MTL - Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show-Chapter 79 I was an accident?

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When Lin Cheng came home, he saw this scene: Lin Momo and Mr. Lin, the old and the young, were sitting next to each other on the swing chair in the garden.

Lin Momo swayed her legs slightly, keeping the swing in a small arc.

Mr. Lin seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Lin Momo lowered her head and played with her fingers beside Mr. Lin. She seemed a little bored, but she didn't wake him up.

At this time, Lin Momo on the swing also saw Lin Cheng. Lin's eyes lit up immediately, and he called out "Dad", and jumped off the swing in surprise and ran towards Lin Cheng.

Behind her, Mr. Lin narrowed his eyes secretly, looked at Lin Momo who was running away, and muttered in a low voice: "Little white-eyed wolf", changed his position and continued to close his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"When the old man is almost asleep, wake him up and go to sleep in the house. It's easy to catch cold outside." Lin Cheng explained to the housekeeper Zhou at the side, and then led Lin Momo into the house.

Back in the house, Lin Momo sneaked a few curious glances at Lin Cheng.

In the end, Lin Momo couldn't help but asked, "Dad, did you go to work today?"

"No," Lin Cheng replied, "I went to see someone."

"Alone?" Lin Momo's curiosity was aroused.

But it turned out that Lin Cheng just raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head, and then said calmly, "An unimportant person."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng listened, looked down at Lin Momo again, and asked, "Do you want your mother?"

"Mom?" Lin Momo was stunned when she heard this.

The word 'Mom' was so unfamiliar to Lin Momo that when she heard Lin Cheng ask this question, she subconsciously thought of another aspect.

"Do you want to find a stepmother for me?" Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng nervously and asked word by word.

Lin Momo knew the word 'stepmother' from her classmates. One of her classmates' parents divorced, and then her father found a stepmother for her. That stepmother was only good to her own children, not to her at all. not good.

Although Lin Momo didn't know whether the stepmother Lin Cheng had found would treat her well or not, Lin Momo was very sensitive about this because of her life energy from childhood to adulthood.

Subconsciously, Lin Momo didn't want a stepmother.


"If you want to find me a new mother, I can do it."

"Well, I will behave well. I won't make the new mother angry or make her dislike me. If I have a little brother and a little sister in the future, I will also be a good sister, take good care of them, and let them..." Lin Momo lowered her head and whispered, as if she had already started to make serious plans for the future.

Lin Momo's serious words almost made Lin Cheng laugh.

He poked Lin Momo's forehead lightly, helplessly and amusingly.

"There is no stepmother." Lin Cheng said to Lin Momo affirmatively.

"I mean the person who gave birth to you," Lin Cheng leaned over and explained to Lin Momo, "We found that person, and today I went to see that person."

On the way back, Lin Cheng kept thinking about whether to tell Lin Momo about her biological mother.

Although Lin Momo lived in a small circle in the past, a 9-year-old child actually already understood a lot.

Although Lin Cheng instinctively wanted to protect Lin Momo, he didn't want to deprive her of the right to know.

So, after thinking twice, Lin Cheng decided to tell Lin Momo about the existence of the biological mother.

Sure enough, Lin Momo froze when she heard Lin Cheng's words.

"Do you wish to have your mother by your side?" Lin Cheng asked, with a bit of caution in his tone, but also a bit of imperceptible nervousness.

He was not sure whether Lin Momo would have an instinctive desire for a biological mother and maternal love like other children.

However, what surprised Lin Cheng was that when he heard his question, Lin Momo shook his head without thinking, and said in a very firm tone: "No."

"She lost me. She must not want me, so I don't want her either." Lin Momo said seriously.

"And," after a pause, Lin Momo continued, "She doesn't like me, and we won't be happy if we get together."

In reality, although Lin Momo has never met the person who gave birth to her, nor does she know what kind of person the other person is, but in that dream, Lin Momo once dreamed about her biological mother—at that time she He was taken away from Lin Cheng, forced to be separated from his grandmother, sent to an orphanage by many people he didn't know, and forced to do many things he didn't want to do every day.

Later, some omnipotent netizens found the person who was suspected to be Lin Momo's biological mother, and contacted her through some means.

But that person doesn't seem to want Lin Momo, neither admits his relationship with Lin Momo, nor is he willing to come back from abroad to cooperate with the investigation.

Hearing Lin Momo's answer, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"You understand quite well." Lin Cheng smiled lightly.

Originally, he was worried that Lin Momo would accept that person without hesitation just because that person was his biological mother, and even had high expectations for maternal love, but it seemed that he was overthinking.

Although Lin Momo is used to treating everyone and everything with sincerity, she is not stupid, on the contrary, she is smart and rational enough.

Hearing that Lin Cheng seemed to be praising herself, Lin Momo raised her chin in embarrassment, and said, "Of course, who are good people and who are bad people, who will treat me well, and who will harm me, I know it all."

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Dream, I had a dream before, and there were many people in the dream who wanted to harm you..." Lin Momo couldn't tell who the blurry figures in the dream were, but she could feel a strong feeling from those shadows. malicious.

Lin Momo told Lin Cheng all the scenes in her dream. This was the first time she confided that terrible dream to Lin Cheng.

A dream that foresees the future is unbelievable to say, and it is even more unbelievable to say it from a child.

However, Lin Cheng believed what Lin Momo said.

If he and Lin Momo's performance during the recording of the show was really as unsatisfactory as in Lin Momo's dream, in the end they might end up facing a black hole on the Internet.

