MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 220 Mr. Zheng's dull day

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"Mr. Zheng, do you have time today?" Li Feifei's crisp and clear voice came from the phone.

Zheng Renze looked at Xie Tian, ​​saw him shaking his head to himself, and said, "I have time, what's the matter, sis?"

"Well, I want you to accompany me to Xiangshan, and now Maple Leaf is red, I want to go to Xiangshan to collect scenery."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at your house later."

When Zheng Renze hung up the phone, Xie Tian asked, "What is wrong with you, eldest sister?"

Zheng Renze said casually, "Eldest sister asked to go to Fragrant Mountain to collect scenery."

Xie Tian's eyes flashed, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said, "Renze, you and eldest sister have a good relationship, and we often hang out together!"

"Oh!" Zheng Renze didn't respond to Xie Tian's words, so he let out a faint oh.

What he said so lightly was to make Xie Tian angry, and his eyes glared angrily: "You bastard! Didn't you find anything wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"A big girl's family, what is she always looking for you to play with? You can't use your pig brain to think about it."

"What's the matter..." Zheng Renze paused before he finished speaking, and asked a little bit confidently: "You mean... Big sister is interested in me?"

Xie Tian nodded heavily: "I finally enlightened you!"

Zheng Renze was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "How is it possible for the eldest sister.... I treat her as a brother, and she has such thoughts of me."

After speaking, Zheng Renze's face became even worse, and he glanced at Xie Tian with a strange expression, wondering if he had something to say about his eight characters, why was his brother worried about him.

Xie Tian didn't know what he was thinking, but if he knew, there would be a good show in this restaurant today, in which Lu Bu beat Dian Wei.

I've said it hundreds of times! I am not gay! I am not interested in you! What a scary narcissism!

At this moment, he was saying to Zheng Renze with the expression of someone who had come over: "Renze, you need to know one thing, there is no pure friendship between men and women. It's either mutual affection or someone secretly thinking about it."

Zheng Renze thought about it for a while, it made sense, and then said, "Brother, you are so experienced, do I have to talk to Master Han."

"Cough cough!"

Xie Tian was so frightened that he coughed twice, and said threateningly, "What do you tell Han Ye about the topic between us men! Don't change the subject with me, now that you know what the eldest sister thinks, what are you going to do?"

Zheng Renze rubbed his face in annoyance: "Why don't I tell the eldest sister that I can't go, and try not to provoke her in the future."

"Is it possible! Is it a man! Hide when you encounter trouble! What is this, cold violence! Let people retreat! This is too hurtful!"

"Let's talk about it! Why are you Zheng Renze so arrogant! If there is a girl who likes you, you should have fun! Why don't you take Joe!"

"Brother! I'm not arrogant! I didn't take Joe! Why didn't I just say it!" Zheng Renze, who let Xie Tian say it, was a little anxious.

"Isn't it in line with your aesthetics? I didn't say it. The ugly wife is the treasure in the family. She is a few years older than you, but the female junior holds the BRICS senior female senior mother! Age will hurt people!" Xie Tianzui If there is a scorpion on the side, the matchmaker is no different at all.

Without waiting for Zheng Renze to refute, Xie Tian continued: "No matter how much I say, it's useless if you don't listen. If I ask you a question, do you really have no other thoughts about the eldest sister?"

Zheng Renze hesitated, and the words of disinterest came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything, and he didn't want to say such words in his heart.

Seeing his expression, thank you Tianle, knowing that this matter has a door, waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't linger here, go back to the room and change clothes, get dressed up on a date, and then Go to the film and television city to borrow a good car."

Zheng Renze, who was resolute in his rejection just now, listened to Xie Tian's words inexplicably, and went back to his room to change his clothes.

Looking at Zheng Renze's back, Xie Tian shook his head speechlessly: "Hey! I didn't expect this Renze to be a big sister killer."

As soon as Zheng Renze left, Concubine Zhang entered the restaurant drowsily and sat dazedly on the seat Zheng Renze had just now.

