MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 17 what is this host

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Chapter 17 What is this host?

Hearing this, even Wang Jianguo, who had already accepted his fate, still felt unacceptable.

You are trying to teach people how to pick up girls on the show~~~, how dare you be more unreliable.

One more thing, you can't be more elegant. As for the girl who has to be so down-to-earth, can't you be chasing girls in love? !

Compared with them, the listeners who listened to the program were very happy, and they felt refreshed at once. There is also a host who teaches people how to pick up girls! I've never heard of it since I was born! So fresh.

So I recommend this show to my friends again.

"What, the justice host angrily denounced the ruthless scumbag, you are not interested, how can the good host tell you to get off the list, hehe, you're welcome."

Once again, the number of listeners on the Internet has exploded.


Inside the nanny's car, Zhao Zihan's face, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly turned cold.

I snorted coldly in my heart, I can teach others how to pick up girls. This is a lot of experience. I will listen to how you teach people to pick up girls.

Sister Mei next to her suddenly felt a chill, and she shivered suddenly.

Closer to business, continue to say thank God.

"Are you handsome?" Xie Tian asked.

When I heard this, the audience was not disappointed. Why do I need preconditions? If I were handsome, I would use you to teach me how to pick up girls.

Mr. Liu said confidently: "Not handsome."

"Wrong! Don't say that you are not handsome in the future, you have to be confident! Be confident that you are the most handsome, and confident men are the most attractive."

After a pause, he continued: "For example, let's say that the host of this show, Bai Xue, is so long~~~ I can call her a woman based on my kind nature and my conscience. She grows up like this and still pretends to be the beauty of the radio station, and she dresses up beautifully every day, and she doesn't even think that she is worthy of that dress."

The audience is confused, but you are still kind, what are you doing to eliminate people, and what do you mean by giving an example, self-confidence is useless.

The local audience in Spring City are even more stupid. Who are you talking about, is that the white snow we know?

Bai Xue posted a photo of herself on her Weibo, and she was a peerless beauty. Why couldn't she see it in Teacher Xie's mouth. What kind of hatred do these two have?

The faces of the hosts outside the studio who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh turned red.

Blue veins popped out on Bai Xue's forehead, and her face was not good... It should be glaring at Xie Tian with murderous intent.

I threw your son into the well and let you scold me when you had a chance, and now I even say that on the show.

"Are you handsome?" Xie Tian asked again.

That Mr. Liu hesitated for a while to cheer himself up: "Handsome!"

"Very good, do you have that kind of goddess in your life or work that you can't see from afar, the kind of goddess that you like very much, but dare not approach her and can only watch from a distance, feeling that you are not worthy of it she."

That Mr. Liu didn't even think about it and immediately said, "No."

"Don't talk shit, which man doesn't have a goddess dream."

Wang Jianguo and the others have been completely speechless, how about your chat? This is the host of the show! Talking is too easy.

But the audience and that Mr. Liu didn't think so. Listening to Xie Tian's words is so casual, they have a kind of intimacy, just like chatting between friends.

Mr. Liu thought for a moment before shyly said, "Yes."

"That's right, go ask her out tomorrow, eat, watch a movie, whatever you choose, don't think that a girl is difficult to approach, it's because you treat her as a goddess and think she's superior, when you really get to know her, maybe You will find that what goddess is a female nerve."

"She doesn't agree."

"It doesn't matter whether she agrees or not, the important thing is to express an attitude, that is, brother has a crush on you, and from now on, brother will pursue you, just like every man has a dream of a goddess, and girls also have a domineering president Dream."

"Of course you're not the president, but you can be domineering, and you can't be bullying like that.

"Just being domineering is not enough. In the mainland, you need to be gentle. If you are a warm man, care about her food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and let her understand your thoughtfulness."

"According to scientific research, it only takes fifteen days for a person to develop a habit. Over time, he will become accustomed to your existence and will have your place in his heart. This is the so-called good girl. I'm afraid of tangling, of course, you have to have a degree or you will become a pervert."

"At this stage, you have to use... the art of war is hard to grasp, that is to suddenly be indifferent to her, she has become accustomed to your concern, this indifference, she will take the initiative to come to you, want to know why, think Let you continue to care about her, the purpose is to turn passive into active."

The audience was dumbfounded, this girl is both the art of war and the science! It's too esoteric. Many people are already taking notes at this meeting, and there are countless bachelors who regard Xie Tian as a beacon on the road of life and a mentor of their own soul.

Bai Xue also muttered absentmindedly: "If the hooligan is not scary, I am afraid that the hooligan has culture!"

