MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 127 Extreme joy begets sorrow

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   "Immortal world...haha, I, Jin Ruihuang, will be back again!" The soul laughed and rushed towards Qin Luoyi.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered.

   It turned out that this woman was called Jin Ruihuang.

  I am afraid that the fairy world really exists.

Just when Jin Ruihuang pounced on Qin Luoyi, Qin Tian moved. He quickly rushed to the unconscious Yu Haitang, took Yu Haitang away from the dangerous area in the blink of an eye, and confessed that he had been retreating in the bracelet space, Xuehu, who had just left the customs a few days ago, was optimistic about her, and quickly fled towards Qin Luoyi's direction. [

   At this time, Jin Ruihuang had already flied to Qin Luoyi's side.

  The Qiankun Tianshi in her palm became more dazzling, and the silver vortex became more turbulent and terrifying.

Qin Luoyi's soul was torn apart by the silver light and vortex, as if she was about to leave her body. Facing Jin Ruihuang's strong attack, she naturally would not sit still, and soon supported her body, soul and peripheral A powerful defensive cover was formed to resist the strong suction of the Qiankun Tianshi.

  Jin Ruihuang's eyes were full of disdain.

   "The exercises in your body are all cultivated with my Hehuan Bliss Dafa. Do you think you can resist me?"

  Qin Luoyi saw that Qin Tian moved Yu Haitang's body to a relatively safe place, even if she and Jin Ruihuang fought now, it would not easily affect her. Feeling slightly relaxed, a beautiful smile appeared on the corners of her tightly pursed lips: "Whether you can resist it or not, you have to try it to know."

Raising her slender hand, a crystal-clear emerald green pill appeared in her hand. It was a fifteenth-grade pill. It makes people feel refreshed when they hear it.

  Qin Luoyi quickly swallowed the pill.

   Jin Huang's pupils shrank sharply, and he lost his voice: "Go to the Bodhi Pill! You actually refined the Bodhi seeds into a pill! How is it possible?"

She naturally knows that bodhizi can cultivate the power of the soul, but in the eyes of mortals, she doesn't see bodhizi, a holy object that cultivates the power of the soul, because the speed of cultivation is too slow, it's not like the heavenly stone in her hand , not to mention that Qiankun Tianshi has been nourished by the extremely yin body of Yuhaitang for thousands of years.

  However, refining bodhi seeds into elixir is different.

The Shang Bodhi Pill, which has been refined into a elixir, can quickly strengthen the power of the soul. Although its effect is not as good as her Qiankun Tianshi, the power is extremely terrifying. Now that Qin Luoyi swallows the Shang Bodhi Pill, if she wants to take it away again She will have to spend a lot of effort on her house.

  The killing intent in Jin Ruihuang's eyes became stronger.

  Looking at the Jieyun in the sky, he sneered: "You have the Bodhi Pill, but it's just that one. You want to use it to resist my Qiankun Tianshi, just dream!"

  Raised his hand to tear apart the defenses around Qin Luoyi's body.

  My heart was still shocked.

Her soul was nourished by heavenly stones by accident. Although she had not reached the state before the injury, it was many times stronger than Qin Luoyi's soul power. Not to mention her current state, she could not refine Bodhi. , to get the Upper Bodhi Pill, which is a elixir that only exists in the legends of the fairy world. Even in the Upper Realm, at her peak state, she could not refine the Bodhi Seed!

  How did Qin Luoyi do it?

   I feel a little regretful in my heart. [

For more than a month, she has been cultivating in the Qiankun Tianshi, absorbing the powerful power inside, and only when there is a thunderstorm outside, she will let go of her consciousness to take a look, and then quickly sink into it to practice, in order to return Preparations in the upper realm... I didn't expect that because of her negligence, she actually made the upper bodhi pill.

Do not.

   That should not have been made by Qin Luoyi. With Qin Luoyi's cultivation level, even with the Heavenly Fire, it is impossible to refine the Bodhi Pill.


Jin Ruihuang kept guessing the origin of Qin Luoyi's upper Bodhi Pill, and after swallowing the upper Bodhi Pill, Qin Luoyi's soul power was growing at an incredible speed, and his entire soul body was wrapped in crystal green light After all, when Jin Ruihuang reached out to tear the enchantment she blessed, the soul body that had been separated from the body disappeared and successfully returned to the main body.

