MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 209 Stealing

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Ancient romance

Chapter 209

The disaster relief personnel and material in the two days of the court have been dispatched one after another. The planning of the project, Gu Xiran, has also been thoroughly considered. Now it is only necessary to follow the progress of the disaster relief, distribute the arranged things, and then grasp the overall operation. Ok, so even though he is still busy, it is a lot of leisure time compared to the situation where he can only be disturbed by the previous day.

After a little leisure, the time spent with Shu Huan is relatively high. The two often go to the countryside to go, sometimes picking up two wild fruits and pulling a little wild vegetables. If you are lucky, you can touch two bird eggs and call for a tooth festival. In these days, many disaster victims who lived in the vicinity of the disaster recognized Gu Xiran. When they saw them, they often stuffed them with various kinds of food for them. They even sent their own small grass baskets and the layers of shoes to make them feel good. At the same time, I am very happy.

When I was tired this day, Shu Huan relaxed, lying on the grass and squinting to enjoy the sun and the breeze, he said: "It would be nice if the days went on."

Gu Xiran sat next to her and smiled. "There is no jewellery, no jade food, no even a bed. Is this good?"

Shu Huan waved and rushed away a small insect flying in front of him: "It doesn't matter. This kind of thing is to compare things. Everyone is living like this, they don't feel how hard it is. Of course, if Jingtiancheng is rebuilt. Life has returned to its original state. The girls in the family have flowers. I certainly hope that I will have meat."

Gu Xiran smiled and gave her a squint: "Yes, the typical case is safe and easy to raise."

"Who wants you to raise?" Shu Huan smiled: "I have a private money of five thousand and two silver. I am slowly spending it alone, enough to spend the old age?"

"I really have no ambition." Gu Xiran lay down with his hand: "I thought you said, yours is mine, mine is mine."

"It’s also true." Shu Huan thought for a moment and smiled: "If you are willing to raise, I will not give you face if I oppose it."

The noon sun in the autumn sun was warm and mellow, so that when I was idle, Gu Xiran closed his eyes unconsciously and slept in the past.

Shu Huan didn't realize it at first. When he didn't speak, no one should sit up and look around, only to find that he was already asleep, not a little funny, but also a bitter.

He was too tired during this time. He occasionally had leisure time and couldn't take care of his rest. He had to make up for her negligence during busy hours, accompanied her to look at the scenery, and said that there was no more important gossip.

Shu Huan sighed and untied the sliver with him, gently covering his eyes, so that he would not sleep well in the sun, but he would probably sleep better, but the most eye-catching of his facial features is that pair of clear The eyes of the spring, this will be covered, his lips will be particularly eye-catching.

The first time I found out, Gu Xiran’s lip shape was also very good. The micro-banded corners and the hard-skinned contours made Shu Huan want to gently trace the fingertips, and the lips that looked extraordinarily attractive in the sun. ......

So depressed, why a man's mouth should be so beautiful, but Shu Huan has no resistance to all beautiful things, watching him sleep in front of him, the softest part of his heart is suddenly touched, there is a kind of very like I like it, I like it, I just want to stay with him, watch him, and stay with him until the feeling of the old days is lingering in my heart.

Did not resist the impulse of the like, Shu Huan quietly put his face together, hesitated a bit, and then close to the point, paused, posted closer, near to his lips touched his lips On, just so quietly, stole a kiss.

Really just want to kiss him like this, my heart is filled with joy and infinite.

Who knows that when she sneaked a kiss and had not had time to retreat, she suddenly heard a shout from someone excited: "Two 嫂"

Oh, oh

Shu Huan was shocked and the hand that supported the body was soft. The whole face was on the face of Gu Xiran. The two men pressed their lips against their lips and their teeth were covered. They came into close contact and had a good pain.

The initiators rushed over: "Two, it's easy to find you-"

Halfway through, she saw Gu Xiran, who was covered in grass under her body. The tender face was red and hurriedly turned back: "I am still catching you, I didn't think……"

Gu Xiran was naturally awakened in this shouting. He hadn’t figured out what was going on. He was holding Shu Huan with one hand and pouting from the grass with one hand, listening to the words, and then looking at Shu Huan. It was full of shame, and then I woke up. I smiled and glared at her, then turned my head and said: "What are you catching? What are you doing with your back? Come over"

"Second brother." Gu Xihe bitterly Zhang Tonghong's face, reluctantly turned back and complained: "You are too awkward with the second, and even went to this place..."

When I didn’t finish the words, my face hurts. I was first screwed up by Gu Xiran, and then he was hammered twice by his head: “Nothing, you didn’t see anything at all, be careful, I’ll tell you. slander"

Gu Xihe didn’t dare to say it again, and his heart was groaning. Even if he didn’t see anything, he could guess it.

Seeing that he didn't think so, and then recalling Gu Xiran's words, Shu Huan suddenly had a feeling of being calculated.

Heaven is not Gu Xihe, and he didn’t see anything at But she didn’t do anything at all, but she didn’t eat the mutton and got rid of it.

It’s just that such a thing has taken over in the past. How can she explain to Gu Xiran’s narrow-minded eyes and explain to Gu Xi and this little boy? I could only swallow this suffocation, and then I saw that Gu Xiran reached out and took Gu Xihe into his arms and hugged him. He patted his back and quickly released his hand: "Yes, It looks like it is the same, and I am worried about it for you."

When Gu Xihe used to use this kind of body language to express his feelings, he felt very awkward when he was hugged, but after hearing his words, the awkward feeling turned into a deep feeling, and the tears immediately followed the embankment. I rushed out and rushed to hug him and cried: "Second brother..."

Gu Xiran and Shu Huan looked at each other and sighed softly. They asked him in a slow tone: "What happened?"

"Taijun... Taijun, she is afraid that she will not be able to do it..." Gu Xihe said that she cried sobbing, and finally she fell down, and hugged Gu Xiran’s leg there: "Tai Jun, she wants to see You, my second brother, go back with me and see her old man..."

When I first saw the joy of Gu Xihe, Gu Xiran expected that he would appear here. It was definitely a matter of family. I didn’t expect it to be accurate, and I saw Gu Xihe crying into this sad look. Presumably, the old lady was not ill. Pretending to be out, but he really does not want to have any connection with Gu Jia now, in the face of Gu Xihe's pleading, what should he do? . . . .

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