MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 104 infection

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Yu Yu carefully approached Ou Qihang, and when he first touched his arm, Ou Qihang looked up and woke up.

"The first few quarters?" Ouqi waterway, immediately realized what, "Oh, it is in a dream."

"You fell asleep in your dreams?"

At this time, Zhou Sheng’s strange point was not in the case of Ou Kaihang’s injury, but asked him to sleep in his dream. It seemed very puzzled.

"Well..." The spirit of Ou Kaihang was not very good. Yu Yu took the initiative to sit beside him and untied the bandage. There was a deep tooth print on it.

Chen Yukai said: "Starting to protect me was bitten."

"Nothing." Ou Qihang was tired.

"I want to marry you." Zhou Shengdao, "How can I wait for a while?"

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, and Ou Qihang said: "I thought that you have already come, but you are trapped outside, not in my safe haven, afraid of something, they will come out to find you."

Ou Qihang has a white-breasted chest with a narrow shoulder and a narrow waist. It is obviously exercised on weekdays. Like a sports student, he is thin and has no exaggerated muscles. Yu Yu thought that Xiao Yujun often said that he was a puppy, and that Ou Qihang was a puppy.

Zhou Sheng: "What will you dream of falling asleep in your dreams?"

Ou Qihang was very upset: "I can't say it, I dreamed of Dunhuang murals. Many of the impressions began to look very clear, and then gradually became a line..."

"Zhou Sheng." Yu Yu reminded the sentence, meaning that it is not the time to mention this.

Zhou Sheng went to the floor-to-ceiling window to look outside. The coffee house was crowded with dense zombies. It was blocked by the outer wall glass and it was very funny on the glass.

Chen Yukai said: "When I entered his dream, I appeared in the hospital. When I came out, I didn't go far. I met him. I met a very big one and took a hammer. I used a flying knife. It cut its head and set sail to help me guard the back and was bitten."

Chen Yukai's tone is very calm, but Ou Kaihang said: "I am not careful."

Zhou Sheng looked at the zombies piled up outside, and Yu Yu gathered his strengths, his hands gave a silver-white ray, and he succumbed to the wounds in the Ou Kaihang, and looked at him seriously.

The wound began to heal, but Ou Kaihang’s face did not improve. Not a moment, the black shoulders recovered and the skin color returned to white.

Yu Yi tried his forehead - Ou Qihang was in a fever and his forehead was hot.

"I can heal his wounds." Yu said. "After being bitten by a zombie, his wounds are still there. When you sail, you have to change your inner impression..."

Ou Qihang tried to shake his head and said, "I am better, are you leaving now?"

Yu Yu looked to Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai and said, "What happens when he becomes a zombie?"

Zhou Sheng did not answer, Chen Yukai looked dignified.

Yu Wei did not think too seriously. In fact, after entering the dream of Ou Kaihang, following Zhou Sheng, he always regarded it as a game. After all, Zhou Sheng’s skill is really good, just like playing, all the way to the flower room. Coffee, I did not expect such a serious problem.

If he is bitten by Yu Yu, Zhou Sheng and even Chen Yukai, they can still use the method of sending out dreams to suspend the situation. But now the person infected by the zombies is the owner of the dream, Ou Qihang.

In other words, even if they are now leaving, Ou Qihang will remain in the dream and continue to suffer from infection... At this moment, Yu Yin’s mind suddenly revealed the golden wheel.

What will happen if I let Ou Qihang do?

Will be psychologically implied, lose control of the spiritual world, leading to the collapse of surface consciousness, and gradually fall into the subconscious.

This impression is like a self-examination in the heart of Yu Yu, and he keenly grasped the word "psychological suggestion".

He immediately sailed to Europe and said: "Have you ever thought that one day, you will become a member of them?"

Ou Qihang’s eyes were a little bit stunned, and Yu said: “This is your psychological suggestion to yourself.”

"Yes." Ou Kaihang admitted that he was very refreshed and replied: "I did think that after I stepped into society, I would become the same person as them."

Yu Yu explained to Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai: "The psychological suggestion has been formed, and the result of being bitten by the zombies is doomed. It is the faint ‘hope’ in his heart.”

"What will happen?" Chen Yukai said.

"When he becomes a zombie," Yu said, "The dream will be destroyed, like Teacher Liang, into the subconscious. But as long as the totem is regained, everything will return to the original, we must get back as soon as possible."