As for the bad guys that Lin Momo said... there are quite a few.

Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes and took some details of what Lin Momo said into his heart.

Facing Lin Momo, Lin Cheng changed his attitude, patted her on the head reassuringly, and said softly: "Don't worry, dreams are reversed, those terrible things will not happen."

Lin Cheng's words are comfort and guarantee.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Momo smiled, nodded vigorously, and said, "I also think it's the opposite. Now many people on the Internet like us very much."


"Well, there is one more question..." Lin Momo thought of a question that made her a little tangled.

"What?" Lin Cheng asked.

"Why me?" Lin Momo asked.

Now, Lin Momo didn't want to know why Yang Xiyu abandoned her anymore, but she was still curious why she was there.

This question stumped Lin Cheng. After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Cheng explained: "That woman was my fan at the time, and because of the malicious inducement and deception by the bad guys, she had some radical thoughts..."

Lin Cheng avoided some details that were inconvenient for Lin Momo to know, and tried to explain the cause of the matter in terms that she could understand.

After listening to the explanation, Lin Momo pondered for a while before making a conclusion, and said, "So, I was actually an accident, right?"

"It's understandable," Lin Cheng didn't deny it, but looked at Lin Momo and said seriously: "But, for me, your appearance is the biggest surprise in my life."

Not an accident, but a surprise.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Momo had a big smile on his face.

"I'm also super happy!" Fortunately, Lin Cheng found him.

"As long as I have a father." Lin Momo held Lin Cheng's hand and muttered happily as he walked.

Suddenly remembering that there was old man Lin who was 'missed' by them downstairs, Lin Momo hurriedly added: "There is also grandpa."

In the afternoon, Wang Yu came to Lin's house with the materials.

In the study, Wang Yu handed the information he found to Lin Cheng.

"These are the information obtained so far."

"The real-name registration information of that account came from a woman named Song Yan, who was one of Sun Yanzhou's girlfriends at the time. Although Sun Yanzhou did not use his own identity information to register an account, judging from the usage and login information of the account, it is basically It can be confirmed that the real user of the account is Sun Yanzhou himself."

"In addition to Yang Xiyu's group, Sun Yanzhou also joined more than a dozen similar fan groups at the same time. The purpose is to disclose your specific itinerary information to those illegitimate fans and then fool those illegitimate fans into doing something more extreme. the behavior of."

"In addition," Wang Yu continued after a pause, "Judging from the extracted chat records, Sun Yanzhou played a key role in the crazy attack of fans you encountered back then, President."

Sun Yanzhou wanted to use black fans and illegitimate fans to cause trouble for Lin Cheng, but a madman appeared among those he fooled.

At a meeting of Lin Cheng, that fan frantically stabbed Lin Cheng with a knife, wanting to die with Lin Cheng.

Such an attack almost killed Lin Cheng.

However, the fan was later confirmed to be suffering from a mental illness, and the case could only be dismissed hastily.

"Finding this out now is definitely a windfall." Wang Yu laughed.

The nature of a person with normal capacity to instigate a mental patient to commit a crime is completely different from that of a mental patient who acts aggressively and hurts others.

"In addition, there is another windfall." Wang Yu said again.


"Le Bai was also involved in the things that framed you back then." Wang Yu replied.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng frowned: "That's it? A windfall?"

"Not only that."

After Wang Yu made a fool of himself, he handed another stack of documents to Lin Cheng, and said: "We found out that Le Bai was used by Ye Yun to frame you, and there seems to be some improper relationship between the two of you." , such a relationship lasted at least 3 years.”

Hearing this, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, then gave a cold snort, and looked at the pile of photos in front of him with cold eyes.

"Do these need to be sent to Lin Zhenhong?" Wang Yu asked.

"Keep it for now, and we'll talk about the matter of Hongye Group when we settle it." Lin Cheng explained.


"As for Sun Yanzhou and Le Bai—"

Lin Cheng thought of the details mentioned in Lin Momo's dream and the two people's current plans, and suddenly sneered.

"Recently, there seems to be a show where an agent and a star are on together. Go get a spot for them."

"In addition, find some good resources to make Le Bai more popular."

"President, are you...?"

"A good way, let's study together." Lin Cheng said calmly.

Sun Yanzhou's purpose was to use the program to make Lin Cheng 'popular', and finally use the backlash of public opinion to give Lin Cheng a heavy blow.

Then, in the same way, Lin Cheng returned it intact.

Knowing Lin Cheng's purpose, Wang Yu secretly smiled: I never thought that the CEO would be so dark-bellied.

But this works really well.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu couldn't help but start to look forward to the final fate of Sun Yanzhou and Le Bai.

But he doesn't know yet: Such an operation will bring them a lot of unexpected gains.

"I'll arrange it right away."

After finishing speaking, because Wang Yu didn't hear Lin Cheng's response, he looked at Lin Cheng with some doubts—only to see Lin Cheng knocking on the table with one hand while frowning, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"President, is there any more difficult problem?" Wang Yu asked.

Lin Cheng raised his head and glanced at Wang Yu, but what he said was: "What do you think 37 yuan and 5 can do?"

37 pieces of 5? What is this number with zeros and whole numbers?

Wang Yu complained in his heart.

Because this number was too 'special', Wang Yu, who didn't care much about Variety, quickly thought of the source of the funds.


37. What can block 5 do?

Wang Yu: "..." This question is beyond the outline for him.