MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 29 close

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"Mo Xiao, what are you trying to do by holding on to my wife?" Xuanyuanqing frowned slightly, looked at Mo Xiao, and then fell on his hand on Qin Luoyi's arm, his voice was low and cold meaning.

  Qin Luoyi looked at Xuanyuanqing fiercely, a strange brilliance flashed across her phoenix eyes.


   In front of many people, Xuanyuan Qing said she was his wife! Many doubts and speculations in the past four years... Suddenly, most of the wife dispersed because of this sound.

  The smile on Mo Xiao's face froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Xuanyuan Qing to say this in front of everyone at this moment.

   King Guyue and the others widened their eyes in astonishment, and their astonished eyes turned around Qin Luoyi, Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing.

  Xuanyuanqing walked up to Qin Luoyi, no longer looking at Mo Xiao, he smiled slightly and stretched out his hand towards Qin Luoyi, his eyes were warm and full of familiar affection.


  Qin Luoyi looked at his handsome face and the familiar light in his eyes, she put the other hand that was not held by Mo Xiao into his. [

   Mo Xiao hooked the corners of his lips, and generously let go of Qin Luoyi's hand. With a little effort, Xuanyuanqing pulled Qin Luoyi to his side.

  Qin Luoyi smiled and did not resist.

"It turns out that King Xuanyuan is one of Luoyi's husbands." Seeing Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing standing together, the man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is bright and delicate, really like a pair of strangers, Mo Xiao smiled. Xie Si, the corners of his eyes tilted upwards slightly, against which a pair of eyes that look like floating shadows in water, are so beautiful that it makes one's heart palpitate.

  One sentence broke the gaze between Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing.

Qin Luoyi turned his head and looked at him with some words, but from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but notice the expression on Xuanyuanqing's face. Xuanyuanqing looked at Mo Xiao, and said meaningfully: "It seems that what you know is not true. few."

  But he didn't deny it.

  Gu Yue Wang and others almost dropped their jaws.

  Qin Luoyi and King Xuanyuan are husband and wife, which is enough to shock them, but they didn't expect Qin Luoyi to have more than one husband! King Xuanyuan, who is revered as a **** in the fairy world, is just one of her husbands!

   "Of course." Mo Xiao didn't seem to notice what Xuanyuan Qing was referring to. He glanced at Qin Luoyi, a gleam of goodness flew from the corner of his eyes, and a faint light appeared in his pupils. There was a three-part black belly and seven-part playfulness in the smile.

   Xuanyuanqing's colorful auspicious clouds appeared under his feet, he turned to Qin Luoyi and said, "Let's go."

   "Where to?"

   "Naturally, it's a fairyland."

  Xuanyuan Qing explained in a gentle voice.

   Mo Xiao's eyes turned cold, he has known Xuanyuan Qing for not a year or two, he still doesn't know what kind of person he is?

  Speaking to a woman like this... Hehe, when he lost his memory before, he believed that he really liked Qin Luoyi, so fond of Qin Luoyi that he was willing to become her husband with others, but now...[

  The so-called abnormality is the demon.

  Xuanyuanqing is too abnormal!

  He looked at Qin Luoyi with a half-smile. Why didn't Qin Luoyi understand what he meant? If he really followed Xuanyuan Qing away like this, Mo Xiao still didn't know what he would do.

  He had already clearly expressed to her his distrust of Xuanyuan Qing. The two realms of immortality and demons have always been at odds, and there is also the matter of Jin Ruihuang. It is no wonder that he is so desperate.

  One is her husband, and she hasn't seen her in the past four years. She actually has a lot to say to him, and she also wants to ask him about Chu Yifeng and others.

  One is her natal contractor again.

  She naturally didn't want these two people to fight each other. In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through his mind, that he could not leave with Xuanyuan Qing for the time being.

  So she took Xuanyuan Qing's hand. He shook his head and smiled brightly at him: "There was just a big battle here, and there was a lot of trouble everywhere. There are still some things to deal with. You can stay here with me for two days first."

   Two days is enough for her to do many things.

Mo Xiao's lips curled up, and Qin Luoyi's obedience made him inexplicably happy: "It's rare for King Xuanyuan to come to my Demon Realm, since he's here, don't rush to leave, let us do our best as landlords." yes."

  Qingfeng quickly led the people to take care of the Nether Palace main hall.

   Xuanyuanqing stood still, his deep eyes only looking at Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi looked at Xuanyuan Qing's pitch-black eyes with anticipation faintly.

   Xuanyuan Qing did not leave in the end.