  Jin Ruihuang was furious.

  He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qin Luoyi's body, preparing to directly control her body and then put the Qiankun Tianshi on her body, and then **** out her soul. The Qiankun Tianshi is a thing in the fairy world. Although Qin Luo dropped a Bodhi Pill on her clothes, she has the Qiankun Tianshi in her hand, and it will only be a matter of time before she gets her soul out and makes her disappear in ashes.


   At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the bracelet space. The sound was so loud that even the ground shook.

  Qin Luoyi's spiritual sense reached out, and then the corners of his lips curled up, his phoenix eyes shone with a scorching light.

   Jin Huang's body was shocked.

   His complexion became very ugly.

  The barrier outside was actually broken!

  Several figures jumped into the space of the bracelet, and the fastest one at the front was the one in white. Following behind him were Duanmu Changqing, Feng Feili and others, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Qin Luoyi.

  Bai Yi's eyes were sharper than ever before, and he could clearly see the confrontation between Qin Luoyi and Jin Ruihuang in the bracelet space at a glance, and his body rushed towards Qin Luoyi like lightning.

"Don't come over! If anyone comes over, I'll kill her right away!" Jin Ruihuang yelled at the crowd, but her enchanting eyes were fixed on the body in white. The eyes were complicated, as if they were extremely hateful, and there was a trace of hatred in them. Inexplicable lingering meaning.

  Bai Yi paused slightly. His eyes looked at her coldly. "If you dare to do something to her, I'll kill you right away!"

   "You..." Jin Huang's eyes shot out a frightening stern light, and he laughed back in anger, "I want to see how you can make me lose my mind now!"

Yu Haitang's body was moved away by Qin Tian, ​​and she couldn't return to Yu Haitang's body at this time, so she directly added a golden defense around the soul body, and the Qiankun Tianshi in her hand pointed at Qin Luoyi again .

At this time, the two were not far away, and the power of the Qiankun Tianshi was even greater. Qin Luoyi wanted to avoid it, but Jin Ruihuang followed him like a shadow. Seeing that her soul was a little unstable, she gradually came out of her body again. danger.

She simply changed from passive to active, stretched out her hand and slapped Jin Ruihuang quickly. She has cultivated five spiritual flowers now, and the five flowers are about to become one. The power of wood, water, fire, earth and five elements to read the full text of Anti-Japanese Scouts.

   This blow contained a terrifying killing intent. [


  All the power hit the golden barrier blessed by Jin Ruihuang, and the golden barrier shook a few times before reducing the attacking power.

  Qin Luoyi's heart trembled.

  Jin Ruihuang laughed out loud, and cast a sidelong glance at Bai Yi while laughing.

Seeing that Qin Luoyi's soul was unstable, Bai Yi flew straight towards her, trying to pull her away from the coverage of the Qiankun Tianshi, but when he approached, even his soul became unstable, as if he was about to leave his body and die. out.

  Qin Luoyi's expression changed.

"do not come!"

   I was secretly surprised, I didn't expect this Qiankun Tianshi to be so terrifying, even Bai Yi was affected by it.

Duanmu Jinyu saw Yu Haitang lying on the ground, her face turned pale, and she quickly moved towards Yu Haitang, and found out that she was just unconscious, and she was not injured. put it down.

  Duanmu Changqing also felt a pine in his heart.

   Together with Feng Feili and Jian Yuyan, they flew towards Qin Luoyi, but they were just like white clothes. Even with the protection of magic artifacts, they felt unstable before they got close, and they were in danger of falling out of their bodies.

  Qin Luoyi stopped them together.

  She has already cultivated five spiritual flowers, almost reaching the realm of heaven and man, even she can't resist the suction of the heavenly stones, let alone them.

Unable to pull Qin Luoyi out of the predicament, Chu Yifeng was anxious and angry. He looked at Jin Ruihuang surrounded by golden light like a knife, and directly took out the Tianxin Divine Bow, and even used the Dafa of Transforming the Three Purities in one breath, instantly transforming Three figures, each holding a Tianxin Divine Bow, shot fiercely at Jin Ruihuang.

  Feng Feili Taohua's eyes were full of evil spirit, and he sacrificed the Tower of Nirvana.

  Bai Yi's dark and deep eyes were fixed on the Qiankun Tianshi in Jin Ruihuang's hand, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

  Jin Ruihuang stood still in the air, and the white clothes on his face were also attacking him, and his face couldn't help but change.

