MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 102 New home

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Fu Liqun said: "Please ask another housekeeping, come over and clean up every week, one hundred dollars..."

"What housekeeping do you want?" Yu Yudao, "I will come!"

"Are you sitting down?" Zhou Sheng said, "Don't run around, look tired, so excited?"

The restaurant is covered with plaid tablecloths, and the refrigerator is empty. Only a box of beer and a few bottles of cola bought by Fu Liqun. Yu Yu went to move the pots and pans, and he felt better in a moment, only after the day that Zhou Sheng was confessing to him.

Zhou Sheng said: "I originally wanted to buy this house, my brother told me not to buy."

"Fortunately, I have been persuaded." Yu Yu is quite a bit sloppy, "You are crazy!"

Zhou Shengdao: "The price of the city of Bengbu must have risen. Although it is in the town, it is a good place to go through the subway. It is a good place. If you can’t rent it, you can’t sell it. If you buy it, you will live for two or three years. Maybe it’s still 20% higher.”

Yu Yu suddenly thinks that his own vision is sometimes not comparable to Zhou Shengzhen.

Fu Liqun said: "If you have money, you are safe. You are not missing this."

Zhou Sheng: "You are a huskies! Yu Yu! Come sit down! Don't pull the drawers everywhere!"

Zhou Sheng smiled and looked at Yu Yu. Yu Yu knew that Zhou Sheng’s heart was not snoring, and he must be very happy. He came to the stove and sat down with them, and looked around. Fu Liqun was bored and kept bleeding with them.

“嫂子呐?” Zhou Sheng asked again.

"Weekend over." Fu Liqun saw the news from Yushan, a little better, said, "When you cook together, you can eat."

The doorbell rang and the takeaway was delivered. Yuxi was immersed in great joy, hugged with the takeaway brother, and shouted: "Hello! Thank you!"

Takeaway brother: "???"

Zhou Sheng: "..."

"Or let us let Yang Mingxiong come over and live?" After dinner, Zhou Shengxin was satisfied. "I think you both like people very much. Is your brother either wronged?"

"I don't!" Fu Liqun immediately caught the madness. Obviously he and Zhou Sheng also discussed this issue.

Yu said: "Don't say, I am wrong!"

"The bad guys let me do it, everyone is very kind." Zhou Sheng smacked the cigarette, cleaned up the garbage, went downstairs and threw it, and took the three steps and came up in two steps, saying, "Cath, winter is coming. , hibernate!"

Yu Yu feels that his life seems to have entered a new stage. From moving to Zhou Li and Fu Liqun's bedroom, determining the relationship between the two, and now moving into a new home, although it is just renting, it makes him more and more the feeling of home.

They don't have to talk about the accident world anymore, just leave the door closed, stay in the room at night, and do whatever they want. Zhou Sheng took a shower and wiped the water from his body. He lay down on the bed and then caught the embers in his arms and kissed and made love unscrupulously.

On this big bed, after the end, they can hold it comfortably and sleep all night. In the middle of the night, the mountains are full of silence, and the warmth of each other makes the winter night of this year no longer cold. When the morning sun was put into the air, Yu Yu woke up and saw Zhou Sheng holding him in his arms and watching him seriously.

I found out that renting a house is really difficult to get up. It’s not like being in a dormitory. It’s lingering at night. When I wake up during the day, I’m falling apart. Especially the two are holding in a bed, and I want to do something else in the morning.

"The first few days today?" Yu Yudao.

"Three or four quarters." Zhou Sheng kissed Yu Yu and said, "What still?"

Yu said: "Let me take a break... this time is a bit too much."

"Yes." Zhou Sheng smiled. "I took a shower and went running."

Zhou Sheng whistled to take a bath, and Yu Yu sat like a child. When Zhou Sheng came out, he was jealous of him. Zhou Sheng turned over the T-shirt and said to himself: "What do you feel about renting a house?"

Yu Yu replied: "Happiness is a bit unreal." He looked up at him.

Zhou Sheng laughed again, sat down wearing socks and said, "This is not really a home. I will buy a house after graduation. Yesterday, my brother said, I really want to buy it."