   A group of people entered the hall.

   "Tsk, at least I haven't been dazzled by beauty yet." A joking voice sounded from the bottom of Qin Luoyi's heart, who else would it be if it wasn't Mo Xiao? Qin Luoyi resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

   While no one was paying attention, he glared at him again.

   Turning around, she happened to meet Xuanyuan Qing's thoughtful gaze. Qin Luoyi suddenly felt a little embarrassed and smiled at Xuanyuanqing.

  In the evening, Mo Xiao specially held an extremely luxurious welcome banquet for Xuanyuan Qing.

As for the monks in the Northern Demon Realm, Mo Xiao did not kill them all. Mo Chen was thrown at the gate of Nether City, but within a few hours, more people knew that he had been uninterrupted for two hundred thousand years. The matter of nourishing the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation with the blood of boys and girls.

  Of course, when he fought Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao, he used the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation to devour the lives of the monks in Nether City to gain more power, which is also known to all the monks in the Northern Demon Realm.

   Not only the monks in the Southern Demon Realm hated him, but also the monks in the Northern Demon Realm hated him.

  As Mo Xiao expected.

Mo Chen didn't get the happiness he wanted. After being abolished by Mo Xiao, Mo Chen had no strength to fight back, and was beaten by the indignant North Demon Realm Mo Xiu. He exhausted all kinds of methods, But never took his life.

   Even if you want to kill yourself, you can't kill yourself.

   Halfway through the banquet, Qin Luoyi got a little smoked from drinking. Of course, this was all thanks to Mo Xiao. When the banquet started, Mo Xiao said that he would be happy today and let everyone enjoy the carnival regardless of their status.

There were a lot of people around Mo Xiao, and he greeted Xuanyuanqing very enthusiastically. Seeing that Xuanyuanqing couldn't get away for a while, and the banquet would not end so soon, Qin Luoyi took a chance to retreat first. out.

   His face felt hot.

  Mo Xiao brought out excellent things to greet Xuanyuan Qing, and I don't know how many years of aging, but with her current cultivation, she felt a little drunk.

   After coming out to blow some air, she felt a lot more awake. Looking at the dark night sky, she walked slowly in a place where there were few people.

   Try to sink your joyful heart, thinking about everything today. Until now, she felt as if she was in a dream.

   Mochen is no longer a threat.

  The Dark Realm was also broken by Mo Xiao's palm... It was really a palm, and the power of that palm was stronger than that. I don't know if it was because he just swallowed the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

  Now that Xuanyuanqing is here, he didn't forget her because he recovered his memory, as long as he finds Chu Yifeng and the others...


   A soft sound sounded behind her.

  Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head abruptly. I secretly regretted that I didn't notice anyone approaching because I was too obsessed with thinking.

   Standing behind her is Xuanyuan Qing.

  Xuanyuanqing was also slightly drunk. He was dressed in a white brocade robe, and the hazy moonlight shone on him, making his face even more handsome.

  Qin Luoyi felt relieved.

   "Why did you come out?" Xuanyuan Qing walked to her side, looked at her and asked.

"It's too noisy inside." Qin Luoyi smiled and pointed in the direction of the banquet hall. In fact, it was not just noisy, but in the hall. Although she was surrounded by people to toast, her eyes could not help but turn to Xuanyuan Qing. Look, but every time she looks at Xuanyuanqing, Mo Xiao will look at her with a half smile. So she just ran out.

   "Why did you come out?"

   "You're not in there anymore, what else do I keep?" Xuanyuan Qing's eyes flashed a gleam, and he smiled slightly.

  Qin Luoyi couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart.

   "Have you been with him all these years?" Xuanyuan Qing's voice was a little soft. Although he didn't say who he was, both of them knew it well. And when he said this, there was a strange gleam in his eyes.

"No, I only met him a few months ago." Qin Luoyi shook his head in denial, and then flew himself into the Demon Realm, and just happened to encounter the North-South War in the Demon Realm. Since his cultivation base was low, he could not leave and remained invisible. Xuanyuanqing was told about the cultivation in the sky-shading bracelet.

   Taking advantage of the situation, he asked Feng Feili and the others again.

   "They have all ascended to the fairy world, don't worry, they are fine, but they have been unable to find you, they are very anxious, and have been looking for you everywhere."

  Qin Luoyi was completely relieved when he heard the words.

