MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 19

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Yi Wulan obviously didn't expect that Mu Yanxi would set her up. Her gaze lightly touched Mu Yanxi's face through the screen of her mobile phone, and she quickly moved her gaze away.

There was silence between the two for a long time, but Mu Yanxi couldn't wait.

The slightly upturned fox's eyes flicked, and he stared straight at Yi Wulan's side face, sizing him up leisurely.

It seems to be forcing with eyes.

Even through the screen, Yi Wulan felt this fiery gaze, and finally turned his head slowly: "No need."

Mu Yanxi refused to let go: "That can't be done. The teacher taught us to be grateful when we were young. You have to have it."

This is the first time Yi Wulan has encountered this kind of thank you for strong buying and strong selling, and she can't help but feel a little absurd, but she also feels that it is not too surprising that these words come from Mu Yanxi's mouth.

She sighed, and met Mu Yanxi's eyes helplessly: "Stop making trouble."

Yi Wulan seemed calm, but Mu Yanxi noticed with sharp eyes that Yi Wulan's slender neck was swallowing faster than usual unconsciously.

She is tense.

After realizing this, Mu Yanxi folded his arms on the table, propped his chin on top, and slumped on the chair as if he had no bones, tilting his head slightly.

If she is not allowed to make trouble, she wants to make trouble.

Even through the screen, Mu Yanxi could feel Yi Wulan's tensed shoulders and her collarbone sunk because of the tension.

Something is wrong.

Mu Yanxi deliberately asked: "Yi Wulan, are you nervous?"

Yi Wulan paused for two seconds, lowered his eyes quietly, and said very difficultly: "No."

Mu Yanxi raised her eyebrows, then suddenly moved the phone a distance in her direction, and smiled slyly: "Are you afraid of me?"

Yi Wulan: "...No."

Mu Yanxi was persistent, and wanted to find some clues on Yi Wulan's calm face: "You are lying."

Yi Wulan lowered her voice: "I don't lie."

Yi Wulan did not lie.

She was not afraid of Mu Yanxi, but she was a little hard to resist Mu Yanxi's teasing.

This wasn't the first time Mu Yanxi came to tease her, but the previous few times, they were only tied together because of a marriage contract, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a commercial marriage.

At that time, Yi Wulan was more like taking care of a friend's sister when facing Mu Yanxi. As long as the two of them keep a good distance, before Mu Yanxi finds someone he likes, they can still live in the same room respectfully.

But now, this 'sister' has changed. After Mu Yanxi was drunk and kissed her that night, Yi Wulan could no longer convince herself that she was just a sister.

Mu Yanxi was flamboyant, enthusiastic and lively, and that was really too glamorous. It made Yi Wulan feel unfamiliar, and also at a loss.

Yi Wulan is nearly thirty, her temper is calm enough, she won't be like a girl who has just entered puberty, and she will immediately have a deep-rooted love for Mu Yanxi just because of a kiss.

For people in their circle, the entertainment industry is just a way to invest. There are countless handsome men and beautiful women in Rongjia Entertainment, and she has never paid any attention to an artist because she was discredited.

The world of capitalists has always been indifferent.

But Yi Wulan had to admit that when Gu Yan reported to her about the Nansha charity dinner, she let Gu Yan handle the matter without any hesitation.

Mu Yanxi has long been used to Yi Wulan's temperament of saying as little as possible when making phone calls. She just dragged out the sound lazily: "Oh—"

As soon as Yi Wulan heard her slightly teasing emphasis, he felt a bad feeling, and the things he couldn't figure out in his heart just now were instantly broken up.

Sure enough, Mu Yanxi's next sentence was: "Since you didn't lie, you are not afraid of me. How about asking me to repay you well when I go back?"

Hearing the word "repay", Yi Wulan felt a little headache because of his understanding of his little ancestor, it must not be a serious matter.

Seeing Mu Yanxi looking like she wanted to entangle to the end, she changed her voice coldly and changed the subject: "You will be framed as pirated even when you buy a piece of clothing, it's enough to take care of yourself."

It's like a big lecturer, very strict.

But Mu Yanxi was not afraid of her, and still retorted lazily: "Nowadays, the pirated versions are made exactly like the genuine ones. Even if I say that I am true, no one will believe me. Why should I waste time clarifying it?"

As soon as the conversation changed, Mu Yanxi began to recommend herself sincerely again: "I admit that I am not as good as President Yida in clarifying this matter, but I still have other advantages that you can't match."