Zhou Sheng said: "What did Jin Wulun tell you?"

Yu Yu nodded, and he did not know why he got the prompt of Jin Wulun at this time.

Zhou Sheng said: "Hurry up and go."

Ou Qihang said: "I can hold it for a while."

Zhou Sheng threw the Yu Yugun, the two divided the weapons, Chen Yukai took out the silver pistol, and made a turn between the fingers, indicating that his weapon is a gun. When he was about to help, Ou Kaihang was uplifting and he got up. .

"I have no problem, look, it's good." Ou Qihang put on his coat and picked up the gun. "I will open the way for you."

Chen Yukai: "Follow the door! Don't be impulsive again!"

Chen Yukai’s tone is full of majesty, and Ou Kaihang immediately said: “Okay, teacher.”

The atmosphere was relaxed and the embers couldn't help but be teased. Zhou Sheng and Yu Wei were in the front, after Chen Yukai's palace, Ou Qihang suddenly said: "Isn't you coming?"

"He doesn't know." Yu Yu explained.

Chen Yukai said again: "Don't ask, the rules are a little bit."

Ou Qihang had to be honest with Yu Yu, and Yu Yu looked back. He looked at Ou Qihang and smiled. Anyone in front of Chen Yukai was like a student, and he could not accept it.

Outside, there is no way to go. The shopping mall is full of zombies. Zhou Sheng enters the basement from the first floor of the mall, picks up the emergency flashlight on the platform and observes the subway line. Ou Qihang said: "My family is in a neighborhood next to the subway station. It will be along this line."

Yu Yudao: "Walking the subway track?"

Zhou Shengchao looked at the dark track and said, "Don't be afraid, there should be no zombies here."

Surrounded by terrible silence, Zhou Sheng began to walk in the tunnel. Yu Yu is still thinking, this is the first time he feels so clear that Jin Wulun directly gave him a hint. It used to be awkward. Why did you specifically remind yourself, not Zhou Sheng?

“What are you thinking?” Zhou Shengdao, “Sing a song to listen to?”

Yu said: "Don't make trouble, I am thinking about the exchange of consciousness of Jin Wulun."

Zhou Sheng said: "Sometimes it will suddenly appear, prompting me, and suddenly disappearing."

Yu Yan brows deep lock, said: "Maybe because of the authority? Once the navigation is not good, it will fall into the subconscious. According to Kaikai's analysis, the subconscious world is my management area..."

“Hey.” Zhou Sheng replied, “Just like Teacher Liang’s deepest ruins, I and Kaikai are helpless. Only your spirit is unaffected. You become the only luminous object in the absolute dark area, that is, the moon. ""

The binary system refers to the sun and the moon? The more I want to think, the more I feel that the truth is floating in the water, but I can’t see it.

"I asked him if he was dreaming in a dream," Zhou Shengdao said. "It is also for this reason that very few people usually fall asleep in their dreams. Once they leave the surface dream consciousness, they go down again..." Zhou Sheng said Pointing at his own feet, he explained: "It is possible to get close to the subconscious."

Yu Yiben wants to say that he has also dreamed of dreams. In fact, the dream world is still there. It is not a dream that will fall directly into the subconscious mind. In The Pirates of Dreams It is mentioned that there are many layers in the dream, and the last layer is the subconscious world.

But when you think about it, the surface dream is the clearest. It is also the easiest to remember after waking up. It is the world that is the easiest to control self-consciousness. Once you re-enter the dream in the surface dream, the consciousness will become more and more blurred. More abstract and more messy.

In this way, the birth of dreams is indeed the establishment of a channel that approaches the subconscious area.

With a flashlight, Zhou Sheng wears infrared goggles and walks in the front. Zhou Sheng casually said: "So if you master the skills, can we enter the subconscious world on the premise that the surface dreams are not lost?"

I can’t help but be a solution... but dreaming in a dream may be harder.

Chen Yukai walked in the end, paying attention to the movement of Ouqihang at any time. Ou Kaihang was a little breathing, Chen Yukai said: "If the situation is wrong, don't stop."

Ou Qihang replied: "I am fine."

The tunnel was silent for a long time, and there was a footstep sound in front of it and a conversation between Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng.

“What are we going to do now?” Ou Kaihang asked Chen Yukai, “Save my own dream world?”