   "Sure enough, I was the only one who ascended to the Demon Realm..." As far as she knew, there had been no great wars in the Immortal Realm these years, and Xuanyuan Qing's return made it even more impossible for the Immortal Realm to have any major wars. Fortunately, she was the only one who ascended to the Demon Realm by herself and encountered such a big turmoil. At any rate, she still has the Heaven-shielding Bracelet, so there is absolutely no problem in being alone.

"Yeah, you are the only one who ascended to the Demon Realm..." Xuanyuan Qing looked at her, his dark eyes flickering on and off, and suddenly said with a look of inquiry: "Luoyi, I just found you now, have you Angry? Are you blaming me in your heart? "

  Qin Luoyi was taken aback for a moment, then the corners of his lips turned up, revealing the arc of a crescent moon: "Why are you angry? Didn't you find me now?"

   "Aren't you angry?" Xuanyuan Qing stared at her with deep eyes, very focused.

  Qin Luoyi shook his head again.

   "So lifeless!"

  In fact, even if Xuanyuanqing doesn't come to her now, she will go to the fairy world to find him when the matter in the devil world is over, and even if he doesn't recognize her and treat her as a stranger, she thinks she won't be angry.

  It's just sad.

After all, for Xuanyuanqing, the years of getting along with him, the kindness he treated her in those years... She has already been trapped in it, but it is a fact that Bai Yi lost her memory, and this is also a fact that she has known for a long time. If he really remembered the past If he no longer loves her, she will not blame him.

  Of course, she will not give up this relationship easily.

She will try her best to make him fall in love with him again. If... no matter how hard she tries, Xuanyuan Qing still can't fall in love with her. She has worked hard and loved her deeply... There will be no regrets in letting go in the end, and naturally there will be no If there is no resentment, she will cherish the beauty of their being together in the bottom of her heart.

   Now that he has found her, and admitted that she is his wife in front of everyone, she is only happy, why would she be angry?

  Thinking of this, the smile on Qin Luoyi's face became brighter.

   Xuanyuanqing's pupils suddenly showed anger, and there was a strong aura of danger between his brows, and he approached Qin Luoyi. The domineering power on his body is impossible to ignore.

  Qin Luoyi was a little taken aback.

  My heart jumped wildly.

   It was the first time she had seen such a domineering and dangerous Xuanyuan Qing. The former white clothes faced her, always gentle and pampering... seemed to be able to tolerate everything about her. She tried hard to recall what she said just now, not knowing exactly where she had offended him.

I think should not be.

   They just met, and they didn't say a few words in total.

The bewilderment and confusion in Qin Luoyi's eyes made Xuanyuanqing seem to be even more angry. He grabbed Qin Luoyi's shoulders fiercely, and stared at her, which was astonishingly bright and radiant, not even for a moment. In a second, Qin Luoyi's body was embraced into a broad but domineering embrace, and Xuanyuan Qing hugged her tightly so that her face was tightly pressed against his chest, without any gap, but for a moment, Qin Luoyi even had difficulty breathing.

   "Qin Luoyi, don't you want me to come to you?" A deep voice rang in her ear, hoarse and deep.

As soon as the words came out, Qin Luoyi finally understood the reason for his sudden change of face. She couldn't break away from his hug and she didn't want to. She softened her body and leaned into Xuanyuanqing's arms, wrapping her hands around his waist and laughing. Can Can: "Why don't I want you to come to me? Even if you don't come to me, I will come to you. Isn't it too late to escape?"

   "Really? You will come to me?" Xuanyuan Qing's arms around her body loosened slightly, and she let go of her body. There seemed to be a cluster of extremely bright flames shining in the eyes.

  Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes were clear and bright, he nodded vigorously, and took the opportunity to quietly take a deep breath.

   Xuanyuan Qing looked at her fixedly.

  The complexion is clean and clear, light and shiny, with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, the eyes are as dark as the brightest stars in the night sky, especially the slightly raised red lips, pink and moist, which look very attractive under the moonlit night.

  Unable to bear it, she quickly bent down, kissed her red lips, bit, sucked and licked her red lips lightly.

  Qin Luoyi wrapped his arms around his waist, lifted his chin slightly, and let him kiss him lightly, but his heartbeat couldn't help but lose frequency, and gradually even his breathing became a little rapid.

   "Luoyi, I'm sorry, I'm late." After a long time, Xuanyuanqing finally let Qin Luoyi go. There was repressed desire in his eyes, if he didn't feel that he was a little out of control, he would still be reluctant to let go of Qin Luoyi: "I have been to Liyuan City and Water Demon City, but I have never been able to sense your breath. "

"It's not too late." Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly and looked at him and said, "The upper realm is so big, and I'm cultivating in the bracelet space, it's normal to miss it. And I'm really not angry, and I don't blame you. Who told you I practice the Heavenly Demon **, and I ascended to such a place by myself, and I have been separated from you for several years, but fortunately, everyone is fine now."