"Teacher Xie, what about Ren Ze?"

"He went back to the room to change his clothes. He has an appointment in a while."

"Oh, that's it!" Concubine Zhang responded casually, and then she felt that something was wrong, and her whole body was refreshed.

"About a date...a date!" Concubine Zhang exclaimed exaggeratedly, her face was full of shock, and her eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

The third master of gossip is officially online!

Thank goodness for telling what happened just now.

Concubine Zhang raised her eyebrows and said, "I knew these two were not normal!"

Xie Tian asked mysteriously: "Third Master, will you go to Xiangshan in a while?"

The little thing got excited, and asked with shining eyes, "Why are you going?"

"Let's help Ren Ze... No, help eldest sister a yard."



In fact, Li Feifei likes to play with Zheng Renze, just a little bit! She has a sense of security, because of her plump figure and charming face, she is usually harassed by those wild bees and butterflies.

But after getting to know Zheng Renze, all these moths and little bees disappeared. Even if there was someone she had just met, she would immediately hide away from him when she brought Zheng Renze to him.

It is said that she is the woman of the eldest brother, and Li Feifei does not deny it. It just saves a lot of harassment. In this way, her relationship with Zheng Renze is getting closer and closer.

It's okay to have a meal together, watch a movie, go shopping or something, and Zheng Renze has never had the disgusting evil thoughts in his eyes like other men look at her.

Usually there is physical contact and well-behaved, very gentlemanly, just like a male best friend.

But sometimes she also feels awkward, that is, Zheng Renze is too gentleman. It's not that she is so cheap that men covet her, but it's just that she is so indifferent, doesn't it seem that the old lady is very unattractive!

Today, she thought of Zheng Renze when she wanted to go to Fragrant Hill to collect the wind. After all, it was pitiful and unsafe to go to Fragrant Hill alone, and Zheng Renze had a car, so it was convenient to travel.

Hanging up the phone, Li Feifei praised with a smile: "Mr. Zheng is so powerful, he can do anything."

Then the whole person fell straight on the bed and said to himself inexplicably: "Speaking of which, Mr. Zheng is a good person. Although he looks fierce on the outside, he is very kind and soft inside."

"Gentle and patient, he never gets impatient every time he takes him to go shopping."

"Good Just the perfect boyfriend."

"It's a pity that it looks too scary."

"What's wrong with scaring people? It's a little bit more vicious and safe. It can't provoke a vixen. It's a lot taller and more secure."

These sisters are so nervous, they ask and answer themselves, and they poke themselves out, otherwise you can't guess the girl's mind!

After inexplicably talking, he inexplicably disguised himself, the kind that was especially attentive, and then carefully selected the clothes that he would wear for a while.

It took a while for Li Feifei to finish dressing up. She was wearing a pair of high-waisted light blue leggings, and her long legs were tightly wrapped. It was easy to see how round and straight it was.

He wears a small white jacket on the upper body, and a blue and pink plaid shirt on the outside. The hem of the shirt is tucked into his trousers, and the plump peaks stand tall and straight.

The charming face is painted with delicate makeup, and the whole person looks intellectual and full of style.

Looking at herself in the mirror as if she was about to go on a blind date, Li Feifei was taken aback for a moment.

"What are you doing, Li Feifei! Are you mad!"


"No? Did you have any thoughts about Mr. Zheng that you shouldn't have?"

"How... how is that possible! Mr. Zheng and I are just ordinary friends!"

"Ordinary friend, why do you dress like this?"

"It's just an ordinary friend! What's wrong with dressing up like this! Can't dress up when I go out? I'm going to wear this!"

Like a schizophrenic, I chatted with myself for a while, as if I had convinced myself, and decided not to change.

Afterwards, Li Feifei reached out and touched her face: "Oops, it's so hot!"

Then he murmured inexplicably: "Speaking of which, what does Mr. Zheng think of me?"


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