Yu said: "Looking together is home."

Zhou Sheng put on his shoes and came over to kiss Yu Yu.

"That is what I said." Zhou Sheng replied, "I still want you to be carefree... Go." Then he closed the door and went to school.

I stayed in the room for a while, and I didn’t know what to say for a while.

Fu Liqun was sleepy, seeing Yu Yu eating fried dough in the restaurant to read the book, giving Zhou Sheng a WeChat message, all inside is the expression pack that loves to love, Fu Liqun like a zombie "ah -".

"A person sleeps, it's really cold at night."

"The scorpion came in a few days, then stick to it and have breakfast."

Fu Liqun looked at Yu Yu’s book: “No class in the morning?”

“Start today,” Yu Yu said earnestly. “I must study hard!”

Fu Liqun: "..."

Yu Yu feels that his relationship with Zhou Sheng seems to have entered a new stage with this rented house. If it was a love period, now he has entered a new marriage life. This time, renting a house, Yu Hao did not insist too much, I feel that I can live in the bedroom.

However, Zhou Sheng’s move to rent a house anyway made him feel that Zhou Sheng has been working hard to live with him for a lifetime.

It’s strange to say that when I moved to a new home, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng suddenly had no quarrel. Every day, the class was still the same, the meal was still the same, and when I went home, I sat together intimately, reading a book together, or Zhou Sheng watching the game, Yu I am doing homework, and I don’t know how to ask Zhou Sheng.

As if the desire was released, Zhou Sheng’s sense of irritability disappeared without a trace. Now Zhou Sheng’s most daily action is to slap over the embers, ask for a kiss, ask for greasyness, and even start at noon. I have to come once again. I can’t help but get up in the morning and come back at night. Yu Yu can't stand it. He can only work with him three times a day, and he can only do it once a day.

When Fu Liqun was in school, he would try to call Li Yangming. Zhou Sheng’s attitude towards him also improved. After all, he had a free time, and the whole person’s temper suddenly became better.

I often think that this guy's temper development route is: when they are not together, Zhou Sheng is very arrogant - after a short period of sweetness together - and began to arrogant because of the forced suppression of desire - until now, finally Restored to a good and honest young man.

On this day, Yu Yu was on the class of Chen Yukai. In the classroom, a whispered whisper was heard. He screamed, Chen Yukai stopped the lecture, his brow wrinkled, and he calmed down in class.

Chen Yukai's class allows you to sleep, study, play mobile phones or do anything. Just ask questions and you can answer them, but you will never be disturbed by the classroom order and affect those who want to attend classes. I have learned very well in this course. Apart from being sleepy and occasionally need to sleep, most of the time I listened very carefully. Today's small-scale commotion seems to be the same, which makes him feel very strange.

What happened to the school? Yu Yu looked at the class group, no news, quiet.

Zhou Sheng was sweating, coming in from the back door and sitting down to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng opened the phone and let Yu Yu see.

Yu Wei: "!!!"

The news is coming out! Many officials in Handan City have fallen down! Internet media, local portals, all bombed, and Yu Hao immediately turned his mobile phone to open the public number, saw a temporary anti-corruption topic on Xiao Yujun.

The name of the double-regulated embers was almost unknown, and after class, the cafeteria was discussing the matter. Yu Yudao: "Through so much?"

"There are seven in total." Zhou Sheng replied, "I have heard of it and continue to investigate."

I haven't heard of it, but there is no Huang Baiguang on it. There should be nothing. Zhou Shengdao said: "Would you like to call the kid, congratulations on him?"

Yu Yu Shen for a moment, called Ou Kaihang outside the canteen.

Over there, Zhou Sheng wore a pair of headphones: "Congratulations, this result, even we have not thought about it."

"Thank you." Ou Qihang laughed and replied, "Without you, there will be no such result."

Yu Yudao: "It's not easy, set sail."

"Yeah." Ou Kaihang replied.

Yu Yi was ups and downs, and there were many words to say, but I don’t know where to start.