"Retrieve your totem, you have been holding on, but thought you have lost something." Chen Yukai asked, "Zhou Sheng did not tell you?"

Ou Kaihang was a bit stunned, and with his heavy breathing, his footsteps were always awkward.

"What will it be?" Ou Kaihang asked again.

Chen Yukai said a little: "You have to ask yourself."

These words should have been said by Zhou Shengchao Ouqihang, but I don’t know why. Zhou Sheng rarely communicates with Ou Qihang about the dream world. Perhaps there are too many people who know this now.

Ou Kaihang couldn't help but say: "Are you really, or is it the image of my dream?"

Chen Yukai said: "I thought you already have an answer."

Ouqi Waterway: "I don't know why, I feel more and more that this is not true."

"You believe that all this is true, and that is true." Chen Yukai said casually, "and vice versa, sometimes even the memory we believe is true is not necessarily true."

"Yes, yes!" The spirit of Ou Qihang was uplifted again, and Chen Kaikai said, "I have seen it in many science fiction novels... Sometimes I even think that the whole world is false, everyone is just part of my imagination. ...they all exist because of me..."

"It also includes me standing here." Chen Yukai said, "So, this is all the key."

Ou Qihang stopped and looked at Chen Yukai inexplicably. Chen Yukai stopped in front of him. At the end of the dark tunnel, there was a little light, and the light reflected his back.

He turned his head a little, like the extradition of the deceased Yuri, who left the underworld, the handsome Lyra, the poet Orpheus, but still did not look at Ou Kaihang.

"Since the whole world is born for you, it is destroyed by you," Chen Yukai said. "So it should be what you want, why should you still give in?"

Ou Qihang stood straight, just at this time, a gunshot came from afar, and the two ran at the same time and rushed to the end of the tunnel.

Yu Yu took the gun and Zhou Shengdao said: "You are too nervous! This is just a cat! You murder your husband!"

"Where do I know!" Yu Yu grabbed the madness. "It just suddenly rushed over the roof! I am afraid you have been caught!"

There were two subways parked in front. Zhou Sheng was trying to climb up. The top of the car was throwing down a cat. The rest of the car was very nervous. When he saw something dark, he immediately shot a head and scared Zhou Sheng. jump.

Chen Yukai said: "Go from the side, if there is a good situation in the side."

In this tunnel, the two tracks are parallel, and the narrow space allows only one person to pass. Zhou Shengben wants to walk along the roof of the car but does not open it. It is the best choice from the middle of the two cars.

Zhou Sheng indulged for a moment and finally nodded. Chen Yukai said: "I am coming to the temple."

One person after another, walked into the gap between the two subways, took a few steps, and Yu Yu saw the subway lights on, and looked at the door. There was a pale light in the carriage. What I saw in the tunnel was the slight light that the carriage loomed.

"Don't shoot." Zhou Sheng yelled, "put the gun away."

Yu Yu took the gun, Zhou Sheng took the golden hoop, and took the embers in front, and Ou Qihang walked behind Yu.

It’s a bit scary to be around.

Yu Yu whispered: "Look at the front, give it to me all around."

Zhou Shengdao: "Attention to the top of the head."

Behind the scenes, Ou Qihang and Chen Yukai did not speak. Yu Yu turned to look at the situation of Ou Qihang. When he saw the door, there was a broken hand that caught the iron.

Yu Wei: "..."

The next moment, a zombie slammed into the window of the subway!

Yu Xin’s heart almost stopped, and Ou Qihang violently turned his head and stopped himself from yelling. The back slammed on the door of another car. Chen Yukai said: "There is also behind! Don't be near!"

Zhou Sheng immediately said: "Calm point! They can't come out! Speed ​​up!"

Hundreds of zombies in the carriage all fry the pot, rushing from them to the sides, dragging the rotten body, plasma and yellow-white unidentified liquids filled the window. Zhou Sheng took the lead in opening the road, but Chen Haokai said: "Don't be nervous! Keep going!"

Ou Kaihang couldn't help but breathe, and Yu Yu immediately locked his wrist and dragged him to follow Zhou Sheng to speed up his pace. Chen Yukai couldn’t stop looking back and pulled out the pistol.

The next moment, the window glass "smashed" and shattered. Hundreds of zombies crowded out of the window and squeezed into the gap between the two subways. Chen Yukai said: "You are going!"