Yi Wulan raised her eyes slightly: "What?"

"Warm the bed. I can turn on the air conditioner in one less room when I sleep with you. If you need it at night, you don't have to trouble Auntie." Mu Yanxi thought for a while after finishing speaking, and added, "All this is for Take better care of your body, Yi Wulan."

She speaks earnestly, with a sincere face, as if she is really a peerless good wife who cares about Yi Wulan's health.

But Yi Wulan didn't appreciate it, and didn't dare to accept the affection from his little ancestor on a whim: "I don't need anyone to take care of me."

"It's okay, I just like to take care of people." Mu Yanxi didn't think it was enough, and added, "Especially on the bed..."

As a result, Yi Wulan hung up the video before he finished speaking.

As if embarrassment turned into anger, Mu Yanxi laughed happily.

But Yi Wulan, who was on the opposite side, sent a WeChat message with three hundred taels of silver: [I have documents to deal with, good night]

Well, what a coincidence the file came.

Mu Yanxi smiled and typed: [Okay, good night (throw down and kiss)]

After sending, Mu Yanxi looked at Yi Wulan's WeChat profile picture thoughtfully. When she woke up that morning, she realized that she was drunk and did such a thing. She originally wanted to escape.

But now she found that that kiss seemed to have a greater impact on Yi Wulan?

Mu Yanxi raised her eyebrows, and suddenly wanted to go home early so that she could perform supernatural healing for Yi Wulan.

By the time Mu Yanxi took a slow shower, it was already close to early morning. She stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room and looked at the night scene outside. The night in Los Angeles was not as prosperous as Yuncheng, but it was more peaceful.

The manager's phone call came in suddenly: "Are you still awake? Have you checked the trending searches? The popularity of Nansha's red carpet has dropped, and Chi An and Guan Zhou are still there."

Mu Yanxi yawned, and closed the curtains: "The red carpet is just to look at the face, who wants to look at it a second time after watching it, of course melons are more delicious."

"That's what you said, but this time I thought you would be dragged into the water again. I didn't expect that apart from the fake cottage that Chi An bought for you, the follow-up would be safe." The manager was a little surprised, "No, no, I have to go and see Check the calendar."

Mu Yanxi was puzzled: "Today is the twelfth of July, what calendar are you looking at?"

The manager was mysterious: "Isn't today's almanac particularly suitable for you? We will all attend events according to this type of date in the future."

Mu Yanxi twitched the corner of her mouth: "Sister Ling, this is the 21st century, we have to stay away from feudal superstition."

"Hey, I'll just take a look, just take a look." The agent flipped over there, and found that he didn't have the talent for metaphysics and couldn't understand it at all, so he rested his mind and switched the tablet to the hot search page on Weibo again. , the more I look at it, the more I feel elated.

In fact, she didn't want to read the calendar on a whim. After all, since Mu Yanxi's debut, the harder she worked, the more unlucky she was, as if possessed by a **** of decay.

But every time I look at the 18th line, the frequency of hot searches will give the agent new hope, which is the only treatment in the entertainment circle.

In the past, if there were any scandals where Mu Yanxi could be involved in a relationship, Mu Yanxi would definitely be scolded and torn up on the hot searches. The scene where Mu Yanxi was able to escape unscathed this time hadn't happened a few times since Mu Yanxi's debut, and he could count on one hand.

But fortunately, this little ancestor didn't have too much ambition, so he wouldn't spend too much time like the other person and take some heresy ways.

Arranging work for her will be completed with due diligence, but she will never take the initiative to ask for an announcement, and she has always done whatever she wants with her celebrity personality, and she will fight with others on a big scale when she has a temper.

It was torn vigorously and blurred clearly.

The record of tearing black fans by hand is even better than the works.

Mu Yanxi couldn't understand the manager's shock, because she knew the reason why she didn't appear on the hot search.

If Chanel can come out to rectify someone's reputation for being quiet, what's the point of withdrawing a few black trending searches?

Even if Yi Wulan buys Weibo one day, she won't be too curious. Anyway, Yi Wulan has plenty of money, so she can spend it if she wants.

It's better than being spent by Yi Jingming like in that novel.

When the manager saw that it was almost time, he greeted him: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early, I have booked a ticket back to Yuncheng tomorrow afternoon, don't forget it then."

Mu Yanxi stopped drinking water, a thought flashed across her mind, and she suddenly said, "Sister Ling, is there still a high-speed train?"

