well, when the time comes, let's go together."

The girl is happier now, all the unpleasantness in the afternoon has been washed away.

"I'm leaving. Your father arranged a villa for me. I can't sleep at your house tonight."

"Which house?"

The Wen family has too many houses.

"A sea view villa near your house."

Song Nanqiao doesn't know the exact location.

"I see..." Wen Wenyao thought for a while, and went through the Wen family's real estate area in his mind, and soon knew that Song Nanqiao was talking about that one.

The sea view villa area, which seems to be a resting place for shareholders, is now idle, but the location and decoration are very good. Fortunately, Wen Guangquan did not treat Song Nanqiao badly.

Song Nanqiao looked at her phone, it was getting late, the driver of the Wen family had planned to send Song Nanqiao away after the conversation was over. Now it will be delayed for a while. , Wen Guangquan should be suspicious.

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

She also wanted to take Song Nanqiao to see the roses she planted in the backyard.

"It's too late, I'm going to go back." Song Nanqiao really should go back, usually at this point, Wen Wenyao is about to sleep.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Knowing that there was no way to keep Song Nanqiao, Wen Wenyao also relaxed and let Song Nanqiao go back earlier.

After a while, Wen Wenyao heard the door closing gently.

After Song Nanqiao left, Wen Wenyao took out a locked diary from her drawer. The diary was well sealed by her. The servant who came to clean the room, have never been found.

The girl opened the notebook and slowly wrote it down on a new page.

"My sister has promised to go to the temple fair with me. I want her to accompany me every year at the temple fair in the future."

The girl seemed to have written something, it was a long paragraph, the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened as she wrote it, and then the girl covered her lower face with a book.

There is an unstoppable sweetness between the eyebrows.

When Song Nanqiao walked out of the door of Wen's house, he saw that the driver was already waiting for him. This time, the driver was very smart and didn't open the door for him.

"Miss Song, you can familiarize yourself with the buildings along the way, and you will be able to find them soon."

The driver is kindly reminded.

It is easy to find a villa area, and it is not far from the school, it takes about fifteen minutes to walk there.

"Ok, thanks."

Song Nanqiao looked out the window, it really was the most prosperous place in the city, and at this point, it was still feasting.


The driver took his card, swiped it at the gate of the community, and said a few words to the security guard, who immediately understood and let Song Nanqiao in with a smile.

On the way in, Song Nanqiao saw that there seemed to be a lot of security guards in the community, and saw that there should be one in every household.

"Ms. Song, every villa has a security guard. Your security guard will come to work tomorrow."


Song Nanqiao doesn't really need such things as security guards. She has a vague feeling that this security guard might be sent by Wen Guangquan to monitor her.

Try it tomorrow...

The villa area is very large, and the driver turned around for a while before finding Song Nanqiao's place of residence.

Song Nanqiao got out of the car, opened the door with his key, and walked in slowly.

What catches the eye is the huge living room, the decoration is black and white, with a business flavor, looking up, there is a floor above the living room, and the stairs are made of red sandalwood.

"I'll go back first, Miss Song is free." The driver bowed slightly, Wen Guangquan's house, a driver like them can't go in casually, and Song Nanqiao is still a girl, so he can't stay with him for a long time. stay together.

"Thank you, slow walk and no delivery."

The driver immediately closed the door and left.

Now there is only Song Nanqiao left in the hall.

From upstairs to downstairs, Song Nanqiao checked every room to make sure there were no surveillance cameras.

The meticulous inspection took Song Nanqiao about two hours. After the inspection, Song Nanqiao calmed down and spoke unscrupulously inside.

She found a relatively large room with a desk, and planned to use it as her bedroom.

Song Nanqiao was lying on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and was about to make a call to Zhai Xinqi.

It is very late now, but Song Nanqiao can't wait for tomorrow.

The phone was dialed out, but no one answered for a long time. She must have fallen asleep. Just when Song Nanqiao was about to hang up, the person over there picked up the phone.

"Hello, who are you?"

Zhai Xinqi was obviously still sleeping, his voice was confused and tired, he only slept for half an hour.

"Song Nanqiao."


Zhai Xinqi suddenly regained his composure. He had been waiting for Song Nanqiao's call all this time. He really didn't expect this young lady to call at this point.

"I want to cooperate with you, find a time to chat, the sooner the better." Song Nanqiao looked at the materials thrown on her desk, she didn't want to let all the money go In the hands of Wen Guangquan.

"Okay, how about 1130-130 tomorrow afternoon."

Zhai Xinqi immediately took out his schedule. This week's schedule was full. After thinking for 20 seconds, he canceled the meeting at noon tomorrow and used this time to see Song Nanqiao.

"No problem."

Although it is 1130 or class time, she can ask for leave.

"Then I rest?"

Zhai Xinqi yawned. He was really sleepy. He worked until twelve o'clock last night and only slept for half an hour now. If it wasn't for Song Nanqiao's call, he wouldn't be talking.


After hanging up the phone, Song Nanqiao sighed in his heart, sure enough, this is how old age is, and he couldn't stay up late in his last life before reaching the age of Zhai Xinqi.

"It's too late, you should go to bed earlier." The system reminded her in her mind that it would be too late for a while, and Song Nanqiao would doze off again in class the next day.

Originally, Song Nanqiao didn't want to go to bed so early, and wanted to go to work for a while, but the system couldn't help urging Song Nanqiao to go to sleep. The original owner's body must also be well recuperated.

After taking a shower, I fell on the bed and fell asleep quickly...

Next day

Song Nanqiao got up early to wash up, and today is another day to study.

But soon I won't have to be so fortunate.

She took out some toast and eggs from the refrigerator, heated the toast in the microwave, and fried two eggs. There was no other food in the refrigerator. Today's breakfast is only Can handle it casually.

After arriving at the school, Song Nanqiao was under his desk and sent a message to Wen Wenyao.

"I have something to do at noon today, so I can't accompany you to dinner."

When she was about to turn off the phone, the phone vibrated.

Wen Wenyao replied in seconds.

"Then you must remember to eat when you are alone."

"I will."

"Do you have time that night?"

Since you can't go with yourself at noon, let's go at night.

"Yes." Song Nanqiao had no plans for the evening.

"Then I will come to you at night."


The chat between the two was over. After closing the phone, Song Nanqiao began to read early.

At first, there were some people who came into contact with learning slowly, and now in the morning reading class, Song Nanqiao is not the only one.

For this reason, the head teacher feels very satisfied, and high school students must be this kind of learning.

When the get out of class was over, Song Nanqiao heard someone calling his name outside the door.

Is it Wen Wenyao?

Song Nanqiao put down the pen in his hand and walked to the door of the class.

It's Lo Lemon.

Since she was injured last time and she came to see her once, Song Nanqiao has not seen her. I don't know what happened to her coming here today.


“There is a temple fair on weekends, do you want to go together?”

Luo Lemon asked tentatively, she knew about the relationship between Song Nanqiao and Wen Wenyao. During the temple fair, Song Nanqiao would go to accompany Wen Wenyao, but... Miss Wen Wenyao, Wan Wenyao Can't go...

She is still looking forward to it.

"No, I promised Wen Wenyao."

Song Nanqiao refused directly, there was no room for manoeuvre.


Luo Lemon sighed, then nodded, she should have expected it long ago, it would be like this.

The author has something to say: there is a confession plot at the temple fair


There is always one of them

It is necessary to take the initiative

Also, do you want to give Luo Lemon a CP?

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Castle;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Feng Jinjing's girlfriend; Qian Shi! 6 bottles; 5 bottles of Xilingyu; 1 bottle of Hibiscus;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!