  She smiled in relief, she has now confirmed that cultivating the Heavenly Demon ** is the root cause of her ascension to the Demon Realm.

  Xuanyuanqing's eyes flickered, he was so close to Yuancheng, Water Demon City... and he couldn't feel her aura, this is not normal at all! Even the sky-shielding bracelet, with his cultivation, couldn't stop her aura.

   "Did Mo Xiao give you the Heavenly Demon **?" Xuanyuan Qing asked her suddenly.

  Qin Luoyi nodded.

"It stands to reason that even if you have cultivated the Heavenly Demon **, you shouldn't ascend to the Demon Realm, because I put a restriction on you before ascension, you will only ascend to the Immortal Realm, but for some reason, once you enter the Upper Realm , the prohibition disappears.”

  The first thing he suspected was Mo Chen.

  Even he went to the Dark Realm to monitor Mochen for a long time, but he didn't find anything unusual.

  Qin Luoyi's heart moved. Something seemed to flash through her mind quickly, if Xuanyuan Qing really put a restraint on her, who can undo her restraint?

   Demon owl?

   Should not be possible.

  At that time, he was still practicing in seclusion due to injury, so how could he undo the restraint on her body, and even Mo Chen, who was jumping up and down, didn't spare the time and energy to clean up. However, when it came to Feisheng, she remembered something that she had been wondering about in her heart.

   "When did you recover your memory? Why didn't you tell me?" She stared at the white clothes and frowned slightly.

  Xuanyuan Qing coughed lightly.

   His eyes looked to one side uncomfortably.

  Qin Luoyi saw it in his heart.

   Isn't he willing to tell her even now? why. With a movement of her feet, she stood in front of Xuanyuan Qing, stretched out two hands, one left and one right to hold his face, telling him to turn his head to her, not allowing him to look away.

  Xuanyuan Qing was stunned. The body tensed reflexively, but when he saw Qin Luoyi's pretty face with anger and anger, he relaxed again.

  Qin Luoyi didn't notice his uneasiness at that moment. Holding his face with both hands, he approached him with his chin raised, and the two looked at each other: "When did you recover your memory? Tell me quickly, don't hide it from me!"

   "Do you really want to know?" Xuanyuan Qing raised his brows, a teasing smile appeared in his eyes.

  Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth, his eyes dimmed, "Of course! You're keeping such an important matter from me."

   "It's not that I want to hide it from you, it's because I don't have time to tell you." Xuanyuan Qing explained.

"It's too late?" Qin Luoyi put down the hand that was pinching his face, and squinted at him, his eyes full of disbelief: "It's just a matter of one sentence, how could it be too late, don't be perfunctory! I want to be honest! Before, you never would lie to me."

   "I'm not lying to you now." Xuanyuan Qing looked at her a little dumbfounded: "Well, since you must know, then I'll tell you when I remembered it."

  But he didn't say it directly, but leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words. A flash of shock flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and then he let out a light ah, his face feeling hot.

   Didn't expect him to think of it at that time!

   He still remembers the countless golden radiances falling from the tree of life, and they all entered the body of Bai Yi... Unexpectedly, those were all his memories.

Xuanyuanqing touched her face, felt the strange temperature on her face, he couldn't help but chuckled: "At the beginning, I sealed my memory in the tree of life, just to prevent if one day I I can regain my memory even if I am amnesiac, but I didn’t expect... At that time, I just accepted the memory, my mind was very messy, and I didn’t have time to tell you. After I remembered everything, Jin Ruihuang came again, let alone It's time to tell you."

  ------Off topic------

  Hoo, it’s finally written, this chapter is stuck to me...haha, we were writing it in a dream last night, everyone, don’t wait for the update tomorrow morning, it will be updated at night.


Thank you shyu305 Qinqin for Huahua and Zhuanzuan (2 flowers and 2 diamonds), thank you Zhuzhu Lele for Qinqin, thank you Ru Gelin for kissing Huahua (10 flowers), thank you Yueyinglian for kissing Huahua (3 Flower), thank you Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Huahua, thank you for the sky is blue 123 kissing for Huahua, thank you for Lotus in the Rain for kissing Huahua and Diamond (2 flowers and 1 diamond), thank you for Weizhi Mitu kissing for Diamond Drilling, thank you Moshanghua for the prosperity and dear Huahua (10 flowers.)