The manager was stunned for a moment and didn't think much about it. He checked the app: "Today is the weekend, and there is a rare high-speed train at night. What's wrong?"

"Book me a ticket now."

Mu Yanxi is in a good mood here, but at the same time, Chi An's public relations team is crazy busy.

Both Chi An and Guan Zhou did not appear on the red carpet at the Nansha dinner, and the time when she crossed a cottage and Guan Zhou's derailment has been hotly searched.

Those marketing accounts seemed to complete this month's KPI overnight, one after another broke the news one after another, making it impossible for Chi'an's team to start.

It was only later that Chi An found out that Guan Zhou had actually bought her a fake dress, and thinking of Mu Yanxi's strange expression when he first saw her wearing the same dress, he exploded with rage.

If Chanel officials do not come out to claim it, it is actually difficult to tell which one is real and which is fake for the same clothes.

Even those convincing remarks made by fashion big V's analysis are just covering up technical terms again and again to create an unfathomable appearance. In fact, there is no evidence to prove whether the dress on her is real or not. real.

But Chanel officially came out to claim it, and only claimed Mu Yanxi's dress.

The official attitude is self-evident.

After Chanel came out to claim Mu Yanxi's dress tonight, she also claimed the suits of the other three male stars and the dresses of the other two female stars at the Nansha Charity Dinner.

Those netizens thought that Chanel's official blog was open today, and they happened to be bumped into by Mu Yanxi, who rarely wore genuine products.

But Chi An was in the entertainment industry, how could he not understand that Chanel came here on purpose to give Mu Yanxi some heat?

Not to mention the fact that Chanel's official Weibo took the initiative to claim it. Just because of going to Guanzhou tonight, so many female stars in the entertainment industry have been exposed, but Mu Yanxi, who has fired cp and filmed with Guanzhou People stay out of it.

It is not believed that Mu Yanxi has no backer.

However, except for this time's dress, Mu Yanxi's other resources are tortured to death. Even if she finds a marketing account to send a draft that seems to be true and false, she will be treated as a laughing stock.

In the past, relying on Rong Jia, she got a lot of good resources and suppressed Mu Yanxi for a long time. But I didn't expect Feng Shui to take turns, and there will be a day when it will be reversed!

The entertainment industry is all about spending money to gain fame, and Guan Zhou was her last card to turn around. Now that Guan Zhou's career has been cut off, she has completely lost her chance to become famous.

In addition, she doesn't have a brokerage company as a backstage right now, and her own brokerage team is responsible for all expenses.

Chi An was in a hurry, urging the agent on the side: "Have you not contacted a marketing company that can accept the order?"

The agent's face was ashamed, and he showed Chi An one of the chat pages: "I have contacted, but those people said that your order is too risky, and the price needs to be increased."

Chi An was about to collapse, and shouted: "Then give them money!"

"Give money? You said it lightly."

The agent helped up, "I spent a lot of money on marketing for you and stealing Mu Yanxi's limelight before, but after Rong Jia terminated the contract with you, the follow-up resources couldn't keep up. Where did you get the money now? Do you know? Knowing that they will charge you tens of thousands of dollars to whitewash a copy for you? We will also buy navy troops and reduce trending searches in the future, and we simply cannot afford those expenses.”

Chi An's face was completely depressed, "Then, is there no other way?"

The manager thought about sitting in front of Chi An, and suddenly asked, "Chi An, have you offended anyone else recently?"

Tonight, something happened to Guan Zhou first, and then it was Chi An's turn. The more I thought about it, the manager felt more and more strange.

"Could it be that old woman from Guanzhou?" After Chi An said it, he quickly denied it, "No, it wasn't her, she was also exposed, there is no reason for her to go into the water."

The agent was thoughtful: "There is no one else? If you think about it, maybe we can redeem it by apologizing now."

Chi An frowned and thought for a while, then a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he burst out: "Could it be Mu Yanxi?"

"Mu Yanxi can't even grab your position, where does she have such great ability?"

"It's because everyone thinks she's stupid, so she won't be suspected of anything she does! No one will doubt her wearing a new Chanel couture, isn't it because she's stupid, so no one cares?"

The string in Chi An's mind was suddenly broken, and her voice trembled a little: "It's definitely her. Ever since Rong Jia terminated the contract with me, everything was not going my way. On the other hand, she can taste everything. Good thing, it must be her."

