MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 169 Return to heart

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I learned a woman worker with Du Mu, because Shu Huan will draw a picture, and the steps such as drawing the pattern can skip the practice process. The flower that is directly embroidered is the flower. Although the acupuncture method is not complete, the embroidery is not enough skill enough. However, there is no problem in sewing a few things, and the stitches are straight, and unlike a school, you can sew a twisted leg.

She made a backpack with a wide and flat belt that can be worn on the shoulders. This is better than the general baggage. It can completely free the hands. The shoulders can also reduce the burden. The seams between the cloth and the cloth, needlework. Dense, not looking good, only to be strong.

Such a weird hand-made cloth bag, she sewed for a full day, after the sewing, she felt that her neck hurt so much that she couldn’t lift it, but a bag was not enough. She had to call it and let them follow this Like, she sewed a few more, then she went down to sleep.

When I woke up, I had three more bags in front of me, all of which were solid. I wanted to look at the beauty level and it was several times better than her. So Shu Huan felt that there was no special strength in the case of women workers. The cockroaches that do not move the needles are much stronger than her.

Her eyes trembled twice and whispered: "The seam is very good."

Let's breathe a sigh of relief.

The beautiful smile said: "That's good, we are still worried, afraid that the girl does not like it."

Of course, it is impossible to be as ugly as to learn how to make her bag. It also requires a certain amount of skill.

Shu Huan was a little embarrassed by her, coughing and taking the words: "Do three more."


The oil-paper wrapped is completely without a little bit of moisture. It can store dry cake for a long time, a large bag of candy and salt, a water bag filled with water, a sewing kit, a flint fire and a velvet, a candle, a carbon paper, and a Set of replacement clothes, daggers with sheaths...

After the backpack was sewed out, Shu Huan was filling in the stuff, until it was full of stuff, remembering that the commonly used medicines had to be prepared, and sent a good time and beautiful scenery to Ji Danqing to ask for it. By the way, three backpacks were handed over to Ji Danqing. The inside is naturally filled with these emergency items.

The "heavy" beauty frowned: "Girl, you are so weird these two days, what are you going to do to prepare these things?"

Shu Huan didn't want to answer: "Prevention, if the house is on fire, or if the earthquake happened like the previous two days, you will remember that one person took a bag and escaped. Don't think about packing up. These things are out."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered the matter. When she opened the box, she took a thick cotton jacket, took the needle thread, and began to sew the hidden pockets inside, intending to seal her precious gold and silver jewelry.

The money is not revealed, this reason she knows when she is young.

Liang Chen was staring at the three backpacks on the table, hesitatingly said: "Where is the doctor, do you really want to send this thing?"

Shu Huan smiled: "Be prepared."

Out of the good weather and the beauty of the scenery, they sent this backpack to Danqing residence is very embarrassing, for fear that Ji Danqing will laugh at Shu Huan, nothing to worry about, give him such an ancient monster thing, but did not think he saw the backpack after the roots did not reveal Half-pointed to laugh, but solemnly nodded, thanked them, and said: "It is your girl who wants to be thoughtful."

In fact, it was not thoughtful, but it was born in the ancient times when technology was backward. The information was extremely occluded. What happened really happened. People like them could not know it earlier, and they were prepared to cope with various emergencies before they could sit back and relax.

When the sky is going to be black, the two horses riding outside the city will fly and come. When the city gate is closed, it will enter the city smoothly.

The streets in the city are still bustling, pedestrians rubbing shoulders, they have to take the horse to slow down.

The man who took the lead, a plain white gown, was stained with a lot of dust, but it did not diminish his cool style, especially the pair of eyes that were as bright as the spring, adding to his original handsome face. The three-pointed charm, teach people to see at first sight, and attracted many women in the market to pass by and look back.

Such a person, like a thoughtful look, flying long eyebrows gathered in one place, all face is impatient, look at the eyes of the girls on the road, turn a blind eye, just busy on the road.

"Second Lord, you should slow down." The little cockroach behind him was sweating and came up: "There is a shop selling tea in front, and the second man has a cup of tea to rest and go?"

This person is Gu Xiran.

He rubbed his lips tightly and said faintly: "What kind of tea are you going to get home soon?"

"But..." The ink that was chased behind him was very difficult: "You come back so suddenly, the family doesn't know, the little is afraid of Taijun, you still... still have a cup of tea for a while, let the little first How about going back and reporting?"

Gu Xiran glanced at him and smiled on his face. "You are afraid of something happening at home. I said that if you don't say it, you will come back and you will be punished?"

"Second Lord..." Dyeing ink is speechless.

"Okay, don't worry, you are following me now, naturally you have to protect you." Gu Xiran said, he will continue to move forward.

He rushed back, pre-feeling that something happened at home, or why the old Taijun left a letter, the right letter, always sent him to the distance, to say that there is an urgent matter for him to deal with it, but the letter Every time I said it was very serious, but I rushed over to check it out. It’s just a little problem with the book. If you want to do this, you can just ask a gentleman to check it. Why do you want to make him a person who doesn’t know much about business? Past processing?

In addition, These days he learned a lot of things with Mr. Accountant. When he was busy, he often chatted with the shopkeepers in the shop. He found a lot of situations and found that the most troublesome at the moment was Gujia. In the big business in Sedum City, the old Taijun did not mention it, as if it was all right, he had to think carefully about what she meant by sending out her own.

The more I think, the more I feel uneasy.

Gu family and the person he cares most about, how do you think, he thinks that the old lady is going to pay him out to deal with Shu Huan, so the previous two days, regardless of ink and the death of Mr. Chen, insisted on going to Jingtiancheng.

When I arrived at the city, I hit the tip on the road. I heard people talk about the earthquake two days ago. Even though it was only a small earthquake, it still made him look white and white, and he turned his heart and arrow, and rushed all the way. , rushed into the city.

Now that Gu Jia is close at hand, there are many people on the road. He can’t ride horses and he is very impatient. If he dyes ink, he has to persuade him to go back later. He naturally refuses.

He has only one thought at the moment, and rushed back to see if Shu Huan is still good, as long as she is safe and sound, even if she does not stay, let him go out the door again, then it does not matter.