  Qin Luoyi's soul became even more unstable.

  Jin Ruihuang was overjoyed.

   Dodging the attacks of the crowd, he took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Qin Luoyi.


   Baiyi's attack fell heavily on the golden defense blessed by her body, and the defense burst apart.

  Jinhuang continued to pounce towards Qin Luoyi's body without looking back.

  Qin Luoyi smiled coldly.

   His eyes were full of ridicule.

  Bai Yi slapped Jin Ruihuang's soul body again, and the surrounding spiritual power surged terrifyingly, clearly wanting to slap her out of her wits.

Jin Ruihuang didn't care about him at all at this moment. According to her prediction, when Bai Yi attacked her, she had already successfully entered Qin Luoyi's body, and when she completely occupied this body, the hearts of these men inside would be With scruples, who would dare to do something to her?

  She has calculated everything.

  Seeing that success was in sight, Qin Luoyi raised her slender hand, and another crystal clear Bodhi Pill on the fifteenth step appeared in her hand, and she swallowed the pill in one gulp under Jin Ruihuang's unbelievable eyes.

  Qin Luoyi's shaking soul quickly returned to its place Read the full text of Pear Color Allure.

  Jin Ruihuang rushed to nothing.

   Baiyi's attack also arrived, and with a bang, it slapped her heavily. Jin Ruihuang let out a scream, and his soul and body dimmed a lot in an instant.

   Qin Luoyi, who had returned to his position, had a flash of light in his eyes. Seeing Jin Ruihuang, who was shot away, but his soul seemed a little darker, and his soul was not scattered, he couldn't help raising a good-looking brow.

  Bai Yi didn't hold anything back in that palm just now, this woman is stronger than she estimated!

  In order not to be taken away by her, two bodhi pills were used...unexpectedly, she used them all in the end. Originally, she thought she only needed one.

It takes one bodhi seed to refine a bodhi pill, she only has one bodhi seed, Duanmu Changying's one is naturally useless, the other bodhi seed belongs to Qin Tian, ​​fortunately Qin Tian tried his best Persistence, saying that to be prepared, she must make two upper bodhi pills.

Jin Ruihuang's soul weakened a lot after being attacked by the white clothes, and he glared at Qin Luoyi with anger and hatred, and dared not use the Qiankun Tianshi to attack Qin Luoyi anymore, because she really didn't know what kind of body was still on her body. How many upper bodhi pills are there.

If there is no white clothes, no matter how many bodhi pills Qin Luoyi has, it is useless. She has the universe and heavenly stones, but it will take a lot of time, and she can always take Qin Luoyi's body. Bai Yi is here, she dare not take it lightly If you don't pay attention, maybe it's her who has lost her soul. Thinking of her several years of hard work, today she has come to nothing. If she is not only a soul body now, I am afraid that I will vomit a lot of blood.

   "Xuanyuanqing...I didn't expect you to stand up for a woman today." Jin Ruihuang said slowly. The Qiankun Tianshi was pinched in her hands, and quickly replenished the much weakened soul power in her body.

  A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

   She glanced at the white clothes.

   Bai Yi looked at Jin Ruihuang with an expression on his face, but he couldn't tell what he was thinking from his expression.

  Jin Ruihuang mentioned the fairy world, and like Ouyang Ling, he called Bai Yi's name... Qin Luoyi vaguely understood Bai Yi's identity.

Bai Yi has made a big splash in Xuantian Continent, and even on Penglai Xiandao, and has long been famous all over the world, but still no one in this continent knows him, let alone his origin, and even those hidden families don't know him , then there is only one possibility, Bai Yi is not from this continent at all!

  Bai Yi raised his hand indifferently, and slapped again mercilessly.

"Hehe, you really forgot about me, right? Now... you actually want me to die! Just for such a woman..." Although Jin Ruihuang added a golden defense on his body again, the defense couldn't resist the white clothes' attack, Soon it crashed down again.

Qin Luoyi didn't give her a chance to breathe, and she attacked fiercely one after another. Facing the joint efforts of the two, Jin Ruihuang's soul was darkened a lot. She stared and shouted loudly: "Xuanyuanqing, For the sake of our original love, I endured you forever, but you actually wanted to kill me. If you do something to me again, don't blame me for being rude. If I die, I will drag her along! "

   Pointing at Qin Luoyi heavily.