"Shooting!" Zhou Sheng ordered.

The gunshot, Chen Yukai's gun is like a laser, a gun can explode the head of four or five zombies, Ou Qihang turned back to help, but was dragged by Yu Yu, Zhou Sheng running at full speed, Yu Yu Chao Ouqiu channel: "You are a dream Master! You must go first!"

Yu Yu successfully pushed out Ou Qihang, Chen Yukai was entangled in the zombies, and Yu Yu took out two daggers and said: "Look down!"

Chen Yukai slammed back and slammed his head. The dagger rubbed his side and flew over. Zhou Sheng shouted again: "You both kneel!"

Immediately after the embers framed Chen Yukai's arm, he pressed him to the ground, and the golden hoop stick stretched out. A stick of tens of thousands of zombies was worn, and they were worn like a gourd. Yu Yi took Chen Yukai to leave the crack of the subway. Ou Kaihang threw a grenade in the back, and everyone flew to the platform and ran to the subway station exit.

There was an explosion at the bottom, the head of the subway was blown up and deformed, and Zhou Shengyi hit the first fire damper. The iron gate crashed down and the four men sat on the steps and gasped.

Chen Yukai’s left hand was bitten by the zombies, and Yu Yu immediately kneeled on his knees, his hands shining and he was healing.

Zhou Shengdao: "The next two are infected."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Yukai said, "We still have time, I can't do it. I am kicking out of my dreams and relying on you. What about you? How is the situation?"

Yu Yu checked Chen Yukai, and he was hurt more than Ou Kaihang. The amount of Ou Qihang was full of sweat and his breathing was heavier.

Ou Qihang nodded, and Yu Yu checked his pupil and showed signs of a little spread.

"Go." Chen Yukai said, "I am going to the end right away."

Zhou Sheng looked up at the exit and said, "Isn't it the end?"

Zhou Sheng originally asked whether the father of Ou Qihang had left him the key to "beating himself", just like Yu Yu's set of chess as a soldier or a shield that closed his heart. Ou Qihang thinks that maybe it exists in his home. Then it means that the totem and the boss are waiting at his house.

Yu Yan stood at the exit and said, "I think this is the end."

Not far from the exit of the subway station, under the dark night, a community is covered with sticky biological tissue, a twisted tall building in the middle, and a black strange rune suspended in the top of the building, which emits a dark mist from the rune, covering up. The whole sky.

"Come." said a thick voice.

Ou Qihang has fallen into confusion, and wakes up when he hears this voice.


"Come on." Ou Weihong's voice echoed in the sky. "Starting, you said that you are willing to listen to your father."

The rest of the three listened quietly, and Ou Kaihang trembled: "No, no."

Chen Yukai said: "Remember what I said."

Ou Qihang recalled and gasped: "This is my world, Dad."

Zhou Sheng filled the magazine and looked up at the sky. It was covered with clouds and it rained. Yu Yu reached for the rain, and the rain was scarlet.

In front of the castle where Ou Kaihang lived, a strange, glittering flower appeared.

"What is that?" Zhou Shengdao.

"It is the place where my dad jumped to the ground." Ou Qihang said, "When I got home that day, all the downstairs was his blood."

This huge flower is rooted in the earth and spreads the zombie virus throughout the city. Chen Yukai said: "Get started, Zhou Sheng."

"There is no sun, it's a little hard to fight." Zhou Sheng murmured, but still whistling, and the muscles appeared in the clouds, and Yu Yu spread his wings. The two men took Ou Qihang and Chen Yukai to the top platform of the castle. .

At the end of the platform, a door appeared and the door was open.

"No gatekeeper?" Yu Yudao.

Zhou Sheng opened the firearms and said: "The goalkeeper has been killed in reality. After entering, Ou Kaihang summoned the totem, let us entangle him."

Yu Yu instantly understood, why is waiting for the father of Ou Kaihang here! It was only because of the recent dismissal of officials that they had solved the first knot of Ou Kaihang in a certain sense. But the death of his father is still a shadow of life that he can hardly face.

This psychological shadow does not lie in the father's bribery, but in fact, Ou Qihang has always believed that Ou Weihong only took the money for his only son!

Zhou Sheng: "Let us get caught in the boss, Kaikai protects the sail to win the totem! Hands-on!"