After a moment of silence, Ou Qihang said: "I just finished class and I am going to the cafeteria."

"Let's study hard." Yu Yu replied, "Nothing."

Ou Qihang said: "After winning the understanding of Jun Junjie, I should be sentenced to a probation. Is Teacher Chen's hand better?"

Yu Yu laughed and said, "Are you worried why he didn't call him by himself?"

Ou Qihang said: "I hit it. He didn't pick it up. He asked me for him. He said it was a trivial matter..." When he was talking, Chen Yukai came, seeing Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng calling, so Refers to the dining hall, meaning to have lunch together? Zhou Sheng handed him a headset, and Chen Yukai took it on with a question.

"...he asked me to study hard." Ou Qihang said, "I still dreamed of him last night."

"Stop." Yu Yu saw Zhou Sheng and made a bad, immediately intercepted the words of Ou Qihang, so as not to say anything embarrassing words, "His hand has fully recovered, no problem."

Chen Yukai smiled and returned the headphones to Zhou Sheng, a little helpless.

Zhou Sheng thought about it and suddenly asked: "In your dream, there should be no zombies?"

"I don't know." Ou Qihang said, "Maybe? I haven't dreamt of the end of the day for a long time."

Zhou Shengdao: "Take your imagination. If you let this dream come true, what would you call? Your dad didn't leave it for you, can you defeat the power of adversity?"

Yu Yiyi, Zhou Sheng quietly and patiently awaited the answer of Ou Kaihang.

“Is there?” Ou Kaihang was a little surprised and asked, “How do you ask?”

"Yes." Zhou Sheng replied, "Bring your strength and go to bed early at night."

Ou Kaihang immediately said: "Wait! Zhou Sheng!"

Zhou Sheng hangs up the phone carelessly, smiles at Yu Yu, and Yu Yu is shocked.

"Do you want to pull the child?" Chen Yukai heard the conversation. Zhou Sheng "hmm" and replied: "He already knows it anyway."

The three people had a meal, and the embers still couldn’t believe it. They said, "Zhou Sheng, are you so willing to help him?"

Zhou Sheng said: "I actually appreciate him very much, how? Jealous? You can't go jealous."

Yu Yi was busy, he was not jealous at all, but Zhou Sheng’s decision made Yu Yu know more about Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng thought about it and said: "He taught me something."

Chen Yukai said: "What about justice?"

"No." Zhou Sheng said, "This is a very small person."

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng with suspicion, Zhou Sheng urged narrowly to squeeze into the eyes of Yu Yu, Yu Yu was full of questions, Zhou Sheng had to answer: "How do you so stupid? This child is a catalyst for the trick. ”

Yu Wei: "..."

Yu Yu remembered that if it wasn't for Ou Kaihang to chase him, maybe Zhou Sheng would still like to drag on to win Medusa to show his confession. I didn’t know how to comment, but I just had to look down and eat, and Chen Yukai didn’t know how much blood he had lost. He had to pretend not to hear it.

"Call me if you need it," said Chen Yukai.

Zhou Shengdao: "You can't come, it's useless."

Chen Yukai said: "If you really need it, there is always a way."

Zhou Sheng: "You just want to go right?"

Chen Yukai said: "I really don't think, can you help me with your help, Zhou Sheng, you have learned badly with Huang Wei!"

Zhou Sheng: "I know what you think, I will give you a way to think about it, Kaikai don't worry."

Chen Yukai: "You are too annoyed with Zhou Sheng, and then I will deduct the remaining time."

Yu Wei: "...................................."

in the afternoon.

"Do you have a good relationship with Teacher Chen?" Li Yangming asked Yu Yu.

Yu Wei: "Not good."

Li Yangming: "But I saw you sitting down for dinner at noon. I sneaked a picture today and printed it out. Can you help me sign him on this photo?"

Yu Wei: "I will be deducted by him, you don't think about it."

Li Yangming: "Let me ask another question. Is it true that he and Zhou Sheng are chasing you?"

Yu Wei: "..."

Li Yangming: "Is Zhou Sheng interrupting his hand?"