The manager seemed to be struck by lightning, and took a deep breath: "If what happened tonight was also done by the person behind her, then that person is not something we can offend. Besides, the entanglement between us and her It's so deep, and she suffered so much before, even if it's useless to apologize, right?"

Chi An was obviously aware of this, and closed his eyes decadently: "Sister, it's useless, forget it."

In the morning of July in Yuncheng, the sky always dawns early, and the air is filled with the dewy smell of flowers.

As the sun broke into the room several times through the curtains, Yi Wulan woke up slowly, reached out and took the watch on the bedside table to check the time.

But when she turned sideways and planned to continue sleeping, she touched something behind her, and only then did she realize that she was leaning against a warm body.

Yi Wulan froze there, turning her head little by little.

As expected, the one lying next to her was Mu Yanxi who had videotaped her in the early morning.

Mu Yanxi was wearing the same style of silk pajamas as her. With her head propped on one hand, she leaned halfway on the bed, and slowly met Yi Wulan's gaze: "You're awake."

Yi Wulan only looked at each other for a second, then opened his eyes, and hurriedly sat up with his hands: "Why are you here?"

Mu Yanxi suddenly pulled up a corner of the quilt, pretending to be shy, and said coquettishly, "Oh, I told you last night that I would rush back to warm your bed."

After finishing speaking, he cast a sideways glance, "You are too bad, why do you like to hear me repeat it so much?"

Yi Wulan met Mu Yanxi just after waking up, apparently without any precautions, she was too shocked to speak.

She moved to the side, trying to avoid Mu Yanxi's body that was close to her: "If you just got home, you should have a good rest. I'll get up first."

Mu Yanxi stretched out her hand, and lightly grabbed Yi Wulan's wrist. She propped herself up, like a boneless fairy water demon, and covered her tightly again.

Stick it on Yi Wulan's back.

She rested her head on Yi Wulan's shoulder, rubbed her ears together, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "How could anyone wake up so early? Let's sleep a little longer."

She had accumulated the abilities for three full days, and she planned to meet and deliver them to Yi Wulan, but she didn't expect Yi Wulan to wake up just after six o'clock.

If the ability is full, it is a waste to not use it, and Yi Wulan's condition is far from being able to be wasted casually.

Yi Wulan said coldly: "Go down."

"No, as I said, I want to repay you." Mu Yanxi smiled coquettishly, and pulled Yi Wulan's arm, "I came back from the high-speed train overnight because of you, so you can't sleep with me anymore ?"

When he speaks, he is affectionate and gentle, as if everything he does is from the heart and can't help it.

Yi Wulan still held Mu Yanxi's wrist coldly, not letting her move.

Mu Yanxi lowered her eyes: "Why, we've been married for so long, aren't you even willing to agree to my request?"

Before Yi Wulan could answer, Mu Yanxi slowly let go of Yi Wulan, with an expression of reluctance:

"Well, although I wore high heels at the dinner party all day yesterday, my feet were sore and sore that I couldn't walk, and I was scolded by hot searches all night, and I was depressed and desperate.

But I know that I should be more sensible, and I can't bother you so much, don't worry, I will definitely learn to be a qualified wife, absolutely..."

"Okay." Yi Wulan didn't want to hear any more.

Even if he knew that Mu Yanxi's words were half-truths, there was a 99% possibility that they were spreading rumors.

Yi Wulan didn't want to delve into it either. She was worried that Mu Yanxi would say something even more earth-shattering and weeping later, so she compromised: "I'll accompany you."

Mu Yanxi changed his face in seconds, lay down quickly, and patted the bed beside him, signaling with his eyes.

Yi Wulan deliberately left a small distance between Mu Yanxi and Lie down and turned her back.

In the next second, Mu Yanxi moved slightly uninvited.

Yi Wulan turned sideways slightly, and opened the distance again.

Mu Yanxi persevered and moved forward.

Yi Wulan turned to the side again at an angle.

Mu Yanxi suppressed a smile and continued to post it.

Yi Wulan couldn't bear it anymore: "Do you want to sleep, can you stop moving?"

"Okay." Mu Yanxi hooked Gou Yi Wulan, which happened to be on the edge of the pajamas.

The fingertips gently brushed the skin on the waist, and the warm touch of the skin was like a burst of electricity, crisp and itchy.

Mu Yanxi suppressed her voice, and slowly asked in her ear: "As long as you take the initiative to kiss me."