   "You won't have a chance." Bai Yi said coldly. The phoenix eyes are like ink, and the eyes are like cold stars. At the bottom of the eyes is a cold green lake, sparkling, deep and deep. The handsome face is stern and stern, and the sternness reveals the nobility and elegance of looking down on the world.

Jin Ruihuang giggled, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes: "Opportunity? Do you think I need to be close to her to kill her? Whether she can live or not is just a matter of my thoughts, she In her body, it is no longer the previous exercise, but my Hehuan Bliss Dafa, that exercise was passed down to her by me, it is extremely pure, the exercise is mine, and the exercise power is also mine, as long as I am alone With my mind, I can trigger a riot in her body, and instantly knock her out of her wits! If you don’t believe me, just ask her.”

  Slightly raised his chin, with a face full of certainty about the best trump card on campus.

   Bai Yi's eyes dimmed.

  He turned to Qin Luoyi.

   "Are you practicing her exercises?"

  Qin Luoyi knew that he couldn't hide it, so he nodded.

  Not only did Bai Yi's face change, but Feng Feili and the others all changed as well. Jin Ruihuang set up a lot of suspicious formations outside, covered by an enchantment, not to mention the sky-shielding bracelet, which completely covered up Qin Luoyi's aura. Never been able to find her.

   Not to mention the vastness of the Xuantian Continent, and the Penglai Xiandao... The territory is too wide, and it is really not easy to find someone.

  If Bai Yi hadn't noticed that the sky here was a bit strange just now, they would not have been able to find this place smoothly. After entering the bracelet space, I realized that it was the thunder calamity that caused the strangeness, but separated by the sky-shielding bracelet, there is a powerful space barrier and a confusing formation. The vision in the sky is not obvious, except for spiritual power, especially The power of the five elements surged abnormally, and there was no thunder calamity formed outside the sky-shielding bracelet.

  The rare expression in white was furious.

  After coming in, seeing that Qin Luoyi was not injured, he thought he had come in time, but he was relieved too early. Qin Luoyi was already in danger, and his life was pinched in the hands of this crazy woman!

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Seeing the faces of the men in front of him who were ruthless and about to kill him just now all became very exciting, Jin Ruihuang smiled coldly, returning to the fairyland that he had been looking forward to for many years, Seeing that it was about to be achieved, but unexpectedly it was ruined at the last moment, she was not reconciled!

  Pinch the silver Qiankun Tianshi tightly in his hand.

Calmly and quickly absorbing the power inside, but staring at the white clothes, his expression became a little sad: "Xuanyuan, why do you forget me... You said you would remember me forever, can't you forget those words ? We finally met on Xuantian Continent, not only did you not give me a helping hand, but you actually died for this woman, you made me so sad."

   Bai Yi's eyes flashed.

   For Jin Ruihuang, he does have an unusually familiar feeling.

  Qin Luoyi looked at Bai Yi probingly, and then at Jin Ruihuang, but Bai Yi ignored Jin Ruihuang, and with a movement of his body, he was already at Qin Luoyi's side.

  Jian Yuyan and others also rushed over. The expression on the handsome face was dignified, and the bottom of the eyes was full of anxiety and worry that could not be concealed.

   "Let me see." Bai Yi stretched out his hand to hold Qin Luoyi's hand, and his spiritual consciousness was about to penetrate into her body.

  Qin Luoyi shook his head and said: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, this woman has the heaven and earth stone in her hand, if she delays, her injured soul just now will probably recover again."

  Jin Ruihuang has the Qiankun Tianshi, which really allowed her to recover her damaged soul power.

  She has to nip this trouble in the bud.

  Bai Yi insisted on holding her hand.

He naturally also discovered Jin Ruihuang's little trick of delaying time to recover his strength, but in his opinion, Qin Luoyi is much more important than that Jin Ruihuang. As she said, her body is full of Jin Ruihuang's exercises, and her life is controlled by her. That woman really went crazy and did something reckless... Just think that Qin Luoyi might be driven out of his wits. Without her, Bai Yi felt that such a result was simply unacceptable.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you 18701995616 for the coins, thank you for the blue sky 123 for Huahua, thank you for 13487896599 for the diamond and Huahua (2 diamonds and 30 flowers), and 13487896599 for the reward, thank you Xiaoxiaoyue Kiss Huahua (2 flowers).