Yu Yu helped the amount with one hand and asked: "Is it all outside?"

Li Yangming laughed and Yu Yu patiently said: "Do you think that if Zhou Sheng interrupted Mr. Chen's hand, would we still have a table to eat at noon today?"

Li Yangming said: "This is hard to say."

Yu Wei found that Li Yangming really has the talent to talk about death in the sky. Li Yangming said again: "Mr. Chen is so good, you actually chose Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng must feel very happy."

Yu Yu looked at Li Yangming. This is the first time. Someone actually indirectly evaluated Zhou Sheng, which made him feel very complicated.

"Zhou Sheng is very good," Yu said seriously. "He is the best person I have ever seen. You have never seen him shine. I don't want to compare them, but I admire Zhou Sheng very much. You didn't find it. Everyone who has become friends with him has since admired him. Who can do this?"

Li Yangming said: "I think he is too fierce, but listening to your words is true, only you can persuade him."

"And Teacher Chen doesn't like me." Yu Yudao said, "Don't listen to the people in the class."

Li Yangming said: "In the eyes of lovers, Xi Shi, you can understand. You have not noticed that when Mr. Chen is in class, he will always pay attention to whether you have come or not. After you find you, you will start to name it."

"He just was afraid that I would go to sleep and sleep." Yu Yu thought that Chen Yukai was only worried about any accidents, but it seems that Chen Yukai still cares about them.

After entering the night, Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu looked up in the dream and looked at Jin Wulun.

"Do you want to call him?" Zhou Shengdao.

Yu Yu replied: "How do you call him? He didn't give the totem to any of them. He can't come here."

Zhou Sheng was an armor today. He answered questions and thought about it. He said, "I have robbed him of things, and I have to find a way to mix and match, right?"

Yu Wei: "What did you **** him?"

"You." Zhou Sheng laughed.

Yu Hao suddenly understood: "How old is this, have said nothing! No! Even you say so, I want to be angry. Don't say no, even if it is, this is my own choice."

Zhou Sheng said: "Well, don't be angry, I am wrong, never mention it again."

Yu Yu frowned at him, but Zhou Sheng gestured to him to see Jin Wulun, saying: "Kai Kai dreamed of you."

The scene in the golden Wulun appeared a lush tropical rain forest, and Yu Yu looked at his eyes. Zhou Sheng took his hand and said, "Go."

Yu Wei: "Wait..."

Zhou Sheng led Yu Yu, the two crossed the Jin Wulun, fell from the sun in Chen Yukai's dreamland, and Yu Yu subconsciously hugged Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng screamed, smashed clouds and flew, licking the golden hoop Awesome, with embers, flew to the top of Chichen Itza.

Chen Yukai sat down on the throne a little bit, looking up at the sky, holding it with a silver pistol and putting a shot. The tendon cloud flew and stopped. Chen Yukai was dressed in a big chief costume and said, "I will know that you will come tonight."

Zhou Sheng went to the muscles of the clouds, and Yu Yu went to the top side of Chichen Itza. Since leaving this dream, he has not seen the spiritual world of Chen Yukai well. The top of the pyramid is an open room. It is exactly what he and Longsheng used to be.

The last time I entered the well in the "incoming life", the only feeling of Yu Yu was warmth and warmth, knowing that it was the memory of Longsheng and Chen Yukai. However, until he and Zhou Sheng began renting a house outside the school, Yu Yu thoroughly understood what it means to be such a home.

That is the vision and commitment to stay with the old and to handle the whole life.

The dining table is just a dining table, the restaurant is just a place to eat, the sofa and the game console, the TV, a bed, the furnishings, all the things, seemingly ordinary, and thousands of rooms, one room, one room, two rooms, two rooms It is no different, but once it becomes a "home", it seems that there is a wonderful magic enchantment, so that all vitality grows vigorously in this enchantment.

Yu Yu sat down at the table in the open room, brewing his own coffee, looking out into the distance, sitting here, just to see the chapel on the Azure Mountain.

"It seems that you are even bored with dreams." Zhou Shengdao.