Xie Tian continued: "Of course, using the art of war is a high-level thing. In terms of games, if you are a rookie who hasn't left the novice village, don't expect this high-level skill."

"Of course, you can't just keep caring about it all the time. That's just a sentence. If she keeps your spare tire safe until old age."

"Different from high-level players who use tactics to let the other party know you actively, the low-level player must take the initiative to let the other party know you."

"What you need is a wise saying passed down by our country from ancient times to the present, that is, men are not bad and women are not loved."

"To give a familiar example, the Cowherd and the Seven Fairies, how did the Cowherd marry the Seven Fairies, and even steal people's clothes without peeking at people's baths, what is this! This is Hong Guoguo's hooligan, this hooligan is doing well If you can marry a fairy, let alone a mortal."


Xie Tian babbled a lot, both theories and routines, making everyone stupid.

The nanny car in the capital was still parked on the road, and it had not moved for almost an hour.

In the car, Zhao Zihan's face was like frost, and he gritted his teeth with hatred. This is a combination of science and art of war. How many girls have he soaked in in the past few years to sum up these experiences, only a few years! It's so bad to learn.

Zhao Zihan found that he seemed to be the same as Mr. Liu. He seemed to be green, and he was green.

Thinking of this, she said anxiously to Sister Mei, "Sister Mei! I want to rejuvenate the city."

"What are you doing in Huichun City?" Sister Mei was a little puzzled.

I can tell you, my mother, I seem to be green, and if I don't go back to the wall, I will be dug up.

"Don't worry about what I do, I just want to return to Spring City."

"My aunt, you still have a notice. Besides, do you think you can go under the current road conditions?" Sister Mei said dissuaded.

Zhang Zihan lay on the window and looked at the door, "Then I'll run back."

Sister Mei hugged Zhao Zihan and said, "You can go back! Let's get rid of tonight's announcement first, we can't let the pigeons go. If you go back tomorrow, it won't be a bad day."

Zhang Zihan is a person who takes his work very seriously. He has never delayed his work. After thinking about it, he said, "You are sure to bring me back to Spring City tomorrow."

Seeing that Zhao Zihan was no longer making a fuss about Huichun City, Sister Mei breathed a sigh of relief: "I will definitely take you back tomorrow, when did I lie to you?"

She also found that Zhao Zihan wanted to return to Spring City to have something to do with the radio host, so she asked curiously, "What is your relationship with that host?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zihan said coldly, "I wasn't sure before, but it will be the murderer and the victim in the future!"

Sister Mei: "..."

Xie Tian asked after saying all these long speeches, "Do you still want to forgive your cheating girlfriend?"

"No, from now on, I'll cut to the chase with her."

Xie Tian asked again, "Then what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Start chasing the goddess from tomorrow." This Mr. Liu seems to have been brainwashed by Xie Tian, ​​and now he is full of confidence.

"That's good, UU reading wish you success in chasing your goddess." After that, the audience hotline ended.

It happened that the time for the show was about to come, Xie Tian said a few words to the microphone at the end: "Single listeners and friends, listen to our show more if you don't have to, it will teach you how to ride horses in love, those who are in love. If you want to cheat and get married, if you want to cheat, listen to our show more, and you will find out... what kind of thing you are!"

It stands to reason that Wang Jianguo and the others should complain, when will our show become a show that teaches people to pick up girls, and we don't know when the nature of the content of the show will become.

But at this moment, they had no time to complain. They all looked down at their phones, at the exaggerated listening numbers on the official website, and the thousands of positive comments below.

The hearts of these people have been severely attacked. It turns out that the show can still be hosted like this!

It looks a little worse than the Three Kingdoms! After the story of the Three Kingdoms is finished, it will be gone. This show may continue to be done, and it must continue. It is a proper national gold medal show.

Wang Jianguo looked back and forth between Xie Tian and Bai Xue, his eyes were very strange and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"This concludes today's show, and I look forward to hearing from you again."

At the end of the show, Xie Tian came out and everyone else looked at him with the eyes of a fairy.

Walking up to Bai Xue, he didn't say a word, just raised his eyebrows and left with a big laugh.

Bai Xue remembered what Xie Tian said before: "After listening to the show I hosted, you will find out what kind of thing she was hosting before!

And the fact is that there seems to be some gap between himself and him, which is more depressing than when he said that he was ugly.

Seeing the smug look, Bai Xue gritted her teeth and looked at his back angrily: "What are you crazy about! My mother will kill you sooner or later!"