Chen Yukai got up and said: "It was very boring when you were alive, not more energetic than you. Qitian Dasheng, I plan to take my brother out to have fun tonight?"

Zhou Shengdao: "If you are looking for fun, you will suddenly remember that the memory has not been wiped out for you."

"Don't go." Chen Yukai said, "Can't you exalt your hands?"

Yu Wei: "..."

"Just kidding." Zhou Shengdao, "What are you so nervous about?"

"The memory of the child you really have to wipe clean." Chen Yukai said, "If you are said to go out, it is not a joke."

"I have a measure." Zhou Sheng is careless. "Remember the teacher who was back to Liang?"

Chen Yukai said: "Remember, but Ou Kaihang does not necessarily dream about me."

"Try again?" Zhou Sheng casually said.

Yu Yu looked at the two curiously. In the subconscious mind of Liang Jinmin, it was proved that Chen Yukai and Zhou Sheng discovered some kind of law of Jin Wulun, but they never told him. In the future, I want to unravel the secret of Jin Wulun. Chen Yukai may be a very useful boost.

I didn't say anything, watching them operate.

"I always thought that only I could manipulate it, and later Yu Yu also got its approval, maybe... Hey."

"From the development track of the ancient civilization, it is speculated that the priests who use the golden wheel are two people. This should be no mistake. In the process of using the gold wheel, the strength of the participants can be used. This has yet to be tapped. After all, you have also seen the arrays and movements of the sacrifices..."

Chen Yukai went to the edge of the platform at the top of the pyramid and said, "But I am not familiar with him. Unlike Teacher Liang, there is no most important 'letter'."

"There is a Rubik's Cube," Zhou Shengdao said. "It was him who gave Yu."

"That's no use." Chen Yukai said, "Yu can go in with the help of ‘letter,’ I can't, but since he likes Yu Yu, maybe Yu Yu was qualified to enter his dream.”

Yu said: "We have been in it once. Wait, what do you mean by the "letter"?"

"It is equivalent to giving you a totem to Zhou Sheng." Chen Yukai said, "Get the qualification to shuttle to each other's dreams. 'The believer' is the connection in the soul, of course, it can be done in a situation like yours. When I was studying with Teacher Liang, I got a copy of her personal notes. In addition to the academic study, there are some memories about her teenage years..."

Yu Yudao: "A weak resonance from the soul."

"Yes." Chen Yukai said, "This also means 'I opened my heart to you'. It is a kind of soul sustenance. In my own dream, I summoned a notebook and entered with Zhou Sheng. Teacher Liang’s subconscious mind, but this European flight... Well, it’s hard to do, only to see one side.”

Zhou Shengchao Yu Yudao: "When you look at your wife, Kaikai is a set of analysis. I always think that Jin Wulun should give him, maybe even more."

When Yu Yuzheng wanted to evaluate, Chen Yukai looked at Zhou Sheng and replied: "It chose you, there must be a reason for it."

The next question becomes, how to bring Chen Yukai into the dream of Ou Kaihang. This may not be so important, but Yu Yu feels that through the analysis and thinking of Chen Yukai and Zhou Sheng, perhaps many of the mysteries about Jin Wulun will gradually be solved.



Chen Yukai and Zhou Sheng each thought about it. Yu Yu said, "Come and drink coffee." The two men came over and sat on the sides of the table, silently watching the embers to make coffee.

"Either you go first." Chen Yukai said, "I think again."

"Wait." Zhou Sheng took over the coffee handed over by Yu Yu, and seemed to think of something. "What did Ou Kaihang give Huang Wei to us? One print!"

Chen Yukai immediately got up and walked quickly to the platform. Yu Yu said: "Is it useful? This represents his totem..."

Then, Chen Yukai stood on the edge of the platform and did a strange move.

In his hand, a flashing wooden seal was suspended. Then, the flash of the seal was stretched. Chen Yukai put his hands in front of him and made a sacred hand. Pose.

The next moment, in his hands, countless spots of light flew into the sun in the sky! Established a strange connection!